I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 495: Death of the Snake Witch

When the faint roar of the unicorn came, Wu of the Tengshe tribe was slightly startled.

Unlike the others in the tribe, the unicorn can be said to be raised by himself.

So he heard that the roar was different from the past, and it seemed to contain pain.

How is this going?

The thick-skinned unicorn actually makes a painful cry?

Isn't it wood that this tribe uses to block the cave?

The cave unicorns blocked by the stones can easily open up, but the wooden ones make a cry of pain?

After a little dazed, the witch of the Tengshe tribe panicked a little.

Because he was in the back, his vision was blocked by the turbulent crowd, and he couldn't see the situation ahead.

Right now, he hurried to one side, trying to bypass these people in front.

In the end, he didn't take a few steps, and something unexpected happened to him.

Those people who hadn't counterattacked since they came here, who he thought were frightened and stupid, began to attack.

But what puzzled the witches of Teng Snake Tribe was that they didn't throw out the strange weapon they were holding, but were pulling something.

Then some small feathered branches flew out.

Are the people of this tribe stupid? Can such a small branch hurt people?

The people of this tribe are not stupid, such small branches can indeed hurt people, and the damage is very big!

The witches of the Tengshe tribe who were walking quickly to one side could not help but stop, staring blankly at the tribesmen who were stuck with small branches or to the end, or howling in pain, they were stupid for a while .

After a while, a deep fear rose from deep in his heart.

Not only was he seeing the people in his tribe, but he suffered a great deal of damage in a moment, but more importantly, he walked a little to the side and did not see the unicorn!

According to the past, the unicorn should have breached the cave at this time.

And now, the cave that the tribe just blocked with wood is still intact, but the unicorn has disappeared out of thin air!

And those tribesmen who have been rushing forward bravely, at this time should almost completely rush to the front of this strange cave.

However, the result now is that although they rushed fiercely, they stopped in front of this tribe.

What is going on here? !

At this time, the witch of the Tengshe tribe, who had always thought he was extremely smart, was confused in his mind.

What happened before his eyes was incredible and completely subverted his cognition.

None of the things he was determined to have happened, everything was developing in a direction that he could not even imagine.


He suddenly hissed and screamed, wanting those people in the tribe to come back quickly, because in the moment he was stunned, many people were hit by that kind of small wooden stick with feathers.

The exquisite pottery and the delicious salt, the witch of the Tengshe tribe didn't want it at all at this time. At this time, he just wanted to lead the people in the tribe and leave as soon as possible.

What happened under this tribe made him feel infinite fear.

He soon ceased to be afraid, because the two long-range pea shooters of the Blue Sparrow tribe standing on the fence all noticed him.

The second brother shook the sling in his hand, leaving an afterimage in the air.

Then he loosened his hand, and the stone bullets wrapped in the sling suddenly flew out, rushing towards the last Witch of the Teng Snake Tribe with an inaudible breaking air suppressed by other noisy sounds.

Junior Brother Sha, who was a little behind him, also loosened the bow wrapped around the snakeskin, and an iron-headed feather arrow shot out like a shooting star.


A stone bullet slammed on the head of the shaman of the Teng Snake Tribe who thought he was standing at a safe distance, and directly opened him.

In just an instant, blood burst out.

The blood-stained stone bounced to the ground, and the witch of the Tengshe tribe subconsciously covered his head with his hands.

Before the painful shout in his mouth was finished, a feather arrow that followed was shot through his chest.

The scream that was already horrible changed after the arrow came over.

The witch of the Tengsnake tribe, who had lost his strength, lay on the ground, looking at the Walan sky, pressing one hand on the wound on his head, and the other hand grabbing the feather arrow that hit his chest.

I'm at a safe distance, why are they...

With the last incomprehension and unwillingness as well as the fear of death, the witch of the Teng Snake Tribe ended his life.

The grassroots' fear was extreme, and a feathered branch stuck into the neck of his companion.

This companion, who was stronger than him, just fell directly to the ground, convulsed twice and stopped moving.

There was also this kind of feathered tree stick falling down, and more people were shot by this kind of tree stick, the grass roots turned around and ran away cleanly.

At this time, he stopped cursing those who pushed him down, but he was still a little grateful.

His sore leg that was stepped on just now doesn't hurt anymore, and runs faster than when he was not stepped on.

When he ran to the same distance as the witch, the grassroots was ready to keep his steps, because he knew that the witch was extremely clever and never went to dangerous places. It should be safe to be on the same line as him.

However, his pace just slowed down a bit, and Wu hit a stone on the head first, hit another arrow, and fell neatly to the ground.

The most mysterious, wise witch in the tribe, who can communicate with the gods, just died in front of his eyes?

After a daze, Grassroots ran faster, like a rabbit hitting an arrow, as if it had been burned to the bottom by fire.

In a short moment, the people of the Tengshe tribe completely collapsed. This kind of resistance that had never been encountered before made them lose all their courage.

The crowd began to flee like a swarm.

In the chaos, some people fell, and some people had their skins removed.

They tried their best and ran crazy ~www.NovelMTL.com~ towards the back, towards the left and right sides.

As fast as you charge, you can run as fast as you can.


The messy people huddled together, even though the members of the Qingque tribe made the trap strong, they couldn't help their weight.

The two traps on the left and right sides that were used to prevent unicorns from struggling to escape were stepped on by the people of the Teng Snake Tribe.

In an instant, a dozen people screamed and were swallowed by the trap.

Some people couldn't hold their feet, and they fell.

Above the wall, Han Cheng had a cold face and abruptly suppressed the uncomfortable feeling in his heart. Seeing that these people had already begun to escape, they were about to be out of the range of the Qingque tribe, and now they ordered the clappers to sound.

In the courtyard, the big brothers and others, who were already ready to go, finally heard the sound of clappers, and were overjoyed, carrying a weapon and rushing to the gate...

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