I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 818: Congxin’s Wind Tribe Leader (3 in 1)

When this frozen blue-faced person pressed the dirty leather in his hands on the head of the Wind Tribe leader, a melee from within the Wind Tribe had begun.

Those who were originally afraid of the majesty of the leader in the past could not stand it anymore. At this time, they rushed up to their leader, punching and kicking.

Among them, the most eye-catching performance was the minors who were robbed of lollipops like the Wind Tribe.

They kicked the covered leader fiercely, crying with tears, listening to the sound and not looking at the picture, thinking that they had suffered a lot.

After the fight lasted for a while, the stronger people who remained in the tribe also participated in the fight.

They are helping the leader.

As a result, the fighting scene quickly expanded, and soon showed a one-sided trend. The people who returned from the Qingque tribe, led by the old primitive people, achieved an overwhelming victory.

The main reasons for this result are as follows.

First, there are many people headed by the old primitive people, about twice as many as the leaders of the Feng tribe.

The second is that the old primitive people have basically been building roads for the Qingque tribe for more than half a year. After long-term exercise, coupled with the fact that they can eat food with salt every day, all the strength is the same as before. Compared with that, there has generally been a big increase.

The third is that the Qingque tribe participated in the sports meeting not long ago, and the formation of the Qingque tribe's coordinated battle left a deep impression on them. At this time, I started to work and was affected. Some people started to cooperate with each other involuntarily.

The fourth is that the old primitive people feel aggrieved and cruel.

If he and others have made such a great contribution to the tribe, it doesn't matter if they don't get rewards. After they come back, the leaders still come to **** their things.

The fifth is that the kind-hearted people of the Qingque tribe and the people of the neighboring tribe who have built a deep friendship with them through joint labor are here. Once they can't beat them, they can still get support.

Sixth, because they can't live in today's caves, they can still live in the kind-hearted Qingque tribe.

Another thing is that the old primitive men among them, like the men of the Qingque tribe, have a short head, and when they fight, they can't catch their hair at all.

On the contrary, people headed by the leader of the wind tribe are not. Whether they are men or women, they are all dirty and long hair. Some male adults also have long beards, which they hold when fighting. Pull hard, it's not too convenient.

All the above are combined to create the one-sided situation today.

Junior Brother Sha and the trade team members such as the Trade Team were also angrily seen from the side. They were all annoyed by the actions of the leaders of the Feng tribe.

How can such a meritorious person get such treatment after returning to the tribe?

In your own tribe, such a thing will never happen!

In contrast, the more I can realize that the people of the good trade team of their own tribe under the leadership of the wise Shenwu **** child can’t wait to rush up and beat the leaders of the wind tribe. Some People even raised the idea of ​​arresting them all as slaves to their own tribe after being beaten.

At this time, everyone in the trade team watched the scene of the fight unblinkingly. As long as they found that the old primitives were at a disadvantage, they would definitely go up and help their punches without hesitation.

Everyone in the neighboring wind tribe was filled with righteous indignation, especially those minors who also received lollipop rewards. They tightened their small faces and clenched their small fists.

Fighting is a very physical exertion, can make people forget the cold, and sweat.

This is true whether it is a goblin fight or a fight with a wind tribe.

When those who dared to do things and stayed in the tribe and had never been to the Qingque tribe were all beaten up and held in the snow nest and couldn't get up, the fight that took place because of shared and private ownership was the end .

It was also at this time, after the fight, that the person whose hat fell to the ground and the fur wrapped around his body was torn off felt the cold.

"Flap! Pop! Pop!"

The panting old primitive man searched for a while before finding the shoe he had been stripped off by the leader.

After pouring out the snow inside, I turned my head and saw that the boss with a bruised nose and swollen nose was still staring at him, and the old primitive man with his bare feet and frozen hair was out of breath. .

Jumping on one foot to the leader of the Feng tribe, with the sole of his hand, he hit the leader of the Feng tribe in the face.

After whipping three or four times, the leader of the wind tribe huffed and dared not stare again before putting his shoes on.

The old primitive man suddenly realized the deeper benefits of this pair of shoes rewarded by the **** son.

It turns out that not only is it comfortable to wear, but it is also comfortable to take it off and hit someone in the hand.

