I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 199: Bone tribes visited

? The wind blew, and some remaining leaves on the ground followed up, making a sound of ‘crushing’.

The bare tree branches were trembling in the wind, making a ‘woo woo’ sound, crying in the wind of late autumn.

Han Cheng tightened the fur on his body, looked at the sun slanting westward, which looked sallow, and looked at the bleak scene around him. He finally took a step back and walked back.

May nature, full of vitality and crisis, treat this "white-eyed wolf" who is not deeply involved in the world and lost alone in the wild.

I hope this lost child can find his way home, the doghouse by the fire kang, he will keep it for it, waiting for its return at any time.

Han Cheng confided his heart to the howling wind, hoping that the ubiquitous and inaccessible wind would bring his expectation to the dog who didn't know where it was.

The wind whizzed away, not knowing that it didn't care about the messy little two-legged beast facing it...

The crowd came back from a distance, wrapped in fur and carrying the wind of late autumn. Seeing the wall standing there from a distance, they couldn't help but feel some joy.

The joy did not last long and was replaced by the surprise that followed.

Because there are a lot of people standing outside the gate of the tribe!

Seeing this scene from a distance, Big Brother Han Cheng and others all speeded up their pace and headed towards the tribe, and their weapons were also ready.

Because of going out to find the lucky generals, in addition to the four iron heads left in the tribe, only the elderly and children remain in the tribe, as well as lame cripples, and women with big bellies or who have just given birth.

The defensive power of the tribe is really empty and powerful!

If this group of people is not guarding outside as agreed, but choosing to take advantage of this time to attack the tribe...

Thinking of this incident, Han Cheng couldn't help but feel grateful.

It seems that this can no longer be the case today. The tribe must always retain a certain amount of combat power, at least leaving behind the manpower that can rely on the wall to defend the tribe from being captured.

If like the pig tribe, after going out, the tribe would be looted, and Han Cheng felt that he would go crazy!

Most of the other people are not as far-reaching as he thought, but feel that there should not be so many outsiders near the tribe.

The leader of the original pig tribe, Shang, his eyes were a little red, his reaction was more intense than the others, and there was deep fear in his anger.

This situation reminded him of the experience of his own tribe, and now he has already integrated into the Qingque tribe wholeheartedly.

He loves everything about the Qingque tribe, from houses, walls, all kinds of food, to snowmen piled up by children, polished tiles...

If this tribe is suffering similar damage, then...

He dared not think further.

"The Son of God!"


He was lame with a stone spear in his hand, and his palm was slightly sweaty. Even so, his body stood straight, and he never retreated halfway.

Behind him is everything they created with a little bit of hard work mixed with their hands and sweat. In order to keep these, he must also muster his courage!

He tilted his head to look at the big-bellied female primitives holding weapons around him, and the children who stood on the low wall just over the wall and could only see the situation outside by standing up to their feet. The faith in his heart became firmer.

It is not only the things created, but also the people in the tribe who accompany each other day and night!

Fortunately, there was a wall proposed by the gods to rely on, and the people who came just stopped outside the gate. Although they were a little eager to see them when they were young, they did not really launch an attack...

Limp heard the shouts coming from the west, and turned around with the others to look over there, only to see that the **** son who went out to find the blessed general and the leader and others came back, and were rushing towards the tribe.

Seeing the people who rushed back, he limped and breathed a long sigh of relief, and a feeling of finding support rose up.

The rest of the people standing on the wall, whose minds and their entire faces were strained, also relaxed at once, and there were smiles on the faces of children.

"The Son of God!"


They joyfully shouted their backers, their support...

The people standing in front of the gate also looked to the west, and saw a group of people coming with spears and clubs, and many people also held weapons.

Most of their weapons are made of bones, and there are many accessories made of bones on their bodies.

There are a lot of people, there are 22!

These are the bone tribes who had been to the Green Tribe during the Huanxi Meeting.

The leaders of the two tribes met and asked each other with gestures and words.

I learned that the people from the Bone Tribe came to trade the big pottery that can cook food.

After the party was over, the bone tribe bought a clay pot from the Qingque tribe because of the more food they brought.

After I went back, I also learned the appearance of the Qingque tribe and began to try to cook the food. Although it is far less delicious than the taste of the Qingque tribe, this fresh way of eating is still loved by many people, especially those People with bad teeth.

Because I tasted the benefits, I also wanted to come over and put on a large pottery to cook the food.

Those pots used to hold water and small pottery for food should also be replaced, otherwise it would be inconvenient to eat cooked food.

Seeing the food they brought, and seeing that the Bone Tribe people did not attack the courtyard, Han Cheng and the senior brothers and others, this was calm.

At the moment, the people of the Bone Tribe informed that after putting down their weapons, they can bring food and exchange them together in the courtyard.

A few people in the bone tribe were reluctant, but the big brother was determined, so he had to leave the weapon outside, and then took the food and went to the inside of the tribe from the door that had been opened from the inside under the command of the big brother.

Although there was already some twilight ~www.NovelMTL.com~, the people of the Bone Tribe were still extremely shocked when they looked at all this in the courtyard.

This tribe is always so surprising!

Originally, when I saw a large group of people like them go out, it was time to return and brought such a small wild boar and a small half of it. I didn’t know what kind of food was taken from the mouth of an animal. There were many bone tribes. People have a heart of contempt. At this time, after seeing all of this in the tribe, those who contemptuously had been shocked disappeared, leaving only a deep shock and unbelief.

Primitives are also humans, and they also have a sense of comparison, especially when it comes to food. When meeting between different tribes, they will always compare consciously or unconsciously.

The big brother yelled twice, and the leader of the bone tribe just recovered and began to spread the food one by one and trade with the big brother.

It just seemed a little absent-minded, obviously not completely free from the impact.

(Writing and writing, I feel like I can't find the state, worrying)

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