I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 813: Pretend to be a new boss (3 in 1)

"God, blow, blow!"

Just after having dinner the next day, everyone could not wait to surround him, looking at Han Cheng one by one, with bright eyes.

Music knows no borders or eras, especially music that can be widely circulated and sung unfailingly, has its own advantages.

Of course, races are not easy to cross, otherwise there would be no such thing as saying about playing the piano.

The people of the Qingque tribe, who have never heard the flute, heard Han Cheng's "Farewell" last night, and the feeling was too strange.

Although I can't tell, but I can really appreciate the beauty of music.

So just after dinner today, everyone can't wait to look at Han Cheng, hoping that the respected son of God can play another song for them.

Seeing the people looking at him with bright eyes, Han Cheng suddenly appeared in front of Han Cheng's childhood dinner, half of the village people gathered in the courtyard of a family, watching a 14-inch black and white TV. scene.

Unfortunately, now he is no longer one of the people watching TV, but has turned into that 14-inch black and white TV...

Of course Han Cheng wouldn't make everyone happy, so he took the bamboo flute again and played the song "Farewell" in front of everyone.

The sound of the flute sounded, and everyone quieted instantly. Listening to the wonderful flute sound, watching the **** son playing the flute under the cover of the campfire, the eyes of many primitive women in the tribe were bright.

In the past, they thought that men who were strong and could get a lot of food were the most attractive, but now, looking at the gods playing the flute, their deep-rooted ideas suddenly shaken.

Looking at the people looking at his shining eyes, Han Cheng felt very useful in his heart.

Of course, if all of these primitive females with stars in their eyes were replaced by girls of later generations, and such a large number of little fans would be reaped at once, Han Cheng would definitely be more useful and be able to fly happily.

However, with his third-rate flute, playing in public in the later generations, it is not bad to not be stoned, and the little girl who wants to get a lot of votes is simply a dream.

It seems that women from primitive times are better to cheat!

"God, still blow! Still blow!"

At the end of the song, after a long period of silence, someone shouted out with unfulfilled intentions. Someone took the lead like this, and the others all recovered and shouted together.

They couldn't hear enough of this wonderful flute sound.

Han Cheng would naturally not refuse someone to support him like this. He put the flute to his mouth, and the melody of "Farewell" flowed out again, and everyone was quiet and intoxicated...

"God, still blow! Still blow!"

It is late at night, and the people who used to go to bed very early are still full of energy at this time, and they don't want to go to bed. They can't hear enough of this beautiful flute.

"Sleep! Stop blowing!"

Divine Son Han Da spoke, and the voices of everyone's desire and dissatisfaction were immediately suppressed.

This can’t be blamed on Han Cheng, whoever blows "Farewell" more than ten times in a row, his lips are almost bald, and his brain is a little hypoxic. These guys are still there shouting to do it again, but they don’t respond. Where would it be better than Han Cheng.

Of course, these guys have to say something after buying tickets, and Han Cheng is willing to come back a few more times. The key is that there are no tickets, and there are so many requests. How can this be true?

As a result, everyone was suppressed by the son of Han Da.

"Sleep well tonight, work well tomorrow, and I will play for everyone tomorrow night."

After Han Cheng said this, the people who were still a little depressed just now were resurrected with blood.

Han Cheng touched his muddy lips and couldn't help but smile. Sometimes too much is not necessarily a good thing.

Alas, there is no way, too good a person is such a distress...


In the chicken pen of the Qingque tribe, there was a chicken screaming in horror, but even if it was horrified, it still failed to escape the evil hand of the son of Han Da.

A rooster was held by Han Cheng's wings, and three or four feathers were pulled from the top in a row before releasing it, and then another hapless guy was caught and continued to pluck it.

At this time, Han Cheng seemed to have the spirit of a shaman when he made brushes, and he tended to turn into a hair-plucking madman.

Fortunately, the objects he targeted were only poultry such as chickens, ducks and geese, but he didn't start with the rest.

After a lot of chickens, ducks and ducks wailing, Han Cheng left here with a lot of harvest.

Watching the two-legged beast leave, the poultry of the Qingque tribe slowly calmed down.

