I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 827: You can let the Blackrock Tribe attack the Blue Sparrow Tribe (3 in 1)

The people of the Blue Flower Tribe who stayed in the cave were undoubtedly very unlucky. Qiangwanwan didn't expect the leader to come back. Instead, the people who were looking forward to coming were the people of the Blackstone tribe who were holding Blackstone weapons.

In the past, the leader of the Blue Flower tribe did not die, and the strong adults in the tribe did not lose more than half of them. When their tribe met the Blackstone tribe with blackstone weapons, they were still scumbed by seconds, not to mention the current situation. Down.

Although when they saw the people from the Blackrock tribe coming, some of them had already started to warn and rushed into the cave, but it still made no sense.

When the power gap between the two sides is too large, many small skills will not help with the powerful force, and they will still be turned into a scum...

It didn't take long for the place to be filled with a strong smell of blood, and blood slowly flowed out along the gully at the entrance of the cave.

Under such circumstances, a dozen people from the Blue Flower tribe, driven by the blackstone tribe with weapons, left the cave where they had lived for a long time, and walked away tremblingly.

There was a lot of blood on their feet, leaving a lot of messy **** footprints outside the cave entrance.

As they walked, their **** footprints became lighter and lighter, and eventually disappeared completely.

Most of the people who were driven to walk were underage people.

Driven by the Blackrock tribe with weapons, they walked forward in fear.

No one spoke, and even the tears went on silently.

Similarly, no one wanted to escape, because anyone who wanted to escape would be shot to the ground by the evil Blackrock tribe with the tools their leader wanted to get.

Those who were shot either died directly, or after wailing in pain for a while, they were overtaken by the evil Blackrock tribe to kill them with sharp blackstone weapons.

The people of the Blackrock tribe with weapons were already very powerful, but they got this kind of weapon that can shoot far away, which made them even more unmatched.

These people, who are full of fear, walked forward in silence. They are already very powerful for the evil Blackrock tribe, but they are very puzzled as to why they can get even more powerful weapons...

When the people of the Blackstone tribe drove these blue-flower tribe minors back to the Blackstone tribe, the bark was already able to walk on a stick.

His swollen and shining legs at the beginning have also disappeared by more than half.

Here, people have to sigh once again for the strength of the original human body.

Of course, the bark can recover so quickly, and it is winter now, which is not conducive to the growth of bacteria.

At the same time, all the feather arrows on the bark are made of pure wood after burning, not metal arrows, which further reduces the risk of inflammation.

At this time, the bark was very happy. He was limping on a leg with a wooden stick. Like the rest of the people who stayed in the Blackrock Tribe, at a certain distance from the cave, he drove the captives and returned to the leaders of the Blackrock Tribe. welcome.

After learning that the entire Lanhua tribe had been killed except for those who had returned from the captives, Bark grinned even more happily behind his ears.

If it wasn't for the arrow wound on the leg that has not been completely healed, he would definitely jump his feet to welcome the return of the leaders of the Blackrock tribe...

After the cold willow wind blew, the apricot blossoms on the tree withered, and there were patches of pink on the ground.

Among the fallen branches of the apricot flowers, there are some small apricots in the middle of the tender leaves.


Bai Xuemei is definitely a cruel person, these apricots have just fallen flowers, she is already standing below and drooling at them with her head up.

As soon as she did this, Han Cheng suddenly remembered the appearance of Bai Xuemei licking the green apricot, and couldn't help taking a sip of water.

In order not to let his saliva suffocate, Han Cheng pushed the stroller and slid to the side very numbly, and decided to stay away from this unacceptable murderous lady...

In the field, the first batch of millet planted has sprouts, and when viewed from a distance, there is a sparse and sparse yellow, which looks very beautiful.

Sitting on the ground, Wu Wu looked at the vast expanse of land where young shoots had just emerged, with smiles in his eyebrows and full of longing.

Farther afield, the people in the tribe are still farming, preparing to turn over another batch of land and start the second round of millet planting.


The old sheep and some other people took the shepherd's whip, with a bow on their back and an arrow hanging from their waist, driving the flock to a place further away from the tribe. A dozen trained dogs followed The old sheep and the others acted together, walking back and forth around the flock, not allowing the flock to run too far, and at the same time effectively preventing some wild beasts from attacking the flock.

