I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 201: The magical tribe and the death of advice and suggestions

Han Cheng used a fire stick to pick up the firewood in the brazier. The fire light quickly became much brighter and the scene in front of him became clearer.

He watched it carefully for a while, and finally determined that the same piece of rapeseed on the mulberry branch was silkworm seeds, although the color of the seeds of the silkworm row he raised was different.

I thought that after the golden silkworm broke the cocoon, he threw himself into the air, but never thought of accidentally grabbing his son back.

That's fine, and after the spring in the next year, he went to the mulberry tree to search hard, and he couldn't help grinning when he remembered the taste of being overcast by foreign hot peppers.

After looking at the silkworm seeds for a while, the firewood in the brazier was about to burn out, and the light became dim.

Han Cheng had no plans to add more firewood. He got up and put the mulberry branches back to their original place. Taking advantage of the last firelight, he came to the kang, untied the wide animal skin, lay on the kang, and covered it with animal skin...

There was no disturbance last night, even if the people of the bone tribe wanted to do something, the people who had always existed on the high wall would completely dispel them.

Early the next morning, the people from the Bone Tribe went to the Qingque Tribe to borrow the fire and prepared to heat their own food outside the fence. After eating, they set off for home.

They also brought the tools they retrieved from drilling logs, but it was too troublesome. It was better to borrow fire from the Qingque tribe. After all, there would always be a fire in the tribe.

The leader of the bone tribe who came to borrow the fire showed an extremely unexpected look, because the blue bird tribe, which had a lot of flames yesterday, didn't even have any sparks!

After the big brother saw the appearance of the leader of the bone tribe, the pride rose involuntarily. He called Huo Yi and asked her to drill the wood to make fire for people in the neighboring tribe. It happened that their Qingque tribe themselves also needed to make a fire and cook. .

The head of the bone tribe saw that the big brother was actually preparing to get into the fire now, and the person who got the fire was still an old person, and for a while, he didn't know what to say.

After hesitating for a while, he waved his hand again and again, indicating that they would not take the fire, and hurried back after eating some fruit or the like.

What I thought in my heart was that if such an old man digs into the wood to make a fire, I am afraid that the flame will not come out until dark?

The big brother grabbed him and shook his head.

At this moment, Huoyi had already set the tinder and started to drill with a hand press.

The leader of the bone tribe was a little startled when he saw this unique way of drilling wood to make fire. Shouldn't he rub the stick quickly with his palm? This……

His doubts were quickly completely replaced by shock, because in his dazed effort, blue smoke had already risen from the tinder...

The sky was a little gloomy, and the sun did not appear as promised. The head of the bone tribe took the people of the bone tribe, or carried or carried the precious pottery they had exchanged, and rushed towards his tribe.

They are walking in a hurry, worrying that it will rain. If they get caught in this season, it is not a joke.

The jar of salt was held in his arms. The jar was no longer the original salt jar, but the jar they exchanged for food. The original salt jar was not given to him by the tribe.

The meaning over there is very clear, that is, salt can be shared, but the jar is definitely not free.

The leader of the bone tribe who was walking hurriedly seemed a little lost. He was not dissatisfied because the other party only gave salt but not the jar, but was thinking about everything he had seen in that tribe.

There are pottery, walls, houses, deer herds, and delicious salt...all these are forgotten, how can such an old person easily get out of the fire?

Everything that he saw in that tribe had a great impact on him, making him wonder whether the way of survival they have been handed down also needs to be changed?

Does your tribe also have to build walls?

The tribe came to him again, standing on the high wall, holding a stone and holding a stone spear.

If your tribe has such a wall, you don’t have to worry about wild beasts running into the cave to hurt people. When you wait for someone to leave the cave to hunt, you can bring more people...


Thinking of the tall and towering wall, he became hesitant again. Is this really something that humans can build?

The people of the Bone Tribe left, and the life of the Qingque Tribe returned to its original appearance.

The big brother is putting the food brought by the bone tribe into different categories for later eating.

After he finished all these things, the breakfast in the tribe was also ready.

I used to have a good appetite, but today I don’t think about it.

In fact, last night he was not fragrant when he ate. After eating two bites, he would look at the three tiled houses where the son of God lived, and he looked very worried.

He suddenly speeded up his meal, swept the bowl out of the food three times, put the bowl into a large pottery bowl with some water not far away, and left the cave to where Han Cheng lived.

Han Cheng didn't eat much this morning. After eating, he left the cave and returned to his room.


Shang came to the door, hesitated for a while, and finally raised his hand and knocked on the closed door.

Knock on the door, this was specifically explained by Han Cheng. Although he wouldn't do too shameful things in the room, it is very necessary to knock on the door before others come in for his own private space.

"Please come in."

There was the voice of the **** child in the room, and Shan looked a little nervous and opened the door and walked in, then turned and closed the door.

Han Cheng had already come out of the inner room, and it was unexpected to see Shang, because Shang had never come to him. The two who came to his room most were Wu and Senior Brother.

The one in the middle is used as a living room. In the middle, a stone pier is built with stones and plant ash. A relatively flat stone slab measuring two feet square is placed on the stone pier. Although it is simple, but Anyhow, it also looks like a stone table.

Around the stone table, there are a few wooden piers or taller stone piers, which are used as stools to sit on.

Han Cheng did his part to sit on the main seat and let Shang sit on the opposite side, although until now, Han Cheng had not told the tribe people about the rules.

After sitting down, Han Cheng asked Shang what was going on.

Facing the question of the son of God ~www.NovelMTL.com~ Shang looked a little nervous, he himself was a bit strange, and he didn't understand where his tension came from, because the son of God was always a very kind person...

He hesitated for a while, still spoke, and told Han Cheng his thoughts in Mandarin, which was not proficient.

What he meant Han Cheng understood. It was similar to what Han Cheng thought yesterday, that when the people of the Qingque tribe go out again, they must leave a certain amount of manpower to guard the tribe and not let the tribe be too empty.

After hearing this, Han Cheng nodded in praise. This behavior for the sake of the tribe must be encouraged.

Shang saw that the son of God did not blame himself and agreed to his own proposal, and was very happy. The heart that he had been holding since last night until now is now suddenly let go.

Han Cheng looked at the departure and nodded. He is worthy of being the leader before, and his knowledge is indeed better than ordinary people. Of course, this also has a lot to do with his previous experience.

Han Cheng pondered in the room for a while, and went out of the room to find the Wu and the senior brothers and talked about the matter. Both of them agreed with this. The resolution on the security of the tribe was decided in this way.

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