The leader of the Feng tribe, who had no way to look at his face, was even more invisible after being tortured by the soles of the old primitive man.


At this time, the old primitive man looked very aggressive and exposed, pointing to the leader of the Feng tribe, who was still pressed on the ground, half of his face in the snow nest, and questioned loudly.

What he meant is, dare you come to grab their things again?

After the voice fell, the leader of the Feng Tribe did not immediately answer. The old primitive man immediately raised one foot and held one of his shoes.

The leader of the Wind Tribe, who was still thinking about struggling a bit more, immediately stopped resisting.

Without it.

It’s just because the soles of the shoes hurt your face...

The old primitive man who took the leader to beat the leader madly was still groaning at this time. Originally, he thought very well, but after returning, he convinced the leader to join them with the rest of the people. Sparrow tribe.

But now, seeing them like this after coming back, his thoughts disappeared a lot.

Because he was worried that after bringing these people to the Qingque tribe, the kind-hearted Qingque tribe would be destroyed.


The old primitive man came to Junior Sha and Mao to speak out his plans and concerns.

After a while, Junior Brother Sha and Mao spoke.

"Let them join the tribe. If they dare to be disobedient in the tribe, there are ways to clean them up!"

It was Junior Brother Sha who spoke.

Junior Sha, who was already relatively stable, has become more stable after guarding the Tongshan residential area for a few years, and he is more decisive than before. After thinking for a while, he opened his mouth to make a decision on this matter. .

Of course, after the time comes back, it is necessary to report to the Son of God, and let the Son of God make the final decision.

However, according to Junior Sha’s understanding of the Son of God, the Son of God should not disagree with this matter.

After all, the scene that the son of God likes to see most is that there are many people in the tribe.

The development of the tribe over the years has also proved the correctness of the strategy of the son of God.

As for whether the leaders of the Wind Tribe would be obedient, Junior Brother Sha was not worried at all.

How about the fierce Tengshe tribe? After all these years, are they all honest?

After Junior Brother Sha spoke, he lowered his head to think for a while and also nodded, expressing his agreement with Junior Brother Sha.

After Junior Brother Sha and Mao nodded, the old primitive man who had been mentioned in his heart suddenly became relaxed.

He gratefully shook hands with Junior Brother Sha and Mao, and then walked towards the leaders who were surrounded by these people who had returned from the Qingque tribe, who were like little daughter-in-law who had been bullied.

Although the old primitive man was angry with the leader and these people in the tribe, he was still a little bit reluctant to leave them here and ignore it.

After all, they are a tribe and have lived together for such a long time.

Now, they and others have joined the kind-hearted Qingque tribe, leaving them alone, they can't even eat salt.

Moreover, if so many people have left at once, once they encounter something dangerous, these people who stayed behind will easily suffer great trauma.

The old primitive people have lived for many years and experienced many things. Accordingly, when encountering certain things, they think more than ordinary people.

"You join us in the kind-hearted blue bird tribe.

There is plenty of food there, so you won’t go hungry anymore after adding it.

There are warm clothes there. If you join the Qingque tribe and become the Qingque tribe, you can wear warm clothes and shoes, and can walk in the thick snow without being frozen to death.

There is a particularly warm place to sleep, lying on it at night in winter, the soft fur on the lid, it can sweat hot, not to mention it is more comfortable, you will never be able to fall asleep in the middle of the night, don’t worry about falling asleep, I can't wake up anymore..."

After the old primitive people came over, using the language and methods of their tribe, they talked with the beaten and bruised leader and some of the rest of the people, saying this, telling the goodness of the Qingque tribe, and outlined for them after joining the Qingque tribe, The good life you will live.

After hearing the old primitive people say that the kind-hearted Qingque tribe is willing to accept their leaders, these people who returned from the Qingque tribe with the old primitive people also persuaded the remaining people in the tribe with them. One piece to join the kind-hearted green bird tribe.

In the process of saying this, many people will take off their hats from time to time and wear them on the heads of these people in the tribe, making them feel the warmth of the Qingque tribe.

As the old primitive people told them, many of the remaining people in the Wind Tribe began to move, wanting to join the kind and sound-sounding Qingque Tribe.

