I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 829: 3 squirrels (3 in 1)

There are many places to pay attention to the construction of the bridge, and it is not simply a construction of two stone piers, and then a strong and heavy stone slab is placed on top.

Among them, preventing soil erosion near the bridge is a very important thing.

If this is not done well, these bridges will most likely be destroyed by the washover over time.

This is also an important reason why later generations are forbidden to dig sand near the bridge.

Therefore, when Han Cheng was building the bridge, he also had two ‘eight’-shaped embankments built with stone barriers on both sides of the bridge to block the erosion of the soil bank by rain.

Compared with the soil bank, the stone embankment is more resistant to erosion.

In addition to this, Han Cheng also let people adjust the waterway near the bridge built according to local conditions, and strive to divert all the nearby water to this side and let it pass under the bridge.

This can maximize the role of a bridge.

After getting everyone together and building two bridges together, after gaining experience, Han Cheng began to group the people who built the bridges.

It was divided into four groups, and four bridges were constructed at the same time.

This is divided into four groups to maximize the efficiency of work.

Because when all the people gathered to build a bridge before, many people were in a dispensable state.

When the construction of the bridge was on track, Han Cheng and the group of people who built the Tongfu Inn came to the place where Songlin Station was originally planned to be built.

There are still a lot of pine trees here in the Pine Forest Station. When the wind blows through the pine forest, they will make a ‘oooo’ sound.

Don't stay alone in the pine forest when the wind is blowing for the cowardly people, because the wind blows through the pine forest and the whining sound from the swaying branches and leaves can scare the cowardly people into tears.

Even if I knew in my heart that it was the sound of the wind blowing through the pine forest, it wouldn't be enough.

Many pine trees are very tall and luxuriantly branched. They look hard inside, and can't see the side at a glance. They are very suitable for strong men to occupy.

However, in such an era, this place is destined to not develop like that.

A Tongfu Inn built here is enough to suppress everything.

If any tribe dared not open its eyes to guard the road built by the Qingque tribe, and rob the people of the Qingque tribe, the people of the Qingque tribe would definitely let them know what an organized robbery was.

After finding the place marked last year, Han Cheng wandered around here. After carefully looking at the terrain, he found that it was still the most suitable place to build houses, so he gave the order.

Following Han Cheng's order, these people who followed immediately took action.

The first thing to do is to cut trees.

It is impossible not to cut trees, because there are a lot of pine trees growing here, there is simply not enough space to build Tongfu Inn without cutting down.

These felled pine trees will not be wasted, and many of them will become materials for building Tongfu Inn.

As for the remaining small branches, they are also of great use.

After successive years of experimentation and exploration by Wu, it has been discovered that the best wood for making ink is pine.

The burnt pine tree, the soot left on the bottom of the pot is oily, and the black is very pure. After being made into ink ingots, it is polished with water in a rough stone inkstone, which is best for writing.

Han Cheng has decided to use the remaining branches and leaves to make some ink ingots after the construction of the Tongfu Inn.

Mass production is no longer necessary. The Qingque tribe does not consume much ink today, and producing more ink at a time is enough for the entire tribe to use for a year.

However, after the development later, the scale of the tribe continues to expand, and the demand for ink expands, but something can be built here to produce ink ingots...

Following the movements of the members of the Qingque tribe, within the area that was drawn, pine trees were felled one after another, and their branches and leaves fell to the ground.

Some of the squirrels who originally lived here, before the big tree was cut down, had already fled to the rest of the trees in a panic.

Watching the felled pine trees jumping and screaming, they greeted these damned robbers in their unique way.

But it was of no use. These people didn't pay attention to their jumping protests, and just continued their business.

When one of the people in the tribe felt that these squirrels were really noisy, he took a bow and arrow, and came up against it. A squirrel fell down and lay motionless on the ground.

After finding that it was not safe to stand on a tree, these squirrels, who were still clamoring just now, immediately scattered and fled, and no one dared to make a noise here.

At night, the hapless squirrel was pierced on a branch and roasted.

This is the sturdyness of primitive people, whether you are "嘤嘤嘤", whether you are cute or not, in their eyes are all vegetables.

