I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 846: The kidnapper is here

The departure of Han Cheng and the crowd made the entire Qingque tribe seem relatively silent, and everyone did not have much interest in talking.

The crowd stood here watching Han Cheng and his party leave, and until they were out of sight, they dispersed under the order of the witch to do their own things.

Wu Wu stood here again for a while, turned around and returned to the courtyard, and started feeding the rabbits.

After feeding the rabbit, he returned to the room.

He didn't go to the room where he lived, but stopped in the room where the totem poles were stored, and prayed primitive prayers to the totem poles that seemed crude.

The witch who was led by the pseudo-god of Han Cheng and prayed to the totem pole for less and less time, now that after the departed of the pseudo-god of Han Cheng, the prayer time has not only become longer, but the frequency of prayers has also become more frequent. .

Wu always felt uneasy about the son of God and the others on this trip, but he was already old, and it was impossible to go to the south with the son of God to find a place suitable for the survival of the tribe. He could only use his own way. Do your part for those traveling south.

The oldest old man in the Qingque tribe today always seems concerned about things in the tribe. At the same time, he is unusually strong, like growing on a rock and exposed to the air, but still clinging to the old man who refuses to relax. root……


Looking at the sun in the sky and the snow that finally began to melt, the bark could not help cheering in the place where the Blackstone tribe was located in the far north.

The ice and snow finally began to melt, and spring finally arrived, and the people of the Blackstone tribe could finally attack the Blue Sparrow tribe!

What he had been looking forward to for so long has finally begun to be implemented! The **** leader of the Blackrock tribe is finally dying!

It wasn't just the bark and the people from the Blackrock tribe that cheered.

The people of the other tribes who were tortured by the cold and hunger could not help but cheer as they felt the spring that finally came.

There was a person with withered bones who had been cold and tortured, kneeling on the ground, and worshipping the sun in the sky and the melting snow. The joy was beyond words.

It's just that these joys disappeared a lot after seeing the tribe that lost more than half of the population in one winter, and the burnt and blackened bones accumulated in the cave.

The leader even couldn't help crying...

The leader of the grass tribe led people with joy to pick up the frozen animals that were exposed after the ice melted.

Some other people in the tribe lowered the fish cages tied with rattans into the water. After a while, as the fish cages were pulled out, a live fish wagging their tails and came On the shore...

With the advent of spring and the melting of snow and ice, life becomes better all of a sudden, especially for the tribe with fish cages and bows and arrows, life is even more enjoyable.

The grilled browned fish and other foods were eaten in their mouths, touching their bracing stomachs. In a trance, everyone felt that the cold and hungry before had become very far away. It seemed that it was just a dream, and it looked so different. real.

Those who feel the cold, endure the hunger in the cold winter, longing for the beautiful life of the Qingque tribe, and want to live now, now when they think of the described fascinating tribe, also There is no such yearning.

It seems that such a life is now very good.

Countless historical facts and personal experience tell us that people are inert. After all, there are many people who forget their pain. Because of the many hardships they have experienced, they will think about it after experiencing it and when they are rich in life. It's not that difficult anymore.

It is precisely because of this that Goujian will be able to retreat and try his best to get together for ten years, smashing the enemy in one fell swoop, and is named in history.

It’s not just the grass tribes who have bows and fish cages. When winter has never passed, under the tree bark, they screamed and yelled and said that after the beginning of spring, they should take people to the All the things that belonged to the Blue Sparrow tribe were snatched away, and belonged to the leader of the Blackstone tribe in their tribe, and some did not want to mention this at this time.

The development of the matter completely exceeded Bark's expectations. He didn't expect that the leader of the Blackstone tribe, who has always been doing it, and with big eyebrows, would have such a day.

You were so passionate as you said at the time. You brought me so passionate and enjoyed most of the winter. But now, when you need to start implementing it, you actually said that you don’t want to do this anymore. Isn’t this a hooligan?

How can you do this!

Don't mention the depression in the bark.

"If in winter, the snow falls very early and the food is not enough, what should I do?"

