I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 842: Blackrock tribe under the shadow of death



   Looking at the empty bamboo sieve, the little pea has a deflated mouth and feels like crying


   The last three birds flew away when the bamboo sieve was buckled, and he did not catch any of them.


  "Don’t be afraid, it’s not terrible if we encounter difficulties, we just need to find a way to solve it, but we are afraid to solve it.


   Think about it this time because no bird was deducted? "


   Han Cheng stretched out his hand and rubbed his son's head, continuing to unravel and guide.


   "Yes, it's too late."


   Xiao Wandou said.


   "Then what should I do next time?"


   "Pull early."


   "That's right, let's set the sieve well and continue to catch, we will catch it sooner or later.


   Han Cheng affirmed his son's answer, and then worked with the little guy to arrange the place, and grabbed some grains and sprinkled under the bamboo sieve.


   Then two people, one dog and one panda went back to hide in the bamboo forest, waiting for the birds to continue to come.


  While waiting, Han Cheng suddenly remembered a joke he heard from the older generation.


   A woman who was doing quilts at home was too busy to work, so she let her daughter, who had never cooked much before, make noodles.


   Then there was such a dialogue——


  Daughter: "Mom, there is a lot of water."


   Mother: "Add some noodles to it."


  Daughter: "Mom, I put too much noodles."


   Mother: "Put some more water inside."


  Daughter: "Mom, there is too much water."


   Mother: "Put some noodles inside..."


   This cycle repeats.


  Daughter: "Mom, the basin can't fit."


The mother was furious in an instant: "You **** Nizi! If it weren't for my quilt, I couldn't get out! I would kill you today! (At that time, the quilt was sewn inside the quilt, and her mother could not get out from the quilt. Up)


   The reason why Han Cheng thinks of this joke is because he is worried that Xiao Wandou will be like the daughter of the noodles, which has been overkill.


   In this waiting, another bird approached here, and then one after another went under the bamboo sieve to eat millet.


   Han Cheng looked at the situation on the side of the sieve, and then at Xiao Wandou, without talking, just watching Xiao Wandou's own operation quietly.


   Xiao Wandou looked at the bamboo sieve in the distance, without blinking his eyes. After waiting for a while, he saw two more birds crawling under the bamboo sieve, and suddenly pulled the rope in his hand.


   The wooden stick fell down, the bamboo sieve fell down, and some birds fluttered away.


   Two people, one dog and one panda ran out again and came to the front of the bamboo screen.


   I got a lot of deductions this time, as many as four.


   Xiao Wandou yelled happily, Han Cheng also smiled with joy, happier than he caught the bird himself.


   This silly son of my own does not have the solid eyes of the girl who makes faces, and he is still very good in teaching.


   With the successful experience of catching four this time, Xiao Wandou has become more confident now.


   I don’t know if his little face was frozen, or was too excited and flushed with excitement.


   Don't need to say anything from Han Cheng, the little guy quickly started his hands this time, and came to support the bamboo sieve again with Han Cheng, and then rushed to the bamboo forest.


   After having the relatively successful experience this time, the little guy looked more seriously with the rope in his hand, and was not as nervous as before, and seemed a lot more confident.


   Han Cheng couldn't help but smile when he saw this, this was the result he wanted.


   How many birds did Little Pea catch? These are secondary. The important thing is that he wants Little Pea to learn something by catching birds.


   is not just some techniques for catching birds, but more importantly, some things that can have a positive impact on people's future behavior...


   "Boom! Boom! Boom!..."


   The skin drum that had been roasted by the fire was beaten by the people of the tribe, and the muffled thunderous sound went in all directions.


   The green sparrow tribal warrior dressed in vine armor and vine helmet soaked in tung oil over and over again, holding weapons in his hand, lined up a neat line on the snow, pushing forward.


   This is the opening of the annual sports meeting held by the Qingque tribe after offering sacrifices to heroes.


   is also the most exciting and powerful scene of the tribe.


   "Kill! Kill! Kill!"


   When the archers and the slings team showed their power, and the main team composed of the vine shield team and the longgo team approached the grassmen who were still standing, everyone shouted and killed step by step, and the sound even suppressed the rumbling drum.


   Accompanied by the continuous shouts of killing, these people smashed the bronze Changge in their hands together, and stabled at the grass man in front...