Han Cheng stuffed the wings of four chickens into a thin bamboo tube three to four centimeters long. After it was plugged, some gum was used to stick it firmly, and then the thin bamboo tube was tightly pressed to a diameter. About three centimeters in the middle of the round copper sheet.

When it was firm, Han Cheng threw the simplified version of the shuttlecock into the air, and then the shuttlecock fell down with feathers up and copper pieces down.

After seeing it successfully, Han Chengcheng picked it up from the ground and threw it in the air again.

But this time he didn't let it fall to the ground anymore, but when it fell down, Han Cheng stretched out his foot to catch it, and kicked it up again.

Shuttlecock kicking is not Han Cheng's strong point, but he can't handle it after two kicks.

"Brother Cheng, is this?"

Because Little Myolie was not born for a long time, she needs more care from the mother of Bai Xuemei, and she can’t raise silkworms anymore. So Bai Xuemei’s life is relatively leisurely and her favorite thing to do is hug. With Little Myolie, leading Little Pea behind Han Cheng, like a little tail.

At this time, watching Han Cheng behave strangely at something he had never seen before, he asked curiously.

"This is a shuttlecock. It kicks with your feet. If you kick it too much, it has the effect of strengthening your body.

When the sports meet is held in winter, the shuttlecock kicking will be set up as a special event, and women will be rewarded if they play more games. "

Han Cheng explained to Bai Xuemei with a smile.

After playing twice, he successfully increased the number of kicks from twice to three times. Han Cheng was a little proud of himself. This improvement is so obvious! After just a while, it went up by one third!

"You come to kick it."

Han Cheng smiled and said to Bai Xuemei who was holding Little Myolie.

"Brother Cheng, I won't."

Bai Xuemei shook her head. This shuttlecock and this novel way of playing was the first time she saw her, so naturally she couldn't play.

"It's okay, it's easy, just kick it."

Han Cheng took Little Myolie from Bai Xuemei's arms and smiled and said to Bai Xuemei.

Persuading him as he came over, a senior veteran instructs Xiao Mengxin.

"When you kick, your feet should be as flat as possible. You can't use too much strength. Just pay more attention to it and you can reach my level."


Bai Xuemei nodded her head obediently, with the kind of tension, novelty and anxiety peculiar to novice rookies.

Shenzi Han Da taught a few more words, and after imparting her own experience, the somewhat careful and perturbed Bai Xuemei threw the shuttlecock into the air.

"Slap, slap, slap, slap, slap..."

Seeing the chicken feather shuttlecock flying up and down on Bai Xuemei's feet, Han Cheng's skin was twitching. Is it necessary to slap her face with such strength? Obviously he is a big guy, but he has to pretend to be a little cute here. Is it really good to have a face like this? ...

"Brother Cheng, the way you teach is really good!"

The first time she kicked the shuttlecock, Bai Xuemei, who had kicked the shuttlecock twelve times in a row, watched Han Cheng admiringly said.

Rao is that Han Cheng's face is thick enough, and he can't help but blush at this moment.

"Hey, Brother Cheng, what's wrong with your face? Why is it so red?"

Seeing the innocent and innocent look of Bai Xuemei, Han Cheng suddenly had the urge to escape...

The appearance of the shuttlecocks quickly set off a wave of craze in the tribe. There were few primitive females who had fun. After getting these feather shuttlecocks, all of them were very happy, and I wanted to touch them and kick them when I was fine. foot.

Quite the demeanor of later generations of people who "put a card in their waist and catch whoever will come".

Of course, if the shuttlecock alone is not enough to make these primitive women in the tribe obsessed with it, if the shuttlecock and the croissant comb are linked together, such a trend can be set off in the tribe. It's strange.

Claw combs are different from ordinary wooden combs. Claw combs are not only comfortable to use, but also look very good-looking. It is the thing that impresses tribal women the most.

Using such a thing as a reward for the top three people kicking the shuttlecock during the Winter Games, it is no wonder that these women are not moved by it.

The horn comb obtained through the competition is not the same as the rest. The horn comb obtained through the competition is awarded to the individual and no longer belongs to the public.

After these years of continuous development and the gradual enrichment of tribal materials, everyone has slowly developed some private ideas, able to distinguish between their own ownership and the different concepts of public ownership.


