I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 815: Drag racing in primitive times (3 in 1)

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

Under the raised blue bird flag, Han Cheng held the drumsticks in both hands and fell down. Every time he fell, a muffled noise erupted, spreading in all directions.

In front of him, people from the Qingque tribe who often participated in training formed a torrent.

The people of the rattan shield team with rattan helmets were holding large shields that were nearly one person tall in their hands, lined up next to each other, topping the front, and a shield wall appeared from the ground.

The bronze spikes in front of the shield wall gleamed with cold light, pushing forward with the movement of the shield wall, with a great sense of oppression.

Chang Ge, wearing rattan armour and helmet, lined up behind the rattan shield team. The long bronze Ge in his hand passed through the gap between the two shields and rushed to the front of the shield wall, pointing diagonally forward.

The archers and slings, also wearing rattan armour and helmets, are lined up behind the left and right sides of the team as the left and right wings. They hold the stringed bows and the slings wrapped in copper pellets. Cable.

With each drop of Han Cheng's drumsticks, these neatly arranged teams would take one step forward, not fast, but the whole team just pushed forward neatly like this, very oppressive.

The old primitive people and the rest of the Feng tribe and the neighboring wind tribe, who stood by and watched, looked at the neat team, with awe and shock in their sluggish eyes, and the sun-tanned face turned pale at this time.

The drum sound, the steps that the people stepped forward neatly along with the drum sound, seemed to touch people’s minds, and every step was in their hearts. Every time the drum sounded and the step fell, it made Then their hearts shook fiercely.

Before today, the old primitive people had always believed that the best way to fight was to rush up quickly, and attack the opponent before others had reacted.

It's not just fighting, hunting.

There is not only one old primitive man who thinks this way, two tribes, or most people in this era think so.

But now, after seeing the way the Qingque tribe army moves forward, the old primitive people's inherent ideas have suddenly been strongly impacted, and they have doubts about the past methods.

Looking at the shield wall with spikes and the bronze Goring that stretched forward in front of the shield wall, they shuddered involuntarily.

Faced with such an opponent, the faster you run and the sooner you get in touch, the faster you will die.

"Prepare! Let go!"

The neat team pushed forward. When the grass man was about 30 meters away from the front, some people in the two wings of the archery team and the sling team made orders indiscriminately. .

After hearing the order, the people in the first row drew their bows and arrows to shoot towards the grass man in front. After an arrow was shot, they stood still on the spot. The people in the second row quickly moved forward and passed the first row. Under the order of the man, he opened his bow and shot again.

After the people in the second row shot the arrows, the first row of people who had fallen behind had already drew the arrows from the quiver, set it up on the bowstring, and quickly stepped forward to overtake the people in the second row who were standing there. Foremost, after pulling the bowstring, shoot at the grass man in front.

Under the alternating shots of the two rows of people, the feather arrows fell toward the front one after another. There was not a long pause in the middle, and the grass men in front of them shot arrows.

When the archers began to pour the arrow rain, the slings on the other side also began to show their awe, one by one, the slings were rounded by them, and they cried out to cut through the air.

Then the end of the sling was loosened, the pill pill inside flew out with howling, and slammed on the grass man in front of it, making a sound of "pupu", and two of the grassmen were directly caught. Knocked down to the ground.





The army formation that is slowly advancing forward, after only ten steps away from those grass men, with each time Han Cheng's drumsticks fall, the people in the army formation not only take a neat step forward, but also Will roar in unison,'Kill! ’

After a few steps forward with a ‘kill’ one step at a time, those who were holding Chang Ge, accompanied by the word ‘kill’ in their mouths, stabbed Chang Ge in their hands at the grass man in front.

After stabbing it out, he quickly retracted it, and then accompanied by the sound of the ‘kill’ screaming straight to Xiaohan again, he stabbed Chang Ge in his hand fiercely.

As the army moved forward, the members of the vine shield team that formed the thorny shield wall with big shields also began to show off.

They slammed the cane shields in their hands in orderly shouts, and the bronze thorns on the bronze long shields easily pierced into the grass man. With their force, these remnants The grass man was overthrown.

After the military formation was pushed across, the place where many grass men had been erected became a map, and many grass men fell to the ground in a random manner, and none of them stood.

"Kh! Kh! Kh!..."

The piercing gong sounded, and the slowly advancing army stopped, and then began to retreat slowly.