Such a delicious and rare food, of course, must be enjoyed by the respected son first.

The peeled squirrel head looked no different from the mouse head. Han Cheng took it in his hand and looked at it. After all, he couldn't get the mouth down and returned it to the guy who roasted the squirrel.

Han Cheng didn't let this mouth go. This guy didn't care so much, and he and a few others directly shared the hapless squirrel.

One of them ate the squirrel's head that resembled a mouse's head in one bite, and Han Cheng couldn't help but bit his teeth.

On the second day, the logging was still going on. Some of them intercepted the felled trees, and then carried them to a place that didn't get in the way, waiting for backup.

If this trend continues, there will be at most three or four days before the foundation can be excavated and houses can be built...

These roads are supposed to be paved with stone slabs. Not only is it comfortable to walk, but after the roads are laid, you basically don't have to worry about them anymore.

No matter how heavy it rains in summer and autumn, there is no need to worry that the road will be damaged by rain.

Moreover, once paved with a slate pavement, you can walk on it even when it is raining. Not only can you walk on, but even donkey carts that are pulling heavy objects will not be affected. At least you don't have to worry about donkey cart wheels. Will sink into the mud.

Han Cheng, who pulled the branches with everyone for a while, walked along the pavement where many grasses or small saplings grew, thinking like this in his heart.

It's just that you can only think about things like this, because all of them are laid with slabs, which is too much labor and time.

In places close to the producing shale, it is okay to lay some in a small area. Once the distance is too far, it will really take a lot of effort.

If you still follow the manpower invested last year, Han Cheng made a rough estimate. If you want to lay the entire bronze highway with slabs, it may take two years except for spring ploughing, autumn harvest, and winter. To.

Because transporting slates on the road is too much trouble!

With the rammed earth road basically able to meet the current needs, Han Cheng couldn't make this determination to do this thing.

After all, there is still not enough manpower!

Han Cheng secretly sighed in his heart.

It is true that in the past few years, the Qingque tribe has been expanding and its manpower has been increasing.

But there are many more jobs that have been added.

In the old days, people in the tribe only needed to do two things: hunting, gathering fruits and digging wild vegetables.

But now, the people in the tribe need to do more than before.

Moreover, with the continuous development of the Qingque tribe, many things are gradually developing in the direction of refinement.

Every detailed thing needs someone to do it and be responsible.

Under such circumstances, the tribe wanted to mobilize so many people and smashed toward this place, it was really powerless.

Just use the dirt road first. As for the stone road or the cement road, wait until the tribe becomes stronger and has more manpower and material resources, then consider it!

Han Cheng stood here looking at the built dirt road. After thinking for a long time, he could only sigh and put the matter down temporarily.

Pure slate, now I can only think about it...

"What are you holding?"

After standing here for a while, Han Cheng turned and returned to the place where the pine trees were felled and built.

After walking there, he found that the guy who shot a squirrel to death yesterday and ate the roasted squirrel's head, put his hands together and walked to the side with joy.

Han Cheng asked him aloud after seeing it.

"God, look! It's delicious!"

After hearing Han Cheng questioning him, the man ran over with joy, put his hand in front of Han Cheng's eyes, and took the upper hand away as if offering a treasure.

Han Cheng's eyes followed, and several dumplings of pink flesh appeared in this person's hands, which looked very similar to mouse cubs who didn't grow much hair.

"This is a squirrel cub?"

Han Cheng guessed vaguely and asked aloud.

"Uh, uh,"

The man nodded quickly.

"Just cut the pine tree, there are holes in the cut, and I took out the pine nuts and them.

God, the little mouse baby is delicious, this one looks like it, it must be delicious too! "

This guy sucked his saliva while talking, looking greedy.

Han Cheng couldn't help but sniffed, can he not be so sturdy? Can anything go down?

"Don't eat this, give it to me."

After thinking about it for a while, Han Cheng said to this cruel guy, and called for a few pink little guys over.

This guy swallowed a few saliva at the four squirrels in Han Cheng's hand and went on to work.

These four little squirrels were not big, and none of them opened their eyes. After looking at them for a while, Han Cheng decided to raise them.

