I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 843: The people of the Blackrock tribe who were fooled



   On a cold night, a pile of fire continued to burn.


   Around the fire, people lying in a circle, if it weren’t for panicking because they were too close to the fire, these people would definitely stick their entire bodies to the fire.


   The light of the fire shone on the surrounding white snow, illuminating it a little blush, and the night sky was deep and full of bright stars.


   However, no one appreciates such a beautiful scenery.


   The person who squatted by the fire and was responsible for putting the dry wood into the fire, waited a while, and he would shout.


   If the people lying there didn't say a word, he would go over and shake it to wake it up.


   If you don’t do this, you won’t be able to do this. With the experience of last night, they dare not sleep too much, worrying that after falling asleep, they won’t be able to wake up again.


   Compared with yesterday, they became weaker.


   The boundless cold, and the exhaustion of long journeys, quickly took away their vitality, just like those leaves that quickly turn from green to yellow after feeling the cold, and then wither.


   Even the best food and the strongest body is the leader of the Blackstone tribe. At this time, he can't hold it anymore. I just feel weak and want to sleep well.


   But he didn't dare to do this, he was worried that he would never get up again.


   was woken up from his sleep at this time. He couldn't wait to reach out and put two stones on this person to relieve his breath.


   But this kind of impulse was again abruptly suppressed by him, because he accounted for such a thing, and this person is acting according to what he explained.


Shaking his dizzy head vigorously, the leader of the Blackrock tribe sat up from the ground and took out the frozen stone-like food, and gave it to the rest of the people, together with the rest, around the fire and roasted it before eating. .


  Under such circumstances, they have no good way to keep out the cold, and what they can do is to eat as much food that has been roasted over the fire.


  Because they found that after eating food cooked by fire, within a period of time, the body will become warmer and the whole person will be more resistant to freezing.


   After eating the food, the leader of the Blackstone tribe arranged for another person to guard the fire here, and was responsible for waking everyone up for a while, and then Kazuma and another person back to back again began to sleep...


   The next morning, after having a full meal again, amidst the scolding of the leader of the Blackstone tribe, everyone got up, stepped on the snow again, and walked forward with difficulty.


   Where they left, a pile of burned ashes and scattered bones were left behind.


   Most of these bones are from people...


   After trekking all the way, two more people died, the people of the Blackstone tribe, headed by the leader of the Blackstone tribe, finally came to the tribe they expected when the sky was getting dark.


   After seeing the inconspicuous cave under the cover of wind and snow, the people in the Blackrock tribe couldn't help cheering.


   In the body without much energy that was consumed by the cold and the long distance trekking in the snow and ice, power suddenly emerged at this moment.


   They cheered, and ran towards the cave covered by the ice and snow, which was blocked by stone slabs, and then they carried the stone slabs with their bodies and squeezed them in. Some of them were carried down.


   There was movement in the cave, and he ran over in surprise to look outside, wanting to see what was going on, but he was hit in the leg by a falling stone slab.


   One leg deformed instantly, and the whole person screamed miserably.


   His scream ended soon, because a weapon with a black stone tied to his head pierced his chest.


   The crash of the stone slab collapsed, as well as the screams of this person, the people who poured into the cave outside, made the rest of the people who hadn't noticed here suddenly become awakened.


   Some people subconsciously grab things around them as weapons, wanting to resist.


   Some people were so scared that they stayed where they were and did not dare to move, while others screamed in panic and ran towards the depths of the cave.




   The leader of the Blackstone tribe shouted loudly and stabbed to death a person who dared to resist with the Blackstone weapon in his hand.


   Hearing the Blackstone chief yelling, and seeing the impressive Blackstone weapons in these people's hands, those who still wanted to resist suddenly froze.


   They threw what they had picked up indiscriminately on the ground and squatted down.


   This tribe has been beaten by the Blackstone Tribe once before. If it hadn't been beaten, it would not obediently send food to the Blackstone Tribe.


   has a deep understanding of the ferocity and horror of the people in the Blackstone tribe.


   is precisely because of this, after seeing the black stone weapon that made them feel terrified, and recognizing the identity of the person who came, these people neatly gave up resistance.