This kind of retreat is not turning around and running backwards, and there is no change from the rear team to the front team, but to continue to maintain the formation and slowly retreat facing the front.


After Han Cheng held the gong and hammered it hard, the retreating team stopped.

Compared to when they first started to move forward, the team seems to be a lot more disorganized, but the basic formation is still there, only a slight adjustment is needed to launch an attack again.

The old primitive man of the Feng tribe sat on the ground, looking at the silent army formation composed of many people, his face turned pale, his body was trembling slightly.

He has been sitting on the ground for quite a while, when waves of arrows flew out from the marching army, when everyone in the army sang out the word'kill' in unison, and stabbed the bronze longge, then Unable to hold it, he sat down on the ground.

There are still many people who can't get up sitting on the ground like him. They look at the line that is still neat after they retreat, their faces are white and their bodies are shaking.

No wonder the vicious Teng Snake Tribe will be wiped out!

Faced with such an irresistible person, it would be a strange thing for the Tengshe Tribe to not be destroyed!

In addition to kindness and wealth, the kind-hearted and wealthy Qingque tribe also possesses such inviolable force!

Some people felt terrified and shocked, while others were trembling with excitement, looking at the silent army formation, full of yearning, only feeling that the blood was boiling.

This is a feeling that they couldn't experience when they were hunting. This feeling is called blood, and it's a little overwhelming.

"stand at attention!"


"Look to the right!"

"Look forward!"

"stand at attention!"

Han Cheng put down the gong and came to the front of the silent army, shouting out a series of passwords that the old primitive people did not understand.

While they were still confused about the meaning of the series of passwords shouted by the son of God, something that made them extremely surprised happened.

After retreating, the team that looked a little messy, after the **** child shouted these words they didn't understand, quickly moved, and within a while, it became neat again, as neat as before.

It was amazing enough that this happened, but then, the old primitive people discovered something even more amazing to them.

"The performance this time is not as good as in the previous training! How much do we practice in a military formation like this? Why can't we advance and retreat in an orderly manner?!"

Han Cheng watched the crowd questioning loudly. There were some complacent people who were originally complacent, but the complacency in his heart disappeared in an instant. They stood there like children who had made mistakes, not daring to look at Han Cheng's eyes.

"Train more in peacetime and bleed less in wartime! How many times have I said this? Why can't I remember?!

Now, each spread out, and fifty push-ups per person were punished! "

After Han Cheng finished training, he said the punishment.

After the punishment was spoken, everyone in the army took a sigh of relief. Compared to punishments such as push-ups and running, they were more afraid of the reprimand from the son of God.

So they spread out one by one, leaning down, pressing their palms in the snow nest and doing it quickly. After a while, people who finished it started shouting reports, and then got up.

After training for a long time, even animals can understand some commands. For example, most of the deer in the tribe now have donkeys. After putting them in the car, you only need to drink: "Ha!" People use whips or the like to drive them away, and they will move forward hard.

The training of these military formations of the Qingque tribe has continued for several years. In addition, everyone is very convinced of Han Chengdu and they are very serious in doing things, so the suddenness at this time seems very abrupt. It is unreasonable, but after careful consideration, you will find that there is such a result, which is not abrupt at all.

On the contrary, it is unreasonable that after such a long time of training, it has not reached the results of today.

The old primitive people who had been shocked, now all have their mouths wide open, with a dull expression on their faces.

This... how could this be like this?

This scared them to sit in the army, and they would be reprimanded by the Son of God.

Is this bad? What kind of one is good!

After living in the Qingque tribe for a few days, the old primitive people who thought that their psychological endurance had been greatly enhanced, at this moment only felt that the whole person was being rubbed on the floor, over and over again.

Han Cheng did this, of course, not deliberately trying to pretend to be a force in front of these two tribes, the main reason is to prevent these people from being too proud.

Only when the requirements on them are strict, can they do better, and even more effectively prohibit them.


After everyone had done push-ups and ordered the team to form, Han Cheng issued an order to disband. The first and most important sport of the Games—the military exercise ended.

The soldiers who dispersed went back to remove their armor. In this gap, the women of the Qingque tribe came on the field and began to kick the shuttlecock in batches of ten.

These shuttlecocks are made of chicken feathers or goose feathers, and the feathers on them are dyed with pigments. They look quite beautiful, as everyone kicks them, like beautiful butterflies Fly up and down in the same air.

