I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 499: Cut throat

"It's him?"

The big brother also came over, looking at the aggrieved three leaders of the Tengshe tribe, a little surprised.

He also recognized this guy, who took the lead in seizing the orchard of their tribe a few years ago.

He had fought with this guy more than once, and he didn't expect that this time he came to attack his own tribe, he also came, and died in such a stubborn way.


Rabbit Fur cried out a little bit, and pointed his finger at someone who looked older than the average Teng Snake tribe with a face full of disbelief.

This extremely mysterious witch who could communicate with the gods died like this?

Rabbit fur looked unbelievable.

This guy is actually a witch?

Han Cheng, who understood the meaning of rabbit fur, looked a little surprised at the man whose blood had solidified on his head and the arrow on his chest was pulled away, leaving a blood stain.

Having been here for so long, Han Cheng has encountered a tribe with witches in addition to his own tribe.

I just didn't expect to die so simply.

The dead aggrieved three leaders of the Tengshe tribe and the corpses of the Tengshe tribe witch were pulled from the dead pile and carried to the gathered prisoners of the Tengshe tribe.

Seeing the witch and the three leaders without life, everyone in the Teng Snake tribe was extremely shocked. It was enough for the three leaders to die. How could even the witches die?

Such horror is more frightening for the people of the Tengshe tribe than seeing a ferocious unicorn swallowed by the devil's mouth.

The wisdom, mystery, and irreversibility of the witch were deeply ingrained in their hearts, but now, he just died like this, no different from the rest of the people.

But when they recognized the rabbit fur of their tribe standing beside these terrifying conquerors, the horror caused by the death of the witch faded a lot.

Many people focus on rabbit fur.

They couldn't figure out why the rabbit fur was not dead, and it looked like it was part of the tribe.

The horror of death and the yearning for life will make people smarter. Not long after, many people are worrying about their lives. Some people who understand this tribe catch them without killing them immediately. The reason is.

They looked at Rabbit Fur standing next to Han Cheng with extreme eagerness. If they weren't afraid of these victors, I'm afraid that many people have already asked questions.

"it's him?"

After the rabbit fur glanced around the group of prisoners, he pointed his finger at a male primitive man with wet hair.

Han Cheng looked at the rabbit fur and asked aloud. At the same time, he waved his hand. The two senior brothers and the second senior brothers went straight to the group of prisoners, grabbed the male primitive man who was shrinking in fright, and dragged him out. .

This fellow big brother remembered clearly, it was the one who jumped into the river and drank water after being chased by them.

It's just that he didn't expect that he was still a leader, and the most important leader.


Rabbit fur gazes over the remaining people one by one, and finally shook his head, and said something to Han Cheng in contrast.

Han Cheng frowned slightly, and he ran away from a leader?

Then I stretched out again, and if I ran one, I would run one. This is enough for the most important leader, the dead witch, and another one.

"Tell them that they don't need to die, as long as they obey and submit to our tribe, they can survive."

Han Cheng said to Shang who was on the side, Shang relayed the words to Rabbit Fur. Finally, Rabbit Fur, who had lived in the Teng Snake Tribe for several years, conveyed the meaning to these prisoners of war.

After Rabbit Hair conveyed Han Cheng's meaning, the restless members of the Teng Snake Tribe immediately breathed a sigh of relief, not as fearful as before.

As long as you are not killed, everything is easy to say.

After Rabbit Fur's words fell silent, he reacted quickly, and immediately twisted his body with difficulty, said in a ura-ula, and kept touching his head on the ground to show that he was willing to surrender.

The leader of the Tengshe tribe, who was held by the two senior brothers and two senior brothers, suddenly panicked.

He is not a fool. They used to do similar things in the tribe. At this time, just look at the dead witch and the three chiefs around him, and listen to the words of Rabbit Fur. He immediately understands what the fate awaits him is. .

He struggled desperately, trying to escape here, but his hands and feet were tied up, and there were two sturdy people holding him, Senior Brother and Second Senior Brother. How could he escape?

The big brother saw that he was not honest, so he let go of a hand, and made a fist against the chest of the leader of the Tengshe tribe with a few vicious punches. He would not have the slightest softness when dealing with the enemy.

The leader of the Tengshe tribe bent over in pain, spit out a few sips of the water that he had drunk in the creek before, breathing for a while.

After seeing what happened just now, although he was particularly frightened, he didn't dare to struggle anymore.

It's just that there is horror in his eyes, and his body is shaking uncontrollably, waiting for death to come.

After simply expressing his meaning to these prisoners, Han Cheng said nothing, the witch with an iron knife in his hand walked over, followed by Junior Brother Sha holding a clay pot.

Han Cheng sucked his nose slightly, and he wanted to let the senior brother do the matter of killing the leader of the Teng Snake tribe, just like the previous leader of the Bone Slashing Tribe.

As a result, Wu opened his mouth unexpectedly and took on the task.

Han Cheng didn't want Wu to do it. After all, Wu was old, but Wu refused this time.

Regardless of the outcome of this incident, it cannot conceal the fact that the people of the Tengshe Tribe want to attack the Blue Sparrow Tribe.

While Wu was happy that his tribe had a group of captives, he also had hatred for the Teng Snake tribe, so he had to carry the knife himself this time.

The leader of the Tengshe tribe was immobile on the ground by the two senior brothers and the second senior brothers. Shang held his hair and pulled back fiercely, pulling his head up high, exposing his neck.

The gathered prisoners of the Tengshe tribe, under the orders of the Qingque tribe, all raised their heads with fear, watching this scene with horror in their eyes.

Don't look at Wu's age, and he doesn't do his job properly on weekdays, but at critical times, he never loses the chain~www.NovelMTL.com~ After everything is ready, he turned his head and glanced with horror. Watching all this, the captive of the Tengshe tribe, and then without any hesitation, inserted the iron knife in his hand into the neck of the unmovable Tengshe tribe leader.

Han Cheng on the side couldn't help tilting his head to one side when the witch was hitting the sword. The former leader of the donkey tribe, the current trader, had red eyes and refused to blink.

When Wu inserted the iron knife into the neck of the leader of the Tengshe tribe, his fists were even more tightly clenched together, wishing to go up and stabb the leader of the Tengshe tribe with the knife himself!

The iron sword was pulled out, scarlet blood splashed out, and the throat of the leader of the Tengshe tribe made a sound of'ho ho', struggling desperately.

Wu ignored the blood sprayed on his body, and took the clay pot from Junior Brother Sha to receive the blood flowing from the neck of the leader.

After a while, seeing that the leader of the Tengshe tribe was still struggling and did not die, he held the knife and struck him against his neck again.

When facing the enemy, he couldn't find the slightest kindness from him...

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