I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 830: The riddle that makes people hit the tree (3 in 1)

When the former Wild Duck Inn and the current Longmen Inn were selected and cleaned up, Han Cheng and some other people, with some dogs and deer, returned to the tribe along the road.

On this trip, on the one hand, because the road construction team and the construction team did not carry enough food, they needed to go back and bring some food. On the other hand, Han Cheng was going to bring Wu, Xuemei, and Xiao Xing'er. , To have a look at Longmen Inn.

Last year, I said that I would bring it around. Now that more than half of the Bronze Expressway has been perfected, this promise has come to the time to be fulfilled.

Depart from Longmen Inn in the morning and arrive at Tongfu Inn in the evening to rest. Depart from Tongfu Inn the next morning. When the red sun is slanting, the tall walls of the Green Bird tribe are already in sight.

The encounter between Guiren and those who are looking forward to the return of Guiren is very joyful, and there is some freshness in the familiarity.

Everyone got together, with endless words, happily filled the whole tribe.

Especially the three little squirrels who like to squat on Fu Jiang or jump on Han Cheng, one on the head and the other two on the shoulders, make the children in the tribe feel novel. , I want to get close to them...

Han Cheng vowed that his purpose of returning to the tribe this time was really only these two, without any other selfish thoughts.

As for getting up the next morning and walking with her waist in her arms, this can only be blamed on the little child's daughter-in-law, Bai Xuemei, who really has nothing to do with him. He really didn't think about it.


When I returned to the tribe yesterday, the sky was almost dark, there were so many things, and it was too busy, so until this time, Han Cheng told Bai Xuemei that after waiting for two days, he would sit in a donkey cart along the bronze highway and go to Things to play in Longmen Inn.

After hearing this news, Bai Xuemei almost jumped up from the ground with excitement, stretched out her hand to hold Han Cheng's arm with a look of surprise on her face.

"of course it's true."

Han Cheng smiled and nodded, and reached out and nodded on Bai Xuemei's head.

After getting an affirmative answer, Bai Xuemei embraced Han Cheng's arm and jumped happily.

She has never been far away since she successively had Little Pea and Han Xing.

For what Han Cheng said about riding a donkey cart along the built bronze highway all the way to the Tongshan residential area, he was looking forward to it for a long time.

Originally, according to her calculation, this matter could only be carried out after the autumn harvest this year, but it was unexpected that her brother would mention it at this time. How did she not surprise her?

If it weren't for her brother's other hand covering her waist, Bai Xuemei would want to pull her brother back into the house.

"God, I won't go..."

Wu, who also heard Han Cheng's news, said with a little entanglement and hesitation.

Wu is getting older and he is more in love with the tribe.

On the one hand, he wanted to leave the tribe, following the gods and the others to take a look along the bronze highway, on the other hand, he was somewhat reluctant to leave the tribe where he had lived all his life.

Some worry that after he and the son of God left, the tribe could not manage it and problems would arise.

Probably this is the psychology that many elderly people who have lived in the same place all their lives have.

"It's okay. After we leave, there will be big brothers and other people in the tribe. They will take good care of the tribe because of this home that we live and build together."

Han Cheng said to Wu with a smile, and then said: "Bronze Expressway, Tongfu Inn, Longmen Station, Wild Duck Lake, and Tongshan Residential Area are all places in our tribe. Doesn't Wu want to visit it?"

To be honest, Han Cheng really wanted Wus to go with him this time. In other words, Wus are still a bit older. Unlike them, he doesn't do many things. There will be opportunities to do in the future, but The witch is a little ill.

One can't make it right, and some things are missed if they are missed, which will become a lifetime regret.

So he very much hoped that Wu could take a trip to see the scenery in the distance, to see the place that belonged to their Qingque tribe in the distance.

What Han Cheng said later touched Wu's mind and made him no longer hesitate.

Yes, he has never visited the Tongshan residential area before! This is an opportunity, indeed, he should go and see what belongs to their Qingque tribe in the distance.

This time, the trip with the nature of travel, except for the people who returned to the tribe with Han Cheng from the front and transported food there, as well as the family of Wu, Han Cheng, and Yuan, there were not many people, only eight. One.

There are many people in the tribe who have not traveled to the Tongshan residential area along the Bronze Expressway, almost half of them. Such a small number of places naturally cannot meet people's needs.