After the military drill was over, as the shuttlecock game kicked off, the venue that seemed solemn before was quickly filled with joy.

"One hundred and thirty-one! One hundred and thirty-two!..."

The game of kicking the shuttlecock reached a critical moment. After two rounds, the top eight were selected.

What is going on now is to rank the top eight, and then distribute rewards based on the ranking.

Now the person kicking the shuttlecock is Bai Xuemei, who is already a daughter-in-law of two children. She is very talented in many things, such as kicking the shuttlecock at this moment.

The people in a circle, leaving enough space for them, counted in unison there.

At this moment, these women have given up the idea of ​​competing for the first place, all want to see how many girls Bai Xuemei can kick.

"Two hundred and one, two hundred and two, two hundred...oh..."

When the count reached more than two hundred, it seemed that the shuttlecock on the feet of Bai Xuemei fell on the ground, and everyone sighed in regret.

Looking at Bai Xuemei who was beaming with a shuttlecock, Han Cheng couldn't help sucking her nose. It seemed that he was not innocent at all when he was crushed by the strength of his own wife. This is the horror of talented players!

"Get ready! Run!"

At the edge of the runway that was cleaned up in advance and circled with lime powder, Han Cheng gave an order and beat the gong vigorously at the same time, and the thirty people who were ready to run with their legs.

Among them, the most eye-catching performance is the old primitive man of Feng Tribe.

Because he hadn't been exposed to this kind of running competition before, he was obviously half a beat slower when he started.

But the king is the king, even if it is a late start, it is not comparable to a group of bronzes. The next thing is the old primitive man with old legs, and the perfect show of superhuman skills along the way.

After reaching the end point three hundred meters away, the old primitive man who started the latest was already far ahead.

Looking at this scene, Han Cheng's eyes widened. It seems that this guy said that he successfully ran away from the pursuit of the Teng Snake Tribe. It was all true.

If it weren't for a long leg in your tribe, then everyone in the tribe would be crushed by the strength of this old primitive man who seemed to be quite old, but went surprisingly fast.


The old primitive man who successfully participated in the Qingque Tribe Games and got the second best place smiled.


The second brother half-wrapped the waist of the guy in front of him. The other hand held the man’s arm and tried hard. At the same time, one leg stretched out to hold the man’s leg. With a low drink, this and him The wrestler fell down.

"Tuk, tuk, tuk..."

Here in the archery competition, people lined up to shoot arrows at the target in front.

Feather arrows flew out and shot on the target with a beeping sound.

There are many people participating in archery competitions, because in the tribe, except for those who are too young, there are almost no people who can not shoot arrows. Even Han Cheng, who is not very talented in sports, can draw two arrows when he is fine. .

The archery target is similar in style to the common archery target in later generations. The center of the archery target is made with a red center, and then a circle of concentric circles.

Those who participate in archery have ten arrows per person, and see who hits the target more times and has a good number of rings.

Compared with running competitions, the outcome of archery competitions is easier to distinguish, because you can clearly see how many arrows are shot.

But running is not.

Because there is no stopwatch in the tribe.

It is also realistic to let everyone run together, because there are too many people in the tribe, and this is a short and medium run, not an extraordinary marathon, so it can only be carried out in batches.

Although the Korean team has divided each group as much as possible, the preliminary competition was divided into five groups before it was finished.

In order to determine the ranking, Han Cheng also spent a lot of thought.

In the end, it was decided to select the top ten in each group, and after the breakup, they would participate in the quarter-finals in a group of 25.

Then, the top ten of these two groups will be divided into one group for the finals.

Of course, this method is not very good. After all, there are strong and weak points between groups, and those who are divided into groups with many strong people will definitely suffer some losses.

However, because Han Cheng directly got ten people from each group to participate in the semi-finals, the unfairness of this grouping can also be reduced as much as possible.

After all, no matter whether you are divided into a strong or weak group, you can't even make the top ten. It is impossible to achieve good results in the semi-finals and finals.

After a long period of competition, the results of the archery competition finally came out. The one who won the first place was a man named Thin Monkey.

This guy used to be a slave of the Teng Snake tribe. Last year, because of his outstanding performance, Han Cheng was dismissed from his slave status and became a second-level citizen of the Qingque tribe, thus being eligible to access various weapons in the tribe.

