I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 831: Island in the lake

Wu was sitting on the donkey cart, feeling the scenery on both sides slowly moving backwards, watching the tribes that were getting farther and farther in the field of vision, and the people who were standing in front of the tribes to see off. No less.

At this moment, he was very quiet.

The son of God was very right. He and others really need to give the younger people in the tribe some unique opportunities, let them experience and let them grow.

Only when they grow up and the tribe can carry more and more things, then the tribe will become more prosperous.

It’s not terrible to do a good job now and make some small mistakes. It’s not terrible to have a god-son who has his own way behind it, no matter how bad it is.

If you don’t train the people in the tribe at this time, then once you have no other people...

Of course, the main thing is that if you don't have it, whether the stone can be the next witch, after all, the son of God is still very young, not much larger than the stone.

It seems that in the future, sacrifices will be held in the tribe, and I should let the stone play in person and proceed with him.

Sitting in a donkey cart along the bronze highway all the way to the west, Wu secretly made such a decision in his heart.

The donkey cart went all the way, and as the distance from the tribe got farther and farther, for Wu, Yuan, and the other eight people who came here for the first time, the scenery they saw on both sides became strange and left. Familiar places, walking in unfamiliar places, look at everything with a sense of freshness.

Wu had never been to such a far door. In his memory, the farthest time he went out was that time with the big brothers and the others, to a place far away from the tribe, and picking up the son of God who had fallen from the sky from the wild.

At this time, he put aside his thoughts, and walked along the bronze highway in a donkey cart. He was particularly happy. This was a feeling he had not experienced before.

Especially thinking that this is also the place of their Qingque tribe, don't mention the beauty in my heart.

Han Cheng sometimes sits in a donkey cart, but more often he walks because he feels that the donkey cart is not comfortable to walk on.

Of course, this is in the absence of tiredness.

Little Pea, who had experienced this kind of battle for the first time, was not too excited, stepped on his short legs, and screamed excitedly after running with Han Cheng.

Tired of running, he rode on the panda Tuantuan, let the panda Tuantuan carry him, and continued to shout and yell there.

After Wu and Yuan sat on the donkey cart and walked for a while, they would go down and follow the cart for a while to move their legs and feet.

Little Myolie, who was held in her arms by Bai Xuemei, stared at the sky with her dark eyes.

Whether it is the white clouds floating in the sky, or the flying birds passing by, they can arouse her gaze.

Fu Jiang walked forward next to Han Cheng, carrying the three squirrels who didn't know whether he was a pine tree or a mother.

All in all, this is a very strange team. There are people in the team, including donkeys, deer, dogs, pandas, and three squirrels.

In the early summer breeze, the team just walked forward. Han Cheng turned his head to look at the witch who was sitting side by side on the donkey cart with Yuan, and Bai Xuemei, who was holding Xiao Xinger in another donkey cart, and followed him. The son riding a panda couldn't help but show a smile, the kind of joy that came out of his heart.

Such an outing for relaxation is an outing for relaxation! Walk slowly with the people you care about, don’t worry that someone will always lead you to the place where you need to spend, all kinds of tricks you buy fakes, if you don’t buy, they will also make all kinds of cynic attacks on you.

Going out for a good rest, I am confused...

In the evening, a group of people came to the newly built Tongfu Inn, put down their things, and unloaded the deer and donkey.

Some people prepare to cook, while others feed the animals.

Wu Ze looked at the courtyard back and forth, the joy on his face couldn't hide.

This is also the place of their tribe, something that belongs to their tribe.

There are things that belong to the tribe too far away from the tribe!

After seeing Tongfu Inn, Wu wanted to visit Tongshan residential area very much.

The Tongfu Inn, which was just built, has such a scale and style. I really don’t know what the Tongshan residential area, which has been run by the tribe for so many years, is like.

Hearing from others, it is not as good as what I have seen with my own eyes.

At this moment, Wu felt very regretful that he had not come out until now.

Fortunately, the son of God pulled himself out, otherwise it would be a real pity if he waited until he was old, dead, and did not leave the main tribe, and come and see these things belonging to the tribe.

Because of the stay of Han Cheng and others, the previously deserted Tongfu Inn suddenly became lively and full of popularity.

