I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 484: Impending slavery and 1 line of safety

Looking at the three captives lying on the ground expressing surrender, and then looking at the angry tribe people, Han Cheng could understand everyone's mood.

These three people are different from the previous bone tribe.

He attacked his own tribe a few years ago, destroyed the pig tribe, and attacked the donkey tribe not long ago, killing almost all of the donkey tribe.

Now they have put their ideas on their tribe. Such people naturally want to kill all of them, but they don't want them to join their tribe.

However, these people still have to stay, and Han Cheng will not kill them.

Of course, he would not become a citizen of the Qingque tribe like Rabbit Fur, but exist as a slave.

With more than two hundred citizens now acting as the foundation, it is time for the Qingque tribe to implement slavery.

Slaves themselves represent the lack of human rights and dignity. They can eat the least and the worst food, do the most and hardest jobs, and create more means of production.

When conflicts with other tribes, they can be used as cannon fodder to rush to the front line, consuming the strength of the enemy, and it is not very distressed to use...

It is easier to use than big cows that graze and produce milk.

With so many benefits, Han Cheng would naturally not kill these people.

It would be great to leave them as cattle and horses to create more things for the Qingque tribe.

This kind of punishment is much heavier than killing directly, and it will not cause too much killing...

"These three people cannot be killed..."

Han Cheng looked at everyone in the tribe and said.

Everyone was stunned, not understanding why the son of God would do this.

"They will become slaves to our tribe..."

Han Cheng looked at everyone and began to talk about the benefits of slaves.

In order to dissolve the grievances in the hearts of these people, Han Cheng deliberately said that his experience after becoming a slave was even more tragic.

With Han Cheng’s words, the confusion in everyone’s hearts gradually disappeared.

Wu stood beside Han Cheng, looked at Han Cheng and then at the three prisoners of war lying on the ground, his eyes brightened.

Yes, why must they be killed?

Wouldn’t it be better to let them live and continue to work for their tribe as slaves?

They are strong male adults and can do a lot of things.

In this way, a lot of things can be produced in the tribe.

The tribe will also become stronger.

This is really a good way!

Wu thought with emotion like this, and suddenly remembered that it seemed that the son of God had said this when he caught Ruhua a few years ago. Later, Ruhua and the others have completely integrated into their tribe. This time the son of God will not be prepared for this?

He thought so, and when there were few people, he asked Han Cheng about it.

Han Cheng smiled and shook his head: "No. At that time, we were too few people to be suitable for developing slaves. Now the population of our tribe has greatly increased and we can develop slaves..."

Hearing Han Cheng's answer, Wu felt relieved.

At this time, I heard Han Cheng say again: "However, when the time is up, a small number of them may be selected to get rid of their slave status and become official citizens of our tribe..."

"God, why do you want to do this?"

After Wu heard Han Cheng's words like this, he was stunned for a while. He thought for a while and didn't understand the intention of the **** son.

In his opinion, these people become slaves, which is of great benefit to the tribe.

Since there are great benefits, why should some of them be removed from slavery?

Wouldn't it be better to let them keep paying for the tribe as slaves?

Moreover, letting them become slaves is to punish them. If they are relieved of their status as slaves, will they not be able to punish them?

Wu really didn't understand the meaning of this.

He didn't understand, but Han Cheng knew it all.

Wherever there is oppression, there will be resistance, which he believes deeply.

Slaves and slave owners are two naturally opposed classes.

It is certain that the slave owner oppresses and exploits the slave, and it is certain that the slave will be dissatisfied with the slave owner for a long time.

When this dissatisfaction converges to a certain level, conflicts will break out.

The safest and most fundamental solution is not to carry out a more cruel and **** suppression. This will only treat the symptoms rather than the root cause, and will make the contradictions more acute.

Blocking is worse than sparse.

To solve such a problem, it is to establish rules so that the slaves who live at the bottom can see a glimmer of hope and a way to get rid of this most difficult situation.

Although this road is full of difficulties, although the process is extremely difficult, and only a few people can get rid of this situation, there is only such a road, they can not make the last step.

In this case, the most terrible thing is not seeing hope. With only a glimmer of hope, they will courageously move toward this hope.

This will not only realize the long-term stability of the slaves, but also greatly mobilize the enthusiasm of the slaves to work.

Moreover, generally those who can walk through such a difficult road are basically capable people in slaves.

Those who have the ability to escape from the slave class through this deer, the remaining people will be better controlled.

People born as slaves will think about the interests of slaves. Don't worry about this kind of problem, because it basically won't happen.

This is easy to understand. For example, officials under the imperial examination system, ordinary people from ordinary background, have transformed into the ruling class through the road of the imperial examination, and then faced the original ruling class, they will not be much merciful.

Another example is the peasant uprisings of past dynasties.

They revolted because they couldn't survive, but when they won a certain victory and gained a certain amount of power, before they knew it, they would become the people they gritted their teeth and hated.

There are even many actions ~www.NovelMTL.com~ that are more excessive than the ruling class they overthrew...

Of course, this path alone is not enough. Citizens of the Qingque tribe still have to have armed forces. When there is any restlessness in the slaves, they will use force to suppress them and let them follow this path again.

Because of this path, even if force is used, the slave will not be driven to despair.

The cooperation of the two can basically guarantee the long-term stability of the slave system of the Qingque tribe.

The reasoning here is a bit too profound and complicated for Wu Wu.

In a way that Wu could understand, Han Cheng told him little by little, so that he could understand the meaning of this.

After a long time, the witch gradually understood Han Cheng's intention in doing this. He admired the long-term consideration of the **** son and such complicated matters.

If it weren't for the explanation of the son of God, he wouldn't understand it anyway, this seemingly simple way of removing a small group of people from slavery would actually have such a great significance, which is directly related to the future stability of the tribe.

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