It's just that they are not the same as these people who are completely distorted by the Blue Sparrow tribe, and they can't ignore the majesty of their own tribe leader.

These moved people all looked at the leader whose sole mark on his face had not completely disappeared, and waited for the leader to make an idea for them.

The leader of the wind tribe almost burst his lungs with anger, he felt that the old primitive people must be crazy.

Otherwise, how come the idea of ​​abandoning one's tribe and joining another tribe arises?

Moreover, it is not possible to join by yourself, so I have to tell the others to join them together. How can this be tolerated?

The old primitive people all said that the Qingque tribe was so kind and rich, and life would be better after joining, but at this time, the wind tribe leader felt only sincere fear of this so-called tribe, and it could even be said. fear.

For more than half a year, the people in their tribe looked like they had completely changed. They really joined that tribe. After that, they would not have to forget their tribe completely!

After the two relocations, my tribe has not disappeared, but I did not expect that it is very likely to be planted in this matter.

The leader of the wind tribe has made up his mind that no matter what the old primitive people say, he will not join the terrifying tribe, and the trees that have fallen out of leaves outside will not bloom at this time!

"After joining the kind-hearted green bird tribe, we can still live together..."

The leader of the wind tribe rolled his eyes. Say nothing.

"After joining the Qingque tribe, we can live in a spacious and comfortable room..."

The leader of the Wind Tribe rolled his eyes and said nothing.

"After joining the kind-hearted Qingque tribe, we can learn many useful things..."

The leader of the Wind Tribe rolled his eyes and said nothing.

Regarding the leader of his tribe, the people of the Feng tribe who returned from the Qingque tribe really have no choice. No matter what they say or how they say, the leader of their tribe has made up their minds and fought to the end with an expression.

He didn't speak, just rolled his eyes and didn't move.

He has the momentum of letting him be strong, and the breeze blowing on the hills.

Faced with such a leader who does not speak, but has clearly stated that he is not cooperative, they really have no good way.

"Can you join the kind-hearted blue bird tribe?"

The old primitive man leaned forward and asked their leader very seriously.

The leader of the Wind Tribe rolled his eyes and said nothing.

The old primitive man took two steps back.

The leader of the Feng tribe, who rolled his eyes, couldn't help but hum in his heart, proud and arrogant, and turned his eyes whiter, to see how you move me.

However, as he rolled his eyes vigorously, he did not notice that the old primitive man who had stepped back two steps did not leave, but bent over and took off one shoe from his foot and held it in his hand.

"Can you join the kind-hearted blue bird tribe?"

The old primitive man asked the leader of his tribe again.

The leader of the Wind Tribe still rolled his eyes and hummed proudly in his heart, repeating this sentence every time, without any freshness.

Just thinking about it this way, a crackle sounded right here, and at the same time there was a fierce pain from his raised face.

The freshness you want is coming, but it is a bit too exciting.

The leader of the wind tribe screamed, and his entire face was drawn together in pain.

"Can you join the kind-hearted blue bird tribe?"

The old primitive man with a shoe in his hand watched their leader ask again.

The leader of the wind tribe couldn't roll his eyes this time. He had a new sole print on his face, but he gasped and said it hurts.


The old primitive man carrying shoes stood here and waited for a while. Seeing that the leader of their tribe did not speak, he raised the shoes in his hand. With the sound of the beautiful voice, the sole of the shoe made an intimacy with the leader's face s contact.

"Can you join the kind-hearted blue bird tribe?"

The product made by Qingque must be a high-quality product, and it hurts to pump the soles of high quality and quantity on the face.

When the old primitive man spoke again, the leader of the tribe who still wanted to keep a deep wind could no longer keep it.

"Don't go..." (For the convenience of reading, these have been translated)

He spoke hardly in their tribal language.


Another sole fell on his face...


"Can you join the kind-hearted blue bird tribe?"

The old primitive man squinted at their leader.

"Join! Join!"

The leader of the wind tribe hurriedly replied, for fear that if the agreement was slow, there would be more soles on his face.

Faced with such a powerful old primitive man and the soles of his shoes, even the leader of the hard-hearted tribe can only choose from his heart.

The old primitive took the shoe in his hand and watched it carefully for a while, then put it on his foot, and couldn't help feeling once again that the prize given to him by the son of God is so useful...

