I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 817: The first collision between public and private (3 in 1)

It is not only the old primitives who have become wonderful, but those of the Wind Tribe who followed the old primitives, after hearing some of the voices that came out of them, they were all extremely shocked.

Some minors who understood what was going on couldn't help but laugh.

Although I know that laughter is not good at this time, but I can't help it...

When they heard the laughter, the leaders of the Wind Tribe inside became even more nervous. These brutal guys are still laughing. They must have discovered that there are still people in the cave of their tribe. They did not go empty this time. Such a happy one!

"#55 Chief, we..."

The old primitive man opened his mouth and said to the inside.

It's okay if he doesn't speak. When he speaks, the leaders of the Feng tribe inside and they become more nervous, because they don't understand what these people say outside, wow.

It was this unintelligible word that completely cut off the last thought in the heart of the leader of the wind tribe.

These people are really not from their own tribe. If they are from their own tribe, why don't they understand what they say?

Originally thought that after opening the mouth, the people inside would hit the old primitive people who opened the cave. After a pause, they were a little confused when they saw the still closed door.

What's wrong with the chiefs? He and others have already identified themselves, why don't they open the cave?

After looking at each other with big eyes and small eyes for a while, the old primitive man suddenly patted his forehead.

In the past six months or so, what they have spoken most is Mandarin, and they are all used to it.

Just now, the old primitive man spoke and spoke the most Mandarin. The leaders had never been to the kind-hearted Qingque tribe, let alone learned Mandarin. If they didn't understand, they wouldn't open the cave for themselves and others.


After realizing this, the old primitive people quickly switched to the language of their original tribe to speak to the people inside.

The leaders of the Feng tribe who were holding on to the stone slabs were stunned when they heard the words of the old primitive people ringing outside.

What do these people outside say?

He said that they are the people of his tribe?

This... how is this possible!

It's icy and snowy outside, and it's not cold. How could they come back at such a time?

Even if you can come back at such a time, people will have to freeze to death a lot, right? The remaining people who can't die will also be frozen without much strength, miserable and miserable.

The scene he saw just now was that there were many of these people, more than when they left!

And listening to the voice of this speech, it is loud and unbelievable, where is the way someone who has been frozen for a long distance should be like?

The leader of the Wind Tribe thought this in his heart, fearing that he had made a wrong judgment, so he boldly moved his head to a gap and looked outside.

With a closer look, the idea just now was confirmed again.

These people who can speak their own tribe are not the ones from their own tribe!

The faces of these people outside are not gray, and their heads are covered with fur. They look extremely strange. How could they be from their own tribe?

Thinking like this, he turned his head to look at the people in the cave again, messy hair, black and gray face, and some cracks on his face. This is what his tribe should look like!

Fortunately, I was cautious and didn't rashly open the caves for those who could speak their tribal language, otherwise they would be miserable.

The leader of the Wind Tribe praised his wit, while exerting his shoulders, the top of the stone board became more vigorous...

Don't say that this kind of scene is the old primitive people of the Wind Tribe. Even the fellow Sha Junior and Mao who came with them, after understanding what happened, they all became dumbfounded.

My family doesn’t know my family anymore, this thing is really interesting.


After another negotiation, the leader of the Wind Tribe finally removed the slab of suspicion, leaned out half of his body and looked at the old primitive people who had removed the leather hat from their heads.

After the old primitive men and others smeared some black ash on their faces, the leader of the Feng tribe and the rest of the people who stayed in the cave and probed their brains were relieved greatly.

After smearing the black ashes, they saw their former shadows from the old primitive people and recognized them all.

After recognizing the old primitive people, the leader of the Feng tribe raised his heart and relaxed a lot, at least don't worry that people from the other tribes will attack them.

After letting go of the worry in my heart, my curiosity immediately couldn't hold back.

He, as well as some people in the tribe, circled the old primitive people and looked back and forth constantly, and was surprised at their changes at this time.

