I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 186: Use salt

Han Cheng knew that Wu and Big Brother must be very puzzled about their actions. After seeing him and the two surrounding them, he took them to the inner cave.

Before entering the cave, tell the others to continue to do things, let the lame spouse who is washing the overturned sheep intestines, add salt to the basin and rub it...

The matter of giving these tribal salt free of charge was actually a decision that Han Chengcai made not long after. Even so, he still had some thoughtful consideration in it, or it was something he had been thinking about, and suddenly he found a solution.

The shortage of labor in the Qingque tribe has been relieved to a great extent with the addition of ten adults from the original pig tribe, led by Shang, and the recovery of the injuries of the three people, including Ruhua, left and right lame.

However, with the expansion of rapeseed and millet planting area, labor will become short again.

And now, nine new members have been added to the deer herd, and there are seven female deer with big bellies. It will not be long before a few more fawns will be born, and the size of the deer will exceed 35 in one fell swoop. Mark.

The rabbits are still able to reproduce, especially after adding eight new rabbits to it, it is even more tossing. By now, the size of the rabbit group has exceeded three hundred.

For this reason, a few days ago, Han Cheng had to mobilize manpower to nearly double the bunny circle.

The pheasants raised in captivity also hatched out of two broods, even the large ones and the small ones, with 29.

Oh, yes, now I have to lick three more lambs.

With so many mouths, they all need to eat. Just to make grass for these guys requires a lot of manpower.

Not to mention the rest, the daily consumption of these more than 300 rabbits is amazing enough. These rectal guys, eat and eat, they are more than 300 forage grinders that don't stop working.

Two people can harvest grass for them full-time to keep up with this terrifying consumption speed.

It's not winter now. Uncle Deer takes his tribe out to the jungle every day. There is no need to feed more. Once Uncle Luxuelu refuses to go out in winter, the consumption of forage will become even more amazing.

As early as two months ago, the number of grass harvesters had become four, and before long, they had become six.

After all, the Qingque tribe doesn't have much food. The winter rations of these guys rely on harvesting and drying the grass. A small reserve is not enough.

As the saying goes, the meal is full of thought.

The people of the Qingque tribe don’t lack food and drink anymore. In the past, they would usually be agitated on a large scale only in the spring. Now that they eat well, there is basically no time for them.

Sowing seeds frequently, and the land is fertile instead of wasteland, so the survival rate of seeds will naturally increase.

For example, a spouse of a big brother gave birth to a child before the spring flowers bloom. Now, his belly is getting bigger again. It is estimated that after the heavy snowfall in winter, he will give birth again.

The existence of a large number of pregnant women has also greatly reduced the available manpower of the Qingque tribe.

Although the current pregnant women, mothers and children are far less expensive than later generations, the impact on labor is certain.

After all these were put together, one problem once again posed in front of the Qingque tribe, that was the shortage of manpower.

Regarding the tribe’s lack of labor, Han Cheng has always been thinking about it. With this lesson learned from the integration of the pig tribe, he will naturally target the neighboring tribes around him.

However, the opportunity for the integration of the pig tribe is unavoidable and not easy to copy.

The Teng Snake Tribe suffered a big loss in its own place last year and lost a lot of manpower. It is estimated that it will not come nearby to find fault in a short time.

Without the coercion of such a powerful external enemy, it is really difficult for these tribes to integrate into their own tribe like the pig tribe.

Launching a war to attack the surrounding tribes, killing a group of their adult men, killing the children who are higher than the wheel, and then looting all the remaining people to the Qingque tribe. Han Cheng also thought about this.

After thinking about it, I gave up.

After exiting the wall, the people of the Qingque tribe cannot form an absolute advantage against the surrounding tribes. In this case, their own casualties are certain, and the number is not small.

Humans are emotional animals, and he is not a hero. Naturally, he doesn't want to see the death of people who have been with him for so long, so he can only temporarily put aside the idea of ​​fighting and annexing other tribes and think about using gentle methods.

As early as the joy meeting, Han Chengchi began to prepare. Through a series of methods, he worked hard to leave the rich and powerful seeds of the Qingque tribe in the hearts of these people, so that they would have a yearning for the Qingque tribe.

Then through trade, the connection between the several tribes and the Qingque tribe was strengthened, and their cognition was continuously strengthened. Through the method of boiling frogs in warm water, they gathered their hearts and slowly realized peaceful integration.

It's just that this method is not mature enough, or not strong enough to allow the leaders of these tribes to abandon their own tribe and lead people to join the Qingque tribe.

Han Cheng has always considered this problem, but there has been no practical solution. It was not until today that the leader of the green tribe joined the sheep tribe he encountered on the road and returned the theory with the pottery he exchanged. This problem was suddenly solved. , So that Han Cheng has a sense of sudden openness.


It's salt!

As long as the taste of salt is delicious, it is difficult to refuse it again.

In the recorded history of thousands of years, salt has left a strong mark in all the dynasties. In the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period or earlier in the Xia, Shang and Western Zhou periods, the feudal kingdoms that benefited from boiling salt have always existed. Huge wealth.

Later, after the salt iron franchise, the salt tax became an extremely stable source of national tax revenue.

