I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 816: Golden Belt from Green Bird Tribe (3 in 1)

Because of the ‘searchlight’ that God gave, the award ceremony, which was full of passion, became even more enthusiastic.

Even though this ‘searchlight’ disappeared without staying for long, it shocked everyone enough!

Many people in later generations will see this uncommon celestial phenomenon, and will call it Buddha light or the like. They are very excited. Now such a scene appears in front of primitive people who respect nature more than later generations. The curiosity fell on Han Cheng, who was already wearing a halo, and the shock was not to mention.

Even the people who came to the stage to receive the awards were a bit hard to walk.

Especially the old primitive man from the Wind Tribe. He took the reward for running second place from Han Cheng and received a kind handshake from Han Cheng. If it weren’t for Han Cheng’s support, this guy would definitely lie down. On the stage, to express the shock and respect in my heart.

The top three winners of shuttlecock kicks get a croissant comb, the top three runners get a pair of elaborate leather shoes, and the top three wrestlers get leather belts.

Out of Han Cheng's evil tastes, the second senior brother who was ranked first got the belt which was inlaid with some copper pieces by Han Cheng, which looked golden under the sun.

This is the gold belt.

Under everyone's gaze, everyone who received the prize from Han Cheng and the kind handshake from the son of God was very excited.

This is really an honor!

Many people who have not won the ranking and won the prize, looking at these smiling winners, all are very envious.

But envy is envy, but there is no feeling of jealousy. Firstly, the people in the tribe are simple, and secondly, these games are very fair. They are all played under the eyes of everyone, and there is no possibility of fraud.

If you didn't win the prize, it was because you were inferior to others and there was nothing to complain about.

If you want to get prizes like these people, what you can do is to intensify your practice in all aspects after completing what you should do in the days to come.

Han Cheng has been secretly paying attention to everyone's reactions, and seeing that the smile on his face has become thicker, he is happier than God shone it with a'searchlight'.

Because his original intention of holding the sports meeting was to keep the people in the tribe in the spirit of martial arts, and to attach importance to sports instead of indulging in farming.

After the award ceremony of the sports meeting was completed, what was held was the dissolution of slavery and the award of the Qingque tribe's citizenship card.

Compared with the rewards of the sports meeting, this matter affects the hearts of the slaves of the Qingque tribe more.

This year, with the addition of Bigfoot, a total of nine people were dismissed from slavery status. These are the outstanding performers on weekdays.

Compared to the total number of slaves in the Qingque tribe, the nine people are not that many, but these nine people gave these slaves the strongest hope and hope.

When Han Cheng announced in front of everyone that their slavery status was lifted, and personally hung their necks with ID cards made of wooden plaques symbolizing the second-level citizens of the Qingque tribe, these people were all excited. She cried, holding the ID card on her neck tightly and didn't want to let go, worried that once we let go of these ID cards, they would grow wings and fly away!

After the ID card was issued, the next thing I needed to drink was Qingque Wine.

"After drinking this bowl of green bird wine, I am a member of the tribe from now on, and I must not hurt or betray the tribe!..."

In front of everyone, Han Cheng reiterated the meaning of drinking Qingque wine.

The big feet nodded solemnly, and then drank one of them with solemn expression...

Originally, after the sunset and snow in winter, the enthusiasm of the people in the tribe would be unprecedentedly high only when the New Year was approaching, but this year is different.

With the successive holding of sacrifices to heroes in the tribe, sports meetings, award ceremonies, and ceremonies for disarming slavery, the spirits of everyone in the tribe were mobilized, whether they were citizens or slaves.

When everyone is doing some work that can be done in winter, the enthusiasm is simply not too high...

There are fine snowflakes falling in the sky, and a line of sledges are slowly moving along the roughly built bronze at high speed, gradually moving away.

The old primitive man with clothes wrapped in nitrated leather and a hat on his head looked at the tall fence gradually moving away, and the people standing in front of the fence giving off, filled with dismay.

The experience of the past few days, for him, is really as beautiful as a dream.

It turns out that in winter, you don’t need to experience the desperate cold and hunger. In addition to cold, hunger and death, there are so many things you can do!

The inherent cognition of the old primitive people has undergone earth-shaking changes during this period of time.

