I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 844: A weapon for traveling

The cold wind blew across the ground and rolled up some fine snowflakes. The wind blew across the bare tree branches and made a whining sound, as if someone was crying. It sounded a little scary.


   Inside a gloomy cave, a pile of flames was burning continuously, and it seemed a little smoky.


   People try to sit, squat or lie down in the cave.


   Even if it is necessary, when it is necessary to walk back and forth, everyone lowers their bodies as much as possible and walks in the cave with their waists bent.


   This is because if you straighten up too high, you can easily get into your eyes by the diffuse smoke.


   After being smoked into my eyes, my eyes will not only hurt, but they will also cry, which is very uncomfortable.




   Inside the tribe, next to the fire, a person said something in his mouth, and sometimes made constant gestures with his hands.


   Beside this person, sitting the female leader of the grass tribe.


   At this time, the female leader of the grass tribe, looking at the man who was talking, her eyes were longing.


   Not only her, but also the rest of the tribe.


   They were all deeply attracted by what this man said.


   The person who was talking was originally from the Bark Tribe.


   In the original tribe, the bark often told them about the Qingque tribe. After a long time, they also wrote down what the bark said.


   then acted as a conversation resource, telling the people of the grass tribe these things.


   In fact, similar words, long after they joined the grass tribe, they were saying that many people in the grass tribe had longed for the kind of life they said before.


   It's just that their tribe at that time has just obtained fish cages, bows and arrows through these people, and the amount of food they have gained has exploded.


   Compared with their previous living conditions, there has been a qualitative leap.


  Under such circumstances, although they yearn for the life of the Qingque tribe at a higher level, they are not too cruel.


   But it is different now. On the one hand, because of the early arrival of the cold, they have destroyed a lot of what they think is a very good life, making them taste hunger again.


   On the other hand, they have been living this way for a year, and they have a deeper yearning for the life of a higher-level Qingque tribe.


   This may be human dissatisfaction.


   With good ones, I want better ones.


   At this moment, listening to the person telling it again, everyone in the grass tribe felt a fire in their hearts.


   Even the teller's eyes are full of longing.


   Similar things happened not only in the grass tribe, but in the other tribes captured by the bark tribe, basically similar scenes were being staged.


   The people of the Bark Tribe who were artificially dispersed because of the war, but now because of such things, more people are affected.


   made more people know about the Qingque tribe, yearning for the life of the Qingque tribe.


   This yearning and expectation of theirs, stimulated by the cold and long winter outside, has been amplified to the greatest extent...




   Inside the Blackstone tribe, the leader of the Blackstone tribe whose ear was frozen out, clenched his fist and shouted loudly, with fiery eyes in his eyes.


   What he meant by shouting was that after the beginning of spring, he would attack the Qingque tribe and take everything that belonged to the Qingque tribe to their tribe.


   In his opinion, such many good things and such a good lifestyle should be enjoyed by them who have Blackstone weapons.


   If the tribe disagrees, he will take the people of the tribe, take the black stone weapons of the tribe, and take their rough planks, and tell them who can own those things!




   The rest of the Blackstone tribe also shouted loudly.


   A deep sense of excitement, you only need to listen to the sound to feel.


   These days, they always listen to the bark to say these things, and their yearning for that tribe has reached a peak.


  How could they not be excited when they heard their leader say such a thing? Will you cheer?


   Bark was also in the crowd, and as everyone cheered together, cheering for the Blackrock tribe leader’s decision, one person’s voice was even louder than two.


   Bark is a joy from the heart.


It has been such a long time since he raised this idea. In the middle, he even completely put this idea behind him, thinking that it would never be realized again, so he felt uncomfortable. long time.


   has gone through so many twists and turns, and now this thing is finally going to be done, how can he be unhappy and unhappy?


   The **** leader of the Blackrock tribe is finally going to attack the Blue Sparrow tribe, this **** guy is finally going to die.


  If the operation is good, I might be able to return to the tribe again and live there again...


   In the Qingque tribe, Han Cheng sat on a fur-padded chair that looked very rough, and in front of him was a few booklets bound with needles and threads.


   The stone was aside, pointing to something in the booklet, and saying something to Han Cheng.


