I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 486: Boil the eagle

After hesitating there for a long time, the former leader of the donkey tribe, the current trader came to look for Han Cheng.

The blood on his mouth and face has been cleansed, and compared with the craziness before, his whole person is sober at this time.

However, the anxiety in my heart has not diminished much.

The original pig tribe leader, Shang, met his tribe by accident, which touched his heart.

The pig tribe has been attacked by that evil tribe for so long, and there are still people alive. It hasn't been long since my tribe has been attacked by the evil tribe. Judging from the corpses left in the cave, some people were taken away by them.

In this way, people in your tribe may still be alive.

As long as the evil tribe is attacked, they can be rescued quickly.

And now, a few people from that evil tribe have been caught, and if they lead the way, they will definitely be able to find their real cave this time, and they won't be emptied like last time.

There are so many people in the tribe now, and they have the ability to attack that evil tribe.

Moreover, the son of God also said before, he will not sit back and watch...

After listening to Mao's meaning, Han Cheng thought for a while and shook his head and rejected Mao's proposal.

If you are dealing with a tribe with a small number of people, then there is no problem with taking the initiative.

And now, through the rabbit fur, he learned that there were even more adults in that tribe than the current Qingque tribe.

And there is a fierce, unknown monster. In this case, how could he still abandon the huge advantage of the wall, give up his home court, and go to the evil tribe to fight hard?

In this way, even if the Qingque tribe could achieve victory with weapons and well-trained, it would be a tragic victory.

Such a thing is not what he wants to see.

Han Cheng explained to him the advantages and disadvantages of this.

The leader of the donkey tribe was extremely disappointed. He desperately wanted to avenge the tribe, and wanted to rescue the abducted tribesmen. However, this son of God was not ready to fight at this time.


After Han Cheng finished explaining, the unwilling leader of the donkey tribe said again.

Before he could finish his words, the big brother standing aside hit the leader of the donkey tribe with a fierce punch and knocked him to the ground.

He still kicked the leader of the donkey tribe who fell on the ground in a puzzled manner.

Han Cheng frowned slightly when he saw this scene, and did not stop.

You don’t need to translate from your elder brother. From Ma’s demeanor and your elder’s reaction, you can basically understand Ma’s general meaning just now, nothing more than questioning his own decision.

This is a bit too much, and it is impossible not to give some lessons.

It's not that Han Cheng wants to engage in dictatorial dictatorship, but that Mao's behavior is really outrageous.

Judging from what he had just reflected, deep down in his heart, he did not regard the Qingque tribe as his own tribe.

Nor did he take the safety of the Qingque tribe people to heart.

He shared the benefits with him in this way, but he actually didn't care about putting the entire tribe into a dangerous situation for the few people in his original tribe.

The big brother suddenly beat the original leader of the donkey tribe. This shocked everyone. They didn't understand why the leader did this.

The crowd gathered, and after learning the whole story from the big brother, everyone in the Qingque tribe was angry.

They are respectful to the Son of God, and it is unforgivable that this person, who joined their tribe because of difficulties, dared to treat the Son of God like this.

The gray-haired witch couldn't help but came over and gave the leader of the donkey tribe who was shrank on the ground and dared not get up.

The other six members of the donkey tribe were also pulled over by the angry Qingque tribe. Among them, there were two people who had been wounded in the house and had not healed.

"We don't welcome you!"

"Dare to question the son of God..."

"You didn't take our life and death to heart, and we don't care about your life and death..."

"Knock them out..."

The angry members of the Qingque tribe roared, if it weren't for Han Cheng not to let anyone do it, I'm afraid that the leader of the donkey tribe and six other people from the donkey tribe have been beaten to death by the angry people.

The leader of the donkey tribe sat on the ground helplessly and in panic, looking at these once kind people in horror, at a loss.

He didn't expect that these extremely kind people would suddenly turn their faces.

"He was also confused for a while, thinking that the original clansman was giving him a chance. If there is another time, he will definitely not forgive."

Han Cheng waited quietly for a while. Seeing that it was almost done, he uttered an end to what happened suddenly.

Han Cheng from the donkey tribe was reluctant to kill, and he still wanted to keep them. After this incident was over, he set up a trade team centered on them.

But today's fight cannot be less.

The leader of the donkey tribe was different from Shangyougu. After joining the Qingque tribe, he did not put himself in a correct position.

So it is necessary to use fists to make him sober.

This incident seems to be an emergency, but according to the current style of the donkey tribe leader, similar things will happen sooner or later.

The crowd dispersed as they said, but the eyes of the leaders of the donkey tribe remained unkind.

Several people from the original donkey tribe, who had roughly understood the whole story, were also dissatisfied with the original leader's actions.

In their opinion, this rich and powerful tribe has done enough for them.

Not only accepted them, the homeless, provided them with food and shelter, but also healed them.

Even more dangerously, he left the tribe twice to fight against the evil tribe.

Now the situation has changed drastically. The evil tribe is too powerful, and the noble son wants to wait and see the situation.

But the original leader was still dissatisfied.

They couldn't imagine what they would be like without this rich and powerful tribe.

The life of this tribe is so nostalgic that they don't want to be driven out of this tribe.

After the rest of the Qingque tribe left ~www.NovelMTL.com~ these former donkey tribe members also left here, and none of them spoke to the donkey tribe leader.

The leader of the donkey tribe was completely stunned after several people from his original tribe left.

He did not expect that things would change so much at this moment.

He sat here feebly, looking at the people and tribe who had suddenly become strangers, his mind went blank.

During this period, no one came to see him.

The leader of the original donkey tribe, who was terrified and puzzled, suddenly understood one thing. This is no longer the original tribe.

He is no longer the leader, the original tribe has been completely destroyed.

He, as well as the surviving people in the tribe, all joined this tribe and became a member of this tribe.

All the people in this tribe are members of the same tribe with him...

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