As the night fell, everyone rested, the wind blew, waves of pine waves sounded around, and intermittent copper bells rang from time to time in the night, decorating the night together.

This is the sound of donkeys and deer with copper bells in their necks, ruminating or walking around, making the whole night more silent.

In the morning of the next day, after everyone cleaned up, they left Tongfu Inn, plugged the courtyard gate with branches, and continued west along the bronze highway.

As he walked, Han Cheng turned his head and looked at Tongfu Inn, which had once again become deserted and gradually disappeared among the pine trees. Suddenly, some plots in the Liao Zhai sounded.

Barren mountains, ancient temples, a solitary lamp, a desolate scholar reading to the lamp, and in the middle of the night, there will be another beautiful and moving female fairy...

This thing is exciting when you think about it.

However, Han Cheng felt that there was no way to achieve such a thing. Let alone the question of whether it could become a spirit in prehistoric times, the fact that the fairy transforms into a human form is enough to make people headache.

It is said that there must be a certain reference object for the fairy transformation into a human form, such as the rabbit spirit in "The Legend of the New White Lady".

If this is the case, the beautiful and moving female fairies are probably as good as Zhuang and Ruhua...

This is indeed very exciting...

The sixty-mile journey is a flat road. Starting in the morning, when the sun is still three poles down in the afternoon, Han Cheng and his group came from Tongfu Inn to the Longmen Inn under construction.

Seeing Han Cheng and his party, the people who stayed here were naturally very happy, especially when they saw the witch who went so far away in the team for the first time.

They spent so much energy to build these things, and of course hope that more people in the tribe can see and use them.

In the evening, a few bonfires lit up here at the Longmen Inn where many stones that will be used to build the bridge were placed.

A few unlucky wild ducks were roasted on the branches, and the fish soup boiled in the big tank exuded fragrance.

It is close to the river, and a distance further north is the Wild Duck Lake, the largest lake that Han Cheng saw when he came here.

There are so many rivers and lakes, and fish are of course indispensable. When building bridges and Longmen Inns here these days, people in the tribe will put some fish cages into the water to catch fish.

When Han Cheng and the others came this time, they also brought a lot of idle fish cages from the main tribe.

These will be dropped into rivers and lakes to catch fish after a while.

Supported by these fishes, building bridges around here this time can save a lot of food.

The fish here were not arrested last year, mainly because the old primitive people had not joined the Qingque tribe when the road was built last year.

In addition, the old primitive people and the road construction team of the Qingque tribe headed by Gu basically completed the handover here. Under such circumstances, Gu and the others could of course not show the fish cage to catch the fish.

After all, a fish cage is not a particularly complicated thing. If someone sees how to catch fish with it, it is easy to be imitated by others.

At that time, if they were seen and learned by the old primitive people, then the wind tribe and the neighbor wind tribe wanted to join their own tribe, I am afraid it would not be so easy.

Now that they have joined the Qingque tribe, they have drunk Qingque wine, they are a tribe of people, and of course there is no such taboo.

With a little evening dinner, it ended later than it used to be. The main reason was that the old people in the Wu tribe left the tribe and came here.

For witches, people in the tribe are very respectful.

Although the role that witches can play in the tribe has become smaller and smaller since the birth of the son of God, the people in the tribe have never lessened their respect for this old man.

This is because the most respected **** child in the tribe has great respect for witches.

God's sons are like this, and the others naturally dare not disrespect.

The other aspect is the witch’s love for the tribe. Everyone in the tribe can really feel it, and the witch is also very decisive. Usually, when the **** child is there, it looks lazy, but the key is At any time, especially when the son of God is not in the tribe, the witch can take care of things.

Is a truly responsible person.

The bonfire went out, and everyone rested.

Wu lay in the makeshift camp, exposed his head, and opened his eyes to see the stars in the sky.

There are worms whistling around, and in the darkness not far away, there will be a sound or two of fish scratching the water from time to time.

After watching this quietly for a long time, with a smile on his face, he slowly fell asleep...

The next morning, Wu and Han Cheng went to collect the fish cages that were dropped into the river last night.

"There are fish! There are fish!"

Wu Shen handed a rope tied to the shore, and then slowly pulled it to the shore. As the fish cage was pulled, the fish that got into the fish cage began to swim uncomfortably, together with the rope on the fish cage. They were all moved.

