I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 826: Death of the leader of the blue flower tribe (3 in 1)

The quiver that was thrown aside by the bark turned over when it was in the air, and five or six feather arrows slid from it and scattered on the ground.

Such movement naturally attracted the attention of the leader of the Lanhua tribe.

It's just that she didn't think much about it, because her attention was basically attracted by the bow in her hand and the bark of a feather arrow in her hand.

She felt that Bark took out a feather arrow to teach herself to use this tool.

As for the other things, I didn't think much about it. After all, in her cognition, the bark in front of her was not a person with a good head. Taking out a feather arrow to teach her how to use this tool was the only thing that could happen.

However, what happened in the next moment completely exceeded the expectations of the leader of the Lanhua tribe.

An excited smile appeared on her face, waiting for Bark to teach her how to use this tool, holding the bark of a feather arrow in her hand, but suddenly waving the hand holding the arrow at her. Down.

The leader of the Blue Flower Tribe didn't react at all, and a piercing pain spread from his chest throughout his body.

Her body shook abruptly because of the intense pain, and there was only time to let out a painful howl, and then there was no sound.

In the eyes of the big boss, all the looks disappeared, not even a little extra struggle.

She even held the bow of the bark tightly in her hand until she died.

What happened was too sudden, and the turning point was particularly big. For the leader of the Blue Flower Tribe, there was no sign at all. This thing happened suddenly like this.

No reaction time was left for the leader of the Lanhua tribe, so that she hadn't figured out what had happened, and the whole person died like this.

The bark's shot this time can be said to be the key to deep and firmness.


Seeing the leader of the Blue Flower tribe lying motionless on the grass with a feather arrow stuck in his chest, the bark was panting heavily.

A kind of ease and pleasure of retribution rushed to his heart, and some panic rushed up together.

I was a little too flustered just now, and forgot to cover the mouth of the leader of the Blue Flower tribe, causing her to scream when she was dying.

This has to quickly figure out a way to deal with this matter, otherwise someone will come over soon.

As the bark thought, sweat dripped down his forehead.

Just now I was just happy to kill the leader of the Blue Flower tribe this time, but I forgot how to deal with it after killing.

When Bark was thinking nervously about what to do, he poked his head out of the withered grass and looked around. After hearing the screams in his imagination, he should have rushed here quickly. The person did not show up.

Except for a few sporadic people who looked a little surprised and looked around, the rest of the place remained the same as before, and it was not obvious how frightened people were.

Although I don't know why it was like this, but this discovery still made Bark a little more at ease, allowing him time and some thoughts to think about what to do next.

After a moment of hesitation here, Bark suddenly moved. He quickly came to the side, picked up the quiver he had thrown aside, and at the same time filled the scattered feather arrows into the quiver.

The reason why he threw the quiver aside just now is because although the leader of the Blue Flower Tribe is only a female, but the physique is also very strong, worried that the leader of the Blue Flower Tribe will draw arrows from the quiver. Come and tie yourself.

After packing up the quiver, the bark cat came to the blue flower tribe leader's waist and stretched out his hand to take his bow and arrow.

He was about to take this opportunity to sneak away by himself.

Although knowing that this is very dangerous and that it would be fatal if it is not done properly, Bark still wants to do this. After all, he was very lucky to survive before.

Since there is the first time, there may be a second time.

Bark couldn't directly hold his bow and arrow in his hand, because the leader of the Blue Flower Tribe held it too tightly.

Even though she was dead, the hands holding the bow and arrow did not relax at all.

She really wanted such a tool.

The bark put down the bow and arrow in his hand, and then vigorously broke the hand of the leader of the blue flower tribe.

After taking a lot of effort to break a hand, the bark suddenly stopped.

After a short pause here, he took off the quiver hanging from his waist and threw it to the ground.

The feather arrows in it were scattered all over the ground.

He thought for a while, then stretched out his hand to pick up a feather arrow from the ground and broke it forcefully, then picked up another one, took a deep breath, and thrust it up against his calf.

The feather arrow plunged into the flesh, and the strong pain made the bark howl uncontrollably.


After a screaming scream, the bark began to scream in horror, and at the same time struggled to stand up from the ground, dragged the leg stabbed by the feather arrow and crawled the dead grass, toward the place where the tribal cave was located. Run to...

