I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 812: God assists from the old primitive man (3 in 1)

"Tell them that in winter, roads cannot be built, but our tribe still has work for them to do.

They can go to Copper Mountain to mine ore, and the treatment is the same as it is now. We provide meals, they mine, and after completing a certain amount of ore, they can exchange a certain amount of food, salt or pottery from our tribe just like building a road. "

Han Cheng said to Mao with a smile.

Regarding the future of the Wind Tribe and the Neighbor Wind Tribe, Han Cheng had already envisioned it.

The best result is to slowly assimilate and absorb.

If the assimilation cannot be absorbed in a short period of time, then try every means to extend the time these people have in contact with their tribe, continue to assimilate, and after persistence, there will always be a day to absorb them.

Moreover, in the process of assimilation, your tribe will not suffer.

For example, Han Cheng is now talking about this method to trade.

This method had already been thought of after Han Cheng paired the two tribes that had hit him, and it was just right to use it at this time.

Not only can these people continue to stay in their tribe, accept their assimilation while working, but also take care of their feelings that are difficult to part with the old tribe for a while.

"After arriving at the Tongshan residential area, I will tell Junior Brother Sha that when these people start mining, they will build some kind of domed houses for them to live in."

After thinking for a while, Han Cheng explained to the trade again.

The reason for this explanation is because Han Cheng wants to artificially establish some differences in the Tongshan residential area.

There are no windows on the domed semi-troglodyte house, and because of the semi-troglodyte, it is naturally not as comfortable as a house on the ground like the Qingque tribe.

What Han Cheng wants to take advantage of is this discomfort, and the purpose is to make the Feng tribe and the neighbors of the wind tribe have some yearning in this gap.

If the living standards of those who are still ‘employed’ are directly raised to the same level as the citizens of the Qingque tribe, it will be more difficult for those who want to absorb them as their own tribe.

The reason is very simple. When they are hired, they are no different from the treatment of citizens. So why should they go further to become citizens of the Qingque tribe? Is it not good to continue working as a hired worker?

Now these people have been living in the wild far away from their tribe, and they don’t have any thoughts about the semi-burrow houses they live in now, but when they live in the Tongshan residential area, they will have a house like Qingque tribe. By contrast, some different ideas will gradually arise.

Without comparison, there will be no harm. The saying is true. However, in addition to injury, through comparison, people will become aggressive and uncomfortable with the status quo.

When people go to a high place, and see that there are better things around them, and when they are sure that they can get these better things as long as they work hard, most people are still willing to work hard.

In addition to the house where you live, there must be a certain difference in the tools used and the food you eat. This can better highlight the advantages of joining the Qingque tribe and becoming a citizen of the Qingque tribe...

After careful consideration, Han Cheng explained some other things that need attention.

In this way, when the next day, the trade team that had just returned set off again to the Tongshan residential area.

"Green Bird Banner! Green Bird Banner!"

The people of the two tribes who were building the road cheered again.

The old primitive people saw the green bird flag flying in the wind among the fallen leaves and the smiling face under the green bird flag, and smiles suddenly appeared, and their worries were suddenly reduced.

They came back so soon and looked very happy. It is very likely that the wise **** child came up with a solution to the current predicament!

Under the leadership of the old primitive people, everyone couldn't wait to greet them.

"The son of God thought of a way!"

Before the old primitive people came over, the smiling Maou shouted loudly.

When this word was heard in the ears, some of the hearts that everyone was still holding suddenly relaxed.

"Mao, talk about the method of the son of God!"

After the two people got together, someone immediately asked them eagerly, and the others looked at them eagerly, looking forward to the way that the **** of wisdom could come up with.

"The **** child said, you can mine in winter..."

Mao didn't sell anything, so he smiled and started talking.

After the general manager Han Cheng told him the method, cheers filled with excitement and joy immediately rang out here, more excited than when the trader and them came over with sheep and fruit candy not long ago.

This kind of excitement continued until Mao, Shang and the trade team left here and went to the Tongshan residential area.

The Son of God is so wise! It's so kind!

You can think of such a good way!

In order to let others know such a method earlier, and to relax earlier, Mao and the others were sent out by the son of God as soon as they returned to the tribe.

As night fell, lying in the domed half-troglodyte house, the old primitive man of the Wind Tribe thought with excitement, and his reverence for the Son of God rose to the next level.

His admiration for Han Cheng is not only because of these, but also because of a more important factor. The old primitive believes that Han Cheng has suffered a great loss in making such a decision.

