I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 483: Rabbit fur recognition

Han Cheng rehearsed for a while, and when he saw that the matter was almost over, he changed the subject: "It is right to capture the enemy this time. It is worthy of praise, but if you forget the previous account, you will have to be punished.

"After a while, you will all be punished and run ten laps around our tribe's farmland!"

After hearing that the son of God had finished training and said the punishment, everyone suddenly felt relieved.

There are some who don't care about it, but the big brothers are a little afraid.

As the son of God said, if the people in the forest are not these few, but more, they just rush in without checking anything, then the consequences...

And from previous inferences, they knew that the evil tribe was a tribe with a large population.

It is very possible that there are many people inside.

"God, I was wrong, I ran twenty laps..."

After returning to the courtyard, the elder brother came to Han Cheng and said sincerely.

Han Cheng is very satisfied with the response of the big brother, it is related to the life of the tribesman, and he cannot accidentally deal with it

. Because if something goes wrong, you will lose your life.

"Well, pay attention next time."

Han Cheng patted his elder brother **** the shoulder, and said, "Go, look at these prisoners."

The former leader of the donkey tribe, the current trader, was very emotional, his eyes faintly red, and he looked angrily at the group of people who were trembling after being **** after being injured.

If it wasn't for someone to stop him, he would have killed all four of them.

In fact, he has killed one, but in the woods.

All five people could be captured alive, but that person was rushed by the red-eyed trader and bit his neck abruptly like a beast!

"The Son of God..."

He was able to speak a few simple words in Mandarin, and when he saw Han Cheng coming over, he hurried forward, wanting to kill the few remaining people and avenge the people of their tribe.

Several people in Rabbit Fur were shivering and terrified, for fear that they would be killed and eaten by the people of this tribe.

Regardless of how ferocious they were before, it was because there were other people in the tribe around them. Once they were separated from the people in the original tribe, they would become wilted.

This is similar to piranhas, groups of piranhas are really fierce, but when one of them is taken out separately, they are immediately forced.

Han Cheng shook his head and rejected Mao's proposal: "You can't kill, we have to get news from that evil tribe."

After Mao understood Han Cheng's meaning, he stopped talking, and asked the senior brother to try to ask these people something. Seeing that they were at a loss in panic, they knew that they did not understand what the senior brother said.

After waiting like this for a while, he made people scream like a flower and limping left and right.

He wanted to use the three of them to confirm whether these people were the tribe that attacked their tribe in the first place.


Without waiting for the three of them to come over, holding their weapons and standing aside, they also glared at the four prisoners, looking at the calf pierced by the rabbit fur, with a thoughtful look.

After watching this for a while, he finally opened his mouth tentatively.

Rabbit Fur, who was lowering his head in horror, raised his head in a daze after hearing this sound, glanced suspiciously, and quickly lowered his head.

But he was full of doubts. He hadn't heard the language of the tribe where he was originally for a long time, and he didn't expect that someone would say it here.


After Shan saw Rabbit Fur's reaction, he couldn't help but feel happy, his excited voice trembled, and then increased his voice and shouted.

The panicked Rabbit Fur raised his head again and looked at this strange person.

After watching for a while, there was a look of doubt in his eyes. He felt that this person was familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it.


Shang has confirmed the identity of Rabbit Fur, who was taken from his tribe before!

He dropped the weapon in his hand, squatted down and held Rabbit Fur's shoulders with both hands, and shook it vigorously, his expression extremely excited.

While shaking, he spoke to Rabbit Fur in the immature language of his original tribe.

The pale rabbit fur's eyes gradually reduced the fear.


As he gradually understood what Shang had said, his expression became excited.

He did not expect that he would meet the original leader in this weird tribe at such a time!


Shang asked excitedly how many people from the rabbit fur tribe are still alive, and Rabbit fur uses his fingers to draw three winding vertical bars on the ground.

Shang is both happy and uncomfortable.

After a while, I remembered other things and quickly explained to Han Cheng and the others.

From Shang's reaction force just now, Han Chengcheng had already guessed what happened.

Hearing what Shang had said, and after confirming the news, Han Cheng smiled and congratulated Shang.

Han Cheng was in a good mood. One was because Shang reunited with the people from his original tribe today, and the other was that his reunion proved one thing, that the evil tribe that appeared this time is different from the one that appeared a few years ago. It is the same tribe.

This meant that the two rival tribes he had originally envisioned had become one, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

The third is that with the people of the original tribe, they can get more news about the evil tribe.

You can get some from Ruhua and the others, but Ruhua and the others have been separated from that tribe for several years. They don't know the situation of that tribe in recent years.

"God, he..."

Shang pointed at the rabbit fur, which meant that he wanted to let go of the rabbit fur and bandage it as soon as possible.

Han Cheng agreed. This person is of great use to their tribe, and he cannot be allowed to die like this.

In the face of Shang, Han Cheng announced on the spot that if Rabbit Mao is willing to join the Qingque tribe, he can become a second-level citizen with a wooden ID card.

After knowing that he could not die~www.NovelMTL.com~ and survive in this tribe in the future, the frightened Rabbit Fur immediately shed tears, and he said thankful words to Han Cheng in Ullah.

Han Cheng waved his hand and asked Shang to take him to find Liang to treat the wound.

The other three saw that the ropes on the rabbit fur were untied, and they seemed to have no need to die, and they had a strong desire for survival, they also hurriedly begged for mercy by Ullahula, and lay on the ground, completely touching the ground.

"God, kill them!"

"God, don't let them live with us..."

"God, they are all evil..."

The old man of the Qingque tribe saw that the rabbit fur was released, and the three of them lay on the ground again begging for mercy. They were immediately anxious. They were afraid that the son of God would feel weak, and then they would be left behind.

Such people who attempt to attack their tribe are not welcome at all!

Not just them, even Wu Wu didn't want to keep the remaining three people.

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