Even the old primitive people are like this, let alone these minors, many minors, looking at the wall that is getting farther and farther away from themselves and others, couldn't help crying.

"Don't be sad, wait until you go back and convince your leader that we can live together from now on!"

The fellow trader said with a smile.

In addition to the people in the trade team such as Shang and Trade, there are other people walking with the old primitive people.

These people went to the Tongshan residential area and replaced half of them.

As for the trade team, it is for the old primitive people to **** them.

Today, these people from the Feng Tribe and the Neighbor Wind Tribe have been regarded by Han Cheng as members of his tribe.

These people don't have the experience of walking in the ice and snow. If they are walking alone, they don't know if they can leave half of the people who can survive.

So after thinking about it, Han Cheng decided to let the trade team work hard and accompany them on this trip.

After Mao said these words, these sad people soon ceased to be so sad.

Some minors thought that they could live with the kind-hearted Qingque tribe in the future, and after they became members of the Qingque tribe, they burst into laughter and blew out their nasal bubbles.

The sadness in the old primitive man's heart has also disappeared a lot.

Before coming to the Blue Sparrow Master Tribe, although he had the idea of ​​joining the Blue Sparrow Tribe, he couldn't really do so because of some factors that he didn't understand.

Now that I have taken this trip to the Qingque master tribe, I can truly feel the wealth, kindness and power of the Qingque tribe, especially after personally experiencing the benefits of the fire kang, those entanglements in the old primitive people's heart disappeared.

The only idea is to go back and convince the leader of the tribe to join the Blue Sparrow tribe this winter!

The seemingly larger team went all the way, braving the snow to come to the Tongshan residential area.

After a day's rest in the Tongshan residential area, the team continued to set off.

However, the starting teams became two, and the directions were different.

One of them returned to the Qingque's main tribe along the built road. This was the one who successfully changed their defenses. The other team went to the northwest of the Tongshan residential area. This was the Qingque's trade team and the wind tribe. And people from the neighboring wind tribe.

There seems to be no difference between the trade team at this time and before, but you can see the difference when you look closely.

There is one less person in the trade team, and the one less person is the victim of the trade duo.

However, the position of Shang did not become vacant, but was filled by a person, who was Junior Sha, who had guarded the Tongshan residential area for several years.

This exchange was arranged by Han Cheng.

Of course, Junior Brother Sha would have two hearts with Qingque tribe. Han Cheng certainly didn't believe it. This is also the reason why the rest of the tribe has changed defenses over the past few years, but Junior Brother Sha has not been replaced.

However, this time Han Cheng still replaced Junior Sha with Sha. This was not a distrust of Junior Sha, but a decision made out of a sense of precaution.

This matter will become the practice of the Qingque tribe, and the chief guard of the sub-tribe will be rotated every three years.

This method can effectively prevent anyone from sitting in one place, and can strengthen the unity of the entire tribe, making it even more iron bucket.

The current Tongshan residential area is different from when it was first developed. At that time, there was nothing in the Tongshan residential area. Everything has been built up. You only need to follow the steps and there is no problem.

Shang's abilities are naturally good, and he is relatively rigid, with a relatively high force value, and he is fully capable of taking over from Junior Sha to guard the Tongshan residential area.

It would not happen in the Tongshan residential area that if you change one person, you can change a stubble of trees, because before setting off, Han Chengcheng had already dealt with Shang, and asked him to follow the previous method of Sha Junior.

Grasping farming with one hand and metal production with the other, you only need to keep doing these two points well.

At this time, Shang was standing on the wall of the Tongshan residential area, looking from a distance at the trade team that followed the Wind Tribe and the neighboring Wind Tribe, and felt a little uncomfortable.

After all, he has been working as a trade team for several years. At this time, he suddenly separated from the trade team and left the main tribe. Of course, he would be uncomfortable.

After standing here and watching for a while, Shang went down from the fence and started a new life.

Before the things in the Tongshan residential area, Han Chengcheng had already told Shang what to do. After he came here, when he was handing over with Junior Brother Sha, Junior Brother Sha took the Shang and moved the Tongshan residential area inside and out. Once again, there are some things here, how to arrange work on weekdays, etc., everything is carefully and carefully explained.

Shang's own abilities are not bad, and after receiving the explanation from Junior Brother Sha, he already understands all the things in Tongshan's residential area, and it is not embarrassing to arrange things...