  Because their previous experience tells them that resistance will only make more people die.


   is not as good as it is now.


  The ferocious people of the Blackstone tribe, this time should be just grabbing some food.


   Give a lot of food in the tribe to the evil Blackrock tribe, and their lives in the future will definitely become very uncomfortable.


   But no matter how uncomfortable it is, it’s better to die now.


   It is precisely because of this that the leaders of the Blackstone tribe who rushed into the cave easily controlled all the people of this tribe.


   Then find out the food stored in this tribe, distribute it to everyone, and eat special food.


   After eating, some people were asked to hold the extremely deterrent Blackstone weapons, watching those who were driven to a corner of the cave by them, the leader of the Blackstone tribe lay down beside the fire and fell asleep...


   The people of this tribe regretted that they had not fought desperately before.


   This is not only because the ferocious people of the Blackrock tribe have worked hard to prepare food for the winter and eat special food, and they also put all their food in branches or wrapped in animal skins.


   More importantly, after three days here, these evil people also drove them out of the cave.


   and put food on them.


   then drove them away, letting them step on the thick snow, braving the cold, and go far.


   left the cave where they lived, and the fire that was lit inside the cave.


   It was also at this time that the leader of this tribe finally plucked up the courage to resist again.


   It's just that they have all lost their weapons at this time. Facing the people of the Blackstone tribe holding blackstone weapons, such resistance is just meaningless to die.


   After their leader and several other strong people were killed because of resistance, the rest of them dared not resist anymore.


   Even on the way, because of freezing, starvation and fatigue, someone will fall to the ground from time to time and never get up again. No one dares to resist...


   The people of the Blackrock tribe who stayed in the tribe cave were very worried.


   Because it has been several days, their leader, and the people in their tribe who went out with the leader, have not yet returned.


   This situation has never happened before, so it seems very abnormal.


   Facing such a situation, of course they are worried.


   Bark, like the rest of the Blackrock tribe, is also very worried, but his worry is just pretending.


   Deep down, I don’t know what happiness has become.


   After these years of experience, especially after coming to the Blackstone tribe, he was honed by life to become an acting school.


   Time goes by a little bit, usually I am very afraid of the cold, and I don't want to leave the bark of the fire easily. Now it will not be long before I get up and go outside the cave to relieve my hands.


   said it was a relief, but actually went outside and looked around, wanting to see if the leaders of the Blackrock tribe had come back.


   Looking at the deserted outside, only a small amount of bark was squeezed out, and he became even more happy.


   hasn't come back for so long, he thinks that the **** guy must be unable to come back.


   Whenever he thinks of this, he can't help himself happily. Even looking at the chilly ice and snow around him and the uncomfortable cold wind, he feels comfortable.


   I think these things that make him feel cold are very cute.


  Because the leader of the Blackrock tribe couldn't come back, it was probably because of them.


   Bark stood here and looked around for a while, shook his body vigorously, wrapped the animal skins on him, and then turned and walked into the cave.


   After turning halfway, the bark turned back again.


   He squinted his eyes and looked into the distance, the smile on his face gradually solidified, and he even wanted to hit someone.


   Following his gaze, he could see some black figures appearing on the snowy ground in the distance.


   As time goes by, more and more figures appear.


   There is no need to screen carefully, the bark knows who these figures are.


   In this kind of weather, there can be so many people coming straight in the direction of their tribal cave, there will be no other people except the person led by that **** guy.


   "Puff! Puff!"


   The bark almost exploded in place, looking at those people from a distance, stamping heavily on the ground with his feet, and snow was splashed around by him.


   After venting like this for a while, Bark began to walk quickly towards the group of people who had returned


   walked forward for a certain distance, and then began to shout vigorously in the direction of the cave, to inform the leader of the return of the cat in the cave.


   While shouting vigorously, his feet kept welcoming the leader of the returning Blackrock tribe and others.


   When the people in the cave heard his shouts and rushed out of the cave with cheers, the bark changed from walking quickly to running as hard as he could.


   And, while running, cheering.




