I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 455: Busy spring

As the weather warmed, the Qingque tribe became lively.

Compared with previous years, this year will undoubtedly be more lively.

After all, so many more people are living here all at once.

Gu woke up early, and the first thing she did when she got up was brushing her teeth and washing her teeth, except for going to the toilet.

Now he has already formed the habit of not brushing his teeth or washing up in the morning, it is all uncomfortable.

Now, he enjoys brushing his teeth with a bit of bitter twigs, and then biting them with some salt.

However, it will not be like before, after brushing your teeth, you are reluctant to spit out the salt water, but secretly swallowed...

After shaking his head and brushing his head for a while, he turned his head and saw someone coming out of the toilet over there. He immediately put down his teacup and flew towards the toilet.

What made him desperate was that before he reached it, a figure entered the toilet first.

Gu Caiwai was uncomfortable watching this scene, but there was no other way but to stand at the door of the toilet with his waistband and wait to die.

Anxiously walking two steps in place from time to time, looking uncomfortable.

This was the only thing he felt bad about the tribe.

There are too many rules, too few pits in the toilet...

If it was before, he would have been looking for a place with beautiful scenery and happily, but now he dare not do so, because this is the rule set by the son of God...

When the sun rose, the Qingque tribe also completely awakened, and everyone who had resolved all their private affairs began to work.

The people of the original green tribe were broken up, and the people from the Qingque tribe were divided into several waves to follow and learn many things they had never contacted before.

Around the Qingque tribe, there were people in twos and threes.

The quarries, the toilets in the courtyard, the large arable land outside... are all busy people.

It is a huge difference from the leisure and relaxation before.

Among them, the people who work on the cultivated land are the most, and half of the adults are busy with tools such as bone shovel and shackles in their hands.

With the development of the Qingque tribe, the huge role of the land has become more and more manifested.

Han Cheng also paid more and more attention to it.

After all, the problem of food or stomach is the most fundamental problem. Only when this problem is solved, can the Qingque tribe have spare capacity to do other things and develop forward at a speed far exceeding the surrounding tribes.

Because there are no such livestock as plows and cattle and horses, the Qingque tribe has just started the right-track planting industry and can only use bone shovel and stone heads, and the speed is not fast.

This is why Han Cheng immediately arranged a large number of people to turn over the land as soon as the spring started. After all, there are hundreds of acres of land that need to be turned over, not a small amount.

Farming is to watch the sky and eat, so you can only turn the ground in advance and sow seeds when the moisture content is good.

If you wait until the moisture content is good and the time comes, then you can plow the ground and sow, it will be too late.

At the same time, there is another reason that, after turning over these lands earlier, we can open up wasteland as soon as possible.

After all, the population of the Qingque tribe is increasing, and the food it needs is increasing.

In addition to the land opened up last fall, the existing land of the Qingque tribe is only 800 acres.

It sounds like a lot, but at this time the output of grain is low. When converted into grain, it can be averaged to more than two hundred people. One person can really not divide too much...

The original leader of the Green Tribe was not idle in the current valley. At this time, he was digging the ground forcefully with a stone head in his hand, working harder than the average person.

Because the son of God said today, a new large toilet will be built next to the original toilet, with 15 pits for men's toilets!

This makes him not moved by the pain of robbing the toilet for a while? How not to work hard?

After Han Cheng and a few crippled veterans circled the foundation of the toilet, Gu Yan opened his arms and worked harder than the old hands of the Qingque tribe.

Of course, in addition to waiting for the toilet to be held up too hard, there is another reason that I want to upgrade my ID card as soon as possible through my own efforts.


In the early spring, the temperature was not high, and Gu was already sweating, and his head was hot, as if he had practiced the three-flower gathering power.

He shook his head with one hand and lifted the other to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

His body was exhausted and his palms began to ache, which was more difficult than hunting with someone outside.

Gu looked at the transparent blisters on his palms that were polished by the shackles, and then at the rest of the people who smoked on their heads but were still hot, and suddenly understood why this tribe could have all this enviable... …

He rested for a while, then continued to hold the shackles, and began to plan the soil. After planing for a while, someone else shoveled the planed soil aside with bone shovel.

Because of the toilet, the pigpen of the Qingque tribe was postponed again.

Fortunately, the seven pigs in the small pigsty are not big enough, they are not adults, and they don't know anything about pigs. There will be no piglets coming down temporarily.

And they themselves, because they eat poorly in winter and grow less meat, so there is not much problem in keeping them in the small pig pen~www.NovelMTL.com~ It is the wild boar that has been castrated, which grows longer than the others. The pigs are fast.

When it was castrated before, it was a bit smaller than the other male wild boar, but now it is a circle bigger than it. I don’t know if it’s the result of turning melancholy into appetite...

However, compared to the time when they were caught, these wild boars are much more honest and less wild, especially the piglet that was stabbed.

It may be affected by a few wild boar cubs in the pigpen. Fu Jiang also lay down on a leeward place not far away, half-exposed to bask in the sun. It was more comfortable and comfortable.

Fu Jiang’s belly is a bit bigger, and it’s big with his belly, as well as Dafu and Sanfu...

In winter, the blessed generals and the three blessings are in estrus one after another, causing wolves to sound around the tribe from time to time.

Especially at night.

Chen, who was bitten by a wolf before half her ear, although she had a great time playing with Fu, she had an extreme hatred for the wolves outside. He immediately proposed to kill the wolves outside and prevent them from harming them. Suggestions from people in the tribe.

With such things as bows, arrows, slings and traps, the people of the Qingque tribe are not too afraid to deal with animals like wolves.

Han Cheng thought for a while but didn't agree. After all, this was here to send the little wolf cubs to the Qingque tribe.

Immediately released the blessings, the big blessings and the three blessings.

The few guys didn't disappoint, they all came back a few days later, and now their stomachs are a little bigger.

It seems that it won't be long before the Blue Sparrow tribe will have more wolf cubs.

It was at this time that the people of the donkey tribe came over with a lot of fur...

(It will be added at ten in the evening)


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