I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 828: Tongfu Inn and Dragon Inn (3 in 1)

"There, far away from our tribe, there is a tribe, and that tribe has many magical things.

There is something like snow grains called salt. Putting it on the food can make the food very delicious! "

Bark said to the leader of the Blackrock Tribe, with some longing.

The leader of the Blackstone tribe was very excited when he heard the tree bark say this, and slapped two slaps on the top of the tree bark's head.

The head was slapped with two slaps on the head of the Blackstone tribe leader, and the bark shrank inside. After seeing the state of the Blackstone tribe leader, I was very excited and continued to say: "There is something called pottery there, which can be cooked. The hot soup, in the winter, it tastes warm and very comfortable!"


The expression on the face of the leader of the Blackstone tribe became more excited, and he stretched out his hand, and slapped his head with the tree bark.

The bark with his head shrunk inside twice again, became more excited: "There is a lot of food there, no hunting, no eating!"


The head of the Blackrock tribe, who was more excited, slapped again.

The tree bark with its head shrunk and continued to excitement: "There are warmer caves, there are fire kangs for sleeping comfortably, and there are many deer..."

The leader of the Blackstone tribe raised his hand: "Papa!"

Bark's head shrank a little: "There is..."



Shrunk twice...

"Boss, let's take the black stone weapon and hit them! After we knock them down, these are ours!"

After so many slaps, the stunned tree bark, and after such a long preparation, finally the final purpose was stated.

Then he stared at the leader of Heishi Luo, expecting the leader of the Heishi tribe to nod and agree.

From the expressions of the leader of the Blackstone tribe that became more and more excited with his own words, as well as the increased strength of his hands, the bark has been determined. As long as he speaks the last words, the leader of the Blackstone tribe will definitely promise.


The leader of the Blackrock tribe smoothly slapped two palms on the head of the bark, with greater strength than before.

In this way, the bark, which is certain that things will happen, becomes even more certain.

"Don't go!"

However, the next clean words of the leader of the Blackstone tribe completely exceeded Bark's expectations, leaving Bark directly stunned on the spot.

What the hell? !

Not going? !

Why are you so excited if not?

Why don't you hit me so hard?

The hair on the top of the head is about to be knocked off by you, and the whole person is almost bald, you actually said you are not going?

Bark stared with a pair of eyes, looking at the leader of the Blackstone tribe, don't mention the depression in his heart, if it wasn't that he couldn't beat him, he wanted to press the leader of the Blackstone tribe on the ground at the moment, and his head was smashed to see to the bottom What is it?


The leader of the Blackstone tribe slapped his head with a bald bark, and his neck shrank inward again, which also made the bark a little more sober.

"Don't go!"

The leader of the Blackstone tribe repeated again, the simple words heard in the ears of the tree bark, it was simply a heartbreaking sound, the kind of shreds.

Of course, the leader of the Blackrock tribe would not take people to attack the tribe that Bark said that sounds very good.

On the one hand, it was because of the distance, and on the other hand, the leader of the Blackrock tribe felt completely unnecessary.

For the current living conditions of the tribe, the leader of the Blackrock tribe is very satisfied.

The cave, their tribe has, can be used to protect against the beasts against the wind and rain.

The food is also available in their tribe, and it is also abundant.

Especially after your tribe has bows and arrows and fish cages, and some of the tribes who surrender to their tribe also have these two tools, their tribe's food becomes more abundant.

Now, with the food sent by those surrender tribes, their tribe's food can no longer be eaten.

For heating in winter, the leader of the Blackstone tribe felt that as long as there was a fire, enough food and enough fur, they had been through the cold winter like this for these years.

Especially in the recent winter, after the new type of heating tool that was almost made by the bark was cooked, the leader of the Blackstone tribe became a bit abhorrent to the rest of the heating stuff.

At this time, the bark mentioned this stubble again, and the leader of the Blackstone tribe naturally wanted to bite the bark.

Since your own tribe has everything and nothing is missing, why bother to run so far to attack that unknown tribe?

Isn't this finding yourself uncomfortable?

The leader of the Blackrock tribe was really interested in the things Bark said, but he hadn't reached the point of abandoning all these things here and running so far to fight the unknown tribe.