"Because we wanted to stay, the Son of God came up with this method. Although this method is good, the Son of God and others will lose a lot of things because of these things.

Salt, pottery, and food are all extremely precious. In order to solve our problems, and willing to give so many things, there is no one else except the son of God and this kind-hearted tribe!

We must keep this in mind! "

The excited old primitive people used language mixed with Mandarin and some gestures to convey this meaning to their tribe and the people of the neighboring tribe.

Originally, most people just felt the relatively shallow level of love from the Son of God.

Now that the old primitive man’s expression is so excited, everyone thinks along the old primitive’s thoughts, and immediately feels that the old primitive man’s words are very right, and at the same time he feels the deeper care and love of the son of God. .

The old primitive man was very right. Apart from the son of God, who else treats them like this?

Thinking of this, some people couldn't help but burst into tears in the darkness.

Some minors even sobbed.

Crying is also an emotion that can infect each other. Many other people who are emotionally agitated by this cry can't help crying, and the old primitive people are also there to wipe their tears.

So, afterwards, this temporary work shed was full of crying. I don't know how debilitating things people thought had happened.

This kind of crying continued for a while before it gradually became smaller and gradually disappeared.

The old primitive man wiped his eye sockets with the back of his hand, and a smile appeared on his face with some tears.

He closed his eyes and didn't fall asleep with worry as he had been a few nights ago.

At this moment, his heart was quiet, and he soon fell asleep, snoring cheerfully.

But even if he fell asleep, the faint smile on his face didn't stop...



The baby’s loud cry sounded in the dark room, followed by a weak sigh.

Then amidst the baby's crying, the sound of Xixisuosuo sounded in the room. After a while, with the sound of blowing, a little red light lit up in the room, and then a faint flame rose.

Han Cheng took Huo Zhezi and brought it to the bowl, lit the oil lamp, and the darkness in the room was dispersed.

The little girl was squeezing her eyes and growing her mouth, crying, and her small fists clenched together waved from time to time.

Bai Xuemei was also awakened by the cry of the little girl, she was sitting on the kang, gently hugging the little girl.

"My child, long ears" is true. The sleepy Bai Xuemei became clever when she slept at night after giving birth to her little girl.

With the help of Han Cheng, who looked a little sleepy, Bai Xuemei wiped the little girl’s buttocks, put on a new, dry diaper, and lay on her side on the kang, holding the little girl in her arms and offering to coax her. The artifact, whispered "Oh~Oh~" in his mouth and hummed softly, and the other hand patted the girl gently.

After a while, Little Myolie's cries changed from loud to lower, and slowly stopped.

Han Cheng stretched his head and looked, and saw that the little girl was asleep, so he blew the light out, and then lay down gently.

It's not easier to work with a child! Mom and dad are not so good.

Since the birth of Little Myolie, Han Cheng, who hasn't slept well in peace, sighs with emotion.

At this time, Han Cheng still didn’t know what happened to the Wind Tribe and the Neighbor Wind Tribe because of the old primitive man, who was assisted by the gods. If he knew it, he would be happy not to know what to say, and where there would be. Kung Fu is here feeling that Dad is hard to be a...

The next day Han Cheng got up, and after another time of family affair, Han Cheng took a piece of paper to find the black baby.

Heiwa is still there and mud.

Most people who do one thing for a long time will develop occupational diseases. For example, the black baby nowadays feels sick if he doesn't touch the mud for a day.

However, it is precisely because of his occupational illness-like love that he can make pottery and clay-related molds so well.

"The Son of God."

When Heiwa saw Han Cheng coming over, she raised her head and greeted with a smile. After seeing Han Cheng holding a piece of paper in her hand, she immediately dropped the mud in her hand. She couldn't wash her hands, just like this. Excitedly, he leaned forward, his eyes aimed straight at the piece of paper in Han Cheng's hand.

When Han Cheng saw Heiwa look like this, he couldn't help but laughed and cursed: "Don't look eagerly, this is a new thing that needs to be cast."

Speaking, unfold the paper in the hand for Heiwa to see.

The black baby who was broken by Han Cheng just chuckled, his eyes still fixed on the paper that Han Cheng was opening, with a look of excitement.

Nowadays, this guy is like lame. He is almost at a height in the tribe. He always wants to get some new things that have not been done before. In the tribe, the most creative person is the son of God. They can take out something they can't remember at all and let them do it, so as soon as they see Han Cheng holding a drawing, whether it is a lame or a black baby, they will be subconsciously excited.