Especially when they were able to step on such a thick snow and come back under the cold, not only did they not break off, but they also did not get frostbite, and they all looked very energetic.

It seemed to them that it was impossible for them to happen. Now that it appeared in front of them, why were they not curious?

As a result, the old primitive people who had already suffocated their stomachs to say something, they started talking with excitement.

In the past six months, especially in the last period of time in the Green Bird Tribe, they have seen so many amazing things that can subvert the fragile Three Views.

The people in the Qingque tribe are very familiar with these things. When facing the people of the Qingque tribe, the old primitive people can only bow their heads and humbly ask for advice and be'run over', but now they have not gone to their tribe. Those who passed the Qingque tribe immediately turned over that position.

At this time, they all became well-informed people. Facing people who stayed in the tribe and never went out, they naturally carried a sense of superiority from the inside out, and Tan Xing naturally became exalted.

Where have the people of the Wind Tribe who stayed here and never went out have seen these?

Listening to what the old primitive people said, all of them couldn't help but get lost.

These things that sound impossible to them are actually true? This sounds incredible!

When the old primitive people and the people in the tribe talked about all kinds of things, the minors who followed them couldn't help it.

They carefully took out the collection of lollipops from the small bag around their waists, and invited the people in the tribe to taste them with excitement and some distress.

The leader of the wind tribe also took a lollipop, and after putting it in his mouth and tasting it, his small eyes suddenly turned round, his face was surprised and extremely enjoyable.


Isn't this too delicious?

The leader of the wind tribe is sure that he has never eaten such a delicious thing!


With a lollipop in his mouth and stunned for a while, the leader of the Feng tribe suddenly opened his mouth, and while saying this, he stretched out his hand to **** the candy from the rest of the people around him.

He clearly meant that these delicious foods are also food, no matter who got them, they should be handed over to the tribe, and then he should send them out, just as they do with food in normal days.

A minor was reluctant to let go, the leader of the Wind Tribe stretched out his hand and slapped him fiercely on the head, then snatched the lollipop.

Because of excessive force, the minor was led to the ground and started to cry.

The minor couldn't help crying, and seeing the rare candies that he left behind and was reluctant to eat, the leader robbed a depleted minor directly, and all of them couldn't help crying.

Looking at their leaders, one by one was extremely wronged.

The leader of the wind tribe didn't think there was anything wrong with this, because it was always the case in the tribe, and the food needed to be handed in and then received according to the strength.

He ignored the stunned old primitives, as well as the aggrieved and tearful minors, and returned to the cave with a handful of lollipops. When he came out, the lollipops in his hand were less than half.

The leader of the wind tribe with a lollipop in his mouth, and the lollipops he held in his hands were divided among a few people, each one by one.

And he himself, in addition to the one in his mouth, also held two in his hand.

Therefore, in this short period of time, the style of painting in the Feng Tribe Cave began to change suddenly, from the cheerfulness of the previous reunion to the weird.

The leader of the wind tribe didn't give up, his eyes fell on the old primitive people and the returning people who were wearing weird but very warm clothes, shoes and socks.

He felt that the biggest reason why these people in his tribe were able to come back unharmed in such a situation was that they were wearing them.

So he unceremoniously began to let the people who came back take off their clothes, and then redistribute them according to the previous rules.

Seeing these people just standing there with big eyes and small eyes, the leader of the wind tribe did it himself.

Because he had lollipops in both hands, he couldn’t get his hands free. After thinking about it, he filled the two lollipops into his mouth together, adding the original one, and he ate three at once. One!

Those minors, with tears in their eyes, looked at the leaders who robbed them of their lollipops and ate three extravagantly at a time, all of them were extremely wronged.

These lollipops were rewarded to them by the gods, and they were not willing to eat them. They kept them as a baby. Only when they were greedy, they would take out two bites.

Originally, they were thinking about giving it back to them after some people in the tribe could eat it, but who would have thought that the leader would have taken away their lollipops all at once!