The bark, which refused to give up, began to flicker on the leader of the Blackstone tribe. On the way, he pointed his finger at the ear of the leader of the Blackstone tribe that had been frozen, and the frostbite on his hand and face that had not been completely frostbited, and at the same time pointed again. Refers to the people whose toes were frozen.

Such words made the leader of the Blackstone tribe startled. If Bark didn't say anything, he really hadn't thought about these things.

In his opinion, this matter was past, and the things that will come again are not in his consideration at all.

The leader of the Blackstone tribe gently touched his frozen ears and the scars on his face that hadn't grown before. If he put his hands slightly harder, there would be pain.

The previous sufferings in order to find food for the tribe suddenly came to mind again.

After all, the scars have forgotten the pain. His scars on his body are not healed, so naturally it is not easy to forget the pain.

So, after thinking about it for a while, and touching the scar on his body several times in a row, the leader of the Blackrock tribe finally became firm again.

And once again carried forward his kind of go-and-go spirit.

After arresting the fish, birds and beasts in the tribe for a few days, after having a certain amount of food storage, the leader of the Blackstone tribe took his favorite Blackstone weapon and carried the bow made for him by the bark himself. With a quiver hanging from his waist, he took part of the tribe and left the tribe, heading for the distance.

This is not directly looking for and attacking the legendary Qingque tribe, but to those tribes that surrendered to them.

The leader of the Blackstone tribe is not stupid. On the contrary, he is able to lead the tribe to this point. At this time, he is much smarter than the average person.

From the previous experience and lessons of attacking the bark tribe, he understood a truth, that is, tribes that have been better than ordinary tribes are generally not easy to provoke.

For example, one's own tribe, such as the tribe where the bark that caused them a big loss.

The green bird tribe that Bark said sounds so beautiful, I'm afraid it's not easy to provoke.

But despite knowing this, the leaders of the Blackstone tribe were not afraid at all, because at this time they not only possessed sharp Blackstone weapons, but also possessed bows and arrows that could shoot feather arrows far away.

Compared to when he attacked the tribe where the bark was, he was much stronger.

And besides these, he has other methods to use.

He used this method when he was attacking the Bark Tribe. It was to call on those tribes that surrendered to them, and take these people with them to attack the Blue Sparrow tribe.

No matter how powerful the Qingque tribe is, when faced with so many people, they will definitely be scared, and don't know what to do!

Not to mention there are those of them who are holding black stone weapons and carrying bows and arrows.

As long as they follow this method, the Qingque tribe will definitely be attacked by them, and everything they possess will belong to them!


After hearing the words of the tribe who rushed from the direction of the cave, the leader of the grass tribe and the people of the grass tribe suddenly became nervous.

Because of the evil and cruel leader of the Blackstone tribe, he brought the people from the Blackstone tribe to their tribe!

In the past few years, as long as the people from the Blackstone tribe come to the tribe, nothing good will happen.

At this time, I heard that the people from the Blackstone tribe came, how could they not panic.

Over the past few years, as long as the Blackrock Tribe delivers food on time, the Blackrock Tribe will not come.

Now, they just came here without warning.

Is it because I think I have paid too late for the food payment this time?

But now the ice and snow only melted for a few days!

With such panic and doubt, the leader of the grass tribe led the people of the tribe to the place where the cave was.

She will have already thought about it when she is on the road. People from the Blackrock Tribe will come to ask for food, so she will give all the food of the Tribe to the Blackrock Tribe.

Anyway, it’s already spring, the ice in the river has melted, and many fish can be caught with fish cages, making it easy to get food.

Compared with not letting the people of their tribe die, the leader of the grass tribe felt that giving some food to the evil Blackrock tribe was really nothing.


However, when he returned to the cave, moved out the food stored in the past few days without saying anything, and had a cordial conversation with the evil Blackrock tribe leader, the grass tribe leader was surprised to find that he The people in my tribe were wrong.

People from the brutal Blackstone tribe did not come to collect food in advance, nor did they kill them, but because of a reason they did not expect.


Faced with the uncertain question from the leader of the grass tribe, the leader of the Blackstone tribe nodded vigorously and gave an affirmative answer.

After confirming the news from the leader of the Blackrock tribe again, the leader of the grass tribe didn't know how to describe his feelings for a while.

