I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 832: Baby on the island (3 in 1)

After some operations, the expedition consisting of four rafts and thirty people set out.

Penny was spotted on the river bank, and the heavy pressure made Penny bend.

As the bamboo poles gradually straightened, the heavy large raft also left the lake shore, with irregular fan-shaped ripples, and drove towards the lake.

After driving for some distance, the water level began to deepen and the penny was not easy to use. The person in charge of shaking the oars began to shake the oars, rowing the water one after another, sliding the raft towards the island in the lake.

"Dad! Dad! Where is Dad going?"

Little Pea on the shore shouted loudly at Han Cheng who was standing on the second raft, looking reluctant, and wanted to go with Han Cheng.

On the side, Wu reached out and grabbed Xiao Pea's hand and took a step back, worried that Xiao Pea might fall into the water.

When Han Cheng on the raft heard Xiao Wandou's cry, he couldn't help but twitched. Where is Dad going? Could this own son also traveled from hereafter?

"Dad go there!"

After the complaint, Han Cheng replied smoothly, and pointed his finger at the island in the lake.

"Wait for Dad obediently on the shore, Dad will go there first, and when there is no danger there, Dad will take you there to play!"

Han Cheng smiled and said to Xiao Wandou.

Then he explained: "You all go back, don't get too close to the shore of the lake, lest you fall into the water!"


Xiao Wandou was completely transformed into babble at this moment, standing on the shore across the lake and shouting to Han Cheng, Han Cheng had to stand on the raft and respond with Xiao pea.

This situation and this scene suddenly reminded Han Cheng of Pan Changjiang's sketch "Crossing the River".

"A crooked river in front of my father, son on the bank..."

Thinking of this in my mind, the adapted small song almost sang it out.

In the voice of Little Pea shouting to his father, the oars were paddling the water further and further away from the shore.

At the same time, the islands in the island lake are getting closer.

Originally, standing on the shore, the rocks here weren't very tall, but when they came to the front, they found that they were at least four or five meters high.

In the crevices of the rocks, some strong grasses and some not very tall trees grow sporadically.

There are some fine sands in the shallow water below the rocks and the lake. On the fine sand, there are some scattered large mussel shells in gray-brown and some whitish, and some fish skeletons stained with scale.

On the bare stone, there are white bird droppings from east to west.

There are too many rocks here, and there is no suitable place to lead to the island, so Han did not let people dock here, but lined the island to the east, and the raft gradually disappeared on the shore. In the eyes of everyone.


Little Pea who climbed up a stone yelled loudly in the direction of the island in the lake, without receiving any response.

There was some crying in the voice.

The little person suddenly felt some worry and parting emotions.

"Don't be afraid, your father will be back in a while."

The witch who stretched out his hand to hold Little Pea, said to Little Pea with a smile.

Although he was also a little worried, he didn't show it at all at this time.


Little Pea flickered her eyes and asked Wu.

"Of course it's true, you come down first, let's wait over there, it's higher there."

Wu pointed to a hillside not far away and said to Little Pea.

Thus, Xiao Wandou was coaxed down by the witch on this steep rock.

Then he took Little Pea's hand and walked towards the **** not far away.

The little pea man trot fast, but after seeing the witch walking slowly, he also slowed down. The old and the young two slowly walked up the hill, turned and sat down side by side, facing the direction of the island in the lake... …

At this time, the raft that was out of sight of everyone on the shore had already detoured to the north of the island.

Unlike the steep south side, which stands with rocks and rocks, the north of the island is very flat. On the edge of the island, there are golden sandy beaches. On the sandy shore and in the shallow water, long-legged egrets move leisurely. Walking, or standing motionless in the water, pretending to be a log, waiting for the little fish to swim forward.

On the beach, there are some large and small old turtles, some of which are black, some of which are yellow, similar to the beach, they are quietly basking in the sun and enjoying the sun.

The arrival of Han Cheng and the group of uninvited guests disturbed the quiet here, especially the area where the bamboo raft was docked.

The egret flapped its wings and flew away. The old turtle lazily lying on the beach basking in the sun also showed a speed beyond Han Cheng's knowledge.

Standing up from the beach, walking quickly with short limbs, and rushing into the water in a rush.

Even because of the high-speed running, an old turtle banged its head with another old turtle. Under the huge impact, an old turtle that was the size of a plate turned over to the ground, with its shell facing down. With all four feet upside down, the constant struggle is just not turning over...