Next to the white-smoke-casting bronze stove, Heiwa carried a rope-wrapped bronze gong in his hand, and a cloth-wrapped gong hammer in his other hand, hitting the center of the gong.

After the gong was struck, the surface of the gong trembled and made a sound.

The sound was a bit louder than the one cast before, but it was still far from the kind of effect the **** son said.

This makes Heiwa very distressed. He has been very careful to make the molds. The gap between the molds has been made to the thinnest degree he can achieve by hand. However, the effect of the cast gong is still not ideal. .

In the past, he always wanted to do more challenging things, but now Heiwa suddenly regretted it, because the gong was so challenging!

He has racked his brains, and still can't make a gong that works well.

And now the weather is getting colder and colder, and there will be heavy snowfall at some point.

Time is so tight that Heiwa is not in a hurry.

"Put the gong in the iron-making furnace and burn it with fire. After it is heated, use a hammer to beat the protruding disc in the middle to be thinner."

Han Cheng came over, understood the difficulties Heiwa had encountered, took the unsuccessful gong in his hand and watched it carefully for a while, and said aloud to the second senior.

Copper cannot be forged repeatedly like iron, but there is no problem in beating thinner after heating the thick part.

For Tonggong, Han Cheng's most direct contact was when he was a child, he followed his cousin who was more than ten years older than him and a nephew who was five or six years older than him on patrols.

In the past two years, cattle thieves were very rampant. The village where Han Cheng was located lost three of them within a year, and the nearby villages also lost some more or less.

Therefore, the various villages began to organize people to conduct patrols at night.

There are three households in one group, and one household must dispatch at least one person. They are divided into two groups in one night.

The three of them carried a gong, and when they went out of the house, the old lady confessed over and over again, saying that when they encountered a thief, she would bang the gong in her hand vigorously, but never go to the thief...

Of course, the gongs that have been patrolled in the village for more than a year have not been spotted by anyone.

However, the experience at that time was not in vain. At least when he made the gong at this time, he would not be blind as he did before making the oil press, and he could only continue to explore step by step.

So after watching and comparing it with the gong in his memory, he can roughly see the problem and give some solutions.

Gong gongs and skin drums actually have a certain similarity. They all make a sound through the rapid tremor of the drum head after being hit.

Now that the gong is made too thick, the tremor is affected, and the sound is naturally not too loud.

Of course, in addition to the tremor of the drum head, there is also a major reason for the loud drum sound because the hollow drum barrel below has a certain amplification effect.

After listening to Han Cheng's words, the second elder brother immediately started to get busy and tidied up the ironing stove that hadn't been used for a long time in order to get some iron from the iron bacteria.

After putting the top charcoal into it, the fire started to burn. Heiwa, who couldn't think of a way, squatted there consciously, and pressed the hand-driving blower to continuously blow air into the furnace. As he raised the furnace temperature, he really wanted to see the gong repaired.

After most of the charcoal was burned, the untied gong was put into the furnace. After burning for a while, the second brother used a long-handled bronze tongs to clamp it out of the furnace and lay it flat. On a bronze ingot with a flat surface, he held the bronze hammer against the protruding part of the gong that looked like a bullseye.

As the bronze hammer continued to fall, the place gradually became thinner.

Practice makes perfect. The second brother is a person in the tribe who does more of these tasks, so his craftsmanship is still good.

At the beginning, I smashed it with great strength, and when it was almost smashed, I slowed down my strength to eliminate as much as possible the traces on it and make it flat.


After some careful handling, the gong was finally fixed. After tying the rope, Han Cheng took the gong and swung it personally. A sound that was louder than before spread out.

I don't have the sound of the gong in the memory of later generations, but it can already be used.

Heiwa’s troubles are all removed, and his eyes become bright. It turns out that in addition to casting, the casting utensils can also be rested in this way!

The weather is getting colder and colder. Although the heavy snow has not yet fallen, people can really feel that winter has really arrived.

The cold wind blew by, the yellow leaves all over the sky fell one after another, and the grass was blown and bent down.

In this weather, cheers rang out in the future Wild Duck Station.

Feng tribe headed by the old primitive people, people from the neighboring wind tribe, and people from the Qingque tribe road construction team headed by Gu met here and victoriously converged.

They clasped their hands tightly together and laughed with excitement. After more than half a year, they shed countless sweats, and they finally built the road before the snow fell!