The paper is unfolded, and three circular objects are drawn on it.

One is placed flat, one is erected, and the other is behind the display.

The three pictures are actually the same thing, this thing is a gong.

As the weather became cold day by day, autumn became stronger and winter approached, Han Cheng began to prepare for the Qingque Tribe's first Winter Games.

Gong Gong is one of the things that needs to be prepared.

With just a drum, Han Cheng still felt that it was not lively enough to highlight the momentum of the Games.

So he thought of the gong, which is as famous as the drum.

The noise of gongs and drums is not for nothing.

Moreover, after the gong is made, it is not only used in sports games, but can also be extended to the defense of the tribe.

With the construction of the outer wall of the tribe, the whole tribe has been greatly expanded, the area is bigger, the clapper made of wood is somewhat insufficient.

After all, the clapper is made of wood. No matter how hard it is, no matter how suitable the wood is, the sound it makes is limited, far behind the gong.

In addition to city defense, it can be extended to the army in the future.

To march on the drums and retreat in gold, these are the two most simple and understandable commands.

After Han Cheng opened the drawing, Heiwa's eyes stared at it unblinkingly. After getting over the eye addiction, he quickly ran aside to wash his hands.

He scrubbed his hands clean, and wiped them dry on the clothes on his body. Then he took the drawings from Han Cheng's hands, looked carefully, and looked serious and immersed in it.

After a while, Heiwa moved his eyes away, and Han Cheng began to tell Heiwa the function of the gong, how to use it, the effect he thought of to achieve, etc...

It is impossible not to tell these things. After all, what is drawn on paper is only a pattern, not a real object. For the black baby who has never been exposed to such things as a gong before, it is very important to understand the effect of a gong. It is necessary.

On the way that Han Cheng and Heiwa were talking, Heiwa would also ask some questions from time to time. Han Cheng also explained to Heiwa in detail as much as possible based on his understanding of the gong.

After such a thing went on for a long time, Heiwa stopped questioning and sat there without saying a word, thinking.

In the afternoon, the brooding Heiwa started to move, making the mud by herself, and then making a gong mold...

Han Cheng quietly left the pottery workshop when Heiwa began to meditate. He knew that he had basically completed the things on the gong, and the rest was for Heiwa.

Han Cheng did not idle either. After coming out of the pottery workshop, he found a small copper saw and carried it to the bamboo pole forest.

Find suitable bamboo in the bamboo stalk forest, and then cut it neatly from the root with a copper saw.

This is not a difficult thing at first, but if there are two more pandas around you who will hold your legs from time to time, then everything will be different.

It took a while and after being robbed of three bamboos, Han Cheng managed to escape from the bamboo forest with a bamboo thicker than his thumb.

After returning to the courtyard, use a copper saw to cut off a section of about 30 cm. First, use a tool to cut through the inner bamboo joints, and smooth them as much as possible, and then use a ruler to point to the outside of the bamboo. Click, and then find a small hand drill, and start drilling at the top point.

However, the hole had not been drilled, and Han Chengcheng stopped his movements with a helpless expression.

Bamboo is different from wood. The texture of bamboo is clearer. It is precisely because of this that bamboo can be broken into thin bamboo strips.

But now, it is this characteristic that makes Han Cheng in trouble.

The trouble is that when drilling a hole in the bamboo, there will inevitably be some small bamboo strips on the surface around the hole, making the bamboo uneven.

The effect Han Cheng wants to achieve is that the holes are all flat, and the holes drilled are just like those drilled in wood.

After changing two hand drills on the scrapped bamboo pipes, and tried to drill a few holes, Han Cheng gave up the idea of ​​using hand drills to drill holes in the bamboo. .

After touching his chin and thinking for a while, Han Cheng found a copper rod of appropriate thickness, lit a fire and heated it inside, then took it out and pressed it on the bamboo pipe while pressing down with the appropriate force with his hand and lightly. Light rotation.

The hot copper stick and the bamboo came into contact with each other, and suddenly there was blue smoke rising, and after a while, black powder overflowed from the inside, and the copper stick fell into the bamboo tube.

After a while, the temperature of the copper rod dropped and the progress slowed down. Han Chenggong put the copper rod into the fire again and burned it. After heating, he took out the small shallow pit on the bamboo pipe and continued to repeat the previous actions.

