I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 485: 3 View the ruined rabbit fur

When the time comes, a small number of slaves will be lifted from their slavery status, and they will become normal citizens of the Qingque tribe. Apart from the witch, Han Cheng has not said anything about it for the time being.

Because this is a long time later, or when the slaves of the Qingque tribe have a certain scale, only methods need to be considered and implemented.

At present, the Qingque tribe only has three prisoners of war who are about to become slaves. Of course, there is no need to worry about how much waves they can make.

The most important thing to consider now is how to deal with this evil tribe that once again extended its tentacles to its tribe.

Only by defeating them can the tribe obtain a stable and peaceful development opportunity, and it is possible to obtain a large number of slaves. If you can't even pass this level, it will be useless to think about more things in the future.

Calculating the time, he got up and left the witch sitting there still thinking, and walked towards the corner of the courtyard.

He wanted to find out about the tribe’s news.

The rabbit fur in the corner of the courtyard has calmed down a lot after being'abuse' by salt water and willow water.

There is also the old leader of Shang and several other members of the original pig tribe. After knowing that he will not die, the fear in his heart has almost disappeared, and he is living for his own desperation and the unexpected reunion with the original tribe. happy.

Ula Wula's rabbit fur who was telling something suddenly froze, and looked straight in the direction of the courtyard gate.

This group of ferocious wolves actually came to this tribe? !

After a little stunned, he immediately panicked. What happened in the woods not long ago, this group of **** wolves left a deep enough impression on him.

He stood up on one leg with all his strength, pulled Shang, and said in a urau, he was about to run to the side and look for a weapon.

Not only him, but the three prisoners were also panicked at this moment.

Shang was a little dazed by the sudden behavior of this tribe, I don't know why he suddenly had such a big reaction.

Shang looked in the direction of Rabbit Fur's fingers, saw the lucky general who led the four little blessings into the tribe, and heard the words of the tribe, with a smile on his face.

He smiled and grabbed the tribe who had been missing for a few years, patted him on his shoulder, and told him not to worry, this was raised by their tribe and would not bite.

Won't bite?

Rabbit fur didn't believe this answer at all. When he was in the woods just now, these guys showed no mercy to himself when he was waiting for someone.

However, after seeing the leader and other people in the tribe, he didn't react in the slightest to the swaggering wolves entering the tribe, and gradually let go of his heart.

Perhaps what the leader said was right.

Thinking like this in his heart, after a moment, his eyes suddenly widened and he showed an incredible expression, as if he had seen something ruining the Three Views.

Those fierce wolves walked together in front of the newly grown-up person who should be the leader, shaking their heads and tails, jumping and jumping, with a flattering look.

Rabbit fur swears that he has never seen such a wolf.

Among them, the wolf was the most excessive. After jumping for a while, he lay down, holding one leg of the leader with his two front paws, and the belly that he cared most was exposed like this, rolling back and forth to play.

Are these still those ferocious and outrageous wolves?

Rabbit fur's eyes are straight.

The gap between before and after is too big, right?

Not only him, but the other three captives of the Teng Snake Tribe were all stunned when they saw this scene that was far beyond their expectations.

After seeing the dull faces of the rabbit furs, the people in Shang couldn't help laughing.

It turns out that these wolves are really raised by this tribe, just like the terrifying unicorn raised by the witch from the tribe I was in before.

When Rabbit Fur thought this way, he suddenly became frightened, because he thought of the horror of the unicorn and the ferocity of the Teng Snake Tribe Witch.

There are many strong adults in that tribe, plus that terrifying unicorn, even if the tribe has weird caves.

He was there when the terrifying unicorn opened the cave and easily overwhelmed people. That was simply not something people could resist!


He thought of this, he grabbed Shang, and said again in horror.

After seeing the old leader and being rescued by the old leader, he no longer wanted to return to the Tengshe tribe.

Although the Teng Snake Tribe is strong, living there always makes people feel insecure and insecure.

Now that he returned to the old leader, he didn't want to leave.

At the same time, he didn't want the tribe where the old leader belonged to be attacked by that powerful and difficult tribe again.

So he wanted the old leader to say to the new leader he had never seen before, to leave this place quickly before the evil Teng Snake Tribe came.

Although tribal migration will bring all kinds of troubles, it is better than being broken by the Teng Snake tribe, killing many people, and taking the remaining people away.

Rabbit Mao has experienced such a thing again and knows the horror of it.

Shang laughed again, he felt that his original tribe was stupid in that evil tribe, and he was surprised at what he did.

But when he gradually understood Rabbit Fur's words, the smile on his face disappeared, and he became gradually serious.

At this time, Han Cheng also came over.

Shang walked forward to tell Han Cheng the news he got from Rabbit Fur.

Han Cheng saw that his always warlike face was a little solemn, and he vaguely felt that things seemed a little troublesome.

"God, that tribe..."

A monster with a horn on its head, a huge head and long hair on its body?

Can attack caves and people?

Han Cheng thought about the news that Shang had received from Rabbit Fur, and he was a little startled for a while.

He didn't expect that this evil tribe was not only crowded, but also raised animals as a tool of war.

And it sounds like that fierce mess, far from a big guy that Fu can compare them~www.NovelMTL.com~What kind of prehistoric monster is this?

"Ask him, how many monsters are there in that tribe."

Han Cheng thought for a while, and said aloud to Shang.

Rabbit fur, who understood the old leader's meaning, opened his eyes slightly. One such monster is not enough. How many do you want?

He stretched out a finger and looked at Shang and Han Cheng with some expectation.

He hoped that they would leave as soon as possible, and don't stay too much for a moment, otherwise it would be too late when the witch came with the man and the terrifying unicorn.

Seeing Rabbit Fur's **** sticking out towards him, Han Cheng sniffed slightly. This guy, which finger is not good, must stick out this one.

Thinking about this, I also breathed a sigh of relief. No matter what species the guy is, it's easier to handle as long as there are not many.

(It will be updated at ten o'clock)

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