In the cold spring breeze, Han Cheng, who was pushing Little Myolie, straightened up, looked at the beautiful scene of a dynamic painting in the quiet spring, couldn't help taking a long breath.

Seeing others working, I quietly experience this slow-paced life, the lifestyle he had dreamed of before, and now it has been realized.

This is really a desirable life!

At the same moment, the bark is full of joy.

In fact, since the leader of the Blue Flower Tribe was killed by him, and the entire Blue Flower Tribe was wiped out by the leader of the Blackstone Tribe, the mood of the bark has been very beautiful.

Thinking carefully about the whole story of revenge, as the biggest winner, the more he thought about it, the more comfortable he felt. He was driven out from the Blue Sparrow Tribe, after a long period of wandering, and then met the Bark Tribe. When the people inside are in a good mood.


Bark pointed to one of the minors from the Blue Flower tribe and said, that minor quickly took Bark's cane over, with restraint in fear, for fear that this cruel guy would beat her.

Now, these minors who were looted back by the leader of the Blackstone tribe have lived in the Blackstone tribe.

However, the status is very low, compared to when Bark and the talents from several other original Bark tribes came here.

But in any case, they are still alive and not dead. This should be the greatest luck in misfortune.

The bark of the legs and feet was not completely healthy and walked outside, and the underage prisoners of the blue flower tribe also appeared to be very careful to follow behind and walk outside.

The tribe who came to pay for food came outside again. As the parties involved in this matter, as well as the only remaining members of the Blue Flower Tribe, the Bark and the minors of the Blue Flower Tribe all need to go out and do something.


Outside the Blackrock Tribe, the leader of the Blackrock Tribe pointed to the bark that came by, and the captives of the Blue Flower Tribe, speaking loudly.

After saying this for a while, he took a burnt and somewhat black skull from one side, raised it high, and said loudly to those who came to pay for the food.

He was telling these people what happened this time, telling these people, don't think about taking things from their Blackrock tribe, otherwise, like the Blue Flower tribe, he will welcome their anger and accept their punishment.

The effect is very obvious. Those people who were in awe of the Blackrock tribe, understood what the leader of the Blackrock tribe meant, and looked at the skull of the leader of the Blue Flower tribe and the remaining ones. After the minors of the Blue Flower Tribe, they became more fearful and awe-inspiring towards the Black Stone Tribe, and they lowered their heads, and they dared not show up.

Seeing this, the leader of the Blackstone tribe was a little bit satisfied. He found that this feeling seemed more comfortable than bringing people to kill these people.


The leader of the Blackstone tribe, who was in a good mood, waited for a while. After carefully recollecting the taste, he stretched out his hand and pointed to one side, which meant that these people could leave.

The people who were so frightened that their calves were a little trembling, they turned their heads and left the Blackstone tribe, fleeing toward their own tribe.


Standing here watching these people fleeing in the wild, without daring to go back all the way, the leader of the Blackstone tribe was indescribably happy, the smile on his face has not disappeared.

He waited until he couldn't see these people before he turned his head, stretched out his hand and patted **** the bark head standing aside, and praised him loudly.

Because this idea was given to him by the bark.

The tree bark that was patted on the head by the leader of the Blackstone tribe and was praised had a smile on his face, and was lowered by his head, so that the leader of the Blackstone tribe could be more comfortable.

The look looks very similar to Fu Jiang, who was praised by Han Cheng and stroked his head with his hands.

After receiving a lot of praise from the leader of the Blackrock tribe, he was slapped with a dazed bark on the palm of the leader of the Blackrock tribe. This led to the minors of the Blue Flower tribe and walked into the cave. go with.

Back to the cave, lying on the bark in the dark, the smile on his face disappeared.

Looking left and right, after seeing that no one noticed him here, he pointed in the direction where the leader of the Blackstone tribe was, and spit out silent saliva with a secret jab.

For the leader of the Blackstone tribe, the bark had a knot in his heart, it was so big that it couldn't be solved.

He didn't know how many times he had thought about killing the leader of the Blackrock tribe, but fear made him unable to do it.

This kind of wanting to kill the other party, but there is no way, on the contrary, he has to blindly please the feeling, which makes the bark very uncomfortable.

It's just that his discomfort can only be manifested when he is hidden in the dark and he is alone.