The leader of the Blackstone tribe, who looked a little sleepy, heard the howl when the leader of the Blue Flower tribe was dying, but he didn't say anything about it.

He just raised his head and glanced at the general direction of the sound, after showing a meaningful smile, he continued to doze there.

The leader of the Blackstone tribe is a person who has come over, and he is also a person who has experienced collective life since birth.

Over the years, he didn't know how many such things he had personally experienced and experienced, and he had already had a strong ability to withstand these things. It is not surprising what kind of sound he makes when he knows this.

Most of the others had the same ideas as the leader of the Blackstone tribe, and because of this, the dying howl of the leader of the Blue Flower tribe did not arouse people to watch.

But this idea didn't last long before it was broken.

Listening to the horrified screams of the bark in the distance, and then watching him crawling and running in the withered grass, the leader of the Blackrock tribe who was still dozing off instantly became energetic.


He abruptly stood up from the ground, grabbed the black stone weapon beside him on the ground, yelled loudly at the surroundings, and then ran to the bark that was staggering here with the weapon.

With deep anger.

Because just now from the bark cry, he heard something that he could not forgive.

This thing is that the leader of the Blue Flower Tribe took the opportunity to **** the bark weapon when there was no one!

Bark is now a member of their Blackrock Tribe, the kind that has completely surrendered. The weapon to **** the bark is to **** the weapon of the Blackrock Tribe. As the leader of the Blackrock Tribe, he certainly cannot bear such a thing.

You know, the other tribes dared to take the initiative to rob their tribe. After their tribe obtained the Blackstone weapon and fully discovered its value, it has never happened again. Now under the nose of the leader of the Blackstone tribe, When this happened, how could the leader of the Blackrock tribe not be angry?

However, there was some faint excitement in the anger.

Because since the tribe where the bark was smashed last spring, no other tribe dared to resist their tribe.

In other words, the leader of the Blackrock tribe has not had a fight with other tribesmen for a year.

Since discovering that his tribe is getting stronger and stronger, the leader of the Blackrock tribe, who has become more and more militant, feels that his hands are already itchy.

So, after something like this happened at this moment, he ran over there extremely fast.

What happened suddenly broke the tranquility here.

With the continuous exclaim of the bark and the yelling of the leader of the Blackstone tribe, the rest of the people heard the movement of the Blackstone tribe began to act.

Some people from the Blackstone tribe overturned the people from the Blue Flower tribe and pressed them to the ground.

Others quickly got rid of the entanglement of the blue flower tribe people, and ran quickly towards the running leader of the Blackrock tribe.


The leader of the Blackstone tribe, the fastest running, came to Bark, grabbed the staggering Bark, stopped him, and then asked him loudly.

At this time, the bark was pale, and cold sweat fell on his forehead.

It's not that his acting skills are too good, but that the arrow he thrust into his leg not long ago was hard enough.

And after getting in, he didn't pull out the feather arrow, but ran here with the feather arrow on his leg.

Although the terrain here is relatively flat, there are dense weeds growing around it. During such a run, where the feather arrows inserted in the legs are exposed, they will continue to be collided by the weeds. It is not to mention the taste. It's sour.

What acting skills are needed there? Because all this is true.

This can be compared to a TV series, a white and tender young man, pulling a bucket of water from the well out of the well, sweating and grinning.

This young man, who looks like he has kung fu in his costume, doesn’t matter if he is tired of a bucket of water. The point is that the young man is exhausted to such an extent. He is used to stab him from the well. The rope for lifting water is actually still bent, with a very obvious bend in half at 30 centimeters.

At first glance, the rope just untied.

Even if an empty bucket falls, the rope can't be bent, let alone tired a white and tender guy into such a bucket of water.

Could it be that the one used to lift water out is not a rope, but a steel bar?

This kind of acting is really incomparable to primitive people. Putting it in the place where the bark is at this time, you must not be able to get rid of the fate of being killed and roasted after being discovered by the leader of the Blackrock tribe and others...

Seeing the feather arrows inserted deep into the legs of the bark and the blood flowing down the legs, the leader of the Blackstone tribe became even more angry and excited.

This bark, he and the people of their tribe can fight as much as they want, but the people of the other tribes dare to fight like this, it will be impossible!

Not to mention that the one who hit the people was still a tribe leader who surrendered to them!