At the sound of the bowstring, a feather arrow shot out, and a bird that used its paws to scoop away the snow in search of food fell to the ground. Without any orders, several dogs sprang out from here, one of them ran. Quickly grabbed it, turned around and ran all the way in front of Junior Brother Sha, wagging his tail endlessly as a reward.

Junior Brother Sha took the prey from the dog's mouth and threw it on the sledge, reached out and touched the dog's head, and the dog narrowed his eyes comfortably.

Then he took out a small piece of dried meat from a skin bag hanging around his waist and threw it to the dog.

Before the jerky hit the ground, the dog opened his mouth to catch the jerky, swallowed it into his stomach in twos or twos, wagging his tail happily.

Junior Brother Sha smiled, put his back on his back, put his hands back in the gloves that were connected with the rope, and hung them in the gloves on his neck, while his eyes were constantly looking around.

After discovering new prey, he will hunt again with bow and arrow.

The reason why I didn't hold the bow in my hand all the time was because the weather was too cold and my hands would become stiff when exposed to the air for a long time.

Junior Brother Sha seemed rather entangled. When he was guarding the Tongshan residential area on weekdays, he wanted to return to the main tribe to live.

Now this wish has finally come true. He has been transferred to the trade team by the **** son, and will be able to return to the main tribe after a while. In the main tribe for the New Year, he has some Tongshan residential areas where he is reluctant to live for several years.

Most people are like this. When the two are incompatible, no matter which one you get, you will feel a little regretful...

Along the way, there was white snow everywhere. If it had been in the past, the old primitive people would not dare to get involved easily, but now following the trade team of the Qingque tribe, they suddenly discovered that they had been The snow that is regarded as a tiger is not so terrible anymore.

They can walk in the wild under the snow for a long time, without being frostbitten...

Next to a cliff covered by heavy snow, there was a cave blocked by stone slabs, and wisps of smoke floated from the gaps in the stone slabs.

"Drum dong dong~"

There was a noise coming from the blocked cave, and then the stone slab blocking the cave was removed a gap from it, and a man with messy hair and layers of animal skins appeared in his vision.

After a chill, the man shrank and walked out of the cave, looking at the surroundings while being convenient.

The target was Bai Xue, and no one appeared. This scene made this person sigh.

This person is the leader of the wind tribe.

Originally, according to the previous agreement, the people who went to work in the friendly Qingque tribe would come back before Falling Snow, but the Falling Snow had already fallen for many days, and the people of his tribe still did not return.

How can such a thing not worry the leader of the Wind Tribe?

He felt that those in his tribe might not be able to return.

It’s cold winter, not other seasons, where food will become extremely precious. Even these people from their own tribe, it’s not that the snow they encountered while driving to their tribe died, but Many of them will die if they stay in that kind-hearted Qingque tribe.

Because even if the Qingque tribe is kind, in this case, food and other things are of course eaten by people from their own tribe.

I am afraid that there will be less and pitiful food for the people of my tribe.

Although long ago, the leader of the Wind Tribe heard the old primitive people say how rich the Qingque Tribe is, but the Wind Tribe leader who has never been to the Qingque Tribe, how can they give full play to their imagination, It is impossible to imagine how much food the Qingque tribe can have.

In his cognition, being able to have food that allows everyone in the tribe to eat one and a half full, and then spend the winter safely, is already very rich.

It was precisely because of this that he would come to the conclusion that even if the old primitive people stayed in the Qingque tribe, they would still suffer heavy casualties.

I knew that when I left, I should explain to them that they would come back from the Qingque tribe when the fruit was ripe, instead of waiting until the arrival of winter and before the snowfall.

At this time, there is no weather forecast, so naturally it is impossible to accurately grasp the time of snow, and the chance of being blocked by heavy snow is very high.

The leader of the Wind Tribe stood here and looked at the surrounding Bai Xue thinking like this, full of regrets.

Because if the old primitive people can't come back, the people in their tribe will lose more than half of them all at once, and the tribe that hasn't recovered will suddenly become half disabled...

The fewer people in the tribe, the worse the ability to withstand various disasters. If one fails, the entire tribe may die.

Restricted by insight, the leader of the Wind Tribe was unable to imagine many things, but he knew very well about the things that would fall in the tribe.