At this moment, the speed of these old turtles made Han Cheng speechless.

After seeing this, Han Cheng felt that the use of turtle crawling and turtle speed to describe a person's slowness in later generations was appropriate at all.


Han Cheng jumped from the raft to this sandy beach that may be the first time someone has stepped on it. He stood here and looked around for a while and then walked towards the old turtle with all four legs up to the sky, trying to turn over. go with.

Seeing this heresy who didn't carry the turtle's shell on his back, and walked with two claws, the old turtle directly shrank his limbs, head and tail into the shell, and made a turtle with a sense of comfort.

I lay on the beach for three and a half years, and I turned over when the big waves came.

This sentence speaks out the importance of patience and opportunity, and at the same time, it also shows how difficult it is for Wang Ba to stand up. It will take three and a half years to wait until the big waves are met.

But this old turtle is lucky enough to be turned over by Han Cheng before three and a half days.

But it was also unfortunate, because he turned directly into the basket carried by the person who had landed...

Near the water's edge is the sandy beach. If you walk a distance of more than 20 meters, the sandy beach becomes a place with weeds.

I used the bronze Ge in my hand to push away the weeds and walked forward, about another twenty meters away. The weeds are getting less and the trees are increasing.

And at the roots of these trees, there is some scum after the water level recedes.

After another seven or eight meters, the scum on the ground disappeared completely. That is to say, generally speaking, in the rainy season, after the water from the surrounding river is poured into the Wild Duck Lake, the water rises to this point and basically no longer travels. It's up.

Han Cheng stood on the edge of the tree and looked at the island for a while, then stretched out his hand and pointed to the west: "Go over there and take a look."

Then, under the protection of the tribesman with a vine shield, he returned to the beach and walked westward along the beach.

Because the view on the beach is wide and there is no grass near the feet, it is reassuring and can avoid risks to the greatest extent...

Junior Brother Sha, who came to the island together, had a bow in his hand and feather arrows on the bow. He scanned the surrounding sharply. He was ready to find that something was wrong and was ready to give those guys an arrow immediately.

Walking along the beach all the way to the west, the herons flew around, the old turtles ran into the water one after another, and then showed their heads, looking at these strange behemoths.

Compared with the south, the northern side of Huzhong Island is more than twice as wide. Han Cheng and others walked about three or four miles west along the beach before they gradually came to the northern edge of the island.

However, his path was blocked by an unknown plant taller than a person.

Han Cheng didn't try hard, but led people to the interior of the island, preparing to go around the plant in front of him.

After walking a few steps forward, Han Cheng stopped and couldn't help sucking his nose hard.

Because he smelled some smell just now, the familiar one, but for a while he couldn't remember what it smelled like, where he smelled it.

Standing here and sniffing a few more times, Han Cheng thought about pulling his hand over a plant like this, putting it under the tip of his nose, and sniffing hard.

After seeing Han Cheng's actions at this time, the people who followed suddenly became excited, especially Sha Junior and others who had been to the Fire Tribe with Han Cheng, and their excited mouths couldn't close.

Because many experiences made them understand that once the son of God showed something similar to the state at this time, the tribe might have a brand new, useful thing for the tribe, if it was delicious Yes, that would be even better.

Under the expectant gaze of everyone, Han Cheng, who sniffed hard for a while, let go of his hand, and the plant that was bent by him bounced back. He stood up straight and made a squeaky sound.

Han Cheng shook his head. The smell that made him feel familiar but couldn't think of it was not from the plants he hadn't seen before.

After loosening the plant, he sniffed his nose vigorously, and he could still smell the familiar smell, sometimes strong and sometimes weak.

Looking up at this rustling plant that was blown by the wind, and sniffing the familiar taste that was strong and weak, Han Cheng couldn't stay here anymore.

"Go, come here!"

Han Cheng greeted everyone, and then walked into the island, preparing to bypass the dense vegetation.

Junior Brother Sha and the others didn't ask either, just followed Han Cheng to the island with excitement and expectation.

This unknown plant is very strong, and it takes almost 20 to 30 meters to reach the edge of the island.

"this is?!"

As soon as he came to the edge and his vision widened, Han Cheng was stunned when he looked at the scene in front of him, his eyes straightened.

Seeing Han Cheng's reaction like this, everyone who followed looked in the direction Han Cheng was looking.