Feeling these witches, they shouted in excitement, and then increased their strength in their hands.

After a few clicks, the sinking fish cage was pulled out of the water by Wu. The fish in the fish cage were jumping hard, trying to break free from the cage and return to the water to enjoy the joy of fish and water again.

It's a pity that such a thing will not happen.


Wu didn't ask anyone to help, so he lifted the fish cage up by himself and walked a few steps to the shore. After a certain distance from the water, he turned the fish cage over and poured out the contents.

For a while there was a lively scene here.

In addition to seven or eight large and small fish, there are translucent prawns lying on the ground leaning on their sides.

There are also two rice field eels, as well as two palm-sized old turtles, and pimple-covered toads.

The harvest of this fish cage can be said to be very rich.

Seeing such a scene, Wu happily closed his mouth from ear to ear, like a child, working with some minors next to him to pick up these things, let alone the joy after the harvest!

The empty fish cages are lowered into the water again and continue to collect the remaining fish cages.

Following the movements of everyone, the fish cages that had been in the water all night were pulled out, and the full harvest was packed into the fish baskets with big mouths.

These fish and shrimps are enough for the people who build bridges and build houses here to eat today.

Wu was very excited, and most of the people who followed were very excited, because since the number of fish and shrimp in the small river in front of the tribe decreased, they have not received such a big harvest from the river for a long time!

Han Cheng was equally excited, but a little helpless after the excitement.

Because he discovered that as the Bronze Expressway is gradually improved, there is a Wild Duck Lake near the Bronze Expressway, and many large and small rivers around the lake. The fish pond on the edge of the Qingque main tribe suddenly became tasteless. Up.

However, there is some hypocritical helplessness like this, which only exists for a while and disappears without a trace, completely replaced by joy.

Such a lake and the surrounding rivers are worth a lot of land!

By the time the tribe really encountered any disaster, which caused a serious shortage of food in the tribe, relying on these lakes and rivers alone, such a disaster can be overcome!

After processing the morning harvest, Han Cheng, Bai Xuemei, Wu, Yuan and others left the Longmen Inn under construction and headed north.

They are going to the Wild Duck Lake to the north.



The arrival of the crowd shocked many wild ducks living here, as well as some other water birds.

For a while, the flapping sound of "flapping wings" sounded, and numerous wild ducks flew up like a cloud in the sky.

After flying for a certain distance, they fell into the water at a certain distance from the shore, watching these uninvited guests on the shore, they quacked and flickered their wings twice. Go to the bottom, and after a while, get out of the water from somewhere else.

Wu looked at the large waters in front of him and his eyes widened, and he couldn't say a word for a while.

Not only Wu, but everyone who saw Wild Duck Lake for the first time couldn't help but stare.

Because the scene I saw before my eyes was really shocking!

They had never seen such a wide area of ​​water that was beyond sight!

Before seeing Wild Duck Lake, they had never thought about where so much water could gather together.

Even though it was Bai Xuemei, the child's daughter-in-law who originally lived in the Fire Tribe and was brought back along the river by Han Cheng, she was not at all peaceful at this time.

Because no matter how much water there is in a big river, no matter how long the river is, the width will be limited after all, and there will never be such a sightless sight in front of you!

"How many fish should there be! How many fish should there be!"

The witch, who had been shocked for a long time, looked at the wide waters and began to mutter to himself. At the beginning, Han Cheng hadn't heard it clearly, and then he got closer to hear clearly what Wu was talking about.

Wu was indeed a qualified primitive man. After seeing this large area of ​​water, the first thing he thought of was how many fish he could catch for the tribe, not like Han Cheng, who was shocked by the scenery in front of him. After appreciating the beautiful scenery, I connected it with eating.

"Egg! Egg! Wild duck egg!"

When everyone was sighing for the scenery or the many fishes living in the blue waves, a minor shouted in surprise, holding two green leather belts high in his hands. Some pitted wild duck eggs jumped in excitement.

This shout broke the shocking state of everyone, many people began to use the sticks in their hands to poke the grass on the side, wanting to find surprises from it.

Han Cheng took Little Myolie from Bai Xuemei's arms, and Bai Xuemei took the little peas and immediately joined the activity of looking for wild duck eggs.

Although she was already the mother of two children, she was still as happy as a child who had not grown up at the moment.

