I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 197: Howling Tiger


This stone did not disappoint Han Cheng. It not only hit the wild boar diagonally below, but also unbiasedly hit the largest wild boar standing side by side in the eyes!

Although his original goal was to be closer to him, the smaller wild boar.

The prolonged confrontation made the two adult wild boars larger than the wild boars hit by the big brothers become irritable.

It was only because the male and female saber-toothed tigers in front were not easy to mess with, and they still had half-sized piglets to protect, so that they could not move their mouths.

Now one eye was suddenly attacked, and the pain instantly spread throughout the body. This wild boar, who had been hovering on the edge of mania, instantly exploded in anger!

I didn't even think about when the saber-toothed tiger in front of me learned the skill of hitting pigs in the air. I ignored the rocks that fell to the side of the bushes, and I looked for the black hands of these two **** saber-toothed tigers against him!

It grunted angrily, digging two hooves **** the ground, and the two saber-toothed tigers with their mouth open, rushed up, rampaging like a small tank, full of momentum!

With its movement, another adult wild boar on one side also rushed up, equally aggressive.

The rest of Piggy ran around.

Two saber-toothed tigers, one male and one female, roared in anger, their mouths opened, and the two long dagger-like teeth were a little reflective under the sunlight, and looked like a peerless soldier.

Compared with rampaging wild boars, saber-toothed tigers have to be more flexible, and they don't want to go head-to-head with adult wild boars.

After seeing the two big wild boars rushing towards them fiercely, and the half-sized piglets fled around, they immediately turned around and chased the nearby piglets.

A piglet was unlucky, panicked, and was suddenly overthrown by a tiger pounce. It was too late to hiss and scream to exaggerate the tragic atmosphere. After struggling several times to show his steadfastness, his two huge tiger teeth were already ruthless. Stabbed fiercely into its neck!

Under the tiger's kiss, how spared?

The red blood ticked down, and the piglet who hadn't grown up could not survive!

The big red-eyed wild boar rushed forward, and the saber-toothed tiger biting the piglet sensed the danger and instinctively jumped to the side. As a result, it was still a little late. One hind leg was arched by the wild boar's fangs, a blood The hole appeared directly.

Han Cheng, who was hiding in the tree and watching all this, was secretly speechless as he watched the battle that was completely ignited by his stone.

He had heard of the ferocious name of wild boars before, and knew that this omnivorous animal was not easy to provoke, but he still despised it in his heart.

After all, in later life, he ate a lot of pork, and he also saw too many groaning and obese people who were obese on weekdays, and he would only yell fat pigs when he was **** for killing during the Chinese New Year...

Now that two saber-toothed tigers have no absolute advantage in the battle with them, I have a new understanding of their fierceness. I also understand why Wu Chengen’s writing of Journey to the West will make Zhu Ganglu the second senior. The monster pressing Liushahe and the little white dragon!

At the same time, I was very curious about how the big brother killed this fierce wild boar when they hunted.


The saber-toothed tiger turned around abruptly, dropped the dead piglet in its mouth, and bit the **** of a big wild boar that was chasing after it.

The huge teeth that easily pierced into the piglet's body were impeded by the'armor' of the adult wild boar, and its strength was weakened.

It did not cause too much damage to the wild boar, but the more angry wild boar arched its mouth firmly...

The howling of tigers and pigs echoed here, and it sounded extraordinarily tragic.

After a brief but fierce battle, two saber-tooth tigers had an empty mouth, and the other bit a dead piglet and ran away, while two wild boars, already completely red-eyed, were chasing with four strong legs behind. .

I don't know if it's a coincidence, or it's a secret arrangement. The two saber-toothed tigers and the wild boar ran in the direction that Han Cheng came from not long ago.

Han Cheng looked at the saber-toothed tiger and the wild boar who were screaming and chasing the swiftly departed saber-toothed tiger and the wild boar.

Then think about it, the big brothers are more than a mile away from here, and the east is such a big piece, it is impossible for this saber-toothed tiger and wild boar to just happen to hit the place where the big brothers are.

Even if it hits, there are a few canes outside to block it, and the big brothers all have weapons, and people who hunt frequently should not suffer.

Thinking like this in my heart, I was relieved a lot. I climbed the branch and looked in the direction where the wild boar was leaving. Without seeing the return of the wild boar, he moved the back basket to his back, stood up from the branch and came here carefully The junction between the root branch and the trunk.

I am going to slide down the tree all the way, and quickly confirm if it is a lucky general.

Climbing down the tree trunk, I suddenly hesitated again, looking at the corpse of the wild boar that was left on the ground, and then at the little wild boar that had just been washed away and gradually emerged from the surroundings. He hesitated for a while and hugged again. The big branch turned up again.

Sit down against the tree trunk, looking at the groaning little wild boar.

It didn't take long for a big wild boar to hum from a distance, which seemed a little anxious. At the same time, it was accompanied by the slamming sound of being trampled on with dead branches, leaves and grass.

Han Cheng followed the prestige and saw the two departed wild boars running all the way through the branches~www.NovelMTL.com~Han Cheng cried out to be dangerous. Fortunately, he left a mind and didn’t go down immediately. If so Nowadays, bumping into these two fierce and unbelievable guys who are in a fit of anger, I am afraid that it will be really bad!

Hearing this familiar cry, Little Piggy ran away to greet him.

After the big and small wild boars met, the tension soon disappeared.

The big pig and the little pig hummed each other, and then walked to the spring to drink water. After drinking the water, they came to the wild boar that was killed by the saber-toothed tiger and was left behind under the pressure of the big wild boar.

A big wild boar arched its mouth lightly and screamed ‘hum,’ as if he wanted his children to stand up again and leave with them.

The fangs that were able to cut the fur of the saber-toothed tiger at once seemed very soft now.

After working hard like this for a while, seeing that the piglet still couldn't stand up, and the two big wild boars that had suffered a lot of injuries and some blood oozing out, finally led the piglet...

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