I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 195: Saber-toothed tiger? !

A group of Qingque tribe set off with a rattan card, a stone bullet and a stone spear.

First came to Sanglin. After finding no trace of the Fu general, he used Sang as the origin, excluding the direction of the east tribe, and started searching in a fan shape.

After turning a large half circle and finding no trace, the search area is expanded, and then a larger half circle is turned.

The voice calling for the blessed general was endless, startled countless birds and many small beasts.

A leopard was hiding his figure and was about to charge a prey not far away. The herbivore, who had not noticed that the danger was coming, was disturbed by the sudden sound and ran away with his hooves. He sprang out a while later. The leopard chased for a while, but after all he could not succeed, he stood there and looked at the guy who disturbed it to prey from a distance. In his brown eyes, there was no feeling at all.

After discovering that there were so many ‘monkeys’ who had disturbed it, it gave up preparing to take these guys for lunch, turned its head and glanced here, and dashed up the tree in twos.

The big brothers also saw the leopard. The crowd guarded Han Cheng in the middle, holding the cane shield and the stone spear while looking at the side vigilantly, while keeping the distance between the leopard and the leopard as far as possible and bypassing it.

Even if they have a vine shield in their hands and there are many people, they are not willing to conflict with such a fierce guy.

After bypassing without danger, they went on to look for...

Bypassing a small mountain ridge, a low-lying land that appeared to be a little hidden may be related to a spring water here, and the surrounding trees are very lush.

Fortunately, it is autumn, and the leaves have fallen, otherwise it is difficult to see things here.

Right now, it is hidden by the dry and withered grass, and most of it is not clearly visible.


Stepping on the fallen grass and walking a distance here, the vision gradually became clear. After seeing the real scene here, even with the knowledge of the big brother, he couldn't help taking a breath, and his body immediately tightened. .

There was a low voice in his mouth, warning people around.

Han Cheng walked a little back, and didn't understand what the big brother saw at first. After seeing the appearance of the big brother and the others, he walked two steps forward, and the sight there immediately appeared in front of him.

His eyes widened suddenly, his heartbeat speeded up, and his mouth opened slightly.

Encountered such a thing!

Around the spring is a relatively open land, and on the north side of the spring, two groups of beasts are facing each other.

There are a large number of wild beasts, and it is roughly a dozen.

The leader is the two fangs turned out, rubbed with a lot of dried gum, soil, gravel mixture, like a big wild boar wearing a steel armor!

The two wild boars are not small, much larger than the big brothers and the others hunted before.

According to Han Cheng's visual estimation, the wild boar with a slightly smaller head and shorter fangs would also be up to 300 jin.

The bigger one will not be less than three hundred and fifty catties!

Behind the two wild boars was a group of undeveloped wild boar cubs, weighing about 30 to 40 kilograms. At this time, they all looked a little awkward standing behind the two big wild boars, looking for shelter.

On the opposite side of the two big wild boars, there are also two giants about ten meters apart.

The short brown fur is tightly attached to the body, making the body strong and strong. The two back legs are much shorter than the front legs, and they are thicker than the tiger legs that Han Cheng saw in the zoo of later generations!

The tail is not long, it hangs towards the ground, ready to exert force.

This is not the most attractive, the most attractive is this guy's huge head, and two buck teeth extending from the upper jaw, at least not less than 20 cm!

Because these two ‘buck teeth’ are too long, there is no way to close them in their mouths, and they only show up outside. Compared with them, the fangs grown by zombies are really inferior!

Saber-toothed tiger? !

After seeing the dignity of these two guys, Han Cheng didn't have to think about it, the name of the saber-toothed tiger jumped into his mind.

Unexpectedly, I encountered this guy who disappeared in the long river of history!

Han Cheng was not engaged in archaeology, nor was he engaged in prehistoric biological research. The initial surprise and excitement after seeing the saber-toothed tiger quickly disappeared.

Because the two parties who were originally confronting each other after they came here, they all pointed the finger at them!

The two fangs turned out, the wild boar in the'armor' stared at them with reddish eyes, and hooves the ground from time to time. If it weren't for the two saber-toothed tigers on the opposite side as a threat, it might have been facing Han They rushed over!

The same is true for the two saber-toothed tigers. Looking at the huge head of the tiger, the long front and short legs move in a small area on the ground. The mouth with fangs opens and closes from time to time. The angle between the lower jaw and the upper jaw is unexpected. Can exceed ninety degrees!

This made Han Cheng wonder how he opened his mouth to eat with two fangs so long, and solved the doubt in his heart.

The two saber-toothed tigers let out a low roar from time to time to warn the unexpected visitor.

The dagger-like teeth look like carefully carved jade under the sunlight.

Imagine the taste of two long teeth pierced into the body. Han Cheng immediately realized that these two teeth were beautiful.

The members of the Qingque tribe were all tensed, clenching the vine shield and stone spear and standing still, facing the two groups of fierce beasts.

Because of the terrain, when Big Brother Han Cheng and the two groups of guys facing each other discovered each other, the distance between each other was less than 30 meters!

At this moment, the atmosphere seemed extremely tense. At the same time as the three-legged trend was formed, there was also a tendency for ‘Wu Shu’ to join forces against ‘Cao’.

The two gangs who were confronting each other were very angry at the third party who appeared rashly.

It was just because there were a lot of people on this side, and it didn't seem to be easy to provoke, that didn't rush to attack.

Han Cheng's heart was pounding. He had never had such an experience. The most ferocious animals rescued in the wild in the past were a pair of wolves, and after seeing people, he left far away.

How about looking at these ferocious animals at close range as it is now, and there is still no security guarantee!

The palm of his hand holding a short stone spear was a little wet.

The big brothers and other hunters are more calm than Han Cheng, but they don't dare to act rashly. Such a large number and fierce beasts are beyond their ability.

If it were not for the extreme shortage of food, they would not choose to fight with such a beast.

"go back!"

The three parties faced each other for a while~www.NovelMTL.com~ After confirming that the wild boar and the saber-toothed tiger would not rashly launch an attack, the big brother said in a low voice.

According to the leader's order, the crowd guarded the wild boar and the saber-toothed tiger vigilantly while holding their weapons, while slowly and tentatively retreating.

Fortunately, the wild boar and the saber-toothed tiger were only moving in a small area on the spot, without the intention of coming to attack, which made the nervous Han Cheng breathe a sigh of relief.

With everyone backing together, I wanted to leave this extremely dangerous place of right and wrong earlier.

what is that?

Han Cheng, who was retreating, suddenly condensed his gaze, his gaze fell into the grass not far from the saber-toothed tiger.

There was a piece of gray fur there, revealed from the half-shielded grass, it looked like it was a dead beast...

Han Cheng's heart jumped suddenly.

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