I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 811: Don't want to go back? Then join our tribe! (3 in 1)

As night falls, the half-round moon sheds a bright brilliance, and there are bright stars and moons in the night sky. Under the shining of the stars and moon, the blue bird tribe turns into a jubilant ocean.

Not to mention the rest, just the bowl of boiled and chopped up, and then added fruit vinegar, ginger, garlic and other things, and refilled with water to make the haggis soup is enough to make everyone crack their mouths.

Not to mention, there is also lamb bone soup cooked with lamb bones.

Han Cheng didn't idle, and peeled all the four kidney pills from the two tigers. Tonight he and Wu ate one of them, and the remaining two were eaten by the two of them tomorrow morning.

Since finding the hand warmer Baoyuan, the witch who did not protect the night festival, like Han Cheng, has entered a state of working day and night, so he must not be owed for food...

At about noon the next day, all the people who traveled by land this time, the senior brothers, also came back. Needless to say, there was much joy.

After waiting for another two days, Han Cheng asked someone to bring some food, and twenty or thirty sheep, along the roads that had been built, all the way to the west.

This is ready to reward the road construction team in the tribe with these newly caught sheep.

After walking for more than a day, the reward team temporarily appointed by Han Cheng met the road repair team that was still building roads.

After the two sides met, there was a lot of joy, especially after they realized that the twelve sheep were left for them to eat.

With such a masterpiece like God, everyone on the road construction team was very happy, chewing the lamb while rising and working hard, trying to get the rest except the place where the bridge was built before the snow fell. The roads are all given the idea of ​​being built.

At the same time, some people couldn't help asking how the tribe got so many sheep all at once.

Among the rewards team, there was the guy holding the bamboo raft, and immediately began to happily tell everyone about their unforgettable experience and gains a few days ago.

For some unforgettable deeds with honors, most people like to recall or tell others.

Following this man’s joyous narration, the road construction team members opened their mouths unbearably, their faces full of surprise and yearning, for they were not able to participate in such an unforgettable hunt. , I feel very sorry.

After talking about hunting, the man said that they killed two tigers on the way back.

After saying this, these people couldn't help but exclaim for a while.

Just as the people on the road construction team were amazed by these, this person again said that the two tigers are male.

After speaking, he asked the people of the road construction team with a mysterious face. The question was why these two tigers are male, but they can get along in harmony.

Naturally, the people on the road construction team couldn’t answer this question, because many of them had heard the son of God say that a mountain cannot tolerate two tigers more than once, unless there is a male and a female, and they all feel very reasonable. .

After seeing the reaction of the road construction team, this person immediately showed a look that I knew you did not know. Under the inquiry of the road construction team, the person who learned to sell his appetite, said with a mysterious face: "Because they are good brothers!"

Seeing these people on the road construction team, most of them looked at themselves blankly, obviously not understanding the meaning of a good brother, and immediately patted another person beside him, and began to show up and preach: "Just talk to us The two are the same, we don’t fight, we are good brothers."

"We don't fight, we are all good brothers!"

After preaching through this person's appearance, he roughly understood what a good brother meant, and immediately someone shouted like this.

Such a shout quickly won the approval of most people.

They are all a tribe, and they don't fight with each other. According to the standards this person just said, they can indeed be called good brothers.

This person touched his head, and then looked at the person next to him who was a good brother, he always felt that something was wrong.

But I also felt that what everyone said was very reasonable, and all of them soon followed them and said: "Yes, we don't fight, we can live together, we are all good brothers!"

In this way, the good brother became the hot word of the year for Qingque for ten years, which is definitely something Han Cheng did not expect.

By the time Han Cheng knew it, the word good brother had begun to spread in the Qingque tribe.

And it's not limited to the male primitives, but also the female primitives.

Seeing Bai Xuemei holding her little girl Han Xing to feed her food while expressing that she and herself are good brothers, Han Chengcheng had an urge to hit someone.

This is really self-inflicted and can't live, why did I say this word when I was so mean?

Of course, these are some things later.