Although there are still many places that need to be built for the bridges mentioned by the gods, it is undeniable that the main body of this road has been built by them!

When the two road construction teams tamped the last bit of the road, their hands were tightly held together.

At this time, they are not from which tribe, but a group of people working together for the same goal!

"Go, the road has been repaired, now you can walk down this road to the main tribe!"

Shishi sent out an invitation to these people with a smile on his face.

More than half a year of wind and sun, as well as being away from the tribe to determine the road here alone, plus teaching the minors of the two tribes to learn Mandarin and Chinese characters, the stones have become much darker and stronger, and there are more Calm and confident.

Some roads can only be walked by one person. After walking through this road, the whole person will gain something more or less and become different from before. This is growth.

I spent more than half a year with the people of the two tribes. Stone has already had some special feelings for the people of the two tribes, and he also knows the wishes of these people very clearly. He understands that they are working hard to build roads. The reason is that I want to visit my big tribe after the road is built.

Now that the road is finally completed, amidst the cheers of everyone, the stone immediately mentioned this matter.

After Stone's invitation was sent, the place was quiet, and then more enthusiastic cheers erupted. The minors of the two tribes jumped in excitement, joy and longing in their hearts.

The adults of the two tribes were too happy.

After waiting for so long, now they have finally finished building the road, they can go to the big tribe of this kind-hearted tribe, and they can see the kind-hearted son of God!

However, after such joy lasted for a while, someone stood up and poured cold water.

The people who poured cold water are the old primitive people of the Feng Tribe.

Like the rest of the people, he is also very eager to see the big tribe of the kind tribe. However, seeing the many fallen leaves falling with the wind and the weeds that have been bent by the wind, he felt cold After the temperature fell, this thought was still suppressed.

The weather is getting colder and colder, winter has arrived, and heavy snow may drop at any time.

They have no time to delay.

Although the son of God had thought of a way for himself and others to allow himself and others to continue to live in the kind-hearted tribe in winter, before doing this, they need to go back to their tribe and take this The salt, which was obtained from the kind-hearted Qingque tribe for more than half a year, was transported back to the tribe, and the people who remained in the tribe needed it very much.

And they need to go back and tell the people in the tribe to continue working in the kind-hearted tribe in winter, otherwise the people in the tribe will be worried.

All these need to be done before the snow falls, otherwise things will become uncomfortable.

Whether it was heavy snowfall before they returned to the tribe, or heavy snowfall after returning to the tribe, it was a worrying thing.

Although the old primitive people also very much wanted to go to the kind-hearted green bird master tribe, but after thinking about these, the old primitive people could only temporarily suppress it, because compared with this matter, it was before the heavy snowfall. It is even more important to arrange things ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and then bring these people back to the kind-hearted blue bird tribe.

Because one can't handle it well, he and others are about to spend the winter in his tribe, and it will take a long time to come to the kind-hearted tribe again and see these kind-hearted people.

People who are old and good are not false at all, especially in this age when there are not many channels for acquiring knowledge and experience, and more attention is paid to acquiring all kinds of knowledge based on their own experience. Older people are generally older than their age. Small people are smarter.

So while everyone was rejoicing that they were going to the Green Bird Tribe, the old primitive people of the Feng Tribe thought of these far-reaching things.

After the meaning is expressed, the cheering people can't cheer immediately.

They thought carefully about what the old primitive people said, and felt that it made sense. In order to spend this winter in the kind-hearted blue bird tribe, all they need to do at this time is to go back to their tribe quickly, and then go to The kind-hearted green bird tribe rushes.

However, to understand is to understand, but it is also inevitable to feel uncomfortable. After all, they have been looking forward to this thing for so long, and finally it can be realized, but this kind of thing happened again.

After understanding everyone's concerns, Shishi laughed, not only Shishi, but the rest of the Qingque tribe who understood the old primitive people's concerns, also smiled kindly.

If the old primitive people are worried about other things, they may not be able to help, but now, this is really not a problem for them who wiped out the semi-agricultural tribe during the heavy snow last winter.

"You can walk if you have snow, we have a way..."

With a smile, Shishi explained to the old primitive people that as Shishi told them, the people of the two tribes who were originally depressed gradually showed joy...

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