Of course, only God knows whether they can feed them, after all, these little guys are too small.

I found soft withered grass mats in the clay pot, made a nest for them, and put them in it.

Maybe he was hungry, and a few little guys who didn't open their eyes moved slowly inside.

One of them was still holding the tip of the other's tail, and the two small hugging, eating vigorously there.

Did you catch a female squirrel back to feed them? Or put them back in the pine forest and see if their parents will come to find them?

After staring at them for a while, Han Cheng finally decided to send them to the forest to see if their parents would come to look for them.

Because the cubs of these little squirrels are too small to feed.

It is not easy to catch squirrels, and they are still breastfeeding.

After this thought arose, Han Cheng took the four squirrels and walked deeper into the pine forest.

After seeing the surrounding quiet, he got stuck on the pine branch together with the clay pot, and then quietly retreated.

After waiting for more than an hour, Han Cheng came back again, and looked into the clay pot on the branch. The four little squirrels were still there.

Their parents did not come to look for them. It is possible that the one who was shot to death yesterday and eaten was their mother...

However, now the four squirrels can only be called three squirrels, because one of them is dead and it may be hungry.

After all, it has been a long time since that tree was brought down.

Throwing the dead one away, Han Cheng headed towards the hot construction site with the clay pot.

He decided to try to raise the remaining three squirrels by himself. If he put them down again, he would probably die immediately.

After returning, Han Cheng put the clay pot on a tree stump, and after talking about the Fu Jiang who was not allowed to eat them, Han Cheng took the bowl and walked to a deer in the tribe...

To say that these deer in the tribe are really pitiful, not only to work, but also to be nurses for so many people.

It's not enough just to be treated to humans, but now it is even more necessary to be treated to squirrels. It is a bitter tear to speak of.

But they are relatively lucky.

In Han Cheng's later generations, he saw even more tragic.

Where he lives, every evening, a woman drives a tricycle to sell fresh milk.

Of course there is nothing cruel about selling fresh milk, but if you are selling fresh milk while pulling beef and selling beef in the car, then things will immediately become unusual...

After squeezing a small bowl of deer milk, Han Cheng poured it into a clay pot to heat it and let it cool to feed the three surviving squirrels.

Without a bottle, this is not a simple job.

After Han Cheng tried several methods, he finally adopted the method of blowing a thin, hollow grass stalk inside.

After a while, they are considered to be fed.

The remaining deer milk was not spoiled, and was fed by Han Cheng to the lucky general who had been waiting for a long time.

The full-fed squirrel is as honest as the baby who is full-fed, and no longer closes his eyes and arches indiscriminately, but huddled together to sleep.

Han Cheng looked at them for a while, then made some soft hay to cover them, put them on the stump, holding Fu Jiang’s head, pointing to the squirrel inside to let him see, and once again explained that he was not allowed to eat they.

Then Han Cheng went to work on other things.

Fu Jiang squatted here to guard in front of the tree stump. Sometimes he would stretch his neck and sniff hard at the edge of the jar with his nose. Other dogs came, and once they got close to the clay pot, Fu Jiang would make some low whining. sound.

As soon as this sound is heard, the rest of the dogs will leave here immediately.

Three days later, the place was completely cleared, and these people in the tribe began to dig foundations to build houses.

Heiwa also took a few people who are good at making pottery. At a place not too far away, he built a kiln for burning tiles, and made tiles with mud there. After they were dried, they would open. The kiln is fired.

Before building the kiln, Heiwa first used the clay and some mud there to knead out a simple small pottery bowl, dried it with fire, and put it into a simple small kiln to burn.

After testing and confirming that the clay here is suitable for making pottery, the large kiln was built here.

Unlike the tribe, the pottery made from clay here is red and looks pretty.

As the crowd continued to get busy, the foundation of Tongfu Inn, which was used as an inn, was excavated, and the ground was gradually built.

The structure of Tongfu Inn is very simple. Five houses were built from the north to the south. A wall was built outside the house, covering a total area of ​​about two acres.

After the house is built, three of them will be built with soil kangs for people to sleep and rest at night, and the other two will be used for animals to rest.

