I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 457: Expansion is necessary, but it cannot be expanded blindly

What kind of tribe is this?

Can the leader of another tribe bring the entire tribe into it?

The shock of the leader of the donkey tribe has not been eliminated. He felt that he knew enough about this rich and powerful tribe before, but now he has become unfamiliar again.

After thinking about it for a while, the leader of the donkey tribe felt less worried.

Because this rich and powerful tribe is still kind, and it has not become evil because of its strength.

As long as it is not an evil tribe, it will not make people particularly scared.


After walking like this for a while, the leader of the donkey tribe suddenly stopped and asked the people behind him.

He was asking them if they would like to join that rich and powerful tribe.

Some people from the green tribe didn't hesitate to say they didn't want to, and some hesitated for a while before they said they didn't want to.

Some others said yes after hesitating for a while.

Because they remembered all the enviable things they had seen in that tribe.

Today, many people from the original green tribe are full of joy to tell them all the enticing aspects of living in the Qingque tribe, which makes them even more excited.

At this time, when I heard the leader's question, he thought that the leader also wanted to learn from the green tribe and lead people to join the rich tribe, so he answered yes very cheerfully.

The already black face of the leader of the donkey tribe became even darker.

He originally thought that under his leadership, the people of the very rich tribe would not have a yearning for that rich and powerful tribe, but who would have thought that it turned out to be like this.

Right now, he put down the salt jar on his shoulders, walked to those who said yes, and after hesitating, they said no, and one person kicked his **** a few times.

After these people said they didn't want to, they picked up the salt jar again and walked forward angrily.

Now the life of their tribe is getting better and better. Although it is not as powerful as the rich and wealthy tribe, it is still stronger than the ordinary tribe. How could he abandon his tribe and learn from the leader of the green tribe and join the rich To the mighty tribe?

Thinking about this, the leader of the donkey tribe shook his head and smiled...

In the basket that Han Cheng was holding, there were already a lot of green mustard greens.

He squatted down, took the small white bone shovel with his right hand and shoveled into the soil. With his left hand, he picked up a mustard green with the shoveled root and put it in the basket.

Mustard greens that have never bloomed in spring are the most delicious. They are washed clean and chopped, mixed with fried golden eggs, mixed with seasonings, and used to make dumplings.

Different from the general dumpling stuffing, the dumplings stuffed with mustard greens, after being cooked, not only do not give off water, but they also become very porcelain, which makes them very chewy.

It's a pity that Qingque tribe now has mustard greens and eggs, but no flour.

Millet can be ground into powder, but the viscosity is not enough. After mixing with water, it can't be made into lumps at all, which makes Han Cheng extremely melancholy.

In this era, a bowl of dumplings will become a luxury item. Han Cheng has been looking forward to it for several years, but he has not eaten it now.

These mustard mustard greens can only be boiled in boiling water for a while, then put some salt and vinegar to eat.

Thinking of this with regret, he straightened up after digging mustard greens and looked in the direction where the donkey tribe left.

With the participation of the Green Tribe, the labor shortage of the Qingque Tribe has been greatly eased.

There is no need to beat the donkey tribe at present.

Moreover, even if people from the donkey tribe asked to join the Qingque tribe at this time, Han Cheng would not agree.

First, the Qingque tribe has just absorbed a green tribe, and it has not completely digested it yet.

Secondly, the donkey tribe is different from the general tribe, it is now equivalent to the trade team sent out by the Qingque tribe.

Through it, the Qingque tribe indirectly communicated with other surrounding tribes.

The third and most important point is the food that the Qingque tribe has.

The expansion of the tribe is not as simple as simply plundering the population. It needs to consider many aspects, the most important of which is whether the tribe can produce enough food to feed the newly absorbed population.

After absorbing the Green Tribe last winter, the population that the Qingque Tribe can support has basically reached saturation with the actual population.

If you want to expand again, you need to use the existing population, continue to increase the cultivation of arable land, and plant more food.

With food surplus, there is enough energy to continue to absorb other tribes and use them to grow their own tribe.

It is not impossible to forcibly absorb, but the living standard of the Qingque tribe will definitely be seriously lowered.

Once the standard of living is severely lowered, it is easy to cause a series of problems.

Poor plan, rich conscience. Although this sentence is a bit too absolute, to a certain extent, it still makes sense.

When a person is poor and even difficult to live normally, some things that are extremely disgusting in weekdays can only be touched by gritted teeth...

If Han Cheng is savage enough, he can ignore the people he has absorbed and give them a handful of survival materials, allowing them to do many heavy tasks.

If they are exhausted, they will be buried directly. If they are short of food in winter, they will be killed and eaten directly. They will not care about their life and death, so they can naturally expand regardless.

But the problem is that he is not a pure primitive person. As an ordinary person in the past, he can't do things like this.

If he really did this, his current leisurely state of mind would immediately disappear, I'm afraid he won't be happy in the future.

It was difficult enough for later generations~www.NovelMTL.com~ For life, all kinds of humiliation, all kinds of unspeakable sadness, now here, naturally I can't let myself be so wronged.

Under the premise of living comfortably, Han Cheng continued to expand the tribe. This is what Han Cheng has been doing personally.

Otherwise, when the time the tribe develops, he becomes depressed, and his heart and the whole person are exhausted to the extreme, and that makes people feel uncomfortable...

The mustard greens with chopped green onion and vinegar tasted very refreshing, and Han Cheng ate very comfortably.

Most of the other people in the Qingque tribe still prefer meat.

Gu ate food very quickly, and after a while, he had already had a few bowls of rice.

Put the bowl in the pottery pot filled with fresh water, wipe your mouth, and then go to dig the soil.

Han Cheng asked him to rest for a while and refused to go...

Seeing Gu leaving behind, Han Cheng nodded secretly. This former leader of the Green Tribe can really...

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