I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 496: Open the courtyard door, take the initiative

The fastest person in the Tengshe tribe did not run at this time. It was not that he didn't want to run, but that he didn't dare to run.

In front of him, there were three big pits that appeared in succession with the mouth of a devil. These big pits swallowed up the unicorn that everyone in their tribe regarded as unmatched.

Swallowed many people from their tribe.

The unicorn struggled painfully in the pit, and those people were crying and struggling desperately.

Three terrifying big pits have sealed almost all his return paths. Under such circumstances, how can he dare to go to that terrifying pit?

He was trembling tightly against the wooden door of the Qingque tribe, praying that death would not fall on him.

His prayers had no effect, and a sharp iron spear suddenly pierced from the gap behind the wooden fence door and directly penetrated one of his thighs.

The iron spear was retracted, and while the man wailed and fell to the ground, the wooden door from the Teng Snake Tribe was still thinking about breaking it open abruptly from inside.

The first person who rushed out from the inside was the big brother holding a cane shield.

The man who fell on the ground turned his head towards the gate of the Qingque tribe, and looked at the numerous big feet and legs rushing out in horror. He felt that even if it hurt, he would be trampled to death by these countless big feet.

In his fear, the first big foot fell on him, and the pain followed.

But he just suffered this foot, and the other soles of the feet that were expected did not fall on him.

Because of this extremely strong kick, he kicked and rolled a few times, avoiding the forward path in front of the door.

"Be careful, walk along the ashes!"

After kicking away the injured man from the Teng Snake Tribe, the big brother continued to move forward without much pause.

However, he did not go to the middle of the road, but ran to one side, reminding the others loudly while walking.

There is another trap here that has not been stepped on. He doesn't want people from his tribe to fall into it.

Because the people from the Tengshe tribe came late, and the trails with ash on both sides of the trap, the people from the Qingque tribe have walked many times, and they are basically used to it these days.

So even though the speed was fast at this time, no one stepped on the wrong one, and all passed safely.

"Go down!"

The big brother who rushed to the edge of the second row of traps slammed the cane shield in his hand to the front left, and a member of the Teng Snake Tribe who had just crawled out of the trap was knocked in again.

At the same time, Shang, who took the lead on another small road, also slammed Tie Ge out of his hand.

A person who hadn't suffered much damage and climbed up in a panic because there were too many people falling in the trap and covered the wood thorns. He was hit in the calf with a scream and fell back again screaming.

After repulsing the invaders, and on the premise of ensuring that his own people are not harmed, as much as possible to save the lives of loving these people, it was long before the people of Teng Snake tribe came to attack, Han Chengcheng explained Things down.

Because when he caught a few spies sent by the Teng Snake tribe, Han Chengcheng had already told everyone in the tribe about slavery, so they were very accepting of what they were doing at the time.

Because after the great Han Shenzi's flicker, they generally feel that it is better to capture these invaders and slaves to their tribe than to kill them directly.

Therefore, in the active attack at this time, they generally would not greet the deadly place.

"Hurry up!"

The big brother who ran out of the path carried Fujidun and urged loudly.

He, who was extremely cautious in the past, is not cautious anymore. This powerful evil tribe who came to attack them, was defeated by them and fled under the command of the son of God, without the slightest resistance. Under such circumstances, how can he Without chasing people?

Not only him, but the other members of the Qingque tribe who followed were all very energetic. They didn't need the command of the big brother, they just rushed like a chicken blood.

For these arrows falling to the ground and howling, and other slow people who were injured, they basically ignored them, but chased after the people from the Teng Snake tribe who fled quickly.

The witch of the Teng Snake tribe was dead, and everyone was fleeing desperately under the panic, so they were extremely scattered.

Therefore, the vine shield team and the spear team led by the big brother and Shang, also scattered into several groups to catch up.

However, even if they are separated, at least two people will chase them together, and these combinations basically include a spearman and a vine shield.

This is the result of the long-term training of the Qingque tribe.

During training, the people of the Spears and the Vine Shields are basically carried out as a combination or as a whole.

Han Cheng asked them not to separate easily.

This kind of long-term training had an excellent effect at this time. When they dispersed to chase the people of the Tengshe tribe, they were almost conditioned and formed such a combination.


The big brother who hurriedly chased after caught up with a desperately fleeing member of the Teng Snake tribe, shouted, a vine shield knocked him down.

This person also stimulated his potential under the threat of death. After being knocked down by the big brother, he climbed up and was about to run again. As a result, a piercing pain suddenly came from his leg.

She screamed, staggered and fell directly to the ground, followed by the **** sorrow beside the big brother, staring at the bloodshot eyes, and retracted Tie Ge.

The injured fell to the ground, thinking that death would come, curled up on the ground in fear, but something extremely unexpected happened to her.

These two extremely fierce people ~www.NovelMTL.com~ didn't kill her again, but pulled out their legs and went after the others.

This person stayed here for a while, couldn't believe he was still alive.

Then he reacted and hurriedly struggled to get up, ignoring the severe pain from his leg, dragging his injured leg and ran to the side desperately.

At this time, she didn't want to stay here any longer, she wanted to get away from this terrifying place as soon as possible.

She didn't run far.

Because with a loud drink that she couldn't understand, a man who was taller than the average primitive man chased up from behind.

After this shocking shout rang out, the guy who was catching up jumped up almost two meters away from her. Under her horrified eyes, he slammed directly down, like a hungry tiger. Threw her to the ground.

The second elder brother ignored the primordial female who had been rolled her eyes by his violent'didong', turned over and sat on her, and pulled out the hemp rope wrapped around her waist. This primitive female who doesn't have much resistance.

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