On the second day, the reward team, who left some sheep and other food, took the rest of the food to the Tongshan residential area.

The road ahead has not been built. One summer has passed. On the relatively clean road that was cleared before, grass has grown beyond the bend of the legs.

Fortunately, this is not a tropical area. If it is a tropical area, according to the terrifying growth rate of those plants, only this summer will be enough to completely swallow the passages opened by Han Cheng and the others with their axes and sickles...

Ten miles away from the Wild Duck Lake, people from the Feng Tribe and the Neighbor Wind Tribe are building roads there.

In a few months, except for the rain, the rest of the time they have been building roads. They only did one thing for such a long time. Even if they had not done the work of building roads before, they were still The proficiency has been exercised.

It's easier to do. There are more roads and more things they get every day. Gradually, they become accustomed to doing these things, and they don't want to think about hunting things that they used to do before.

Even if this is true for adults, let alone the children who are still in the growth stage.

Half a day to build roads and half a day to learn Mandarin and Chinese characters. In the past few months, they basically spent this way every day.

Such a very regular life allows these minors to make rapid progress in building roads and speaking Mandarin.

At the same time, it also makes them increasingly rusty about hunting and gathering fruits.

Even many minors in the two tribes became unconcerned about these two things.

Because they and the people of their tribe were doing hunting and gathering things, but their lives were not good. It is common for them to go hungry if there is not enough food. It is not uncommon for them to have a meal without a meal. .

But now, they don’t need to do hunting and gathering anymore. They just need to build roads and they can get food and eat better than before.

Under such circumstances, it is normal for them to think of paying attention to building roads, but to belittle hunting and gathering.

"Green Bird Banner! Green Bird Banner!"

A minor had sharp eyes, pointed to a place where the road had not yet been built, and shouted in joy.

The rest of the road builders raised their heads and looked in the direction the person was pointing. They were seeing a group of people coming out from one or two hundred meters in front, a flag embroidered with a green bird, raised high by one of them. Of lifting.

Seeing this familiar sight, everyone in the Wind Tribe and the Neighbor Wind Tribe cheered.

Someone from the big tribe finally came, but I don’t know if the son of God has come!

The crowd cheered and greeted them. They didn't look like they were welcoming people from outside, but rather they were welcoming people from their tribe returning from hunting.

The three tribes soon met together, and there was a burst of laughter and laughter, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Let a person who doesn’t know the details see that these people belong to three completely different tribes, because not only are these people not separated at all, their appearances also look the same, and more importantly, they are just Even the language spoken is the same.

The people of the Wind Tribe and the Neighbor Wind Tribe were very disappointed if they did not see the respected son of God in the team, especially the minors.

However, this loss was quickly diluted by greater joy, because these people from the main tribe directly slaughtered the two sheep they had brought, and then began to cook for everyone to eat.

The leading trader pointed at the other three. The old primitives of the Xiangfeng tribe said that these three sheep were also left for them to eat.

After saying this, from the package he carried, he took out a bamboo tube with a closed hole. After unplugging the plug, he poured out a fruit candy from the package and distributed it to everyone. .

"what is this?"

The old primitive man of the Feng Tribe tilted his head and carefully looked at the translucent fruit candy in his hand, and found it extremely beautiful.

"This is sugar, made by the son of God, sweet and delicious!"

Mao looked at the old primitive man and said with a smile.

After hearing that such a beautiful thing was actually used for eating, the old primitive man couldn't bear to say anything.

I took this fruit candy in my hand and looked at it over and over again, just reluctant to put it in my mouth.

"Sweet! So sweet! Delicious!"

He was reluctant to put it in his mouth, but it didn't mean that the others were reluctant. After hearing Mao said that it was for eating, someone could not wait to put it in his mouth.

After the entrance of the fruit candies that they had never eaten before, after a short period of sluggishness, the minors immediately exclaimed and exclaimed the wonderful taste of fruit candies in their mouths. They were more excited than when they had eaten canned fruit.