Military exercises held in the name of offering sacrifices to the heroes of the Qingque tribe, as well as sports meets that include a variety of sports, plus awards and the removal of slavery status for the slaves who have made great contributions to the tribe within this year, and the issue of public identity cards It took two days for the matter to be completely over.


   But the effect is very good. It not only cultivates the spirit of loving and defending the tribe, but also inspires the spirit of martial arts among the tribes, so that the tribes maintain their martial arts spirit.


   At the same time, it can also inject fresh blood into the citizens of the tribe, and let the slaves in the tribe see the light, and work hard for the tribe in the days to come.


   Two days does not seem to be long, but for the Qingque tribe, it is of great significance. It can even be comparable to the spring planting and autumn harvest that the tribe has always attached importance to and is the basis for the survival and development of the entire tribe.


   Under the heavy snow cover, the cold seems to have sealed everything, but time has not been sealed in the slightest. It still flows slowly and quickly according to its inherent speed.


   It seems that a long time has passed, and it seems that in the blink of an eye, Qingque's eleventh year has already arrived.


   All the joy of everyone was released on this day.


   Delicious and plentiful food, don’t need to be taken out for money, but picked up by everyone with chopsticks and sent to the entrance.


  As soon as they were rendered by the many delicious foods, everyone became happier.


   The night fell, the bonfire was lit, and the people who ate and drank, under the light of the fire, beat the drums, played the gong, and jumped around the fire.


   abundance and joy, filled the hearts of everyone, overflowing on everyone’s face...


   North, inside the cave of the Blackrock Tribe.


   As the night falls, the already cold weather seems to become even colder.


   Even though a fire is burning, many people still feel cold.


   The Blackrock tribe at this time looks much duller than when the heavy snow fell this year.


   At first, I knew that the heavy snow had fallen a lot earlier than in previous years, the ease when it came down, but now it has disappeared.


   This is not only because the cold lasted too long, but also because the food in the Blackstone tribe was not enough.


   According to the consumption rate of food during the winter in previous years, the food stored by the Blackstone Tribe this year is enough for them to survive this winter.


   But there is a saying that it is easy to change from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to change from luxury to frugality.


  Almost all people, regardless of age, are easily caught in this trick.


  Since the Black Stone effect was gradually developed, and a large amount of food was obtained by relying on the Black Stone weapon, the people of the Black Stone tribe became more and more extravagant in eating food.


In particular, after breaking through the tribe where the bark is located, and getting the bows and arrows and fish cages, two sharp weapons for obtaining food, some tribes who surrendered to them also possessed and learned how to make and use these two tools, the Blackrock tribe The food becomes richer and more abundant.


   When eating food, one by one became more assured and bold.


   Things like this continue to happen, and the food stored in the Blackrock Tribe is also continuously decreasing.


   A few days ago, the leader of the Blackstone tribe suddenly discovered that most of the food stored by his tribe had disappeared!


   Such a discovery surprised him.


   From that day on, the leader of the Blackstone tribe took less food when he went out.


   said that he took less, but compared to the winter when he didn't get the Blackrock weapon, it was much more.


   So, the people of the Blackstone tribe, who hadn't tasted the taste of starvation for a long time, once again tasted the taste that seemed to be far away from them.


   This kind of taste is not at all uncomfortable.


   It is precisely because of this that the mood of the entire Blackstone tribe is not high.


   The bark wrapped tightly around the fur, huddled with the people around, lying on the hay.


   The swaying cave, illuminated by the jumping fire light, seemed very quiet, so quiet that you could hear the grunting from time to time.


   This is the sound of the people from the Blackstone tribe sleeping here.


   Bark’s belly makes some such noises from time to time.


   This kind of hunger is still within the bark's bearing range, and the most unbearable thing for him is the cold that can almost freeze the whole person.


   wrapped in animal skins, huddled with the rest of the bark, still shivering. Under such circumstances, I once again remembered the fire kang of the Qingque tribe, dreaming of how comfortable it would be to sleep on such a thing.


   Even, the bark wanted to do it again, trying to build the fire kang in the tribe again.


   But such thoughts can only be thoughts, because whenever this thought arises, he will involuntarily resound the severe beating he suffered last year, making him afraid to try again.


