I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 188: Aura 1 flash

The leader of the green tribe smiled and looked at the people of the Qingque tribe standing on the wall in front of him, and then looked at the many furs and the useless grass spikes in front of him.

Occasionally, I glanced at a member of the tribe standing next to him, and there was a hint of approval.

The people of this tribe must be very surprised why they came back so quickly and brought so many things, right?

The leader of the Green Tribe didn't guess wrong, Han Cheng and others were really surprised.

Calculated according to the distance between the Qingque tribe and the green tribe, at this moment, the people of the green tribe want to go back and forth by car.

What's more, they brought heavy pottery jars when they returned.

However, if they didn't go back, where did the pottery jars they took away? How did these fur and millet come from?

The big brother looked at the green tribe leader who was smiling and talking loudly with him, with a look of surprise on his face.

Could it be that the world he came from was not a pure primitive age, but a world without vindictiveness but with magic and fairy skills?

Will the people of the green tribe next door shrink their supernatural powers?

Han Cheng was thinking about it, and couldn't help smiling.

I almost believed myself to Fudge.

Han Cheng looked at the leader of the Green Tribe standing outside, who looked very proud, and secretly said that this guy was indeed cunning.

There may be only one situation like this, that is, when they came earlier, the people of the Green Tribe brought these things. In order to get as many benefits from themselves as possible, after getting close to their own tribe, they would add fur and grain. Sui hid him and came with only the pottery.

The soup cooked in large pottery tastes the same as the soup cooked in small pottery. This thing cannot be solved by themselves, and they will also take out the things they bring in exchange for things as they do now.

Or they may think that they are deliberately selling off the hook, and then take out these things that have been hidden and use them to bribe themselves...

Sure enough, interest is a good thing. Driven by it, primitive people have become less primitive...

The leader of the Green Tribe is a person who can’t keep his breath. After bringing skins and ears of corn in exchange for two pots and ten pots, he triumphantly tells the whole story to the big brother and talks with Han The guesswork is inseparable.

The leader of the Green Tribe, who had consciously pulled back a round, led the people with these newly exchanged pottery and went with joy.

Of course he was very happy, because in his original expectation, these furs and unpalatable grass ears were used in exchange for how to make the soup delicious.

Now he has not only obtained the salt that will make the soup delicious, but also traded these for so many precious pottery. These pottery is equal to picking up out of thin air, and he is naturally overjoyed.

I just don't know if this guy will be as happy as he is now after he learns the intentions of the somewhat silly Blue Sparrow tribe **** child who seems to him to be bold.

The people of the Green Tribe walked for a while and stopped at a place not short of the Qingque Tribe.

Pulling away the grass that was pulled out, two clay pots appeared in front of him.

The leader of the green tribe patted the pottery and smiled happily, and he personally carried the big jar to his tribe proudly, looking like a general who returned from victory.

Of course Han Cheng would not care about these careful thoughts of the leader of the Green Tribe.

The leader of the Green Tribe was thinking of getting some small bargains from the Qingque Tribe, but he was planning to annex the entire Green Tribe.

When the height is different, the mind that appears is naturally different.

After a day of relaxation, the life of the Qingque tribe is back on the right track. It is time to turn the ground, to mow the grass, to stroke the rabbit and then to stroke the rabbit, to peep the chicken **** and continue to peep the chicken butt... Plain, but very flavorful.

The leader of the Green Tribe was cooking the soup again. This time in the Qingque Tribe, he carefully watched the steps of cooking the soup again and memorized it firmly. He was confident.

Especially when I saw the jar of white salt like snowflakes, my heart was even more determined.

Before he started cooking the soup, he beat his chest with his hands first, assuring everyone in the tribe that he would be able to cook delicious soup this time.

The flames under the big tank were burning, and the water in the tank had already begun to boil.

Following Han Cheng's appearance, he found a thin stick and stabbed the meat in the vat. He felt that it was almost done, so he let the fire go away.

Then he picked up a bowl and scooped some soup from the big tank, so that those who did not go to the Qingque tribe this time tasted it one by one.

Of course these people follow their fate, but this soup tastes the same as before, not as delicious as the leader said...

After watching the people who had tasted the soup, the leader of the Green Tribe felt very helpful. He cleared his throat, and then solemnly picked up the jar of salt.

Tilt the jar down like Han Cheng did, let these people see the white salt, then turned around unpredictably, and poured the salt in the jar into the soup pot.

The leader of the Green Tribe has an extremely deep memory of the failure of the last time that the soup was boiled in full view, so this time he tried hard to shock the people in the tribe with the delicious soup.

While pouring salt, he had a whim.

Just add a little bit of this white salt like snowflakes, and the soup will become very delicious. Wouldn't it be more delicious if you put more on your own?

This sudden thought made the leader of the Green Tribe shine, and could not help but cheer secretly for his wit.

He tilted the jar a little harder, and the half jar of salt fell into the tumbling soup, and disappeared in no time.

Seeing that there was so much less salt in the jar at once, the leader of the Green Tribe felt a little distressed, thinking that the salt was white, and the broth would definitely be more delicious, far exceeding the Qingque tribe. I feel a lot more comfortable.

He put down the salt jar, picked up the wooden stick and began to vigorously stir the broth that seemed to be salivating.

The rest of the Green Tribe stared eagerly, their throats rolling, expecting to eat the delicious broth cooked by the leader earlier.

In order to carry out the imitation to the end, the leader of the Green Tribe suppressed greed, took the previous bowl, and scooped up half a bowl of soup that had been added with salt to make it so delicious, and let the previous people taste it in turn.

With a deep and confident smile on his face, he looked forward to the people in the tribe. After drinking the peerless delicacy he had cooked, he looked shocked.


The first person to drink the soup with full expectation had his face twisted for a while, but he couldn't help but squirted out, sticking out his tongue and grinning.

With a smile, the smile on the green tribe leader's face, who was waiting for the shock to reveal, disappeared.

He grabbed the bowl and gave it to the next person to taste.

Staring at this primitive female for a few times, she was dissatisfied. Even if the broth I cooked is extremely delicious, you can't be so anxious, right? How many times can the broth be burned to the mouth after drinking it?


Under his gaze, the second person who took a careful sip, distorted for a while, finally couldn't help but squirt out.

The eyebrows of the leader of the Green Tribe are all raised, and the delicacy cooked by himself is what made you waste?

He angrily snatched the soup bowl from the second person, and no longer gave it to the third person. He wanted to personally demonstrate to these people in the tribe who hadn’t eaten the delicious and impatiently, what is this beautiful broth? for drink!


He raised his voice so that everyone watched him do a demonstration. After seeing everyone watching over, he brought the bowl to his mouth at a slow speed, blew the mouth gently for a while, and then sucked hard, half The delicious broth has entered the mouth.

The eyes of the leader of the Green Tribe widened instantly. At this moment, he finally understood why the first two people showed such expressions~www.NovelMTL.com~ It was not burned, but...


"Gudong, Gudong..."

The leader of the Green Tribe put down the empty bowl in his hand, and before he had to breathe, he burped first.

His stomach was full of water, but he couldn't help but want to drink it.

Not only him, but also the rest of the Green Tribe.

He squatted down and scratched his hair to look at the remaining half of the jar of salt, full of doubts. It would be very delicious if you put some more, but it would be more delicious if you put more.


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