Under the strong suppression of the old primitive man carrying his shoes, the entire Feng tribe agreed to join the Qingque tribe.

However, they did not leave directly, because the trade team had to **** the neighboring tribe back.

After the Neighboring Tribe’s affairs are handled, the team will return to the Wind Tribe again, and then back to the Tongshan residential area with the Feng Tribe.

The team left, and the cave of the Wind Tribe was quiet again.

The old primitive people did not stay, but went to the neighboring wind tribe with the trade team. At the moment in the cave are the people headed by the wind tribe leader who have never been to the Qingque tribe.

There are a lot of things in the cave. There are delicious salted fish, some delicious bacon, and some snow is put in a crock pot and boiled with fire. After putting it in and boiling it, it tastes good Millet to eat...

These things are left by the old primitive people, they are what they have earned from the Qingque tribe by building roads for more than half a year.

The old primitive people clearly distinguished food and other things. These are different from the clothes they wear, and they belong to everyone.

The atmosphere in the cave is a bit weird. Through these things left by the old primitive people, these people once again felt the wealth of the Qingque tribe.

In addition, they probably figured out some things.

That was the time before, they had misunderstood the Qingque tribe, where it was not whoever owned the things, only certain things were like this.

This discovery made them even look forward to joining the Qingque tribe.

As for the leader of the Feng tribe, who has made many close contacts with his face and the soles of the old primitive man's hands, at this moment, he squatted by the fire and was secretly sad.

It was not that he didn't want to take advantage of the old primitive people to leave, and then sneak away with the remaining people in the cave.

It was just because of the fear of snow and cold outside that he dispelled this idea, after all, he did not have the warm clothes that the old primitive people wore.

Once you lead people to migrate to other places, the final result must be that all people freeze to death outside.

Moreover, the people who stayed didn't listen to him much anymore, they all wanted to join the Qingque tribe with the old primitive people.

Even if he is able to take the remaining people away safely, few of these people are willing to follow him...

While the leader of the wind tribe was squatting there secretly sad, Junior Brother Sha, Mao and the others also approached the neighboring wind tribe at this time.

Looking at the tribe that was about to arrive, the people from the neighboring wind tribe in the team were excited and a little nervous, because what happened in the wind tribe two days ago left a deep impression on them.

They worry that after returning to the tribe, the people who remain in the tribe will treat themselves as the leader of the wind tribe treats the old primitive people, which is a bit uncomfortable.

The old primitive man saw the concerns of these people, and even if he beat his chest to tell them that he did not worry, if the people left by the neighboring wind tribe were the same, he was very willing to take off his shoes and hand it to the neighboring wind tribe. People, let them use.

The old primitive man at this time definitely has the style of a general.

In such anxiety, the team came to the residence of the Linfeng tribe.

I found that there were so many people who did not know who came to the neighboring wind tribe of the tribe, and they did not close the entire cave tightly like the people of the wind tribe.

This is not because they don't want to, or they have recognized that some of the people come out of their tribe, but because the caves where their tribe lives are too big to be blocked.

At the beginning, the opening of their tribal cave was not so big. After they migrated back from the north, the cave collapsed once, and then it became like this.

After spotting such a large number of strangely dressed people, heading straight towards the cave where they lived, all the people in the Neifeng Tribe cave shivered.

On the one hand, it was because the hole was too big to be blocked, and the cold air kept drilling into it, and it was frozen. On the other hand, it was because of fear.

Because so many people ~www.NovelMTL.com~ they simply cannot resist.

This kind of fear or even desperate emotions suddenly transformed into extremely intense joy after rising to an extreme.

The people from the neighboring wind tribe who had recognized the identity of the people ran out of the cave, and the people who had come back from their tribe jumped and jumped happily.

The people of the neighbor wind tribe who had returned from the Qingque tribe were worried that things did not happen, and their leader was not a strong person.

Looking at these people in their own tribe who had changed their appearance, and then looked at the many things that these people brought back, the leaders of the Linfeng tribe and those who remained, besides amazement, there was nothing but amazement.

In addition to amazement, there was also a sense of awe for those who had returned.

Because they got too many things back, it was too surprising, the current neighboring wind tribe, they could not get it at all.


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