Because death is very common in the tribe, he is no stranger.

Deep regret and fear of the future surrounded the leaders of the Feng tribe. The joy of sending the old primitive people away has long since disappeared...

After standing here for a while, the leader of the Wind Tribe touched the missing Dan egg and the frozen little poor close friend, unable to stay here anymore.

He quickly wrapped up the animal skins on his body, ran toward the cave with his arms folded, and after walking sideways through the gap, he felt some warmth.

The leader of the wind tribe moved the stone slab blocking the cave and began to move here, preparing to block the opening so as not to pour a cool breeze inside.

When it was half blocked, the leader of the Wind Tribe stopped his movements, blinked and blinked again, still suspecting that he was wrong. After thinking about it, he put his black fingers to his mouth and touched some. Saliva rubbed his eyes, and found that those who appeared in the field of vision did not disappear.

And these people who can't see their faces are still coming in the direction of their cave.

After the mistake, the leader of the Feng tribe was full of surprise. He felt that this was the return of his tribe.

Immediately he was about to open his mouth and shout out the other people in the cave to greet him.

However, these words were all stuck in the throat before they were uttered. The surprise of the leader of the wind tribe was as strong as the shock.

Just like a face change, the face that was full of joy just now is all filled with extreme fear at this moment.


After a brief stupefaction, the leader of the Wind Tribe suddenly turned his head and shouted frantically at the people in the cave. While shouting, he desperately pushed the stone slab to the side with his hands, blocking the opening of the cave.

The people who were lying there sleeping in the cave, or surrounded by the fire, suddenly panicked.

Because the leader of the wind tribe shouted just now that there are enemies, and many enemies are coming towards their cave.

Hearing such news suddenly, how could they not panic?

The quiet cave suddenly became flustered. Some people ran to the entrance of the cave, some subconsciously ran to the deeper part of the cave, some people went looking for weapons, and some people were so scared to stand motionless. Know what to do.

Some minors were so scared by the chaos that suddenly appeared, they grew their mouths and burst into tears...

Outside, the old primitives, accompanied by Junior Brother Sha, Mao and others, rolled ice and snow all the way to the Feng Clan's residence.

When they saw the cave, the old primitive people and many people in the Feng tribe became happy. Some people even pointed their fingers in the direction of the cave and spoke to them.

Everyone could not help speeding up the speed of travel.

Although they wanted to join the Qingque tribe and want to change their past lives, when they came back through the ice and snow and saw the cave they used to live in, they couldn't help but become excited when they thought of some tribesmen living in the cave.

They were excited, and the leader of the wind tribe, who was hiding behind the cave and watching them nervously through the gap, was not at all excited.

Even when they saw those people pointing their fingers in the direction of their caves, and then speeding up their progress, unbiased and straight toward their tribe, a beating heart would come from the throat. Pop out.

Just now, he had some fluke, hoping that these people did not come for their tribe, but now, this only fluke has been completely destroyed.

These many people really came for their tribe!

My own tribe is over this time! Maybe all people will be eaten as food.

In such weather, looking at such a group of people coming straight to his tribe, the leader of the Wind tribe didn't dare to think for the benefit.


The leader of the wind tribe, whose legs and feet were a little weak, suddenly did not know where the courage and strength were. While yelling at the people in the tribe, he lifted some stones placed in the cave to block the cave. Put behind the slate.

He wanted to block the stone slab as soon as possible, and this was their only support.

The old primitive people are getting closer and closer to the cave, and they can faintly hear some sounds coming out of the cave, which is not very real, but you can hear that the people inside are very excited~www.NovelMTL.com~welcome us ,happy……"

After hearing the faint sound from inside the cave, the old primitive people were extremely happy, especially the old primitive people, they expressed their joy in the trade show that the people in their tribe were excited when they saw them coming back. , The people in their tribe will come out to greet them...

Full of confidence.

However, after waiting like this for a while, the closed cave showed no sign of opening.

This made the old primitive people a little puzzled. The people in the tribe had already seen them come back, why didn't they open the cave to welcome them?

Did you see yourself waiting for someone, returning from the heavy snow, and happily forgot to open the door?

Thinking of this in his heart, the old primitive man began to approach the cave. After hearing the movement inside, the old primitive man’s expression instantly became very exciting...


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