I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 187: Unspoken secret

   The three giants of the Qingque tribe came out from the inner hole, and they were all enveloped in a huge joy. This made many people secretly guess that something good would fall on their tribe.

Their speculation soon disappeared. It was not that the Big Three, headed by Han, advertised what they had planned in the secret room to everyone. Instead, as the son of God, Chef Han Sunghan announced that he would make delicious dishes himself. Food, eat with everyone.

   For a primitive foodie, nothing is more exciting than eating. Even dressing, housing, and primitive tunes are behind eating.

  Produced by Shenzi, it must be a fine product. This has long been the consensus of everyone in the Qingque tribe, even the three-year-old primitive people know it.

   Before, they watched the people of the Green Tribe and the Sheep Tribe eating out there, and they had been slobbering for a long time. At this time, after hearing the words of the son of God, are there any reasons why they are not excited? The entire tribe boiled instantly!

   Han Cheng, Wu, and the three big brothers couldn't help laughing as they watched the lively scene.

  'S lame spouse had washed the three-hanged sheep's intestines with salt according to Han Cheng's instructions. She knew that the son of God likes to clean, so she rubbed and washed the intestines several times every time, very seriously.

   Recalling the lack of food in the tribe, she turned her intestines limping over and cooked them on the fire without washing them. She smiled and shook her head.

   looked up at the numerous foods, then looked at the smiling tribesmen, and finally turned his gaze on the **** child who was instructing people to wash the tank, and the smile on his face was even stronger.

Gone are the days like   !

   Sanhang turned over the rubbed intestines and threw them into the large tank without cutting them.

   A large sheep skeleton with a lot of meat on it was broken by a stone knife or a stone axe, and it was also put into the big tank.

   Then I put two sets of haggis and half a fan of lamb in it. There is no need to add water, just these things, there is almost half a tank!

   Several pots of water were poured into the tank, submerging the meat, and the heavy pot cover was placed on the large tank, and the fire that was responsible for the fire had already risen.

   The flames were burning and it wasn't enough, so I pinched Shaoya's mouth and kept blowing air against the fire.

   Fortunately, Huoyi did not pretend to have false teeth, or Han Cheng was really worried that when Huoyi was working hard to blow the fire, a pair of false teeth would blur out...

   The iron head came back panting, dragging the two pine branches that had just been broken off.

   Han Cheng sniffed, the primitive man's style of doing things is really bold and bold, he just asked him to fold a small piece of pine branch back, but he directly got back so many.

Han Cheng nodded towards the iron head who was smirking at him, stretched out his hand and slammed down two sections of pine branches that were not thick, the one without pine needles, and then washed them with clean water, lifted the lid on the tank, and threw it into the tank. The soup continues to boil.

   Later generations, Li Lin, who was in the same team with Han Cheng, was the guy who had no ethics and had to go with his wife on Valentine's Day when he had to perform tasks with him. His family is in the Northwest.

   According to him, since his grandfather's generation, his family has operated a mutton soup restaurant, and the mutton soup made is unique in the local area.

  I don’t know if Han Cheng has been operating a lamb soup restaurant since his grandfather’s generation, but the lamb soup made by this kid is really delicious.

If I am not single and love to eat, I am moved by the three lamb soup promised by this guy, saying that he will not agree to anything, and go alone to find the foreign friend who is dead, then I will not be like this The sad traveler...

   Thinking of this, Han Chengcheng was in tears.

  Relax the wooden stick in the mutton soup. This is the secret of the Li family who was released by Han Tong after this guy was drunk.

   He himself tried to cook a few times before, adding pine sticks to Yiyan did improve the taste a lot, but compared with the one made by Li Lin, it was still a lot worse...

   There are a large row of cleaned pottery bowls next to the big tank, which are spare.

   In the eyes of everyone's expectation, the **** child standing on the wooden pier finally announced that the soup is ready.

   Everyone was excited, with anticipation, waiting to take turns to get the soup.

However, what puzzled everyone was that the **** son did not directly use a soup spoon to scoop the soup into a bowl and eat it as before. Instead, he asked a few people to first cook the large pieces of mutton, lamb and sheep intestines boiled in the big tank. Come out and put it on the extremely tightly woven wooden raft that has just been scrubbed clean.

   Then let people use stone knives and bone knives to cut the cooked meat while it is hot.

   The large pieces of cooked lamb should be sliced ​​as much as possible, as is the haggis.

   When several people were cutting this, Han Cheng held a pot of cut meat, and put a few large slices of mutton, some miscellaneous and several sections of mutton into the placed bowl.

   After putting it away, he picked up a pot of half a bowl of chopped wild onions, and sprinkled some chopped green onions into the meat bowl.

  While putting the green onions, Han Cheng's heart was twitching. In order to make this pot of soup as much as possible, he directly got more than half of the wild green onions...

   The chopped green onion was let go, and he took a small pot of salt, and a clay spoon in one hand, and sprinkled salt into it one by one.

   Han Cheng took a spoonful of tumbling, boiled white lamb soup from the big tank and poured it into the bowl.

   The hot mutton soup meets with chopped green onion and lamb and lamb intestines, which immediately inspires an intoxicating taste.

  The white soup has some reddish flesh and is decorated with emerald green onions. Not to mention the taste, just looking at it makes people appetite.



   Smell the scent~www.NovelMTL.com~ Seeing this delicacy, the green tits, including witches, couldn’t help rolling their throats up and down...


Big Brother    held the empty bowl and exhaled a long breath, only feeling comfortable.

   I thought that the salted fish soup and broth were the top delicacy. Today I drank the mutton soup made by God's son, and I was surprised that I had little knowledge before.

   Brother Er held a bone with lamb in one hand, biting hard, and the juice flowed...

   A delicious feast of lamb soup made the people of the Qingque tribe feel a kind of ecstatic feeling, that happiness is so real and illusory...

   "Someone! Someone!"

   When it is easy and happy, there will always be shit-chucking sticks.

   The shouts of the people standing guard outside and the sound of clappers suddenly pulled the Qingque tribe, who was still there, reminiscing about the aftermath, from the illusion back to reality.

   Everyone became alert for an instant, and they filed out, not knowing where they were coming.

   Looking at the green people above the gate of the tribe, Han Cheng suddenly had the urge to hold his forehead with his hands. Didn’t these guys have just left for a long time? Why did they come back?

   When did primitive people become so difficult?


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