I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 494: The death of the leader of the snake 3

The excited grin on the faces of the three leaders of the Teng Snake tribe instantly solidified.

The other people who rushed to the forefront reacted like him.

They slowed down subconsciously and didn't dare to run forward.

The flat ground suddenly collapsed, and the unicorn that he could not resist was directly swallowed.

Such a terrible thing happened in front of his eyes, it would be strange if he dared to rush forward!

Although he has stopped, his body is still advancing towards that frightening pit.

For one thing, he ran too fast just now and couldn't completely stop his pace for a while.

Secondly, the people behind did not see this terrible scene.

The movement of the land collapsed and the woolly rhinoceros fell into the trap was impacted by their excited roar and became much smaller.

Some people vaguely heard some such movement, but didn't think much about it. No one would think that unicorns would suffer a big loss.

Some people became more excited and impatient after hearing the roar of the unicorn and feeling the faint vibration from under their feet.

They didn't see the previous situation, thinking it was the movement made by the fierce unicorn when it hit the cave.

No cave can withstand the impact of a unicorn like this. After such a blow, the cave that was blocked with wood is knocked open in all likelihood!

They are eager to rush into the cave to kill the enemy to **** the cave, squeezing forward at a faster speed and with greater strength, for fear that they will not be able to grab good things if they go in late.

The three chiefs of the Tengshe tribe screamed in horror, their feet slammed on the ground, their bodies leaned back hard, and their backs desperately pressed against the people behind.

He wanted to stop the people behind, and wanted to get away from the devil's mouth as soon as possible, but he couldn't do it at this time when he wanted to.

No matter how desperately he screamed, how desperately he pushed back, his body was moving forward quickly without any control.


In the horrified cry, the three leaders of the Tengshe tribe came to the devil's mouth, and he desperately grabbed a person next to him with his hands, as if a drowning man had caught the last straw.

What made him desperate was that the man was squeezed and unable to stand like him. There was almost no pause, and the two rolled into the devil's mouth together, and the pain in the heart came along.

The three leaders of the Teng Snake tribe did not die immediately after falling into the trap, just like the unicorn unicorn monster that did not die.

The critical moment of life and death stimulated his potential. He ignored the piercing pain from his body, and pushed hard to push away the people who were pressing on him, preparing to struggle to leave the devil's mouth.

It was just like the one-horned monster with blood flowing on his body and trembling on his hind legs, but struggling to stand up and prepare to leave here.

The three leaders of the Teng Snake tribe hoped that this unicorn could leave the devil's mouth more than anyone.

This expectation is not because he still wants the unicorn to attack this **** tribe, but because the half-lifted, fat **** of the unicorn is on his face!

The heavens are very strange, and generally do not pay attention to people's demands. On the contrary, they often do the opposite.

The unicorn monster did not succeed in this struggle.

Just after the three chiefs of the Tengshe tribe made a heartfelt prayer, the unicorn's trembling hind legs softened, and one **** fell to sit down again.

The eyes of the three chiefs of the Tengshe tribe suddenly widened like an enlarged **** in front of them, and then a strong impact came.

Darkness and pain came together, along with suffocation, and an unusual warmth.


The painful woolly rhino roared...

"Let go!"

Above the wall, Han Cheng, who was looking at all of this with piercing eyes, saw that the woolly rhinoceros had fallen into a trap, and everyone in the Teng Snake tribe who followed was within the range of effective bows and arrows. After being chaotic, he no longer hesitated. , Decisively issued the order to attack.

The sight of the surging hairy rhinoceros falling into the trap that day collapsed was also shocking the minds of the Qingque tribe.

They stood on the wall, condescending to see all this more clearly.

Even though this trap was arranged by their own hands, it was still a mixture of horror and shock to see what happened in front of them at this time.

However, the appearance of this kind of emotion was only a very short moment. Following Han Cheng's command to attack, it turned into joy and anger towards the enemy.

The enemy's greatest reliance was as the son of God said, it was directly eliminated by the trap. Without this as a deterrent, everyone in the Qingque tribe felt a relief.

Then they opened their bows and arrows one after another, shooting at the chaotic enemy.

This distance is closer than usual when they practice archery, and there are still so many people piled together.

Such distances and goals are easier than usual practice.

Dozens of bows and dozens of slings were moved together, and stones with great power were mixed in the arrow rain, and they moved towards the crowded Teng Snake tribe.

Suddenly, the sound of the plume arrow hitting the body ‘pupu’ was endless, and at the same time there was a dull ‘boom bang’ sound of a rock hitting the body and screams.

Almost in an instant, there were more than ten unguarded members of the Teng Snake Tribe recruited.

For this group of people, the people in front were shocked by the sudden occurrence of unicorns being swallowed up in an instant, while the people behind were bent on rushing into this tribe to **** things.

In addition, when the unicorns charged, the people of the Qingque tribe did not attack at all, making them mistakenly believe that the people of the Qingque tribe were frightened by this horrible scene and did not dare to attack.

Several situations were mixed together ~www.NovelMTL.com~ which made them forget that the people of the Qingque tribe even launched attacks and forgot to counterattack.

The rain of arrows and stones made them feel a little confused for a while.

The wailing of the arrow-bearing people around them, and the blood flowing out made their impetuous and frantic hearts quickly quiet down, and then they were filled with fear.

They never dreamed that they would find the scene before them!

Even some people who are wailing in the arrow are a little at a loss. People who don't believe this tribe can actually issue such a sharp attack.

However, whether you believe it or not, the rain of arrows is continuously falling rapidly, ruthlessly shattering their dreams and devouring their lives!


Someone reacted, yelled in horror, turned and ran away desperately.

At this moment, he had completely forgotten the fascinating salt and pottery of this tribe, and just wanted to leave this terrifying place and leave this terrifying tribe...

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