I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 497: The joy of harvest

Since the parasites in his stomach were slowly wiped out by Han Cheng with the poisonous bright grass, after a long period of slow recuperation, the second brother, who has lost his big belly, has actually become the strongest and brave person in the Qingque tribe.

Without weapons, just fighting with bare hands, even the big brother is not his opponent.

Getting rid of the parasites in the belly and the big belly, this guy has not only changed his strength, but also has not improved his speed by a little bit.

When he was chasing from behind with a stone spear in one hand and an iron head with seven or eight hemp ropes in the other, the second senior brother had tied the hands of the primitive woman behind her back and her legs were half tied.


He quickly tied the rope, and ignoring the screams of the primitive woman under him, tied her legs tightly together, then got up quickly, yelled at the iron head, and dashed towards the distance. go with.

There was also a member of the Teng Snake Tribe who was staggering and running forward.


Tietou replied, and ran towards the person behind the second brother, feeling uncomfortable for himself to be with the sturdy and messy second brother.

Because he found that he didn't seem to be able to use his skills at all. Without him, the second brother would get things right by himself.

And the speed is not slower than the other two people working together.

This makes the iron head who wants to show it, how can he be dissatisfied and depressed?

Following such a fierce man, he can't reflect his value at all!

Looking around, in this large area outside the gate of the Qingque tribe, there are many combinations like the second brother and Tietou.

They were in teams of two, with ropes and weapons in their hands, specifically to deal with those from the Teng Snake tribe who were unhappy after being injured.

Most of these combinations are one man and one woman.

It's not that Han Cheng feels that men and women are not tired from working together, but that male primitives are more physically superior than female primitives.

In this combination, the male primitive man holds a weapon in his hand, and is responsible for giving those who still want to resist after being injured, and then overwhelming them to the ground.

The female primitives who deal more with the rope will be bound by the people of the Tengshe tribe who have been pushed to the ground by the rope.

Then he rushed to another target without staying too much.

The enthusiasm and posture of work are the same as those when harvesting crops.

Those who did the binding work were the people who used bows and arrows and slings on the wall to strike at the crowded Snake Tribe.

When the people of the Tengshe tribe began to scatter and ran out of the shooting range of their bows and arrows, and the big brothers rushed out from the courtyard and chased those people, Han Cheng gave the order.

Except for a few people who stood on the fence and were responsible for guarding, all the others went under the fence and took the ropes and weapons that had been placed not far inside the gate to tie up the injured Teng Snake tribe.

To prevent them from escaping and hurting the people of the Qingque tribe.

A battle that has been gestated for a long time finally started. This is the most critical moment for them to reap the dividends of the war. Every member of the Tengshe tribe who has never died is a huge wealth for the Qingque tribe. Naturally, Han Cheng is not Allow ducks that reach the mouth to fly away.

The people of the Teng Snake tribe have been completely defeated. Under such circumstances, there is no need to worry about them being able to come back and attack the tribe again.

Pretending to be defeated, attracting the people of the Blue Sparrow Tribe, and then taking advantage of the situation to fight back and defeating the defeat will never happen.

Not only because the people of the Teng Snake Tribe were too miserable, but also an important reason is that by comparing with the number of rabbit fur, Han Cheng was able to confirm that the battle not long ago included Teng The majority of adults in the snake tribe.

Under this premise, even if the witches of the Tengshe tribe were smart enough to think of ambushing secretly, they did not have enough manpower to do it.

It is precisely because of this that Han Cheng can be very confident and bold to let people chase the escaped Teng Snake tribe.

And let most of the people go down the wall to bind those who will become slaves of the Qingque tribe.

Han Cheng and Wu did not go down, but stood on the fence and watched what happened in this piece of land.

Someone in the distance ran desperately, and was overtaken by the Qingque tribe and knocked to the ground.

During the entire chasing process, there was almost no decent resistance, because these people from the Teng Snake Tribe who were running away were so frightened that they just wanted to escape, without the courage to resist.

Nearby, the people of the Qingque tribe kept making moves, and with the joy of harvest, they brought down and bound the injured enemies one by one.

Seeing this scene before him, Han Cheng felt extremely complicated, relaxed and relieved as the dust settled, there was the joy of a large number of slaves in the tribe, and there was also a kind of unbearable and uncomfortable for the **** scene.

After all, he is still a modern person, watching the lives of many people passing in front of him, watching the dazzling blood-stained ground, and those bodies that have no vitality, listening to the horrified and desperate cry of the injured, it is inevitable that he will feel Some unspeakable emotions arose.

Even so, I also know that these things are inevitable.

If time rushed back once, he would not hesitate to choose to act like this, even more decisive than he did now.

He is not a saint, and he can't do the action of being hit on the left cheek and then stretch the right cheek over.

In the face of the tribes who came over and wanted to deprive them of their right to survive, all he could do was to fight back with more sharp means, killing them or arresting them as slaves.

As for the uncomfortable heart, it will be uncomfortable, and after a period of time, it will be fine.

There is no way, the world is so cruel, but the primitive age embodies this cruelty more straightforward and simple.

If you want to live in this world, you can only grit your teeth and work hard~www.NovelMTL.com~ Fighting against the heavens and the earth against the people, you can't take a step back.

Compared with Han Cheng's complicated mood, the witch standing aside did not have so many useless emotions. He smiled silently when he looked at the people of the Teng Snake Tribe who were constantly knocked down and tied up.

The smile was so sincere and open, that even the little tongue was shaking.

These are the existences that will become slaves to their tribe!

With so many slaves, how much land can be cultivated in the tribe, how much food can be grown, and how much more can be done!

All worries before the start of the war disappeared, and Wu Wu was filled with the joy of a harvest.

After an unprecedented battle, their tribe not only did not become weaker, but also developed greatly, which was unimaginable before!

"The Son of God!"

He saluted Han Cheng, trying to make his expression more solemn, but the smile on his face couldn't help it.

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