I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 498: A warrior who just got a rhinoceros with his life

The sun slowly slanted west, and the chaotic place gradually became quiet.

In front of the gate of the Qingque tribe, not too far from the big pit, there were a lot of people everywhere.

These people are all **** with ropes. Except for a few sitting here, the rest of them are all lying or lying on the ground in a weird posture, like a silkworm wrapped in cocoons.

There was a circle around them with sharp stone spears in their hands pointing at their blue sparrow tribe. The fear of death enveloped them, except for occasionally one or two unbearable painful moans. , It was very quiet here, there was no other sound.

The people of Teng Snake Tribe stayed here quietly, waiting in horror for an unknown fate.


There was a shout from a distance, and the big brothers who returned last came back with two people who were all wet, and came back with them.

The two guys were chased anxiously and jumped directly into the river of the Qingque tribe. Unfortunately, they didn’t know how to swim. The result of jumping into the river was that after drinking a stomach of water, they were guarded on the shore. The brothers and others hooked them out with the things in their hands, and after a little water, they shook their way towards the place that scared them.

Seeing the elder brother and them return safely, Han Cheng, with a tight complexion, finally showed a smile on his face. At this point, all the people from the Qingque tribe who participated in the pursuit have returned, and there is no reduction in staff.

Except for one of the more serious injuries, the rest were basically uninjured, not even minor injuries.

It's just a long time to catch up with tired and exhausted.

And there are as many as 68 people in the captured Tengshe tribe! There were 31 deaths.

Together, there are ninety-nine people!

In other words, in this battle, the Teng Snake Tribe at least reduced its staff by 99 people!

Most of these dead people died under the initial rain of arrows from the trap.

In the subsequent chase, because Han Cheng deliberately dealt with it, the people of the Qingque tribe did not kill, except for a few more fierce resistance, the rest of the people did not die.

Before, Han Cheng roughly estimated that there are about 120 people in the Tengshe tribe.

In other words, in this battle, there were fewer than thirty people from the Teng Snake Tribe.

This powerful evil tribe, after this battle, can be said to have been defeated by them.

Such a wide disparity would make people feel extremely surprised if only looking at the results, but after adding all the conditions before and during the war, such results would become natural.

After arranging for Liang to clean the wounds of the two more injured people in the tribe, Han Cheng asked the senior brother and other important members of the tribe about the situation, and then they called rabbit fur.

War is important, and post-war handling is equally important.

After all, the pre-war war was to ensure that one's own interests were not violated, and it was time to reap the dividends.

What needs to be done most now is to further deter these captured people and to comfort them to a certain extent.

Enwei combined with the help of strength and softness, after initially stabilizing them, he began to heal them quickly.

Try to be one less dead.

After all, these captives are the most important trophies for the Qingque tribe.

Rabbit fur's leg didn't hurt the bones, but pierced the flesh. After this period of rest and recuperation, his injury has recovered a lot.

If you don't leave quickly, you can't see how lame it is.

But before the start of the battle, after the start of the battle, the rabbit fur was lame again, and when he started walking, he felt a little faint and wanted to swing.

Especially when he walked past the trap that hadn't had time to clear because of the rush of time, and saw the unicorn that was covered with blood, lying motionless and completely dead in the pit in a strange posture, he was lame. It's more powerful.

What did he see!

In his opinion, the unicorn that was too tyrannical to match just died, not even the gate of the tribe was reached, and no one was hurt.

And the tribes that he had stayed in, and had breached several tribes in the past few years, almost had little resistance, were killed.

After seeing the people of this tribe set up traps and prepare to fight, he actually felt that the evil tribe could not defeat this tribe.

Even so, I never thought that the evil tribe that was so powerful that no tribe could resist their sharp edge would be beaten so miserably and defeated so simply!

Fortunately, I was dispatched in advance by the witch as a spy, otherwise, I might die today.

"The Son of God."



The Qingque tribe has always been doing cultural erosion of the newcomers to the tribe and increasing their cultural identity as soon as possible.

Therefore, Rabbit Fur, who has lived here for a while, can simply speak Mandarin, the only official language of the Qingque tribe.

He came here and respectfully bowed to the Big Three of the Qingque tribe, not daring to be sloppy.

Especially when I saw the **** son who didn't seem to have been an adult for too long and was not young and strong, I was most respectful, and there was even some panic inside.

After living in the Qingque tribe for a period of time, he saw all the arrangements made by this young **** child when he defended the Teng Snake tribe. It was these arrangements that made him achieve such great results.

Rabbit fur also really saw the power of wisdom.

In the past, Rabbit Mao admired strong people the most. After experiencing this incident, he respected those with wisdom even more.

Because no matter how strong a person is, he can't kill a terrifying unicorn, but wisdom can do it easily.

"Look at it, those who are the leaders of the evil tribe, find them out."

Han Cheng nodded to Rabbit Fur and said.

If it is this long, rabbit fur sounds very difficult~www.NovelMTL.com~ needs Shang to be translated.

After understanding Han Cheng's meaning, Rabbit Fur didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly went to see the dead people who were placed in a row.


Not long after that, Rabbit Fur pointed to one of the dead bodies and shouted.

Is this a leader of the Tengshe tribe?

Looking at the corpse pointed by Rabbit Fur, Han Cheng couldn't help but twitched.

Han Cheng has a deep memory of this guy whose hair is obviously smoother than the rest of the Tengshe tribe.

Because this guy was pulled out from under the woolly rhinoceros' ass.

To be more precise, it was pulled from the land of the woolly rhinoceros.

This warrior who used his life to stiffen the woolly rhinoceros is actually a leader?

This...this is really brave enough.

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