After understanding the thoughts of the leader of the Blackstone tribe, the head was sore and the head was a little dizzy. For a while, he was speechless.

Yes, there is everything here, why do you want to leave here to fight with the people from the Qingque tribe?

He thought so much before and after, but he didn't think about it.

He wanted to continue to open his mouth to persuade the leader of the Blackstone tribe to take people south, but for a while he couldn't find what to say, he just touched the aching head and closed his mouth...

The slowest time in the world is time, and the fastest time is also time. It seems that in the blink of an eye, the large areas of rapeseed flowers outside the Qingque tribe have withered away, and the small rapeseed pods have grown and turned slightly yellow. .

"Open the sickle!"

One early morning, when there was some mist outside, Han Cheng carefully checked the color of the **** pods, and then gave the order to harvest the rape.

Rape is not a staple food. The biggest use is to eat it as a vegetable before it grows. Most of the rapeseed after harvest is mixed among the chopped grass and fed to the chickens, ducks and geese in the tribe, so it is compared to the whole tribe. In terms of land, not much is planted, not even one-twentieth.

Harvesting rapeseed of this size naturally does not have to go to war.

Some people were separated to harvest rapeseed, and the other group began to plant the third batch of millet.

Soybeans and peas are also grown at the same time.

Even while doing this, the houses under construction in the tribe did not stop.

This is the advantage of more people, and you can do many jobs at the same time.

During the busy schedule, the red sun was sinking, the jade rabbit rose in the east, the stone stretched its neck, and the eyes looked sour, only to see that there seemed to be a big laurel tree above the moon, but did not see a strong Beautiful woman dancing on it.

The time between sunrise and sunset quietly passed, the rapeseed of the Qingque tribe was received from the field, and the stone roller was run over, raised, and dried in the granary.

The excessively harvested land was turned over, and after the rakes, crops were planted.

Most of the crops grown in the harvested **** fields are soybeans.

In fact, the rotation of soybeans and wheat is the most suitable. Not only will it not reduce the fertility of the soil, but the roots of soybeans will promote the growth of wheat.

It's a pity that no trace of wheat was found in the tribe, so the soya bean can only make do with the rape...

The injury on the bark leg was completely healed, and there was nothing wrong with it except for a scar.

When the bark encloses the animal skin on the body, it will be specially exposed, because he really turned over in the Blackrock Tribe from this scar. At the same time, he also likes to think about the things after this scar. When someone asked, he was also very happy to tell.

At this time, the bark was squatting on the water's edge, picking up the water and splashing it on his legs, and then carefully washing his body.

However, his cleaning is different from the cleaning of the people of the Qingque tribe. The cleaning of the people of the Qingque tribe is the whole body, and he only cleans the scar.

Doing so can make this scar more conspicuous and allow people to pay more attention to his scar.

His scar was left behind to protect the tribe’s weapons from being snatched by the dead blue flower tribe leader!

When everyone believed that this matter was true, Bark gradually felt that this matter was indeed the case.

At this time, the bark squatting here to clean the wound was not as excited as before, but seemed a little silent.

This is because he thought of the leader of the Blue Flower Tribe through this scar, and then the leader of the Blue Flower Tribe remembered his wonderful plan, and then there was no more.

It’s been a long time since he was almost bald by the leader of the Blackrock tribe, but Bark still couldn’t figure out a good way to move the brutal and stubborn leader of the Blackrock tribe and let him lead him. People are going to attack the Qingque tribe.

However, in the past few days, he has already wondered why what he thought was very sure at the beginning was of no use to the leader of the Blackrock tribe.

It was not because what I said was not sound enough, nor was it because the Blue Sparrow tribe was not good enough to attract the leader of the Blackstone tribe.

It’s because the leader of the Blackstone tribe has not seen the Qingque tribe in person, has not experienced the taste of salted food, has not seen the usefulness of pottery, has not lived in a spacious and bright house, and has never eaten the Qingque tribe. Especially the deliciousness of the food made by the gods.

People who have not experienced this personally have no way to imagine how beautiful the Qingque tribe is. No matter what they say or what they say, they can’t really put this kind of experience they have never seen before. Imagine how good I feel.

It is precisely because of this that the leader of the Blackstone tribe will be content with the status quo, and will be indifferent to the salt and pottery that he said.