The leader of the wind tribe ignored these. With a lollipop in his mouth, he took off his hat from one person's head, and then took off the clothes worn by another person and put it on and untied himself. Throw the animal skins to this person and let him wrap him to keep out the cold.

After these things were wrapped around the body, he immediately felt a lot warmer, and even the little brother who was left with only one head recovered a lot.

The leader of the wind tribe felt the warmth from his body and smiled with satisfaction.

After laughing for a while, his eyes fell on his numb feet.

His feet were just randomly wrapped with a piece of animal skin, and there were leaks in many places.

Thus, the eyes of the leader of the Wind Tribe fell on everyone's feet again.

I found that the things they wore on their feet looked very good, not only good-looking, and there was no air leakage.

Seeing the leader's gaze on their feet, the people who had just returned have retracted their feet, for fear that their leader would **** the things on their feet.

The tribe's subconscious action annoyed the leader of the wind tribe.

In the past, when they found things, they put them together and then distributed them. How come these people have changed after going out and coming back? Forgot this rule?

With some irritation in his heart, he glanced over everyone's feet one by one, and finally stopped his eyes on the feet of the old primitive man.

Among all the people, the writing on the feet of the old primitives is the most beautiful, and depending on the size, one's own feet can fit in.


After choosing the target, the leader of the Feng tribe pointed at the old primitive man's feet and opened his mouth, which was obvious, that is, let the old primitive man take off his shoes and let him wear it.

Perhaps out of instinct, the leader of the Feng tribe sensed the differences between the people in his tribe. He did this at this time, on the one hand to let the people in the tribe understand his position in the tribe, on the other hand, to Let these people who have become different reappear and become the same as before, put all the things together, and then everyone will distribute them.

The old primitive man's chest was violently ups and downs, and he was very angry at this time.

He took these people from the tribe, and relied on the kind-hearted green bird tribe. Through hard work, he not only supported so many minors, but also brought back so many salt, food, pottery, etc., for the tribe. Made a great contribution.

If you do something like this in the kind-hearted Qingque tribe, you will definitely be praised by the son of God, and even the son of God might even make delicious food for himself and others.

And now, after returning to his tribe, the leader not only did not praise the ability of himself and others, but also did not personally bake food for himself and others to eat. On the contrary, he also started to **** the lollipops of minors! Snatch their clothes and hats.

Now he looked at his feet and asked to take off his warm shoes and put them on him!

These shoes on the feet, but when he ran in the kind-hearted Qingque tribe, he ran a second place, and the son of God handed him a prize.

When the award was given, the son of God made it very clear that this pair of shoes is his own prize and belongs only to him.

If you don't want to, no one can wear it!


The old primitive man looked at the leader and spoke very seriously.

What he meant was that these shoes belonged to him, not from the tribe, and he disagrees, no one can wear them.

After the old primitive man's words were uttered, there was a strong sympathy among the returning people.

The minors looked at the bamboo sticks in the leader's mouth, with distressed faces and some anger.

These lollipops belong to them, and no one can eat them without their permission! But the leader took them away!

The man who was robbed of his clothes had a green complexion. On one hand, he was frozen. On the other hand, he was angry at the heinous behavior of the leader. In others, the leader took off his body and threw it at These skins of his are so dirty!

Not only was it black, it also had an unpleasant smell, and there were some biting bugs digging around in it. If it wasn't too cold, this person would not want to wrap the skin on his body.

The heart was wrapped unwillingly on the body, still felt a burst of greasy crooked from the inside out.

After living for more than half a year, they had been assimilated by the Qingque tribe before they knew it.

This is the terrible power that a higher-level civilization shows when it encounters a lower-level civilization. It can unknowingly change people's views on many things, such as these people in the Feng Tribe.

In the Qingque tribe, they learned to take a bath, wash clothes, fix their hair, and experience the comfort brought by cleanliness.

In the Qingque tribe, they understood the difference between what they had and what was shared by the tribe, realized the benefits of this kind of things under their control, and got some things that they owned.