  While listening, Han Cheng glanced back and forth over several unfolded books, making comparisons.


   These booklets are calendars made of stone over the past few years. Each year is a separate booklet.


   The stone was done very carefully. Every day was marked with cloudy, sunny, rainy and snowy, and there were even records of things like wind and thunder.


   After some comparisons, Han Cheng raised his head, looked at the unmelted snow outside, and sighed involuntarily.


   This winter not only came early, but also left late.


   At this time in previous years, the ice and snow had basically melted, but now, it has basically not melted.


   It seems that it must be a trip to the south.


   No matter what, find a safe way out for your tribe.


   thought this in his heart, and said something to Shishi, and after answering Shishi's questions about geography, Han Cheng asked Shishi to put away these brochures.


   This kind of booklet is very important to the tribe. It enables people to discover and summarize some laws from it, and allows people to more accurately grasp the changes of the weather.


   is precisely because of this. In addition to recording on paper, in accordance with Han Cheng's request, the tribe also recorded a copy on a ceramic board.


   Compared with paper that is not well preserved and is easily bitten by insects, things that use ceramic plates as carriers will last longer.


  Leaving with Shishi, there was another person named Spades. When Han Cheng and Shishi were discussing some issues, he had been listening.


   This is a minor, quite clever, especially in astronomy. He has a good talent, but also likes it very much. Han Chengchi let him learn more with Shishi.


   has been following Shishi for almost three months. He is a little apprentice from Professor Shishi.


   The simple calculation of the calendar is still not clear, but I have learned how to record it.


   can record in the same format as the stone record.


   For such things, Han Cheng is happy to see, after all, if you want the Qingque tribe to become stronger and develop longer, it is impossible to rely on one person alone.


   It takes more people to make changes, and everyone works hard together to develop the tribe better.


   Reading ten thousand books and traveling ten thousand miles, Han Cheng never said this in the tribe, nor did the people in the tribe sum it up.


   But after Han Cheng conducted some science popularization on natural knowledge, many people in the tribe have raised up the world so big, I want to see.


   Among these, Shishi, who has a good talent in these aspects, can't wait the most.


   After the beginning of spring, leaving the tribe to go south and going to a strange place to find a place for the tribe to survive and resist the cold is an excellent opportunity to go out in front of you.


   can take a look outside.


   Moreover, this kind of major event related to the survival of the entire tribe, Stone also wants to participate in it and make a big contribution to the tribe, so I especially want to follow this experience.


   Just now, the spades have learned to record the weather under his professor, and he can leave without worry.


   Actually, Spades can learn these things in such a short period of time, on the one hand because of his interest and talent, on the other hand, it is inseparable from the stone's desire to go out and have a look.


   Stimulated by such a desire, Professor Stone has worked very hard to play the spades.


   Even the protracted fighting spirit that Han Cheng used to talk every day and tirelessly talked about was brought out.


   Under such circumstances, how can the spades improve quickly.


   After watching the stone and the two of them went out, Han Cheng got up to get some water, took some rough ink ingots, and rubbed the ink in the inkstone hewn with cobblestones.


   thinking about things while grinding.


   After the ink was polished, he found a piece of paper and spread it on the table in front of him and pressed it with a paperweight made of rhino horn.


   Then he picked up a thin brush, dipped it in the ink, and began to write seriously.


   What he wrote is about the difficulties that may be encountered on the way here, and the corresponding solutions.


  At the same time, how many people are best to take, and what weapons they should wear......


   Things seem very trivial, but they have to be considered.


In the future generations, if you want to travel, you still have to make a good travel strategy. In today's era, especially if you and others are going to go, you are still in unknown areas. Don't take as many situations as possible in advance. Considering and giving a solution, it is really irresponsible for your own life.


   There are many aspects to consider. Fortunately, there is plenty of time now, and Han Cheng can think about it.


   After thinking and writing for a while, inspiration suddenly appeared in Han Cheng's mind.


   He stopped writing, sitting here, looking a little excited, thinking about it for a while, then put down what was going on.


   Instead, he brought another piece of paper, found a hard charcoal pencil, and began to draw slowly and seriously on it.


  Learning from the past experience and lessons, Han Cheng now chooses to use the very slender head when he draws on paper with charcoal.