   After running to the returned Blackstone tribe leader under the snow, the bark supported the Blackstone tribe leader who was so miserable that he almost didn't recognize it, and shouted with joy.




The leader of the Blackstone tribe was also very happy. After responding to the bark, he stretched out his hand full of frozen cracks and patted the bark on the head. He looked very happy and treated the bark better than before. Up.


   is not only the leader of the Blackstone tribe, but the rest of the Blackstone tribe who have returned together are more cordial when looking at the bark.


   This is not just because they have gone through all kinds of hardships and finally returned to their tribe and met people from their tribe.


   Another reason is that they all saw clearly just now that the bark was outside the warm cave waiting for them to come back from a distance in this kind of weather.


   Stay in the cave in the tribe. There are many people who have not gone out, but the only one who can do this is the bark.


   How can they not be moved? How can they not treat the bark well?


   This thing really happened in front of your eyes. It was something that all of them had seen with their own eyes, but they couldn't be faked at all!


   After greeted the leaders of the Blackrock tribe on the bark, and walked a distance in the direction of the cave, those who heard the call of the bark and ran out of the cave finally greeted them.


For the leader and their return, the people who stayed in the cave expressed extreme joy, and some people took the initiative to take down the food carried by the Blackrock tribesmen who had returned from the trip, and they carried it by themselves to relieve their burden. burden.


  Looking at these enthusiastic tribesmen, although the returning people feel very comfortable, they always feel that they are one level worse than the bark.


   This is probably the true portrayal of a successful life requiring two points of luck, three points of acting skills, and five points of effort...


   With the return of the leader of the Blackstone tribe and others, the entire Blackstone tribe became lively again.


  The people of the Blackstone tribe have gained a lot from this attack. They even brought the food stored by that tribe and the people who brought them back. These people who can make the Blackstone tribe eat well in the future.


   However, the loss of the Blackstone Tribe itself was not small. Seven people died on the way back and forth!


   These people who returned to the tribe were also uncomfortable.


   Cracked openings and frostbite on the face, hands, and feet are all normal operations. Some people’s toes have been frozen.


  Even the leader of the Blackstone tribe had one ear frozen!


   It was okay when I was walking outside all the time, but now I am back in the cave which is much warmer than the outside. After a while, I start to feel uncomfortable.


   Either it hurts here or itching there, and it hurts and itchy in some places.


   There was blood oozing out of the frozen ears of the leader of the Blackstone tribe.


   Inside the cave, people wailed from time to time.


   After this experience, no one said that they would rob the rest of the tribes for food in winter.


The leader of the Blackstone tribe, who was missing an ear and was wrapped in thick fur, squatted on the edge of the fire and refused to leave. While enduring these unbearable pains, he was also thinking about why the previous time he was robbed in the winter. The rest of the tribes were far less severely affected this time.


   After thinking about it for a while, it really made him think of some reasons.


   One is the winter of that year, which seems not as cold as this year.


   The second is that the tribe that went to **** was close to my tribe, and it took less than two days to arrive. This time, it took a long time.


   Because of this experience, I know it’s not easy to get food.


   So after returning, the leader of the Blackstone tribe took more strict attention to food.


   Every time I take out food for everyone, there is also a limited amount.


   Except for the bark, the rest of the people who stayed in the cave and did not go out, each time they get food, basically they can only eat one half of the full.


   The food obtained by the bark is the same level as those who went out to **** the rest of the tribe, and basically can eat one 80% full.


   As for the leader of the Blackstone tribe, you can get a little hair support.


   When sleeping at night, the position of the bark has also changed.


   is not only closer to the cave, but also closer to the fire than before.


   is simply a winner in life.


   didn't suffer the ordeal that was likely to be life-threatening, but was able to enjoy such treatment. The bark was the first one in the entire Blackrock tribe.


   As night fell, Bark lay here thinking about these things that happened, feeling a little weird.


   I went out over and over again, but I hoped that they would never come back. How come now, the inexplicable thing has become expecting them to come back?


   It’s just that, Bark has made up his mind and no one tells it, just like he killed the leader of the Lanhua tribe, and no one knows it...