It looked like a southerner who saw snow for the first time.

Han Cheng hugged Xiao Xing'er and followed behind, and he was talking to his girl-girl something he didn't understand, with a smile on his face.

Although neither father nor daughter understood what the other was talking about, or even what they said, it was undeniable that the communication between them was very pleasant.

"Witch, shall we go and see the island inside?"

In the afternoon, sitting on the edge of the lake, eating some roasted wild duck eggs and some grilled fish, Han Cheng looked at an island in the wild duck lake and said.

The island is not too far to the south of the lake, and Han Cheng visually estimated that it is less than two miles away.

Looking from a distance, the side facing Han Cheng and the others is full of mountains and rocks, and there are trees behind the rocks, and birds and birds will rise into the air from time to time.

Han Cheng and the others discovered this island when surveying the terrain last year, but they never went up last year because they were in a hurry.

Now the time is relatively leisurely, and Han Chengcheng has the thought of going to the top.

Wu naturally agreed to such a proposal, because now he had already regarded the Wild Duck Lake as something private to his tribe.

Since it is something of his own tribe, it is of course necessary to understand it well. This is the same as when he was in the tribe, he always liked to use his footsteps to measure the land in the tribe.

This is a psychology similar to that of a landlord’s wealth.

After this decision was made, Han Cheng, Wu and the others went back. After all, it was impossible to swim over such a long distance. They needed to build a wooden boat or a raft first.

After returning, Han Chenggong asked the builders to stop temporarily and came to the lake to cut trees from the surrounding area to build a raft.

The reason why it is a raft instead of a canoe is because the requirements of a raft are relatively low and it is better to make than a canoe.

When these people started to make rafts, Han Cheng was not idle either, and he was also clattering with his axe.

Following his movements, a piece of wood with the thickness of a bowl cut was tightly connected by a rope.

This thing is the original life jacket made by Han Cheng.

Although simple, but because Han Cheng uses very light wood such as paulownia, the buoyancy is still very good.

After it's done, someone wears himself down into the waist-deep water, then curls up his legs, the whole person can be taken to float.

The number of people is great, and after years of training, the people of the tribe have improved a lot in many things. After a day, four big rafts came out here.

Each raft has a width of more than two meters and is more than three meters long. There are fences made of thinner wood around the rafts, which can prevent people from falling into the water to the greatest extent.

A tree stick was erected on the front and rear sides, with oars hanging diagonally on it.

Because the raft was so big, it looked extremely heavy. Several people couldn't lift it up, and Junior Brother Sha, whose necks were flushed, prepared to send more people to the raft.

Six more people were added, but just after lifting them up, Han Cheng called to stop adding more people.

Instead, let people find the remaining round logs for making the raft, and place one at a distance of about 1.5 meters, from the raft to the edge of the lake.

At the same time, people use wooden bars to pry up the front end of the raft, and insert two logs to separate them.

After doing this, call people to push and pull the raft.

The raft, which was originally very heavy, suddenly saved a lot of light. Under the push and pull of everyone, it slid all the way into the lake.

After the raft entered the water, many people here couldn't help cheering.

Their **** son once again used wisdom to solve the problem!

At the same time, they also learned a way to solve problems from Wisdom and Son of God.

After having the first successful experience, the remaining three rafts were easy to launch. Using the same method, they were already in the water not long after.

After entering the water, the raft did not go directly to the depths of the Wild Duck Lake. Instead, the experiment was conducted in the shallow water first to confirm that the raft was easy to use and there were no safety hazards before the official sailing began ~www.NovelMTL.com~.

Han Cheng made a selection for the first wave of people who took the raft to the island in the lake.

Elderly people, children, people who are not strong enough, or people who have no experience in riding bamboo rafts or rafts on the water before, did not bring them.

Moreover, many weapons such as rattan shields, bows and arrows, and bronze longge were placed on the raft.

After all, they had never been to the islands in the lake before, and they didn't know anything about it, so the weapons must be easy to bring.

In addition to these weapons and the original version of the life jacket, there are also a lot of big split planks and several reels of twine on the raft.

These two things are also prepared for people who accidentally fall into the water.

Once someone falls into the water, he throws the wooden board over for him to hold, and then throws a hemp rope tied with a small wooden block over and pulls it over.


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