   And when I started to use the pen, I didn't use too much energy on my hands, only drew light marks on it.


   This is conducive to modification.


  Wait until the outline is almost the same, then replace it with a thicker charcoal pencil, and trace it along the previously outlined area.


   In this way, the places that were drawn wrong before seem to be inconspicuous.


   Children who don’t have rubber can't afford to hurt, so they can only use this method.


   It took about an hour before Han Cheng put down the charcoal in his hand.


   Looking at the pattern on the paper, Han Cheng smiled with satisfaction.


  With such a thing, the next trip will save a lot of effort. After all, this thing is a great tool for traveling.


   After looking at the blueprint in his hand for a while, Han Cheng was overjoyed, holding the blueprint in his hand, and went to find sister Bai Xue.


   Xiao Xing'er is more than one year old now. Compared with the past, she is much easier to manage. At least she will walk slowly by herself without having to hold it all the time.


Han Cheng came to the room where he lived, picked up the little Xing Er who had walked to the door of the room, kissed his little cheek twice, and then put his finger on the little guy’s armpit, scratching it a few times across the armpit. , Pleased the little girl.


In the little girl’s laughter, Han Cheng hugged her and walked to the edge of the kang, handed the drawing he was holding to sitting there, holding a needle and thread to sew two springs for Little Pea and Little Myolie Bai Xuemei in her clothes at the time.


After    Bai Xuemei took it, she opened it up and saw that it was painted with something like a leather pocket in a tribe.


   Unlike leather bags, this bag drawn on paper by the adult brother is not cylindrical, but rather looks like a half-cylinder.


   And on the half of the cylindrical plane, two wide bands were drawn, the style is very strange.


   "Brother Cheng, what is this?"


   After watching for a while, Bai Xuemei raised her head and asked Han Cheng, who was holding Little Myolie amused.


  " is a backpack that can be used to carry things when going out.


   After loading things, you can carry them on your shoulders, and you can stick them on your back without holding them with two hands.


  Because the weight is directly distributed on the two shoulders, the same weight, carried on the body with a backpack, is much lighter than carrying it with hands or shoulders.


   Moreover, I can use my backpack to carry things, and I can free my hands.


   The free hand can be used to hold weapons or do other things, which is very convenient.


   After the beginning of spring, when I head south to find a new place suitable for the tribe to live in, I am going to let those who go before setting out to wear such a backpack. "


   Han Cheng explained to Bai Xuemei with a smile.


   In later generations, the backpack is simply a tool for traveling, especially when walking on foot, the backpack is even more essential.


   This trip after the beginning of spring was much more exciting than those hiking trips of later generations. After all, this is really primitive, like a fake one.


   If all these people who go out carry a backpack on their backs, it will save a lot of effort and free everyone's hands, which has great benefits.


   It is precisely because of this that Han Cheng is so happy, thinking that afterwards, he will not do the rest, but first concentrate on drawing the pattern of the backpack, and then come to find Bai Xuemei and let her make it.


   Bai Xuemei's hands are very skillful, not only on weaving, but also at the top of the tribe. Even the needlework of sewing and mending is the top group in the entire Qingque tribe.


   So with such a thing, there is no need to bother other people in the tribe.


   After listening to Han Cheng's explanation, Bai Xuemei immediately fell in love.


   Such a good thing, you have to make it whatever you say!


   After all, this is related to the safety of those who are going out.


   began to ask Han Cheng more about the backpack.


   Han Cheng also explained and described Bai Xuemei based on the look of the backpack that he had seen in later generations.


   After a while, Bai Xuemei, who had figured out what was going on, began to find materials and started making this backpack.


   Han Cheng is on the sidelines, not to point out a sentence or two.


   There is no way. Although he is not a tailor, he can't hold back so many backpacks.


   The materials used by Bai Xuemei to make backpacks are very luxurious, and they use leather directly.


   This is real leather, not artificial leather.


   is also very simple and rude when cutting.


   First cut out a semicircle with a diameter of forty as the base, and then cut out a rectangular animal skin with a width of fifty centimeters and a length of about one meter.