But Han Cheng couldn't bring more.

This is because although it is a slack farm, weeding the fields still requires a lot of people to do it.

Now that so many people have been mobilized to do other things, if more people are mobilized, the food production in that field will definitely be affected.

"God, tell them directly, let them work hard in the tribe."

Wu Wu is still domineering as always, so he is ready to go out and tell the people in the tribe.

"Witch, wait a minute."

Han Cheng stopped Wu with a smile.

It is normal for people in the tribe to want to look outside. After all, when the road was built, I just fooled the people in the tribe.

Tell them directly at this time that they still can’t go, they need to work in the tribe, and those who want to go need to wait for the next batch. They naturally comply, but from a logical point of view, Han Cheng always feels a little too one-sided Directly, some are not so good.

So he was going to go out and tell the people in the tribe himself...

"Do you want to go to Tongshan residential area in a donkey cart?"

After bringing together the remaining people in the tribe, Han Cheng smiled and asked them loudly.

"miss you!"

These people said in unison, with excitement and hope in their expressions.

Riding in a donkey cart with food, along the built bronze highway all the way to the Tongshan residential area, to see the bare Copper Mountain, to see the beautiful pool on the Copper Mountain, is what many people want to do. Especially with the gods and witches.

At this time Han Cheng asked this, and of course they agreed very simply.

"Yes? No way! What if there are so many jobs in the tribe?"

Han Cheng said to them with a smile.

The emotionally charged people were stunned when they heard the words, and immediately some people started to chuck and laugh.

After getting along for such a long time, many of these people in the tribe have become accustomed to Han Cheng's little humorous way of speaking from time to time, and generally it will never happen to take it seriously.

"It's not that this time, no one except us can go, but not everyone can go. If you want to go together, you need to meet some conditions."

Han Cheng raised his voice and said loudly to everyone.

As soon as the words were spoken, everyone was immediately attracted, craned their necks and raised their ears, waiting for the **** son to say this condition.

Some people even rolled up their sleeves, preparing for a big fight.

"It's not for you to work, it's just a very simple thing. I'll break a riddle for you. If any of you guesses the correct answer, you can go with us until tomorrow.

If you can't guess it, work in the tribe honestly and wait until next time. "

"God, what is a riddle?"

When someone asked, the riddle hadn’t been heard before.

"That's what I said in the last paragraph. You guess what I'm talking about based on this paragraph."

Han Cheng explained this to everyone.

In this way, everyone basically understands it.

After understanding Han Cheng's meaning, people like Wu, Shi, and Yuan, who are good at wisdom, suddenly became energetic.

Wu and Yuan decided to go out in a donkey cart together this time.

Stone has also been to the Tongshan residential area before, and when they built the bronze highway with the old primitive people, they lived on the road for more than half a year. Stone is very familiar with where these people want to go, and there is no tribe. Those who haven't been there look forward to it.

And the stone has already been determined this time and will not follow, but needs to stay to assist the master in managing the tribe.

But this does not prevent them from being interested in what Han Cheng said that sounds fun.

Among them, Wu was a little worried while looking forward to it, fearing that the riddle that Han Cheng said would be too easy to break.

If all these people in the tribe guessed out and went with them, wouldn't there be no one to do many things in the tribe?

Han Cheng had no worries in this regard. Since he dared to release such words, he was confident that he could kill the tribe in a flash.

"Listen, the riddle is like this-a square head, a flat mouth, an eye in the waist, and a leg in the eye."

After Han Cheng reminded everyone, he uttered a riddle.

I was worried that someone would not be able to hear clearly. After I said it again, I deliberately slowed down and said it three times in a row before stopping to look at everyone with a smile.

The people who were eager to show off their skills at the beginning were stunned, not only them, but even the talents with higher intelligence in the tribes such as Witch, Yuan, and Stone.

What is this?

This thing is so strange that it has a square head and a flat mouth. The key is that there are eyes in the waist and a leg in the eyes. What the **** is it?

What can look so strange?

As Han Cheng's words fell silent, the place suddenly became quiet, and everyone was using their brains very quickly, wanting to guess the riddle that the son of God came out as soon as possible.

Even if you don't go to the Tongshan residential area in a donkey cart, it is very good to be able to guess the riddles of the gods in front of so many people.