The lean monkey is very talented in archery, otherwise it would not have achieved the first good result in the archery competition in just one year.

The smile on the face of the thin monkey who won the first place with good grades couldn’t stop. Although he knew that the reason why he was able to get the first place with good grades was because Junior Brother Sha did not come back to participate in the competition in Tongshan, but in his heart There is no less happiness at all.

After all, he has only been practicing bow and arrow for only one year, and he is very satisfied with the results.

You know, archery is the competition with the most participants!



In a field covered with a thick layer of snow and nothing to grow, more than 20 sledges with the same items and weights are lined up. On the sledges sit a donkey driving a cart. Or deer.

With Han Cheng's order, the excellent riders in these tribes shook their reins one by one, waved their whips, and shouted loudly to urge the carts to drive forward, starting the journey of primitive racing. , Although this is a car without wheels...

Han Cheng looked at the sledges splashing with snowflakes, which were quickly moving forward under the control of the drivers, and couldn't help but smile.

In this era, it is not Han Cheng's bad taste to organize races similar to drag racing, but a very necessary thing.

Fighting in winter is the best time to attack Han Cheng's tribe that may occur in the future.

It is precisely because of this that Han Cheng puts the tribal sports meeting after Luoxue.

And in the winter to start a war with the outside world, the sledge is an indispensable weapon, and it is not surprising that all competitions with the sledge sledge appear.

Compared with races between people, racing sledges can attract people's attention even more.

People scattered around screamed while running in the direction of the sledge, full of speed and passion.

Many people are regretting why they didn't think about learning to drive before, or else they would be able to drive the animals to sit on the sledge in the snow with these people now.

Han Cheng watched this scene and suddenly understood why many people like racing...

Event after event is going on, the unmatched passion and vitality appear in the world wrapped in silver.

When the sky was going to dim, the last event of the Qingque tribe's first sports meeting was completely over.

The awarding of the award did not proceed immediately because it was too early. In addition to awarding the award, some slaves who performed outstandingly during the year had to be released from slavery, and the Qingque tribe’s citizenship ID was granted in public.

Some outstanding second-class citizens also need to go further and become first-class citizens of the Qingque tribe.

It takes a lot of time to get these things done, so Han Cheng put them all on the next day.

That night, the aftermath of the sports meeting has not yet dissipated, lying on the warm soil kang, many people are not sleepy.

Everyone was talking with great enthusiasm about what happened at today's sports meeting, talking about those unforgettable things.

Some people are regretting, saying what to do if they didn't make a mistake, and made up their minds to practice well in the future.

Those who have won a good ranking and confirmed that they will be awarded tomorrow are mostly excited, but also looking forward to it, looking forward to the early arrival of tomorrow.

Bigfoot is also excited and unable to sleep, and tomorrow he will officially become a citizen of the tribe!

The next day, as soon as the sky fell, some people from the Qingque tribe rose up, and many people rose up.

Everyone began to prepare for today's awards and joining the Qingque tribe...

There was sunlight shining through the clouds, leaving beams of light in the sky. They were very beautiful, like searchlights. One of them fell on the blue bird flag and the high platform under the blue bird flag. The flag, the high platform, and the giants of the Qingque tribe, Han Cheng, Wu, and Big Brother sitting on the high platform, were all enveloped in it, looking extremely magical.

All these people gathered on Qingque Square were stunned, and the two people from the Feng Tribe and the Neighbor Wind Tribe were even more stunned.

Wu, the old **** stick, looked excited, and his whole body was shaking.

"The Son of God! The Son of God!"

The old **** stick who has never been taken care of by the gods all his life~www.NovelMTL.com~ His excited lips are trembling, pointing to this magical scene, facing Han Cheng, except for shouting "God son", other words will not be said.

The rest of the tribe also yelled at the witch at this time. Everyone looked at Han Cheng with reverence and extreme respect.

Such a magical scene must be because of the son of God!

Otherwise, why have they never seen such a wonder before? And this beam of light is still impartially covering the place where the son of God is? !

Seeing the respected and fanatical gazes of everyone, Han Cheng's mouth couldn't help but twitch. This is really just a matter of too small a probability, but now it happens to be met by himself, and still in front of it. Faces of so many people.

This is really, you can't even pretend to be X!

Could it be that this is his protagonist halo?

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