I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 458: Citizen Level 1-Valley

At dinner, Han Cheng asked Bai Xuemei to fetch an iron needle, and then asked the person who grinds out blisters or blood bubbles to stretch out his hand.

Then he took the scorched needles and opened them one by one.

Those who reached out were basically people from the original green tribe.

They have only come into contact with some jobs and have no capital in their hands, so they are very miserable.

Among them, the blood blisters worn out on Gu's hand are the largest.

There are as many as ten!

Most people have the most blood vesicles in the palms and the roots of the fingers, and the blood vesicles on Gu's hands are not only in that part, but also in the center of the fingers and palm.

At first it was blisters. If you rest for two days at this time, the blisters will disappear by themselves.

But Gu didn't take a break, but worked harder.

So the blisters successfully turned into blood blisters.

It was Han Cheng, who couldn't help taking a breath when he saw Gu's badly worn hands.

"Don't work tomorrow, take a day off."

Han Cheng opened the blood blisters on Gu's hand one by one and said to Gu.

Gu didn't nod or shook his head, but it was still early the next day. After washing, he continued to work, not too slow.

In this scene, not only the people of the original Green Tribe, who were also worn out, were ashamed and admired. Even the old hand of the Qingque Tribe couldn't help but nod secretly.

Looking at the desperate valley from a distance, Han Cheng found Heiwa and asked him to make a clay tablet out of the previous model.

On the front, the words ‘green bird, valley’ were written, and on the back, a unified blue bird was printed with the same thing as the seal he kept.

Using a small stick, he pierced the mud board through the blue bird's eyes and made a small hole to make it easier to wear the leather rope in the future.

Raising Gu to a first-class citizen is something Han Cheng has done consciously.

After becoming a first-class citizen, Gu will leave the thatched house and live in a tiled house.

In this way, Gu, as the leader of the original green tribe, will live separately from the people of the original green tribe.

This is conducive to the influence of the weakening valley in the original green tribe, and it can speed up the integration of the green tribe and the Qingque tribe.

As soon as possible to merge the Qingque tribe into a monolith.

Separating Gu from the original Green Tribe people was something Han Cheng realized only after various rules were announced.

He wants to give Gu the status of a first-class citizen directly, but all the previous words have been said. At this time, it is always a bit bad to make changes again.

While Han Cheng was struggling, Gu made an act that made Han Cheng extremely surprised and delighted, that is, he worked extremely hard.

This just gave Han Cheng an excellent reason to promote him to a first-class citizen...

A few days later, this brand new, ceramic ID card was completely burned.

However, Han Cheng did not give Gu immediately, but put it in his hand, preparing to wait two more days.

This is done to give everyone a feeling that it is not easy to get first-class citizenship in advance.

At the same time, Gu can do a few more days to make everyone more convinced.

In such a wait, the foundation of the toilet and the pool behind the Qingque tribe have been completed, and a lot of them have been rammed out on the ground.

Compared with houses, simple toilets are undoubtedly better to build.

Holding a thick wooden stick in his hand, Gu stood on the shelf and pounded it down vigorously.

The sweat slid down his arm.

His hands no longer hurt at all. After a thick layer of calluses have been worn out, he has no taboo before doing this kind of work.

It turns out that this house and the outer wall were built in this way.

He rammed the earth hard while thinking with emotion in his heart.

He used to be curious about the high walls and the construction methods of these houses, and he was even on the periphery of the tribe, using branches to circle out a simple wall.

Now that I finally experienced this method personally, a kind of suddenly rose from my heart.

It turns out that this wall was built in this way, and it is not too difficult!

It's not only Gu who feels this way, most of the people who come into contact with these original green tribes for the first time will have this feeling.

However, after they have done it, they will find that what seems simple is not simple at all.

At least this time Gu had already understood that even if the tribe he led originally knew the method of making rammed earth walls, it would take at least two years to build a wall that was large enough.

Because the people in their tribe rush for food every day, they don't have much time to do things that have nothing to do with food.

Moreover, their tribe cannot produce these useful tools.

If you add the time to make these tools, I'm afraid it will be even more difficult...

When the thatched roof above the new large toilet was built and everyone was celebrating, Han Cheng walked over with the pottery ID card that had been burned for several days.

Under everyone's gaze, Han Cheng spread out his holding hand in front of Gu, and an ID card that was exactly the same as the hand of the old man from the Qingque tribe appeared on his palm.

After seeing this ID card, Gu was stunned, as if he couldn't believe it.

Happiness came too suddenly. He looked at Han Cheng and the beautifully crafted Tao ID card in Han Cheng's hand. He didn't know what to say for a while.

After a while, he said in unfamiliar Mandarin: "God, I...mine?"

Han Cheng smiled at him and nodded vigorously.

Gu took the ID card in his hand and watched it carefully, for fear that it might be damaged.

My fingers couldn't help but rub the word "gu" on the front.

"Come on, I'll bring it for you."

Han Cheng said to Gu with a smile.

Gu quickly handed over the identity in his hand to Han Cheng~www.NovelMTL.com~ After Han Cheng took over, he first solemnly took down Gu’s original wooden ID card, who was bent over and bowed his head, and then took the new one with both hands. The ID card was solemnly hung on Gu's neck.

After the ceramic ID card was hung around Han Cheng's neck, Gu Zai couldn't bear the excitement in his heart, and tears flowed out of his red eyes.

The people of the original green tribe who saw this scene were all excited and envious.

But no one thinks that there is anything wrong with doing this, because Gu's desperate work is obvious to all.

I got the pottery ID card in advance and put the ID card on the side of the clothes, and I worked harder, as if I had beaten chicken blood.

The rest of the former green tribes have also become more hard-working. Just after finishing the toilets, they began to move stones from the quarry and fight the pigsty...

For these, Han Cheng saw it in his eyes and was happy in his heart.

Encouragement and recognition are sometimes more inspiring than criticism.

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