I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 456: Dizzy leader of the donkey tribe

The arrival of the donkey tribe caused some commotion in the Qingque tribe.

Because many people are scattered around the tribe and are working, not inside the wall.

But the commotion did not last long.

One is to identify that the person coming is from the donkey tribe that often comes to their tribe to trade.

Second, those who put their weapons aside while working, such as Senior Brother and Junior Brother Sha, put down the tools in their hands and picked up the weapons.

The other is the donkey tribe, compared to the Qingque tribe today, there are really few people.

At this time, all kinds of weapons are primitive, and the population, especially the adult population, can basically be linked to combat power.

The leader of the donkey tribe looked at the people who greeted him, and those who were still in the land or other places busy with things he thought were inexplicable, and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Because just from the current state of this tribe, it can be known that the green tribe that he was thinking of has not come.

This is naturally not a happy thing for him who wants to show off in front of the Green Tribe.

The leader of the donkey tribe did not rush in, but stopped at a certain distance from the gate of the Qingque tribe, waiting for Big Brother Han Cheng and others.

The reason why their tribe is today is because this wealthy tribe exchanged precious pottery and salt with them. Without this tribe, their tribe would still be the same as before...

Regarding this point, the leader of the donkey tribe who has been engaged in trade for a long time can see clearly now.

The elder brother brought people over to negotiate with the leader of the donkey tribe. Han Cheng looked far away in the field, but did not come over, but then looked for a kind of mustard in the unturned field. Wild herbs.

It has become the norm for the donkey tribe to come to trade. For all tasks, the big brother has long been familiar with him, and he does not need to do more in the past.

After a simple greeting, the leader of the donkey tribe suddenly discovered something that surprised him.

I don't know if it was an illusion. He always felt that compared with before, there were a lot more people in this wealthy tribe.

Such doubts were completely determined after seeing the two big **** spouses of the leader of the Green Tribe.

The reason why the two big **** spouses of the green tribe leaders who have been transformed has been recognized, I have to mention that the joy party is held every other year...

After recognizing the two people, the leader of the donkey tribe not only didn't have the slightest excitement, but he became more nervous and suspicious.

Because the spouses of the two leaders of the Green Tribe wear exactly the same clothes as the members of the Qingque Tribe!

In other words, the extra people from this tribe belong to the green tribe? !

The leader of the donkey tribe suddenly changed his complexion. He had not covered his white face in the cave for a whole winter. At this time, he was a little pale.

Because he remembered that the leader of the bone tribe was beheaded, and the people of the bone tribe joined the tribe.

After that beheading, the leader of the donkey tribe did not think that the surrounding tribes had the courage to attack this tribe.

But now, the people of the Green Tribe have appeared in this tribe, and they seem to be no different from the people of this tribe.

This means that the wealthy and powerful tribe in front of us has become an evil tribe, and they have begun to attack other tribes and plunder the population of other tribes!

The leader of the donkey tribe, his brain is surprisingly good at this moment. After all, it is a matter of the safety of the tribe, and the plundering of the population has not happened in the primitive tribe...


The leader of the donkey tribe asked the two big **** women who were walking towards the gate with the basket with their fingers.

At the same time, his gaze wandered around the body of the Green Bird Tribe, hoping to find the figure of the leader of the Green Tribe.

Although it was looking for it, it was basically determined that the leader of the green tribe was dead.

If the leader of the green tribe did not die, the rest of the green tribe would not be so willing to live honestly in this wealthy tribe.

Looking around in the courtyard, he did not find the figure of the leader of the Green tribe, and sweat dripped on the forehead of the leader of the donkey tribe.

This rich and powerful tribe has really become an evil tribe!

"They have no food..."

After the big brother understood the leader of the donkey tribe, he began to explain to the leader of the donkey tribe that he understood what the other party was afraid of.


The leader of the donkey tribe didn't believe in the food shortage and the Qingque tribe's generous donation to help, so he asked where the leader of the green tribe was.

He didn't think the leader of the green tribe would do anything to bring the entire tribe into the Qingque tribe.

Seeing the confident and guarded look of the leader of the donkey tribe, the big brother smiled and shouted, "Gu, Gu!"

Gu responded and crawled out of a big dirt hole.

He got news about someone coming from the tribe. After training in the winter, he, like the others in the courtyard, put down his work and went to the fence.

However, after discovering that it was the donkey tribe who had come to do the bargaining, and the leader, the big brother, took some people to greet him and went to the tribe with them, Gu went down the wall with the others and then Fight the toilet here.

What he is digging now is the pool for storing feces.

"Then, this is the leader of the Green Tribe..."

The big brother pointed to the valley that came here while patted some of the soil on his body, and said to the leader of the donkey tribe.

The leader of the donkey tribe stared a little wide. He carefully looked at the man who had lost a piece of iconic green grass. After a while, he finally confirmed that this was the leader of the green tribe who used to play with him very happily.


The leader of the donkey tribe asked Gu why he joined the Qingque tribe~www.NovelMTL.com~why he gave up his tribe...

When the sun was a bit west, the leader of the donkey tribe left the Qingque tribe with the people in the tribe, as well as the many pottery and salt they exchanged.

Looking back at the enthusiastic members of the Qingque tribe scattered in the wilderness, and the original green tribe leader who was standing at the gate of the tribe and waving to him with a smile, the leader of the donkey tribe felt dizzy in his head.

Today, he met the Green Tribe as he wished, but the expected happiness did not come true at all, which made him worry about it instead.

Until now, he did not believe that the leader of the green tribe would actually lead the people of the tribe to join the Qingque tribe.

At first he thought it was the Blue Sparrow Tribe that threatened the Green Tribe, but after talking with the leader of the Green Tribe, he found that this was not the case.

And the leader of the Green Tribe is very satisfied with his current life...

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