After doing this three times, the bamboo was thoroughly burned, and Han Cheng removed the copper stick, and a round hole appeared on the bamboo tube with a smooth edge, not like a hand drill.

Han Cheng showed joy.

Immediately use a copper saw to cut off a bamboo of about 30 centimeters again, cut through the remaining two bamboo joints, and leave the one near the top of one end.

Then continue to use a ruler to compare the marks on the top, burn the copper sticks red, and burn holes one by one against the marks.

"God, what is this?"

Wu didn't know when he leaned in and watched intently, until Han Cheng had burned all the holes before he asked.

"This is a flute, a bamboo flute, you can play a nice sound."

Han Cheng found a piece of waste linen, squatted there and wiped the black ash at the entrance of the cave little by little. After hearing the witch's question, he answered aloud.

"A nice voice? Is it better than my sister sitting on the bow?"

Bai Xuemei, who was holding Little Myolie, didn't know when she also leaned in. After hearing Han Cheng's words, she answered with curiosity.

Han Cheng's face twitched, and the silly lady remembered that her sister was sitting on the bow.

"I'll tell you."

Han Cheng said with a smile, and at the same time peeled off a layer of film from the inside of a split bamboo, and put it on the second hole with a little bit of water. In this way, a bamboo flute was completely set up. Up.

With one hand inside and the other outside, Han Cheng held the remaining holes with his fingers apart, put the bamboo flute sideways to his mouth, slightly raised his mouth, and tried to blow the air into the first hole.

Playing the flute, Han Cheng is also a half-hearted person, a kind of monk halfway through.

The reason I came into contact with this was because a fellow in their search and rescue team liked to play the flute.

The time that Han Cheng was touched the most was when they were on a mission together.

It was dusk, and the round and warm sun fell on the top of the sand dunes, surrounded by yellow sand, the sky and the earth looked vast, and a group of birds fluttered across the sky. The guy took out his flute and held it across his mouth. Facing the sand dunes and the setting sun, I played a song "A Laugh from the Sea".

At that time, Han Cheng was stunned by this guy's anger. Under that kind of situation, hearing such a song is really touching. Since that time, Han Cheng has become a flute learner. idea.

It's a pity that I haven't learned the great songs that can be played together. I only learned a "Farewell" and "A Laughter from the Sea". Before the rest can be mastered, I was taken to the primitive society, so there will be fewer future generations A flute player with limitless accomplishments.

After coming here, all kinds of things were busy, and no one around him would show off his flute anymore, so Han Cheng left it.

Now I began to plan for the sports meeting, thinking of the musical instrument, and then started to make the flute that he had lost for ten years.

Han Cheng is not professional in making bamboo flute, and Han Cheng is not professional in playing flute. When the two unprofessionals meet, the miracle does not happen~www.NovelMTL.com~ and the effect of negative and negative is not obtained.

Under the expectant gaze of Wu and Bai Xuemei, Han Cheng didn't even play a voice for the first time.

After trying several times, I slowly found some feelings, and intermittent flute sounds began to sound between the light movements of the fingers.

Wu's eyes lit up. This is really amazing. It is obviously just a piece of bamboo, with some holes drilled in it, and it can produce such a good sound!

Bai Xuemei tilted her head and thought about it carefully, and felt that "Sister on the Bow" still didn't sound as good...

As night fell, the faint moonlight fell, the wind blew, and the bamboo shadows were whirling outside the window. Han Cheng stood in front of the window with his fingers beating, and a song "Farewell" flowed from his fingertips.

The sound of the flute reverberated through the window in the courtyard under the moonlight, and the already quiet courtyard became quieter after the sound came out.

The circle wrapped around the witch stopped moving. After listening quietly for a while, a quietly flowing river appeared before her eyes, and a few falling red leaves gradually moved away along with the river.

Bai Xuemei looked at the back of her adult brother, her eyes were full of little stars.

Han Cheng snorted arrogantly. He had already said that one day, he would definitely become a world-class flute player. That guy always laughed at himself for being too frivolous, how is it now? Haven't you successfully stood at the top of the world?

And the bamboo flute used to play is not very good.

The wind blew in from outside the window, lifting the corners of Han Cheng's clothes, making him look even more sloppy.

This kind of harassment didn't last long, because Little Myolie cried loudly there.

Faced with the crying of the girl, Han Cheng, who was still narcissistic and frustrated just now, suddenly broke his merits.

The lethality brought about by the crying of girls is greater than that of the big suona in the music industry.

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