After seeing the crowd's full of praise and intoxication, the old primitive man no longer had the thought of reluctantly, so he threw the fruit candy in his hand into his mouth with quick hands and feet.

As soon as he entered the mouth, the old primitive man was like the other people who had eaten fruit candy for the first time. His eyes widened suddenly. This is really delicious!

Knowing this thing was so delicious, he had already thrown it into his mouth, so he wouldn't hold it in his hand for so long.

Smelling the scent of meat coming out of the pottery jar, dragging the fruit candy to make it collide with his own teeth, feeling the sweet taste, and then look at the three sheep pulled out alone by the side, the old primitive people one by one My heart is warm.

The respect for the son of God has become more and more.

Unconsciously, in the hearts of many people, the position of the Son of God has surpassed the leader of their tribe.

The son of God is always thinking about himself and others, fearing that he and others cannot eat salt and can not use pottery, so he specifically asks himself to wait for people to build roads, and can give himself and others without food and fur.

And also take care of the food, the food can be eaten open.

In the eyes of the old primitive people, these are already rich enough, but in addition, the **** son will send people from time to time to send them delicious food for free.

Such a thing does not exist in their tribe.

There is not much food in the tribe. The best thing is that the leaders eat them. After such a person is arranged one by one, many people will not have enough to eat, let alone eat well.

And in the kind-hearted Qingque tribe, under the leadership of the kind and generous son of God, they lived an unprecedented good life. Not only were they able to eat, but the food they ate was compared to their previous They are extremely rich and taste super good.

In addition, from time to time, the kind-hearted son of God will let people get better food for them.

Like the current sheep and sweet fruit candy.

After having a meal and a rest, the reward team, which is dominated by the trade team, left here along the built road to the Tongshan residential area.

After Mao and the others left, the Feng tribe and the people in the neighboring wind tribe were still stuck in that kind of cheerful mood. They were inspired by the food, and they all worked harder one by one.


A gust of wind blew, and yellow leaves swayed down from the tree. The old primitive man of the Feng tribe looked at the fallen leaves and couldn't help sighing.

This is not because he has a feeling of hurting the spring and sadness of autumn. As a person who needs to work hard to fill his stomach, the feeling that only idle people will have, will not appear in the old primitive people. .

The reason why he sighed long was because through the large amount of fallen leaves, he realized that winter was about to come.

People living in this era don’t like to spend the winter the least, because for them, the white season of all things represents cold, hunger, death...

In the past, old primitive people would sigh long when they sensed that winter is coming, but the sighs in the past are different from this sigh.

In the past, I only worried about the coming winter, but now it is more because of the upcoming parting.

Winter is coming, the weather is cold and heavy snow falls, it is no longer suitable for outdoor activities, and of course the road cannot be repaired.

And once the construction fails, then they need to end their lives here, leave this kind and generous tribe, return to their tribe, and live the same life as before...

Emotions can be contagious. As more and more people realize this, the people who used to build roads in full swing gradually seem to be silent, and the atmosphere gradually becomes depressed.

Many people don't speak much anymore, just silently repairing the road. Those minors who were already sensible have become more sensible...

The reward team, which was formed mainly by the trade team under the flag of Qingque, came to the Tongshan residential area, and the Tongshan residential area was naturally happy.

After the fruit candy and more than a dozen sheep were sacrificed, the whole tribe was suddenly full of laughter.

The man who supported the raft once again talked about the spectacular scene when they arrested the sheep, and the strange thing that the two tigers killed were male.

While arousing everyone's surprise, he also spread the word good brother in the Tongshan residential area...

After the team stayed in the Tongshan residential area for one night, the next day, they returned under the leadership of Mao.

When I came here, except for some food on the road, the rest were left in the Tongshan residential area.

However, the people who returned were not empty-handed. They freed their hands and carried the copper and tin ingots smelted from the Tongshan residential area during this period of time.

More than three-quarters of the length of the Bronze Expressway has been built. In the morning, it starts from the Tongshan residential area and heads east along the flat road. At dusk in the afternoon, the distance is marked by Han Cheng on the map. It’s not too far away for the Wild Duck Inn.