Going to attack the wealthy Qingque tribe and live the life of the Qingque tribe, this thing that they gradually forgot because of the warmer weather and the increase in food, now they actually heard it from the leader of the Blackstone tribe.

Not only that, the leader of the Blackstone tribe also asked them to follow them to attack the blue bird tribe, just like last time.

Faced with this matter raised by the leader of the Blackstone tribe, the leader of the grass tribe agreed without hesitation.

This is because she is actually very longing for the life of the Qingque tribe, but because of inertia, she doesn't want to take people there.

In addition, the journey is too far, I don't know where the tribe is, and I am worried that people who have only one tribe will not be able to defeat them at all, so I put them down.

Now that the leader of the Blackrock tribe took the lead, things suddenly changed.

In addition, she also remembered why their tribe could live such a comfortable life now.

This is not because of how hardworking and clever people in their tribe are, but because they attacked the tribe where the bark is with the Blackrock tribe before, and after the war they were given several slaves from the tribe where the bark is. And through these slaves, they have mastered the two things, the fish cage and the bow and arrow.

It is precisely because of this that their tribe can live as it is today.

If they hadn't participated in the attack on the tribe where Bark was located, their tribe would be very miserable now.

Attacking a bark tribe can get such benefits, and the life of your tribe has undergone earth-shaking changes. If this is followed by the Blackrock tribe and the bluebird tribe is attacked, wouldn’t it be that your tribe will become better?

Your own tribe can also have those things that are very good as long as you listen, and live that kind of desirable life!

Of course, one of the most important reasons is that the leader of the Blackstone tribe just told her that if he didn't take anyone to attack the Blue Sparrow tribe and **** these good things, they would be killed.

Facing such a very direct threat, the leader of the grass tribe nodded and agreed without much hesitation.

Seeing how obedient the leader of the grass tribe, the leader of the black stone tribe nodded in satisfaction, released the black stone weapon that he was holding tightly, and reached out and patted the head of the leader of the grass tribe as the opponent of the grass tribe. The leader's praise.

After resting in the grass tribe for a whole night and eating a lot of food from the grass tribe, the leader of the blackstone tribe led the other people in the tribe towards the next tribe that they would defeat.

Before leaving, he took away a lot of food from the grass tribe and used it to eat on the road.

At the same time, he also gave the leader of the grass tribe some tree sticks, so that after a while, she brought as many people as this tree stick to their Blackstone tribe, and then went with him to attack the blue bird tribe.

Special requirements are also mentioned, the kind of physically strong person is needed.

After watching the leader of the Blackstone tribe and they walked away, the leader of the grass tribe holding the tree stick couldn't hold back the smile on his face.

She carefully placed the tree stick given to her by the leader of the Blackrock tribe in the cave, and then began to shout to the people of the tribe, actively hunting and fishing, trying to store food, and attacking the bluebird for the upcoming expedition. The tribe prepares...


In front of a cave that seemed a bit desolate, there were people who looked very thin and skinny. They were worshipping the leaders of the Blackrock tribe who had left with them, lying on the ground like beasts surrendering to the Beastmaster.

They waited until the leader of the Blackstone tribe and their party left and disappeared completely. These talents stood up, and their faces were full of smiles.

The reason they are like this is not because they are masochists, but because not long ago, the leader of the Blackrock tribe came and told them that they were going to attack another tribe after a while.

He also used the words Bark had told him to describe the good life of the Qingque tribe to these people, and by the way, after the Qingque tribe was defeated, what kind of life they would live .

These people are very convinced of the things the leader of the Blackrock Tribe said, because some tribes were subdued by the Blackrock Tribe. They were the same before, but since before, they attacked the tree with the Blackrock Tribe. After Pi's tribe, the whole tribe has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Living standards have risen sharply, leaving them and others far behind.

Their tribe, because they did not have those two magical tools, many people in the tribe died under the influence of the heavy snow that came down this time, and after passing through the leader of the Blackrock tribe, they learned that those who participated in the attack on the tree The Pi tribe’s tribe has not been affected too much after this storm, at least not as many people have died.

Under such circumstances, after hearing the leader of the Blackstone tribe, how can they not get excited when they are going to attack a tribe that is richer and more beautiful than the tribe where the bark is located?

