I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 200: Longing for rapeseed stuck in the nose

? The food brought by the bone tribe is nothing too surprising. It contains meat, wild fruits and some rhizomes, which can be described as a combination of meat and vegetables.

There are a lot of things brought, nearly half more than what the Green Tribe brings, but there is no such arrogance as the Sheep Tribe.

After some bargaining, the bone tribe people exchanged the food they brought for a big pottery jar, a pot, and twelve pots.

After the transaction was completed, the people of the Bone Tribe did not leave, and the sky was completely dark. Another reason was the retention of the big brother.

The Blue Sparrow Tribe, who had been a bit stingy when facing the Green Tribe before, has now become generous and bold again.

They have to cook food and entertain tribes from afar.

The white mist reflected the red fire light, and the color became a bit gorgeous.

Just like the original tasteless soup with salt, it immediately becomes exceptionally delicious.

After taking the soup spoon and watching the salted soup, the big brother stared at the head of his bone tribe in surprise and eagerness, feeling particularly comfortable.

He thought about what the son of God had said about this matter before, while greeting the bone tribe to eat the soup, while picking up the jar of salt, he looked mysterious and proud for the bone tribe leader to watch, with an air like a landlord old wealth.

The leader of the bone tribe carefully looked at the thing called ‘salt’ in the jar, and looked forward to all the tribe’s food with salt.

The pursuit of beautiful things is human nature. What's more, salt is something that can make food many times more delicious in an instant. The leader of the bone tribe wants to get salt just like the people of other tribes. It is also a normal thing.

The head of the bone tribe was in a very complicated mood. On the one hand, he wanted to have such a magical thing very much, and on the other hand, he was worried that it would be extraordinarily expensive.

Although there is a lot of food stored in the tribe this year, it is difficult to have enough energy to exchange food for salt after exchanging pottery.

The big brother at this time is like an extremely skilled salesperson.

He carefully recalled what the son of God had said to him before, and then in his own way, first emphasized the preciousness of salt to the leader of the bone tribe and its status in their blue bird tribe.

After the leader of the bone tribe figured out what the big brother meant, he was disappointed and showed such an expression.

Just as he put down the salt shaker in his hands extremely reluctantly, a smile appeared on the face of the big brother, and he started to express another meaning as he turned.

The rough meaning is that the bone tribe and their tribe are neighboring tribes, and there has been no conflict in these years, and their **** son is an extraordinarily bold person, so they can give salt to the friendly tribe for free, and don’t charge anything. Food so much.

After understanding the meaning of the big brother, the bone tribe's lead was unbelievable, and then suddenly jumped from the ground, hugged the big brother tightly, and pressed his forehead against the big brother's shoulders.

The rest of the bone tribes who received this news also became extremely excited, and they couldn't help feeling the friendliness and boldness of the neighboring tribes.

The friendly tribe soon became less friendly, because after eating and drinking and agreeing on the matter, the bone tribe people were invited to spend the night outside the courtyard.

Not allowing other tribes to spend the night in the courtyard of the Qingque tribe is what Han Chenggong is determined to implement when Huanxihui.

On the side of the couch, how can you allow others to snore? Let other tribes rest inside the wall, and the people of the Qingque tribe can't sleep well. At least Han Cheng will fantasize about being put on a fire by other tribes.

It's getting dark, and the people of the Bone Tribe can't drive overnight. This is an act of seeking death.

They just rested outside the wall of the Qingque tribe, because the wall was tall enough to block the wind from the north. They stayed here, regenerating a fire, and it was not too cold.

Someone looked at the tall wall of the Qingque tribe and was very envious. They couldn't help but imagined when their tribe could have such a high wall...

The person in charge of the guard station in the Qingque tribe tonight has changed from the previous two shifts to the current four shifts. This was specifically explained by Han Cheng.

The two shifts took too long to stand guard, and people tended to nap, but now the Bone Tribe people are staying outside the fence.

The abundance of one's own tribe can certainly make these people yearning, but no one can guarantee that this yearning will not mutate, from pure yearning to grabbing...

Although most primitive people are simple and don't have too many twists and turns, there is nothing wrong with being careful.

It was late at night, but Han Cheng didn't sleep. There was a small flash of fire in the room, reflecting on his face, and it seemed a little uncertain.

He was sitting on a wooden pier, not far away was a nest dedicated to the blessing generals, which was covered with dry grass.

Fu Jiang is very clean under Han Cheng's education. Lazar never does it in the cave or in the room. Most of the time he goes to the toilet like the tribesmen. Of course, sometimes he goes to the deer pen where Uncle Deer lives. .

So the nest is very quiet, and there is no particularly unpleasant smell...

Han Cheng couldn't help but sniffed his nose. This guy who often wanted to kick his feet when he was around, is now missing and can't help but miss him.

He closed his mind and asked himself to withdraw his gaze from Fu Jiang's kennel. After searching for a while in the room, his gaze with nowhere to rest fell on a wooden stick.

The wooden sticks are mounted on the wooden prongs nailed to the wall, and there are two small bell-like silkworm cocoons hanging on them. It is the mulberry branch that Han Cheng brought back from the mulberry tree.

Because of the blessing general, this mulberry branch, which should be valued at all, was also left out in the cold. Han Cheng placed it here and ignored it.

At this moment, seeing ~www.NovelMTL.com~, in order to divert attention, Han Chengcheng stood up, took it off the wall, and watched carefully with the light in his hand.

Use your fingers to squeeze the empty cocoon and hold it up again, and so on.

The right hand holding the branch felt a little rough. Han Cheng only thought it was a small bump on the mulberry branch. He didn't care at first, just rubbed it gently with his hand.

After a while, I felt different again, because these little bumps were not one, but a small piece connected together, and it felt a little smooth to the touch.

Han Cheng turned the branch over and removed his hand, revealing the place where his finger touched just now.

A small piece of small bumps of about two square centimeters appeared in front of the eyes. These small black bumps appeared to be smaller than rapeseed, and they were tightly connected together, like dried snot stuck firmly to tree sticks. Rapeseed on top.

"This is... silkworm seeds?"

Han Cheng didn't react at first, but he came to think about it for a while.

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