However, this riddle is too tricky, and if they want to break their heads, they can't think of anything that looks like this.

The scene became extremely quiet for a while, and those who were preparing to show their talents were completely embarrassed by Han Cheng's riddle.

At the beginning, I was worried that Han Cheng said it was too easy and would be guessed by too many people. At this time, he curled up his fingers there and tapped his head one after another.

"God, there really is such a thing?"

After thinking for a long time, without a clue, someone finally asked.

As soon as such a voice came out, the others all raised their heads to look at their **** son, and now they all doubted whether such things existed.

"Yes! Since I have broken it for you like this, there must be a riddle. If it comes out, I will let you all guess it. What is a riddle?"

Han Cheng looked at the tribe and said with a smile.

"Then have we seen such a thing?"

Stone raised his hand and asked aloud.

"I have seen it, not only you have seen it, but everyone in the tribe has seen it."

Han Cheng definitely returned to Dao again.

Then he thought for a while and said: "Since you can't guess it, I will narrow it down for you. Our tribe has this thing."

After saying this, everyone in the tribe became more confused.

Have you seen it before? In the tribe?

Have you ever seen such a strange thing? Why don't you know?

Everyone was confused.

"Guess well, don't worry, the time will be until tomorrow morning.

During this period of time, if anyone guesses the answer to the mystery, he will come to me and tell me the answer you guessed. If the guess is right, we will go with Wu tomorrow. "

After waiting here for a while, seeing that everyone was still thinking and thinking, Han Cheng said aloud like this.

Then he said: "Guessing riddles shouldn't delay work. You should all do what you need to do first, and guess while you are working. Allow to discuss.

It’s still early anyway, and it won’t expire until tomorrow morning. "

As a result, everyone dispersed, but compared with the time before, the people in the tribe seemed a little bit ungrateful today.

Nowadays, it doesn’t matter whether they go to the Yeyahu and Tongshan residential areas. Their attention has been shifted to this riddle. They only want to guess the riddle. They can’t guess it, and they can know the answer from others. Success!

"Square head, flat mouth, eyes long in the waist, and legs in the eyes. I have seen it before, and there are still..."

The iron head with a sickle and mowing the grass chanted the riddle again. After thinking about it, there was still no clue. I only felt the chaos in my mind, and it was uncomfortable to scratch my heart and liver.

"What is this, what the **** is this!"

After conjecturing like this for a while, there was still no result, and the iron head slammed his forehead against the tree, and while hitting, he also sent out thoughts from the soul.

A good person, was tortured into this look by this riddle...

Ironhead was not the only one who was tortured by the riddle, the others were also the same.

"It's out, it's out! What's up? You guessed it, right?"

When the stone came out of Han Cheng's room, the people who were busy in the yard immediately gathered around and asked hopefully.

These are people who have given up guessing them, and go to Tongshan residential area to play together, just want to know the answer.

"No, I guessed wrong."

Stone smiled bitterly and said to them.


As soon as he said this, there was a sigh of sighs all around him.

"God, what is the answer? What is that strange thing?"

At dinner in the evening, someone asked and couldn't help but asked. The others also looked up at Han Cheng and wanted to know the result very much.

"Let's not talk about it, it's not time yet. Tell me at this time, how can you guess?"

"Don't be discouraged, it's still early, you still have time, guess slowly."

An unscrupulous son of God encouraged everyone in this way.

Then that night, many people suffered from insomnia, and their **** son, after doing something indescribable, lay in bed and fell asleep, looking very awful.

It turned out to be this thing!

The white snow girl lying on the kang was thinking about something, and corresponding to the riddles that Han Cheng had broken before, she felt more understanding and annoyed in her heart.

Of course, she didn't guess the answer, but she got it from Han Cheng not long ago.

Han Cheng didn't plan to tell Bai Xuemei the answer at the beginning, but she couldn't hold Bai Xuemei to show off her power.

Han Sung, who became a defeated man and just wanted to sleep, finally had to give in...

Early the next morning, Han Cheng got up and stretched his waist vigorously, only to feel refreshed and very comfortable.

But the whole tribe feels this way, I'm afraid it is only him and Bai Xuemei, as well as the ignorant children.

The rest of the people looked listless, their eyeballs turned red, and many people even appeared in thick dark circles.

"God, what the **** is this?"