   A little bit of time passed, the food stored in the cave decreased a little bit, but the weather outside still showed no tendency to warm up at all.


   After a while, the leader of the Blackrock tribe once again reduced the food of those who stayed in the tribe and never went out.


   It used to be only 50% full, and everyone felt very hungry. Now the food they can get every day has been further reduced, and they have become even more hungry.


   But with the previous experience of the leaders of the Blackstone tribe and their going out, everyone in the tribe didn't dare to propose to **** the rest of the tribe.


   can only be the cat in the cave, enduring hunger and cold everywhere.


   This kind of starvation is something they haven't experienced for a long time. They all feel uncomfortable all over, and they don't have any strength.


   The bark lay not far from the fire, feeling the warmth from the fire, and I heard the gurgling sounds from the stomachs of everyone around me.


   Under such circumstances, a bold idea suddenly emerged from the bark.


   This bold idea is to let the people of the Blackstone tribe go south to attack the wealthy and powerful blue bird tribe.


   Once this idea of ​​being completely strangled to death by him emerges, it can no longer disappear, and it grows wildly in his mind like weeds.


   made him want to try again.


   Now that the tribe is experiencing cold and hunger, tell them about the prosperity of the Qingque tribe at this time, they are likely to be tempted.


   Moreover, compared with the previous time, he is more trusted by the tribe, including the leader of the Blackrock tribe, they all trust him...


  The more I think about it, the more Bark feels I can try it.


   After holding back this thought in my heart for two days, the bark finally couldn’t hold it...


   In the south, there is a tribe, that tribe is very rich, there is too much food in it.


   There, no one will be frozen even in winter.


   There is a soft and warm fur over the body, the wind can't get in.


   There are many weird caves. There is a fire burning in the kang. It’s very warm to sleep. Even on the coldest night, you can’t feel the cold.


  The people who live there will not be cracked in the face and hands in the winter, not to mention the toes will be frozen.


   There are pottery, you can burn ice and snow into hot water, drink a sip in the cold winter, the whole body is warm, and it can dissipate the cold...


   Inside the cave of the Blackstone Tribe, Bark began his preaching, telling everyone about the various benefits of the Blue Sparrow Tribe.


  The voice echoed slowly in the cave, sounding very much like the whispers of the devil.


   This time, the bark of these things was no longer slapped on the skull by the leader of the Blackstone tribe. Even if he mentioned the half-cooked fire kang that almost gave the leader of the Blackstone tribe to roast, he was not punished by the leader of the Blackstone tribe.


   The leader of the Blackstone tribe seems to have forgotten what he once said, if the tree bark dared to mention these words again, he would be completely killed.


   On the contrary, at this time, he really likes to listen to the bark saying these things, and he can't help thinking, how good it would be for them to have these things and live that kind of life.


   In the past, the leader of the Blackstone tribe felt that their tribe lacked nothing, and they had reached the standard of living mentioned by Bark.


   But now, under the premature winter, the things he was proud of before suddenly became insufficient, and their tribe returned to the time when they were starving.


And he, in the previous outing, was frozen out of an ear~www.NovelMTL.com~The frostbite on his hands, face, feet, and cracked openings. Up to now, he has not completely recovered. .


   Under such circumstances, he can of course hear what the bark is saying, and he yearns for it and wants to own it.


As the best food in the tribe, all kinds of treatment are top-notch people, the leader of the Blackstone tribe is like this, the rest of the Blackstone tribe people, how much yearning for what the bark said, how much want to have it, Forget about living like that!


   Those who are hungry cooing, feel that the whole person is dizzy, and they are most yearning for food that cannot be eaten in winter.


   Those who followed the leader of the Blackstone tribe outside, who were frostbited in many places and were extremely uncomfortable, were very interested in the warm things the bark said.


  Unconsciously, the entire Blackstone tribe was fooled by the bark.


   Even those who were captured by the leader of the Blackrock tribe, who have not been eaten as food, want to let the people of the Blackrock tribe quickly attack that tribe and take them all over.


   Because of this, they don’t have to die, and they don’t have to be eaten as food.


   The people of the tribe could have such a strong reaction that they had never expected before Bark.



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