For example, the clothes they wear, the hats they wear on their heads, and the lollipops given to them by the gods are all their own.

In the Qingque tribe, they have seen the reward and punishment mechanism, and people who do well will be praised, not only verbally, but also materially.

In the Qingque tribe, as long as you work hard, the food and clothing will not be too bad, and it will not happen that your own things are directly robbed by people from the same tribe.

On the one hand, it was because the son of God did not allow it, and on the other hand, they were a family after drinking Qingqueshui!

In the Qingque tribe...

Water flows to lower place, man goes to higher position.

After seeing better things and getting accustomed to these advanced civilizations, and then returning to the tribe where I had lived, suddenly many things I used to take for granted, and even things that I took for granted, became unacceptable.

Dirty, messy, poor, and tastes great. Because the friendship of living together for a long time in the past, these people who have lived in the Qingque tribe for more than half a year can accept them, and they are determined to let the people in the tribe pay attention to hygiene and love cleanliness. .

However, if their personal belongings are directly taken away, this matter is very difficult for people to accept, because it affects their own vital interests that they don't understand now.

However, although they don't quite understand what their personal interests are, the old primitive people are very clear about one thing, and that is that these things belonging to them are robbed by the leader, and they are very unhappy.

It is precisely because of this that after the old primitive people spoke these words to the leader of the Feng tribe, they would receive the unanimous approval and response of these people returning from the Qingque tribe.

The leader of the Wind Tribe, his chest is also rising and falling sharply, his eyes are full of anger.

He felt that the brains of these people in the tribe were broken, and they all wanted to be beaten.

The things in the tribe belong to everyone in common, this is beyond doubt, because this is as far as he can remember, the people in the tribe did just that.

Over the years, he has lived with the people of the tribe in the same way.

If you don't do this, whoever gets the food will belong to whoever gets the food, and then more people from your tribe will die during the previous migration.

Because those who are thin cannot get too much food themselves, they need to rely on food captured by others to survive.

But now, these people actually said that these things belonged to them, and decided not to hand them over to the tribe for everyone to own. How could this not make him angry?

Not only him, those who stayed in the tribe and did not go to the Qingque tribe, the stronger ones also felt sincerely angry.

Because if according to the past distribution method, relying on their strength, they can be able to distribute these seemingly good things.

And now, many of these things are actually worn on people who are far less powerful than them.

But these people are not willing to take these off.

Those who stayed in the tribe and did not go out and were relatively weak, in addition to anger, they also felt a wave of fear, because if they followed this method, then they would not get anything...

Thus, a fight from within the tribe that no one in the wind tribe had thought of, started like this.

Moreover, before the start of the fight, they were still immersed in the joy of reunion.

The old primitive people's rebellious behavior is not allowed by the leader of the wind tribe, so he wants to use his strength to dispel these thoughts and make them the same obedient as before.

Therefore, after the old primitive man refused to take off the shoes on his feet, the leader of the Feng tribe made a sudden move, pushed the old primitive man to the ground, and then went to **** the shoes from the old primitive man's feet.

The same anger in the old primitive man's heart~www.NovelMTL.com~ This shoe is a prize that he got by his own ability, and it belongs to him alone.

Moreover, when he waited for the people to bring back so many things for the tribe, the leader was not satisfied, and he wanted to grab his own things. How could this work? !

The old primitive people with old legs and immortality began to resist desperately, swearing to the death to defend their shoes.

Of course, the old primitive man was not the opponent of the leader of the Feng tribe. Although he couldn't follow it, it didn't take long for a shoe on his foot to be snatched by the leader of the Feng tribe.

In such a scene, the chests of all the people who returned with the old primitive man were all up and down sharply.


The man whose clothes had been snatched by the leader of the Wind Tribe finally couldn't help it. He yelled loudly, and pulled off the dirty fur that originally belonged to the leader of the Wind Tribe and pressed it to the leader of the Wind Tribe. On the head...


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