Until later, under the bombardment of strong ships and guns, after the people who advertised civilization did extremely barbaric things, the intoxicated people gradually woke up from the dream of the heavenly kingdom, the decadent dynasty was destroyed, and the mass production of salt. The salt tax was gradually abolished...

The Qingque tribe now guards the salt mountain. It is only in the era before Han Cheng lived. Salt has long become an extremely common and very cheap thing. Affected by this concept, he has never realized that salt is in other places. Huge impact on the aspect.

Now he was awakened by the leader of the Green Tribe, and he immediately enlightened him.

Primitive tribes did not eat salt at the beginning, such as the Qingque tribe, such as the neighboring tribes around them, living without salt.

These tribes who had eaten salted food during the joyous meeting were still able to withstand the temptation of good food after they went back. They only came to exchange a few months later, which can be seen.

However, the habits are slowly developed. Han Cheng is now providing them with salt for free, just to let these tribes develop the habit of eating salt.

It is easy to change from frugality to luxury, but difficult to change from luxury to frugality. Primitive people are also humans, and they cannot escape this theorem.

After their mouths, tongues and stomachs get used to the taste of salt, they will be extremely uncomfortable when they eat food without salt.

At that time, the outrageous blue bird tribe, led by their kind and somewhat silly **** son, will begin to show their fangs...

When Han Cheng thought of this, his face couldn't help showing a treacherous smile.

After Han Cheng told him, it took a while before he understood the joints of the shaman and the elder brothers. They looked at their **** son with a high-pitched look.

The Son of God is worthy of being the Son of God, and you can think of such twists and turns.

They only thought that giving away salt was a matter of harming themselves and others, but they did not expect that the son of God would actually get such a big trap with this.

In this way, their Qingque tribe will surely grow and become the largest tribe nearby!

Thinking of the grand scene after several tribes all joined the Qingque tribe, Wu couldn't help trembling, and the old face became a little flushed because of overexcitement.

The big brother is also very excited.

He carefully recalled the scene of drinking the unsalted broth every day, and he refused.

God's plan will surely come true!

This is the most sincere expectation of the two, and it is also their confidence in the Son of God.

When Han Cheng first arrived, there were only ten adult men in the Qingque tribe who were in their prime of life, including the inconvenience of lameness.

Later, as Tietou and Heiwa grew up, and six adult men from the pig tribe joined, the number of adult men increased explosively, reaching as many as 18.

At the beginning, there were 28 adult women. With the growth of strong adulthood, and the addition of three female prisoners of war, such as the flower and the limp, and the integration of the four primitive females of the pig tribe, there are now 36 .

The number of older primitive people has not increased, and there are still only Wu, Huo Yi, Huo two or three.

This is easy to understand. After all, it is a primitive age. For various reasons, it is really not easy for people to live a big age.

There were thirty-five children at the beginning. Last year, they gave birth to eight and one died, and one was left with seven. This year, fourteen were born, and two were born with twelve remaining, and four were born. In the womb, waiting to be born.

Except for Heiwa, Tietou, and Zhuang, there are 51 minors in the Qingque tribe.

Among them, the number of children between the ages of zero and four without any working ability is the largest, accounting for almost half of all minors.

There are 54 adults in Qingque tribe with strong labor ability.

There are fifty-four elderly and children, which is equivalent to one adult supporting one. Compared with later generations, this ratio is not low.

Fortunately, at this time, you only need to provide food, clothing and housing. The cost of raising a child is far lower than that of later generations. Otherwise, there will be Qingque tribe and Han Cheng.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence. Up to now, the Qingque tribe has a total of 108 adults and children, which coincides with the number of evil spirits of the Water Margin.

Of course, this can't be counted as Han who is the son of God.

The adult soul has the body of a minor. He doesn't know what kind of person he should attribute to. He can only list it separately after thinking about it.

Except for a few children who died shortly after they were born, no one from the Qingque tribe died during this time.

This may seem unreasonable, but as long as you think carefully about the huge changes in their food, clothing, housing, and life and production methods after Han Cheng arrived, you won't feel unreasonable.

This kind of power is already considered first-class among the nearby tribes, and only the bone tribe can compare with it.

Of course, if only counted according to the number of adults, the bone tribe would faintly overwhelm the blue bird tribe.

But since Han Cheng, a traverser, entered in disorder, the measure of strength has changed.

The standard for measuring strength is no longer the number of people, but also better than houses, weapons, food reserves, and cultural soft power...

In terms of overall strength, even the Tengshe tribe with a large population can't compare to the Qingque tribe.

Of course, in terms of combat power alone, after exiting the wall, the Qingque tribe could not do the Teng Snake tribe.

This is the sequelae of rapid development ~www.NovelMTL.com~Because there are too many areas to be improved and too few available manpower, we can only do one thing first.

The foundation of the Qingque tribe has been almost laid now. In the future, while taking into account other aspects of development, Han Cheng will also consider gradually tilting his strength toward combat power.

Otherwise, let the Qingque tribe follow the Song Dynasty path, that would be really aggrieved.

He didn't want to be Zhao Lao Er, a complete scammer.

This guy played a good hand left by Song Zu Zhao’s boss, not to mention, and directly brought Da Song into the ditch. For hundreds of years, until he was destroyed by the Yuan Dynasty, he did not slow down.

In the final analysis, the problem lies with Zhao Lao Er, a fraud.


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