If you can really follow the Blackrock Tribe to attack that tribe and live that kind of life... Even if the lives of those who have attacked the tribe where the bark is located are worse than those who have attacked the tribe where the bark is, they will feel it worth it!

The leader of this tribe solemnly placed the tree stick that the leader of the Blackrock tribe gave him in the cave, and then took the rest of the tribe to get food, and his mood was unprecedentedly high...

After the leader of the Blackstone tribe played the banner of attacking the Blue Sparrow tribe and connected them in series, the effect was surprisingly good.

Not only the tribes that have followed the Blackrock Tribe to attack the bark tribe and tasted the sweetness of the tribe, the enthusiasm is high, those tribes that have missed the attack on the bark tribe, after hearing the news, they are more like flies smelling blood. , Everyone screamed and wanted to pounce on it, they couldn't wait.

Such a situation, even the leader of the Blackrock tribe had never thought of it before.

After taking the people around outside and returning to the tribe, the leader of the Blackrock tribe looked very excited.

Before setting out to find these tribes, he had great confidence in this attack on the Blue Sparrow tribe. Now, after turning around outside and seeing the reactions of those people, the confidence of the leader of the Blackrock tribe is almost overwhelming. Up.

Regarding the upcoming attack on the Qingque tribe, he became impatient.

Even in order to get these people over quickly and start the great cause of attacking the blue sparrow tribe, the leader of the Blackstone tribe is rare and generous.

He told the tribes that surrendered to them that this year after the ice and snow melted, they don't need to pay any more, and let them eat when they attacked the Qingque tribe.

In this way, these tribes can greatly shorten the time needed to store enough food to attack the blue sparrow tribe.

After waiting for a while, some tribes began to leave from their respective residences, bringing food and weapons, and gathered towards the Blackrock tribe.

Everyone was very positive this time, and there was no resistance.

Even in order to share some benefits in this feast of attacking the Qingque tribe, the people of these tribes all brought along the strongest people in the tribe by coincidence, and they still brought as many as possible.

After a few more days, the various tribes that surrendered to the Blackstone tribe had gathered together, and the people were scattered here in groups, occupying a large area of ​​open space.

The leader of the Blackstone tribe looked at these people gathered here, and the smile on his face became brighter and swelled.

He felt that no matter which tribe was in front of him, he could lead these people all the way to push it.

Because there are more people gathered now than when they attacked the Bark Tribe.

Not only did he think so, but also the people of the various tribes who came together under his call.

They had never seen so many people coming together.

Looking at this scene now, they themselves were shocked by themselves.

Bark was very upset at the moment, because he found that this incident was far beyond his expectations, and there were too many people here.

In my memory, although the Qingque tribe is strong, with a wall like a mountain wall, bows and arrows, and the incomparably wise **** son, the tribe does not have that many people!

He was very worried now that after a period of time, not only did the leader of the Blackstone Tribe not be killed by the Blue Sparrow Tribe, but also brought people to really attack the Blue Sparrow Tribe, which was uncomfortable.

But under such circumstances, he had no good ideas, he could only honestly lead the leaders of the Blackrock tribe to the south.

If the Qingque tribe was really beaten down, then beat it down. Anyway, he had already been expelled.

At this time, it was also very good to attack the Qingque tribe with others, and then live in the courtyard of the Qingque tribe.

In addition to these, the bark has another bold idea~www.NovelMTL.com~ that is, if the leader of the Blackstone tribe leads people to really attack the blue bird tribe, then he will find the right opportunity to abduct Go on the road.

Then find another place and start again.

After all, he remembered that all the novel changes in the Qingque tribe were made by the **** son, and after the **** son was taken away, everything would still be there.

Bark felt that his idea was highly feasible.

Because in his memory, the son of God did not grow strong at all, he was able to become the first person in the Qingque tribe and was admired by everyone, not because of strength, but by virtue of wisdom.

Bark looked at his strong arm. He felt that with his own body, it would not be so difficult to abduct the son of God and let the son of God obey honestly...

(Unconsciously, the first anniversary of the publication of the book has already been published.)


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