As soon as Han Cheng walked out of the room, someone asked out loud. Han Cheng followed his reputation and was taken aback. Because this morning outside the house where he lived, there were many people gathered, and depending on the posture, these people were already here. I have been waiting for a while.

Han Cheng sniffed and looked at his riddle and it was so tormenting for them!

"Have you figured it out? If you come out, give me the answer as soon as possible, or wait until I say the answer, then it will be invalidated."

Han Cheng watched the people ask, and several people really said something, but the answers were all wrong.

"Then I can say the answer?"

After no one guessed the answer, Han Cheng asked out loud like this.

Everyone nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, they really wanted to know the answer quickly.

"Then I really said it?"

In the anticipation of everyone, Han Cheng asked again.

This is also attributable to him. For someone who dares to constantly test on the brink of death like this, he will definitely be overwhelmed by angry soles.

"This thing is—"

Han Cheng improved his tune, lengthened his voice, and adjusted his appetite very well. (This chapter ends here, will you be beaten?)


In the anticipation of everyone, Han Cheng finally said the answer out loud.


How could it be an axe?

After hearing this answer, many people in the tribe were dumbfounded. How could this be an axe?

But then combined with the riddle that Han Cheng said, and then compared with the shape of the axe, this is indeed an axe!


The answer was announced, and after figuring it out, many people were astonished and sighed in annoyance.

Especially the first carpenter of the limping green bird tribe, he regretted his intestines, and he was beating his axe every day, so I didn't think of it!

"There are eyes in the waist and legs in the eyes, this is really the case!"

The witch, whose hair was scarce, was becoming scarcer now, touching his head and muttering.

It's just that before the son of God didn't have the answer, no one thought that this ‘eye’ was actually an axe eye, and the leg was an axe handle!

This is too hard to guess!

Hard to guess? When I reminded myself, I didn’t add another sentence that this thing can cure diseases and treat migraines! If you add such a hint, you will be even more puzzled.

The axe can cure diseases, and the treatment is still migraine. Of course, this is not Han Cheng's nonsense, but has a basis.

It is said in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" that Cao Cao had an unbearable headache. Hearing that Hua Tuo had a good medical skill and a wonderful hand to rejuvenate, he invited Hua Tuo to diagnose and treat himself. After Hua Tuo saw the disease, he said to Cao Cao, "This is easy. "

Cao Cao was immediately full of joy and expectation.

Hua Tuo continued: "Just use a sharp axe..."

Cao Cao's face turned black for an instant, as Hua Tuo wanted to murder himself, so that Hua Tuo was locked in a small black room...

The people of the Qingque tribe who had been distracted by Han Cheng's riddles and brutally abused them never said they wanted to go to the residential areas of Wild Duck Lake and Tongshan together this time.

This was not suppressed by power, but was abused by Han Cheng with riddles. The effect was surprisingly good and convinced.

This allowed Han Cheng to discover a good way to deal with things. When he encountered similar things in the future, he would give them riddles and let the people in the tribe guess.

Regarding riddles, Han Cheng still has a lot of inventory. What is half blue and half red, typed, and what is said is not stupid. Don't guess Myolie. If you guess you are sleepy, you are not a good scholar. Tell them. Can make people in the tribe lose their hair embarrassingly...

He picked up Little Myolie and handed it to Bai Xuemei sitting on a donkey cart covered with animal skins. Han Cheng looked at these sleepy people in the tribe with a wicked smile...


After all the food and tools were installed~www.NovelMTL.com~ Han Cheng greeted him, and the tribe who went out began to take action.

Under the guidance of the blue bird flag flying in the wind, the team slowly walked along the bronze highway.

"Take good care of the tribe, we will be back in a few days!"

Together with Yuan, the Witch was sitting on another donkey cart with animal skins. He was still a little worried, and explained to the big brother, the stone and the others who were standing on the side of the road to see off.

After explaining for a while, I couldn't rest assured, I actually wanted to get off the car and go back.

The doors are all welded, do you want to go back? How can it be!

Han Cheng came over and said to Wu Wu: "Wu, let's go, it's okay. We should also give Shishi some opportunities to let them experience it. Only under our protection, they can hardly grow up."

As soon as he said this, Wu became much quieter, and after thinking about it, he sat in the donkey cart with peace of mind.

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