Things are figured out, but the bark has become more confused.

Because he found that he had no way to solve this matter.

If you want to convince the leader of the Blackstone tribe, you need to let him see the goodness of the Blue Sparrow tribe.

But if you want the leader of the Blackstone tribe to see the bluebird tribe, you must first let the leader of the Blackstone tribe go south and go to the bluebird tribe in person.

Only by experiencing it personally can you truly experience that kind of goodness.

Thus, this matter fell into a deadlock.

During this period of time, the bark has been embarrassed by this matter, and no suitable solution has been found.

It is precisely because of this that he is so uncomfortable.

If you didn't think of a way to deal with the leader of the Blackstone tribe, it would be fine, but now I have thought of a way, but because of such a reason, I can't achieve it...

Is it possible to get some salt or pottery and let the leader of the Blackstone tribe try it?

As long as you eat salted food, or use pottery, and appreciate the goodness of these two things, the leader of the Blackstone tribe should take the people south to attack the Qingque tribe according to what he said...

After Bark sat here depressed for a while, suddenly such a thought arose.

After thinking about it for a while, he became excited and didn't even clean the scars on his legs...

Within the Qingque tribe, Han Cheng was spreading out a piece of paper with many things on the table at this moment.

This is the road map of the bronze highway he drew last year.

Han Cheng looked at this map very seriously. After a while, he found a copper knife with a very thin sharpened edge and carefully scraped off the two writings on it with the blade. .

The stone sitting on the side looked at Han Cheng curiously, not knowing what the **** son was doing.

Shishi didn't ask, and Han Cheng didn't say, he was just doing things seriously.

After a while, the writing in those two places disappeared. Han Cheng pressed there with his fingers and pressed the hairy fibers relatively smoothly, then lifted the pen, and started writing stroke by stroke. .



Following the movement of Han Cheng's pen, the stone sitting aside slowly read what Han Cheng had written.

After reading it, he scratched his head with some doubts, and some did not understand why it was so good. Suddenly, the son of God wanted to change the name of the two post stations above the bronze highway.

Tongfu Inn and Longmen Inn don't sound very good, they are far from the original Songlin Station and Wild Duck Station, and they don't sound like these two names.

Stone didn't understand, but Han Cheng himself was enjoying it. He grinned at the two names of the future station location written on the map.

I should have thought of these two names a long time ago!

Sure enough, people rely on clothing, and horses rely on saddles. Now the construction of the two stations has not yet begun. It is just a change of names on the map. At first glance, it seems that the forced grid does not know how much it has risen!

I don't know how much more advanced it is than the previous Wild Duck Station and Songlin Station.

It’s a pity that Tong Xiangyu is missing from the Tongfu Inn, which has not yet been built, and there is no Lv Qinghou as the son once said. There is no gambling saint’s son, Li Dazui. There is no such thing as the Pirate Saint Baizhantang, who is often ambiguous with the boss.

The place changed from Wild Duck Station to Longmen Inn, without the hunting wind and the long yellow sand in the northwest, there is no woman named Jinxiangyu in the inn, and some are just streams, and in the streams flapping wings toward the water , A green-headed wild duck practicing light exercises on water...

Han Cheng thought with regret.

Then suddenly there was a flash of inspiration and a brilliant idea came to mind.

There are no such people there, so you can arrange a batch of them there!

Well, Shitou's mouth is quite big, or it won't be called Shitou in the future, and it's Li Dazui instead.

I was still scratching my hair and wondering what magical manipulation of the stone the **** child was. He inadvertently raised his head and saw the **** child smiling and nodding at him. He shuddered for no reason, and felt that something bad seemed to be happening. Fall on his head.

"I'm going to the toilet!"

Although he didn't know what was going to happen, Shishi used his impeccable stunt of urination without a teacher, and then ran out without looking back, and decided to keep with the son of God in the next few days. A safe distance.

Looking at the rock that was rushing out and disappeared in an instant, Han Cheng couldn't help sniffing his nose. Is he so scary? As for running faster than some reporters?

This kid is getting worse and worse.

After silently vomiting at the missing stone for a while, Han Cheng returned to the front of the table, and after squatting here and admiring his own brain hole for a while, he seemed a little bit reluctant to slowly take the map. Roll up.