However, when the leader of the Blackstone tribe held the limping bark in one hand and the blackstone weapon in the other hand came to the place that was overwhelmed by a piece of withered grass, he was suddenly stunned.

Because not long ago, she went through the grass with her, snatched the bark weapon, and stabbed the bark with a feather arrow to become the leader of the blue flower tribe, which was dead.

Lying motionless in the withered grass, there was a feather arrow stuck in his chest.

This feather arrow plunged deep, deeper than the root that pierced the bark leg.

Such a scene made the leader of the Blackstone tribe, who wanted to personally educate himself and dared to **** the weapons of their tribe, and stabbed the bark into such a blue flower tribe leader, was very surprised and felt a little disappointed.


At this time, the rest of the Blackstone tribe ran over, and they all saw the scene in front of them.

The leader of the Blackrock tribe looked at the bark and opened his mouth, asking what was going on.


With a pale face and sweat dripping down the bark began to speak out, with a trembling in his voice, he began to tell how the despicable leader of the Blue Flower tribe used his power to **** the bow and arrow he put aside.

After he discovered how they fought, how did the two pick up the feather arrows that had fallen from the quiver and stabbed each other.

And after being stabbed in the leg by the leader of the Blue Flower Tribe, how he stabbed the feather arrow in his hand indiscriminately, and then ran away from here for help...

When she said this, Bark felt that her heart was about to jump out of her throat, and her whole body was trembling nervously.

He tried his best to get rid of this state, but unfortunately, the harder he worked, the more obvious this state would become.

In this way he was even more frightened, for fear of being seen by the leaders of the Blackrock tribe.

Bark was worried that it was in vain, his reaction fell in the eyes of the leaders of the Blackrock tribe and others, but he felt that what he said was more credible.

Anyone who has just experienced such a thing will not be better than the bark.

What's more, there is a feather arrow stuck in the bark leg!

The leader of the Blackstone tribe listened to the bark's account and looked at the feather arrows scattered on the ground and the broken feather arrow.

Then squatted in front of the deadly Lanhua tribe and reached out to grab the bow held by the leader of the Lanhua tribe.

After taking it, he stretched out his hand to break the fingers of the leader of the Lanhua tribe.

It took a lot of effort to break a finger.

People are dead, and holding the bow and arrow so tightly, this is definitely a bow and arrow grab!


The leader of the Blackstone tribe roared angrily, put down the Blackstone weapon in his hand, and hit the face of the dead Lanhua tribe with a bow left and right for several ears, and turned the head of the staring Lanhua tribe with a twist. Crooked.


At this moment, other Blackrock tribe people shouted loudly.

As soon as the leader of the Blackstone tribe grasped the Blackstone weapon, he suddenly stood up from the ground and looked in the direction from which the sound came. Only a dozen people were running wildly in the distance.

These crazy runners are from the Blue Flower tribe.

At this time, they were terrified.

They all knew what their leader wanted to do this time. Suddenly there was such a big movement, and they had not seen their leader come out, so you don't need to think about it to know that it was their leader.

The people who planned the tools of the Blackstone tribe and stabbed the Blackstone tribe are now discovered by the people of the Blackstone tribe. Then think about the brutal appearance of the Blackstone tribe. The people of the blue flower tribe have their calves trembling.

At the beginning, not everyone thought of running away without looking back, but after one person took the lead, the rest of them ran away involuntarily, for fear of running slowly. Be killed here.

Since most of them did things that were too indescribable in the previous time, it caused the whole body to be very cool when they ran wildly at this time.

It's better for them not to run. This kind of run makes the fact that they have a guilty conscience not doing a good job.

Hearing the cries of his own tribe, and seeing this scene, the leader of the Blackrock tribe became even more angry.

He roared loudly, carrying a weapon, and chasing after the people of the Blue Flower tribe who wanted to run away after doing bad things.

The rest of the Blackstone tribe also responded to their leader's call, screaming and chasing away together.

For a while, there was only the bark standing here limping, and the leader of the Lanhua tribe, who was lying there looking at the sky blankly.


He stood there for a while, and when the people in the Blackrock tribe had run away, the bark let out a long breath, his legs softened, and he sat down on the grass.

Turning to look at the leader of the Blue Flower tribe who was lying here motionless and looking at the sky, a smile appeared on the pale bark face.