Many people will adjust their emotions consciously or unconsciously.

When feeling extremely powerless about a thing, many people subconsciously choose to divert attention and avoid it by thinking back or doing other pleasant things.

This is a spirit somewhat similar to Ah Q.

After venting vicious grievances against the leader of the Blackrock tribe, there is still no way to get rid of the bark of the leader of the Blackrock tribe, so he doesn't think about this extremely bad thing.

He began to think about things that made him happy.

The thing that made him most happy recently was the killing of the leader of the Blue Flower tribe and the series of things that happened next.

These things, Bark has been thinking back and forth many times, but at this moment, he is still very happy to continue thinking about this matter.

And every time I think about it, I can get a lot of happiness from it.

And it is foreseeable that this is definitely not the last time Bark recalled this matter, nor was it the last time he got pleasure from it.

This is that memories are refreshing for a while, memories are always refreshing.

Bark recalled very carefully. First, he hurried over from the leader of the Blue Flower tribe and led people to tell her that an evil tribe would come to attack their tribe and start to think about it, and then slowly recall the first time between the Blackrock tribe The battle and the second fate that greatly changed his fate.

In the past, whenever he thought of this, Bark's chest would rise and fall violently, this time he was no exception, and his chest would also rise and fall violently.

The only difference is that this time there is no light of hatred in his eyes. On the contrary, what is revealed is a thick surprise and excitement!

After this excitement lasted for a while, the bark was trembling slightly.

After a while, he calmed down a bit, and then continued to think about things.

You can't think about this at all, as long as you think about it a little bit more carefully, Bark will be excited and want to swing.

At the same time, there was a feeling of gratitude for the leader of the Blue Flower tribe who had died and was burned to ashes.

Because just now when recalling things, Bark suddenly thought of a way to deal with the leader of the Blackrock tribe and the people of the Blackrock tribe!

It was a very wonderful method, more secure than any method he had thought before, and was extremely feasible.

The direct inspiration for this approach came from his memories of the leader of the Lanhua tribe just now.

The **** leader of the Blue Flower tribe can let the evil Blackstone tribe leader lead people to attack his own tribe, and he can also let the evil Blackstone tribe attack other tribes!

Ordinary tribes can't beat the evil Blackrock tribe, but some tribes can beat it!

The tree bark's mind came to mind with the Blue Sparrow Tribe with a high wall, and the scene when he followed the Bone Tribe leader to attack the Blue Sparrow Tribe and was easily defeated by the Blue Sparrow Tribe.

There are many people in the Qingque tribe, with plenty of food, high walls, long bows and arrows, and more importantly, a very clever and intelligent god!

It looks extremely powerful, and the Blackstone tribe, which he has no way of resisting, will definitely be defeated after encountering the powerful Blue Sparrow tribe!

I can't directly kill the leader of the Blackstone tribe, but I can use the hands of the Blue Sparrow tribe to kill them!

If you also learn the appearance of the leader of the Blue Flower Tribe, tell the people of the Blue Sparrow Tribe in advance that the evil Blackrock Tribe will attack them. Maybe after the Blackstone Tribe is destroyed by the Blue Sparrow Tribe, I can return to it. Qingque tribe goes to live!

If he could go back again, Bark decided that he would work hard and would never feel tired of abandoning the tribe's work.

Because after leaving the Qingque tribe, he discovered that the suffering and tiredness suffered in the Qingque tribe were nothing at all.

Living in the Qingque tribe, I can sleep very peacefully. After I have done what I should do, I don't have to think about other things at all.

Don’t worry about getting hungry, don’t worry about having no clothes to wear, don’t worry about enemies coming over, let alone beating yourself when someone is alright...

After all these years of hardship, Bark found out what a nostalgic place for the blue bird tribe, which he disliked the tiring work, and how happy the people living in that tribe are!

Talk about the leader of the Blackrock tribe!

Must tell the leader of the Blackrock tribe to go south!

In this way, not only can the **** Blackstone tribe be killed with the help of the Qingque tribe, it is more likely to return to the Qingque tribe to live!

Sitting in a dark place thinking about these bark, the excitement on his face can't hide...

The weather is getting warmer and warmer, and with the warming weather, there is an extremely strong vitality.

In a separate space opened between the inner wall and the outside of the Qingque tribe, beehives are placed.