The reason why Han Cheng changed the names of the two inns on a whim was not because he was idle and okay. In addition to his feelings, there was another reason for the improvement of the bronze expressway and the construction of the two inns should also be on the agenda. .

It is precisely because these things have been intermittently thinking about these things in the past few days that Han Cheng suddenly had such a brain hole.

Now that the third batch of crops has been planted, a large number of people in the tribe can be freed from the land, and it is just right to perfect the bronze highway.

This is a big project of the Qingque tribe, and with such a large amount of manpower and material resources, it definitely can't be turned into an unfinished project.

Han Cheng sat here thinking about this, and when he had dinner in the evening, he began to tell the people in the tribe.

Then what needs to be done is the deployment of personnel.

Most of the people who went to build roads last year went, and besides that, some people were brought along.

The extra people brought here are all good at building houses, and they are preparing to build Tongfu Inn in the place where Songlin Station was originally located.

Food, bedding, tools... etc. all need to be prepared.

After Han Cheng arranged the matter, one day later, the road-building team took all kinds of things, and under the guidance of the Qingque flag, set off in a mighty manner.

This time, Han Cheng also followed, because this time is different from the previous simple road construction. What needs to be done this time, except for the construction of Tongfu Inn and Longmen Inn, the rest are basically bridges on the bronze highway. .

Last year, all the constructions were dirt roads, and the places that needed to be bridged were all vacant, so we will stay in this year.

The people in the tribe are not very familiar with the bridge, so Han Cheng, a knowledgeable traverser, is needed to guide them.

Walking along the road built last year, Han Cheng was also carefully watching the road built by the people of the Qingque tribe after they sweated a lot.

Naturally, there is nothing to say about the place where the slabs are laid. Except for some weeds that have emerged from the cracks in the slabs and appear particularly tenacious, the rest are no different from when they were built last year. They are still very strong when they are stepped on. .

The pavement made by rammed earth is not enough.

Life is often a thing that is so strong that it is amazing. Some grass can be arched out of the cracks in the pavement where the stone is laid. On these pure soil roads, naturally there will be a lot of grass, and there are still a lot of them. Kind.

Moreover, after six months of wind and rain, the pavement that was originally rammed has become less solid, and many places have been washed out by the rain.

This is because the road has not been completely rehabilitated, and there are not too many people traveling between the Qingquezhu tribe and the Tongshan residential area.

If it is a dirt road that is often crushed by four-wheeled vehicles in later generations, these grasses will never have a chance to grow.

Another aspect is that dirt roads are really inferior to stone roads.

These are not the most serious. The most serious is that there are three or four places that were directly washed away by rain.

In two or three places, half of the road was washed away by rain.

These were not paid attention to when it was first built. The places that seemed inconspicuous at the time were actually the channels through which rainwater flows.

When the road was built, no gap was left here. When it rained, water flowed here, and there was no place to go out, which was caused by overflowing the road.

With this kind of thing, the look of Gu and the people who participated in the construction of the road last year were a little red.

Because the roads they built only took half a year, damage occurred in many places, which made them feel particularly disgraceful.

"God, let's fix it!"

Gu said quickly from the side.

Han Cheng stopped Gu and them.

Blocking is worse than sparse, he still knows the truth.

Since the collected rainwater passes through these places when it rains, there is not much use for blocking ~www.NovelMTL.com~ because it is necessary to give this water a hole to flow through.

On the contrary, it is better to simply build bridges directly in these places.

The structure of the Qingque tribe’s bridge is very simple, that is, where the bridge is to be built, a strong stone mound is built with stones on both sides, and thick and strong slabs are placed on top.

Two stone piers were built in the narrow area, and one bridge hole was built, and the wider area was built with a few more stone piers and a few more bridge holes.

However, the span between these bridge holes is not large, and the largest span is not more than 1.5 meters.

According to the current level of the Qingque tribe and the existing conditions, bridges that are too high-level cannot be built at all.

The Zhaozhou Bridge, a bridge that spans several tens of meters in one arch, is even more amazing.

However, such a bridge is also sufficient for the Qingque tribe whose largest vehicle is a donkey cart.


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