   Then the animal skin was sewn into a cylindrical shape, and two sticks of one centimeter in thickness and 40 centimeters in length were found to be placed inside the animal skin cylinder.


   The two sticks are thirty-nine centimeters apart, one end of the stick is flush with the other end of the animal skin, and the two sticks are sewn there.


   Of course, it is not a cylindrical sewing, but the skin of the 39 cm between the two sticks is stretched flat and then sewn.


   In this way, after the two sticks are sewn, the original cylinder roughly becomes a half cylinder split in the middle.


   Then, the base that was cut out before is sewn to the bottom of the semicircular cylinder, and the main body of the backpack is sewn.


   One thing that needs to be explained is that, combined with the bottom, is the section where the edge of the stick is flush with the half cylinder.


   There is the end of ten centimeters without a stick. Han Cheng used an awl to make holes closer to the upper edge, and put a rope in these holes.


   In this way, you only need to pull the two ends of the rope together, and the upper opening of the whole backpack will shrink together, and then tie the rope together, so you don’t have to worry about something falling out of it.


   When sewing the entire backpack, according to Han Cheng's request, Bai Xuemei did not use a needle, but first pierced the hole with an awl, and then pierced it with a small leather rope.


   The backpack sewn like this is many times stronger than the one sewn with needles and threads.


   It's the second best thing to look at, as long as it is strong.


   After all, this time I used it during a long trip. If I didn’t make it strong, the base of my backpack suddenly dropped when I carried it halfway, which would be embarrassing.


   After sewing the main body of the backpack, start sewing the backpack strap.


   Backpack bags are no longer sewn with a single layer of leather, but with two layers.


  Because the weight of the entire backpack will be added to the two straps at the time, double layers are required.


  While sewing the backpack bag, Han Cheng found some soft grass and asked Bai Xuemei to sew the inside of the backpack strap.


   and the backpack is very wide.


   The purpose of this is to reduce the pressure on the shoulders, so that people's shoulders will not be strangled too much.


   After Bai Xuemei sewed the two bags, Han Cheng tried it on her back and found it to be ok and comfortable.


   then put some miscellaneous things into it.


For example, bowls and chopsticks, clothes, and rations enough to eat for a few days, and so on. After the whole backpack was full, Han Cheng fastened the upper part of the backpack, and then carried the heavily heavy backpack on his body. , Walking back and forth in the room, feeling its usefulness or not.


   After walking like this for a while, Han Cheng put it down, still very satisfied with Bai Xuemei's craftsmanship.


   "God, I will try."


   Wu said from the side.


   Witch lived in the same house with Han Cheng, and now that the ice and snow had not melted, the people in the tribe seemed to be relatively idle. Naturally, Han Cheng couldn't keep Witch from making such a movement.


   In addition to witches, senior brother, second senior brother, Yuan and other people are also rare to see here.


   "Witch, slow down, this backpack can sink."


   After putting it all together, this backpack weighs almost twenty catties now.


   Han Cheng brought the backpack to Wu's side and reminded him aloud.


   Wu first stretched out his hand to lift the backpack ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ fully felt the weight of the backpack, and then with the help of Han Cheng, carried this novel backpack on his shoulder.


   After Han Cheng released his hand, Wu's eyes suddenly lit up, because he found that it was really as the **** child said that he felt a heavy backpack when he carried it with his hands. Now that he carried it with his hands, he suddenly felt a lot lighter.


   After that, Wu also followed Han Cheng's previous appearance, walking back and forth in the room with his bulging backpack.


  While walking, he carried both hands from time to time and touched on the backpack. It seemed very excited and novel, just like a kid carrying a big schoolbag for the first time.


   "Okay, Son of God, this is really a good thing!"


   Wu carried this backpack and became addicted, and it took him a long time to take it off his shoulder. He was full of excitement and said to Han Cheng that the backpack is good, and praised the backpack.


   The big brothers had already been itchy by Han Cheng and Wu's actions. After Wu took off the backpack, they couldn't wait to carry it on their shoulders to feel this novel tool.


   After putting the backpack on his shoulders, the big brother immediately felt the goodness of this new tool.


   After walking around the house for a while following Han Cheng and Wu, he suddenly remembered something and ran out quickly with his backpack...





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