   In addition, there is another reason. If he really succeeds in making the fire kang, then the first to benefit must be the leader of the Blackrock tribe.


   As long as he thinks about this matter, he feels uncomfortable in his heart. On the contrary, it is not as good as it is now. It is better to let the leader of the Blackstone tribe be cold with himself.




   was trembling in the bark of the body thinking about these things, suddenly someone sat up and said this.


   means that he is hungry and wants to eat.


   After saying this, several people responded instantly.


   After these people responded, the people who seemed to have fallen asleep sat up from the ground one after another, saying that they were hungry, looking at their leader eagerly.




   The leader of the Blackstone tribe originally wanted to beat people, but after seeing so many people doing this, he put his raised hand down again.


   He opened his mouth and said something to everyone.


   means that he is also hungry, but the food stored in the tribe is not enough. If he eats as before and can’t wait for the ice and snow to melt, the food in their tribe will become even less, I am afraid that many people will die.


   After the leader of the Blackstone tribe spoke this way, the mood of the people in the Blackstone tribe was not as high as before.




   At this moment, someone spoke again.


   What he meant was that there was not enough food in the tribe, and you could grab the rest of the tribe, take their food, and some people back and eat it.


   After understanding what he meant, the people of the Blackstone tribe who seemed a little depressed, suddenly became excited.


   Yes, they can still grab the rest of the tribes. They did it in the first two years. How can they forget about this now?


   Immediately everyone spoke up, expressing their support for this brilliant idea.


   Bark did not speak, but shrank his head.


   This is not because he is not hungry, but because he is more afraid of the cold outside than the current hunger.


   After all, at this time, he was wrapped in fur and carried inside the cave with everyone, and it was still so cold around the fire. If he went out, what would it be like? Just thinking about it, he felt cold all over.




   The leader of the Blackstone tribe also thought of the cold, and immediately opened his mouth to tell everyone about this. What he meant was that it was best not to do this.


   But at this moment, everyone in the Blackstone tribe is very eager for food.


  Because of their desire for food, they didn't care about the cold that the leader of the Blackrock tribe said.


One by one, they still want to eat food, saying that they are hungry and uncomfortable when they wait for others. Then they may be very thin and hungry. If they are from a tribe, they are likely to fight if they do not obey their tribe. But so much.


   After saying this for a while, the leader of the Blackrock tribe finally made up his mind to attack a tribe.


   After such a decision was made, everyone in the tribe immediately cheered happily, happy that they were about to eat and stop starving.


   Seeing that everyone in the tribe is so happy, the leader of the Blackrock tribe is also more happy.


   Although he was worried about going to attack other tribes at this time, he had done such things in the winter before. Apart from being cold and suffering when going out, there was nothing else.


   Therefore, I thought about it for a while, and stopped thinking about it.


   But from the place where the food was stored, a lot of food was obtained and distributed to everyone, which made everyone more happy.


   After eating this meal similar to a supper, everyone feels more comfortable and feels warmer. When they go to bed at night, they sleep more peacefully and sweetly.


   Early the next morning, the people of the Blackstone tribe had already got up, some of them began to pack their things, and some of them cooked the food brought out by the leaders of the Blackstone tribe with fire.


   This time, the food brought out by the leader of the Blackstone tribe was more abundant, and everyone was given plenty of food.


   Especially those who want to go out with him to attack other tribes, they are even more panicked.


  After eating these foods, the leader of the Blackstone tribe even took out some fur and asked those who were going to go out to wrap it around.


   Some of these furs were originally stored, and the other part was taken off from those who did not need to go out this time.


   After everything was ready, the leader of the Blackrock tribe took the lead out of the cave, and the rest of the people, wrapped in thick fur, followed behind.


As soon as    came outside, everyone couldn't help but shudder.


   When I was in the cave, I felt that it was cold enough inside, but after I walked out of it, I realized that it was colder outside than inside.




The leader of the Blackrock tribe spoke loudly to the people in the tribe, and asked those who stayed in the cave to guard the cave and wait for them to come back. Then they stepped on the thick snow, brought weapons and food, and took a deep foot. Walked towards the distance with a shallow foot.


   Those who go with me follow closely.


   As they breathed, a lot of white air appeared, and some ice flowers gradually condensed on their beards, eyebrows and front hair.


