I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 196: Ruyizi, don't mistake me!

Han Cheng looked at the exposed fur in a daze.

Immediately his vision was blocked by the backing big brother.

The big brother bumped into Han Cheng and hurriedly looked back, seeing Han Cheng looking straight at the saber-toothed tiger, thinking that the **** son was worried about the saber-toothed tiger.

As he was about to say a few words in a low voice, Han Cheng had already started to step back.

Although he desperately wanted to confirm whether the man who fell in the grass was a blessing general, he could not put everyone in the entire tribe in danger.

As everyone slowly backed away, the saber-toothed tiger and the wild boar with red eyes were gone, everyone gradually moved away from there, the tension disappeared, and everyone became more active.

The big brother looked back at the land boundary and asked everyone to go around here and go elsewhere, but Han Cheng stood up at this moment.

"The Son of God!"

"The Son of God!"

After understanding Han Cheng's meaning, everyone was in a hurry and couldn't help but shout in a low voice.

Han Cheng looked at the people who looked at him with concern, with a smile on his face, comforting them not to worry, he would not act recklessly.

The big brother still succumbed to them, but he refused, and decided that he would go back with Han Cheng.

They didn't say anything until Han Cheng showed the majesty of the **** son, but the concern was beyond words.

Han Cheng asked everyone here to wait for him. For safety, he let the wood chop down a few tough vines from the large tree next to him with a hand axe made of a stone and chopped a belt. The sides are surrounded.

The place where everyone is staying now is a not gentle **** with big trees growing around it.

The chopped vines are wrapped around these big trees, divided into three paths.

The lowest is 20 cm above the ground, and the highest is about one meter above the ground.

With these three vines as a barrier, even if a wild beast rushes over frantically, the big brothers will be much safer.

Han Cheng carried his one-sized stone spear and walked away with a small basket on his back.

The elder brothers and others were extremely anxious, but because of the majesty of the son of God, they did not dare to forcibly stop or follow. They could only stare at the son of God and the place where the low-lying land was, and secretly prayed in their hearts. God, protect the safety of the **** child.

Han Cheng looked at the approaching low-lying land and laughed at himself, man! It's strange!

A moment ago, I was thinking about getting away from this place safely as soon as possible, but now I took the initiative to lean on it.

What's more, it is very likely that he has encountered an unexpected "white-eyed wolf".

Thinking like this in my heart, the steps under my feet didn't stop, and they kept going to the low-lying land.

As the low-lying land approached, his concentration became more and more concentrated, and his steps were slow.

Fortunately, this area is relatively humid, and the fallen leaves on the ground are not like other places. When stepping on it, it will make the sound of broken bones, which is conducive to his concealment.

Cautiously came to the edge of the depression, and quietly poked his head out to look inside. After they left, without the influence of external factors, the two groups of beasts confronted again.

He looked at the saber-toothed tiger, because he was too low to see the piece of fur he had seen before.

Han Cheng looked around, then quietly got up and came to a big tree not far away.

The big tree was about 20 meters away from the opposing sides. It was so big that an adult could not hold it far.

The trunk is not very flat and lumpy. I only know what the disease is, or it is the scar left by the branch that grows down because of the lack of sunlight for many years.

The primitive life of the past two years has not been in vain, and the three leather pants worn by climbing trees are not in vain. If such a tree is placed before crossing, Han Cheng can only look up and sigh, but now he is back. With the back basket, he climbed up quickly, and still silently.

He placed the stone spear flat underground without carrying it. Not to mention the influence of the stone spear on climbing trees, he could easily make a noise, disturbing the confrontational two groups of ‘killers’ who had not had much patience.

The trunk is thick and can completely cover Han Cheng's figure, so the two groups of fierce beasts that were already on the edge of the outbreak did not notice. They had already left the two-legged beast, and actually slipped back.

Han Cheng climbed a distance of five or six meters before stopping.

Here is a branch extending to the center of the confrontation.

Although it is a branch, it is large enough, almost the thickness of a bucket.

Han Cheng turned over this thick branch, used his limbs together, and moved forward carefully.

Going a distance of more than three meters and stopping at the bifurcation, this is conducive to concealing the figure and also easy to stabilize.

Han Cheng climbed the branch with one hand and looked at the saber-toothed tiger. He was condescending, and he saw clearly what was upside down in the grass.

Han Cheng's heart couldn't help but jump for a while, because the hair color of that thing was very similar to Fu Jiang's hair color, and the exposed part of the body was also somewhat similar!

The distance is still too far, and the thing has been bitten, the specific scene is still not clear.

Han Cheng felt both uncomfortable and hopeful, hoping that this would not be a blessed general.

He wanted to get closer, looked at and stopped.

As the trunk stretches forward and the number of branches increases, the branches in front of the tree become thinner rapidly.

There is no problem supporting his weight, but his figure can't cover it, and it's extremely easy to make movement. After these guys discovered his existence, it would be bad if they surrounded the tree.

He looked at the threatening sounds of ‘babble, babble’ from below, but ultimately refused to attack the wild boar, and the saber-toothed tiger that just growled low, cursing these guys for their long-windedness.

It's not good for a mother-in-law who is like this. Do these guys have to scold them before they fight~www.NovelMTL.com~ after scolding them?

Han Cheng waited here for a while, but finally couldn't wait. He quietly took off the back basket and turned his back in front of him.

There are eight small stones in the back basket, which Han Cheng chose and placed in them.

Because the stones only cover the bottom of the back basket, even if Han Cheng is carrying the back basket, no stones will fall out of it.

He took a stone out of it, held it in his hand and squeezed it hard, remembering the scene of Yanqing shooting a bird in the Water Margin, and he also learned to say to himself in his heart: "If Fu cannot die, let this stone hit. Below the wild boar, the beast frightened away, leaving the broken body for me to examine!

If Fu Jiang has no chance of surviving this time, the stone will fall into nothing, and the beasts will be indifferent! "

After praying in secret like this, Han Cheng raised his right hand, which he had nothing to use to practice throwing stones, looked at the stone in his hand, and secretly said, "Ruyizi, don't want me to be wrong!"

Then the arm suddenly swung down, holding the stone, and then let go, and flew straight down diagonally!

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