After looking over the boundary where weeds and trees grew, he came to the lake.

Next to this tall, dense plant, a large area of ​​another plant grows in the shallow waters of the island.

This plant has large, round leaves, and some of the leaves can catch up with the mouth of the large cooking tank in the tribe!

When the wind blows, the windward side of these large-leaf plants will be rolled up by the wind, exposing the back of the white leaves.

Between the surging leaves, occasionally there will be a bare pole, and only a peach-shaped flower bud appears on the top.

The buds are white, with some pink in the white.

Whenever the wind blows, there will be a unique fragrance blowing in the wind.

What is this? How come the eyes of the gods are straightened? Could it be that this kind of food is really delicious?

Thinking of delicious, many people began to swallow at this strange plant they had never seen before.


Han Cheng, who stood still staring at the plant growing in the water for a while, couldn't help laughing out loud, and then strode towards the edge of the island.

Holding the spiked vine shield, the person walking in front hurriedly moved forward.

They also couldn't wait to learn from the gods what they had never seen before, what their purpose was, and whether they were delicious.

In a moment, Han Cheng and others had already arrived at the edge of the island, near the lake.

As it approached, the pleasant fragrance became more intense.


There was a sound in the lake reflecting many of these large leaves. It was a fish floating on the layer of the lake with a mouth looking for something to eat. The group of people who arrived was startled by the crowd and dived into the water.

The lake water thrown by the fish's tail fell on some low, round leaves floating on the water, and they suddenly turned into beautiful pearls, rolling slowly on top, looking very beautiful.

Han Cheng, who came to the edge of the lake, looked at the scene in front of him, and couldn't bear a smile on his face.

I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect that the lotus root, which I have not encountered for a long time, actually appeared here in an extremely unexpected way!

And so many appeared all at once! The growth is so gratifying!

There is another delicious dish in the tribe, and it is also a dish that can be eaten in winter where vegetables are extremely scarce!

No matter what kind of food, one more kind can feed more people and make the food in the tribe more abundant.

After all, there is a limit to the food that a person can eat at each meal. One more bite of lotus root will reduce the amount of other foods.

"Son of God, is this?"

At this time, someone finally couldn't help but asked out aloud with curiosity in their hearts. At this moment in their hearts, it was as if there was a fluffy tail that was constantly fluttering there.

"This is lotus, also called lotus root, or lotus, or hibiscus."

In a good mood, Han Cheng smiled and said to everyone in the tribe.

This series of unheard names came out, and almost didn't confuse the curious Qingque tribe. What the hell, this thing is more than the name changed by the **** son from Milk Tea Girl Bai Xuemei !

"This is a good thing, delicious..."

This is really delicious!

The long-awaited members of the Qingque tribe immediately became excited after hearing the word delicious from Han Cheng. As a group of senior foodies, there is nothing more exciting for them than delicious food.


Before Han Cheng had finished speaking, some people reached out and tore off some lotus leaves and sent them to their mouths, wanting to taste something with many names that was said to be delicious by the god.

The taste is of course not much better. After all, most people use lotus root leaves in a pot, and some people use it to make tea and drink directly at the fresh lotus root leaves. Except for the sheep in the fish in the water, the rest Han Cheng has never seen him.

"Is it delicious?"

Han Cheng looked at those people with lotus root leaves in their mouths and couldn't help but smile and asked.

"No, it's not tasty."

Someone replied, chewing the lotus leaf in his mouth a few times while talking, and his expression looked a little sluggish.

"It's not delicious! The leaf itself is not delicious. Next time, listen to my words before acting."

As soon as this was said, the few people who were chewing on lotus roots immediately lowered their heads in shame, and stopped talking.

Two guys even quietly swallowed the lotus leaf in their mouths abruptly, and Han Cheng looked at him wanting to be angry and laughing.

He walked up to these people and put two feet up on the buttocks of these people, and let those who had not had time to swallow them to spit out the lotus leaves in their mouths.

Obviously, these guys became relaxed, and smiles appeared on their faces. They were no longer like pupils who made mistakes.

"This kind of food does not have leaves, but the white and tender rhizomes that grow under the water. After being dug out, whether it is cut into slices and boiled in hot water, mixed and eaten, or cut into diced stew. They are all very delicious.

Of course, the most delicious thing is to chop the meat with a knife, add the seasoning, use two slices of lotus root with some meat filling, wrap some noodles on the outside, and put it in the boiling oil.