   The bark left behind, looking at the snow all over the ground, and the white gas sprayed by the leaders of the Blackstone tribe and others, couldn't help but shudder again, and only felt that the whole body was cold.


   After seeing the leader of the Blackrock tribe and they left, the bark and other people from the Blackrock tribe returned to the cave.


   When I was picking the people who were going out last night, I also said that I would let Bark go with me.


   If you go, you can eat more in the future after you break through the rest of the tribe and bring back food.


   But the bark still didn't go.


   In this respect, it was because it was too cold outside. He would rather eat less and get hungry than to bear the cold.


   On the other hand, if you don't go, you won't have to stay with the leader of the Blackrock tribe during this period.


   This will make him feel relaxed...


   The cold wind was blowing, and it went straight into people's clothes.


  Obviously, it has been covered very tightly, but these all-pervasive cold winds can always find some gaps to get in, blowing people's bodies wow.


   This is not the most uncomfortable, the most uncomfortable is that the exposed face and hands are blown by the wind like a knife, which is extremely uncomfortable.


  At this moment, the leader of the Blackrock tribe, who walked **** the ice and snow, suddenly regretted coming out for such a trip.


   It's not just him. Some people who came out with him also regretted this time.


  Because this is too much suffering!


   is nothing better than starving in the tribe.


   When night fell, their feelings became stronger.


   Even though they were looking for a low-lying leeward place, a fire was raised, and a lot of food was sent to their belly, but they still couldn't withstand the cold.


   Someone squatted by the fire and stretched out their hands to bake. They only felt pain and itching in their hands, very uncomfortable.


   That night, many people didn't fall asleep much.


   In the next morning, the leader of the Blackstone tribe continued to set off with these people.


  Compared with when they left the cave yesterday, these people are now very sluggish, and their excitement is almost wiped out by the cold and thick snow...


   Painting pie is something that every leader is born with, just like now.




   The leader of the Blackstone tribe, who was equally uncomfortable, raised his voice to encourage everyone in the tribe, telling them that after the tribe, they would be able to sleep well and eat extremely rich food.


   After saying this, the people who looked depressed and wilted suddenly got some energy, even walking energetically...


   When the night came again, everyone, including the leader of the Blackrock tribe, felt extremely uncomfortable. In this uncomfortable, there was also some fear.


   Because according to the previous itinerary, they should have reached the tribe closer to their tribe at this time.


   But now, they didn't even see the tribe.


   This is not because the distance between that tribe and their tribe has become farther, but because of the thick snow, their speed has slowed down.


   In the past, the journey could be completed in two days, but now it can't be completed in two days.


   They had already been tortured by the cold, and now they have suffered such a thing. Under the cold and fear, their morale appears very low.


   Fortune and Wushuang come, misfortune never comes singly.


   The leaders of the Blackstone tribe felt that their situation at this time was already very miserable, but in the latter half of the night, something more miserable happened.


   The cold wind has stopped blowing again, and the temperature seems to have become even lower than before, and everyone is shivering from the cold.


   After getting up the next morning, two people did not know when they had frozen to death.


   This kind of thing made the people of the Blackrock tribe feel terrified, and some people raised the idea of ​​returning to the tribe without going forward.


   But the leader of the Blackrock tribe did not agree.


   Because they came out this time, they brought a lot of food from the tribe.


   And because they know that they will bring back a lot of food to the tribe this time they are going out~www.NovelMTL.com~ Those who stay in the tribe will certainly not save before eating food.


   Their food was not enough, but after a few days of such consumption, it became even more insufficient.


   If they return at this time, the situation in their tribe will become extremely bad, and it is very likely that more people will die because of hunger and cold.


   So he personally took off the fur wrapped around the two people who had been frozen to death, and let the rest of them wrap themselves.


   used one of them as their breakfast.


   After eating, let the rest of the people, drag another person, and walk to the tribe in memory.


  While trampling and continuing to walk, another person fell to the ground and never got up again.


   Then she was dragged on the snow by her companion...




   In the process of walking again, the leader of the Blackstone tribe continued to encourage the people in the tribe, saying that he was about to reach that tribe.


   When it got dark again, they still didn't see the tribe.


   The shadows of fear and death firmly enveloped everyone in Blackstone...





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