This was originally just a very ordinary smile, but under this situation, it looks very strange.

Not all people are very lucky, and not all people are so hard-hearted.

The same is not surrounded by animal skins. Some people are extremely thrilling to get rid of the pursuit of the Blackrock tribe, and some people are killed on the way to being chased.

Those who were beaten to the ground and held firmly by the people of the Blackrock Tribe were shaking under the threat of death.

There was no need for the people of the Blackrock tribe to ask too much, they had already said everything with a trembling body.

After understanding what the people of the Lanhua tribe meant, the bark that was carried over was filled with surprise.

Such a discovery really surprised him.

Based on the situation at the time, Ji Zhongshengzhi came up with such a way to cover it, but he did not expect that the leader of the Lanhua tribe actually wanted to do something to him.

No wonder things went so smoothly this time, no wonder the leader of the Blue Flower tribe was so obedient. It turned out that when she was planning her, she was planning herself.

It's fine now, I don't have to worry about anything anymore.

After the surprise, the bark blossomed in joy.

Fortunately, he is not a traverser, and he has not seen it before, otherwise he will definitely doubt whether he is the protagonist, and he is the kind with aura.


The leader of the Blackstone tribe came to the bark, stretched out his hand and patted the bark's head vigorously, while still complimenting the bark.

Said the bark did very well this time.

No matter whether you are sleepy or not, if you dare to plan their Blackrock tribe's things, and even take their weapons and stabbing people, then that person must not be let go, not only that person, but also the tribe where that person belongs. .

So for Bark this time, in order to protect the weapons of his own tribe, he had to fight to the death with the leader of the Blue Flower Tribe when he was injured, and when he was injured, he turned defeat into victory and killed the **** leader of the Blue Flower Tribe. The leader of the Blackrock Tribe, as well as the rest of the Blackrock Tribe, admire it very much.

After such an incident, the people of the Blackstone tribe have accepted the bark more deeply, and they have truly regarded him as their own, and they are not the one who is at the bottom of the tribe.

This was another unexpected surprise, and once again smashed the bark a little dizzy.


Following the leader of the Blackstone tribe, the rest of the Blackstone tribe also came to line up and patted **** the heads of the tree bark, and some even said something they taught the Blue Flower tribe in the past.

Primitives do things very simply, especially tribes like the Blackstone tribe that have dominated in a region, but are now challenged by their dignity by their younger brothers, it is even more straightforward to do such a thing.

Early the next morning, the leader of the Blackstone tribe took the Blackstone weapon he used to and took half of the tribe and killed it towards the Blue Flower tribe...

The feather arrow on the bark leg had been pulled out, and it was swollen and bright.

At this moment, he was lying on the bark on the place where the animal skins were laid, looking at the back of the leader of the Heishi tribe who was rolling towards the blue flower tribe, his face was pale with a smile on his face.

What happened this time really made him feel pleasantly surprised.

He just wanted to kill the leader of the Blue Flower tribe, and he had already thought of being punished or being killed directly. Who would have thought that things would turn out to be what they are now.

After killing the leader of the Blue Flower tribe, not only did he have nothing, but he was completely accepted by the people of the Blackstone tribe.

And unfortunately, not only the leader of the Blue Flower Tribe, but the entire Blue Flower Tribe suffered for it.

This is really beyond expectation!

Thinking of these things in my heart, UU Reading www.uukānshu.com Bark doesn’t even mention how beautiful it is, even the arrow wound on my leg doesn’t feel so painful...

Those who escaped from the Blackrock Tribe's pursuit yesterday, luck did not last.

It was still early spring at this time, and the temperature was indeed higher than in winter, but overall the temperature was still very low, at least it hadn’t reached the point where it could run in nature without being surrounded by anything.

So on the way to the Blue Flower Tribe, the leaders of the Blackstone Tribe saw the bodies of two Blue Flower Tribesmen.

One of them is relatively intact, and the other one has been gnawed by unknown beasts.

Such a discovery made the leader of the Blackrock Tribe and the rest of the Blackrock Tribe feel very comfortable...

The people of the Blue Flower Tribe who stayed in the cave looked forward to the return of the leader and them, bringing back those useful tools to improve their lives, when the leader of the Blackstone tribe came...


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