The noodles on the outside were fried golden and golden, and the minced meat and lotus root slices inside were fried. After a bite, the noodles, lotus root and meat fragrant mixed together, the taste..."

After punishing those people a little bit, Han Cheng began to poison them. After talking about the many ways to eat lotus root, these people couldn't help swallowing, watching the growth here. The many lotus roots have their eyes shining brightly.

Even those guys who had just been kicked by Han Cheng.

"God, let's dig out the lotus root! We will make the lotus root box and eat it!"

Junior Brother Sha stretched out his hand to wipe the corners of his mouth and looked at Han Cheng expectantly and said that the lotus root he had been fried by the **** son was not light.

"Yes, God, let's dig lotus root! Dig lotus root and make lotus root boxes to eat..."

The others also spoke out.

Han Cheng reached out and wiped the corners of his mouth, lotus root boxes, he wanted to eat too! I want to dream! But he just has no face!

After getting the answer from Han Cheng, everyone in the tribe looked frustrated. Yeah, why did they forget that the son of God just talked about using noodles!

What is this low wheat? Where can there be growth?

If you know where the wheat grows, Junior Sha swears that he will get it to the tribe no matter how far away!

Not just him, everyone in the Qingque tribe here at this moment all have this idea.

Because in addition to the lotus root box just now, they have learned a lot of very delicious food from the gods, but the result is the same as the lotus roots just now. When they were greedy, they were told by the gods. I can’t make it out.

For a foodie, the most uncomfortable thing is this. It is more tormenting than when the arrow is on the line and the visit of relatives.

After learning about Sha and their thoughts, Han Cheng agreed with his hands and feet.

Not to mention them, after learning about Mai, Han Cheng could do such things himself.

As a northerner, it is really a kind of torture to be unable to eat food from the mouth all year round.

The tribe's soybeans, Han Cheng also personally grinds them, sifted out the bean noodles with a noodle sieve made of wooden boards and linen cloth, and steamed the bean noodles with the extremely sticky bean noodles after reconciliation. , Also posted bean noodle cakes.

The hard buns and pancakes that can kill the dog, don't mention how sour and refreshing to eat.

If it weren't for the noodles, Han Cheng said he couldn't eat anything.

After everyone was here to express their longing for wheat, Han Cheng let people throw some stones into this lotus root bush, and used a stick to beat the water on the shore, and waited for a while. After nothing unusual appeared, Han Cheng and some people took off their shoes and touched the lotus root in the shallow water not far from the shore.

As everyone started, the lotus root on the shore was immediately devastated. Many of the lotus roots were broken or stepped down, as if they were arched by a wild boar.

If a person in Iho is here and seeing this situation, he will definitely condemn Han Cheng and the others with heartbreak.

Han Cheng is actually a person who loves lotus. Not only can he admire the infinite green lotus leaves in the sky, the red lotus in the sun, but also the lotus leaves He Tiantian, the fish playing among the lotus leaves, the remaining lotus and the sound of the rain. It can also be done.

However, this did not prevent him from touching the lotus root enthusiastically, and while stepping on it, he explained how everyone could touch the lotus root faster and more.

It can be viewed from afar, and it is not to be played, such a thing does not exist here in Han Cheng, after all, the lotus root growing below is so delicious.

Han Cheng feels that he is a true lover of lotus, not only loves to see the growing lotus, but also likes to eat the lotus root growing below, it can be said that his love is very comprehensive.

The lotus root grows very fast, and when the lotus blossoms, and the lotus root is born~www.NovelMTL.com~ the lotus root below has already grown.

It was early summer, and the lotus just wanted to open up, but the lotus root below has basically grown.

After barefooted Han Cheng stepped on the thin mud below for a while, he stepped on the lotus root hidden in the mud.

After stepping on, Han Cheng didn't bend down like other people in the tribe to buckle with his hands, but continued to step on the mud underneath along the direction of the lotus root.

After stepping on for a while, bending over and reaching into the water, he can easily take out a lotus root, much faster than buckling the mud with your hands.

And when a lotus root is digging, other surprises are often encountered, that is, encountering the rest of the lotus root.

Because the lotus roots are crisscrossed in the mud.

It is precisely because of this that when you touch the lotus root, you can completely step on a small area of ​​the lotus root, and you can find many lotus roots.


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