With the split after the birth of the new queen bee over the years, and the several colonies of bees that have been discovered and conquered one after another, there are now more than twenty beehives in the small yard dedicated to beekeeping by the Qingque tribe.

This is the time when the flowers are in full bloom in spring. Numerous bees are flying around here, noisy. Looking at it from afar, there are countless small black spots near the beehive.

In this situation, even the people in the Qingque tribe who like to eat honey most felt that the scalp was a little numb after seeing it, and they did not dare to get too close.

The tribe likes to squat around in the fields with Sahuan dogs, and after a few stinged one after another, they dare not approach here.

In the face of these things, the only beekeeper from the Qingque tribe who can be calm.

Of course, the premise is to wear the protective suit made of linen and wear leather gloves.

The place where the beehives are placed is lively, and the fields outside the Qingque tribe are even more lively.

Because the large tracts of rapeseed flowers are already in full bloom, looking from a distance, the small flowers form a brilliant yellow, which actually gives people a dazzling feeling under the sunlight.

The flowers are lively, and the bees are also lively.

The bees in the tribe are very busy, flashing their small wings here, buzzing in the flowers and grass. Two hind legs, which are larger than normal legs, are covered with a ball. Yellow pollen.

There is no need for the wind to blow at all, the entire Qingque tribe is enveloped by the rich fragrance of **** blossoms.

No matter how you look at this kind of scenery, people can't see enough.

At this time, the second batch of millet from the Qingque tribe had been planted.

After the **** is mature, the third batch of millet will be planted.

Such planting in batches not only allows the millet to mature in a sequence, but also avoids risks.

Even if one of the batches encountered natural disasters that led to a reduction in millet production, and there were two other batches, life would not be too sad.

In addition to a piece of land on which rapeseed grows, and land that is planned to be fallow, the land for millet that is going to be planted in the third batch has also been turned over.

But despite this, the people of the Qingque tribe did not stop, they waved the tools used for turning the ground, and continued to open up wasteland further away.

Among them, the most people went to the salt mountain to open up wasteland.

The people in the tribe want to reclaim all the land near the Salt Mountain before the beginning of winter this year, and connect it with the land around the main tribe.

In this way, the tribe will have more land to grow food.

It will also be able to quickly realize the scene described by the son of God before, which excites them-the tribe stores a lot of grain in the grain cellar, enough for the tribe to eat for two or three years!

However, not all of them have gone to open up wasteland. There are still twenty or thirty middle-aged people who stayed in the tribe and were building houses.

These people are people who were used to building houses before.

Compared with last year, this year’s crop can be at least 300 acres more. If nothing happens, Qingque tribe’s total crop output this year will be more than last year, which is certain.

Some of the granaries before have been transformed into houses to accommodate the people of the original wind tribe and neighboring wind tribes. The number of granaries is not enough.

So after the second round of planting, Han Cheng asked these people to start building houses in the tribe.

The house has the same specifications as the previous one, with several rooms in a row.

The bottom of the house is built with stones and the top is rammed with earth.

The soil was not taken outside, and it was carried out not far from the previous grain cellar.

After the circle calculated a safe distance, it circled a large circle there for people to take soil from.

In this way, after a house is built, a new grain cellar can basically take shape.

Not too far from the river, three people are digging soil and mud to make tiles.

Heiwa did not participate in it~www.NovelMTL.com~ Nowadays, the new generation of Qingque tribe has cultivated a lot.

Tile making requires a lot of repetition and does not have too much technical content. It is no longer necessary for the master Heiwa to roll up his sleeves and do it himself. Those who have learned these can do it well.

As everyone worked, the wasteland was turned over, weeds and bark were picked up, and it gradually turned into fertile land, walls were gradually built on the flat ground, and the outline of the house began to appear.

In such labor, time passes quietly...

Let us raise our heads and cast our eyes to the north of the Qingque tribe.

Looking through the mountains and waters and time and space, he came to the Blackrock Tribe.

Because I remembered the way to deal with the Blackstone tribe leader and the entire Blackstone tribe, Bark was so excited that after carefully considering the ins and outs of the matter and confirming that there would be no loopholes, he finally summoned his courage. Started to tell the leader of the Blackrock Tribe about the Blue Sparrow Tribe...


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