Of course, as long as there is no wind or rain, you don't need to lead the animals into the room, and just keep them in the yard.

The three squirrels in the jar fed by Hancheng's boiled deer milk were also changed as the houses and walls that were gradually raised up on the ground grew up.

With the passage of a moment, these little guys who were originally red and translucent, gradually grew some hairs, and at the same time, their heads were much larger than before.

Now they have their eyes open, and they are very cute and fluffy.

When Han Cheng came to feed them, they would open their mouths by themselves and hug the grass stems with their two front paws. The food was very sweet.

Moreover, sometimes he would jump on Han Cheng's palm, squat on it, tilt his head and look at this dad. He has a furry tail that is clearly different from a mouse. It sways behind his body and looks very different. Rare.

After the entire Tongfu Inn was built, the three little guys were a big circle bigger than before, their physique became bigger, and they became more lively and active than before.

My favorite thing to do is to jump on Fu Jiang's body and go hide and seek.

Sometimes Fu Jiang would suddenly open his mouth to bite them, but they were often in contact with Fu Jiang when he was young, and he would not be afraid of Fu Jiang's move.

When Fu Jiang was gently bitten into his mouth, the four small paws flicked uncontrollably, and the big tail was swaying. That reaction, and Han Cheng gently scratched their belly with his fingers. It’s the same when you are, like laughing.

After Fu Jiangsong speaks and put them on the ground, these little guys will come to Fu Jiang again, often toss Fu Jiang into an indifferent face that cannot be loved.

Therefore, it is common for Fu Jiang to travel with a squirrel on his head and two on his back.

The rest of the dogs in the tribe, seeing these three squirrels in front of their boss, naturally wouldn't come to provoke them.

Of course, these three squirrels are not all naughty. Sometimes they will use the two small paws in front to hold the hard-searched pine cones to Fujiang’s mouth, and send their best food to Fujiang. share it.

If the blessed general does not eat, they can't hold back to the blessed general's mouth.

Poor Fortune General, after learning to be a vegetarian with Han Cheng, an unreliable master, now with the efforts of a few little squirrels, he has learned to eat pine cones...

"Kang bang 哐..."

With the sound of the axe hitting the chisel, the wood **** that was picked up by the chisel fell to the ground.

The words on the wooden board gradually appeared.

After the chiseling was completed, Han Chengcheng dipped the ink with a brush, and carefully traced along the chiseled marks.

After tracing it once, the four characters of Tongfu Inn immediately became eye-catching.

Of course, the blue bird with wings spread out in the middle of the'Tongfu Inn' also became eye-catching.

Nowadays, people in the tribe, whether in painting, simple embroidery, or carving, are very proficient in the blue sparrows, and the blue sparrows made look lifelike.

Without him, just practice a lot.

After the ink was dry, Han Cheng rubbed the plaque carefully twice with tung oil. After letting it dry, he looked very energetic.

Especially after hanging it above the gate of the built courtyard wall, it looks even more imposing.

The newly built Tongfu Inn looks very good, especially the overall red roof, which looks like a layer of ruddy covered by the afterglow of the setting sun, very beautiful.

In the evening, Han Cheng deliberately slept on the kang.

The door of the outer wall is inserted from the inside, and the door of the house is also inserted from the inside, immediately giving people a sense of security.

This sense of security cannot be given by simple camps built with tents.

After staying here for two more days, after handling all the corners and corners, Han Cheng and these people went along the road towards the original duck station~www.NovelMTL.com~ The Longmen Inn was built there.

The people who repaired the bridge and repaired the road have now built the bridge here.

Compared with the place where the bridge was built before, it is more difficult to build a bridge here.

Because the bridges built in other places basically deal with those seasonal flowing ditches, and here, the bronze expressway crosses several streams.

However, after such a long period of construction, these people in the tribe have gained a lot of experience in building bridges. Although it is relatively difficult to build bridges here, they still cannot help them.

As long as you work harder, you can always build these bridges.

The terrain here is mostly flat, the vegetation is dominated by weeds, and there are not many tall trees, so it is easier to clean up.

After coming here, it took only one day, and the people from the construction team had already cleared the place to build the house...

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