Some temporary domed and semi-burrowing sheds were built here, and the two hired teams from the Wind Tribe and the Linfeng Tribe to build roads for the Qingque Tribe are now resting here.

The trade team members have long been accustomed to camping in the wild, but they are not willing to live in tents if they can have some houses.

And around this temporary work shed, according to the method they taught at the beginning, the wooden stakes were nailed down, which is relatively safer.

The reward team, which is dominated by the trade team, has a large number of people. When the shed was built, it was not built in a spacious area. So after being squeezed hard, half of the trade team still lived in temporary tents.

"What's wrong with you?"

After having dinner together, Mao looked at the old primitive people of the Feng tribe and asked them out loud.

At the beginning of the trade, he was not a very careful person, but after he took more people to conduct the trade, he gradually became more careful.

Because if you are not careful, you will easily encounter danger.

It was precisely because of this that when some members of the trade team had eaten, drank, and were ready to go to bed, he realized that the old primitive people's emotions were not too right, and asked aloud such words.

"When you encounter difficulties, you can tell us that we are willing to help you. Even if we can't help, there is a kind and wise son of God, he is willing to help you solve the difficulties."

Mao used half of Mandarin and half of gestures, and even the old primitive people of Xiangfeng tribe with gestures conveyed this meaning.

Hearing Mao's words, and thinking of that intelligent, wise and kind **** son, the old primitive people and others suddenly felt bright.

The son of God should be able to solve the difficulties encountered by himself and others! After all, the son of God is so smart!

So, the old primitive people who were still a little hesitant, they told them the things that made them feel unhappy.

Mao was very happy when he heard about it, because these people had a yearning for their tribe.

"Or, you join our tribe directly, so we can live together, we have some, you also have..."

Most primitive people don’t like to cover up. In fact, they don’t have this habit. So after learning about the old primitive people’s worries, Mao directly gave such a solution, and did not cover up the old people. The primitive people sent an invitation to join their tribe.

After saying this, the people in the two tribes were shocked, especially those minors. Under the light of the fire, their eyes became shiny, and there seemed to be flames jumping inside.

The heart of the old primitive man was also beating wildly, and there was also light flashing in his muddy eyes.

It's just that, like most adults, these lights in the eyes gradually dimmed over time.

They are very willing to join the rich, powerful and kind-hearted tribe in front of them, but as long as they think of the people who stayed in their tribe and think of their tribe, something will come out of their hearts. This idea ~www.NovelMTL.com~ is so entangled that it can't move.

The old primitive people don't know what these are, but these things actually exist.

"After I go back, I will tell the Son of God about your difficulties and let the Son of God help you find a solution."

After seeing the old primitive man and they shook his head, Maou was a little disappointed, but he was not too disappointed. After thinking about it, he smiled and said to the old primitive man.

Under such circumstances, the old primitive people can only nod their heads, and all pin their hopes on the clever and intelligent gods.

That night, after a hard day's work, many of the old primitive people who were generally able to fall asleep quickly, many did not fall asleep until late...

In the morning of the next day, Mao and the others packed up. After eating, they continued to march in the direction of the green bird master tribe.

The old primitive people looked at them and the blue bird flag, who were gradually disappearing from sight, and they didn't move for a while.

But unlike the previous anxiety, at this time, they all had more hope in their hearts.

With the wisdom of the son of God, he must be able to solve the difficulties encountered by himself and others!


Within the Qingque tribe, Han Cheng, who was dealing with newly picked hawthorns there, looked at Maoman and asked with surprise.

After getting a positive answer from Mao, Han Cheng's face was suddenly filled with smiles.

My own practice of boiling frogs in warm water for half a year was not in vain. These people have been assimilated by their own tribe.

It seems that it will not take too long, and the population of my tribe can increase by a large margin!

As for the solution to the old primitive people's current predicament, Han Chengcheng had already thought of it long before they encountered such a difficulty, and just use it directly...


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