I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 185: Free table salt

Facts have proved that primitive people are full of food, such a big jar of haggis soup, the people of the Qingque tribe, except Han Cheng tasted a little, the rest of them did not touch, and let them be 29 people. There is nothing left to eat!

There are still a few guys here, while clutching their unsupported belly, while sticking out their tongues and licking the bowl in their hands cleanly, it doesn’t matter if they lick their own, and they want to come over and lick the bowl used by their companions. , Until it's clean as if it's been washed with water, and I'm not afraid to hold myself to death.

Han Cheng didn't go too far, and couldn't bear to look again. If he looked again, he was worried that he would not be able to restrain the urge to beat others.

These bowls must be put separately!

Anyone in the Qingque tribe who dared to eat like this or eat with these bowls must stand on their feet!

The leaders of the sheep tribe and the green tribe each held a small pot and were unwilling to let go.

This little jar contains pure white salt.

At the beginning, they were afraid to touch them with their hands, worried that they would melt like snow. After hesitating for a while, they tentatively touched them with their hands.

The leader of the Green Tribe pulled his hand out of the jar and looked at the snow-like things in the jar, his expression agitated, as if he saw a bowl of steaming delicious food.

Although the salt on the surface of the jar had been changed color by his hands that he hadn't washed for a long time, in his eyes, the charm of these things was not diminished.


He repeated the name he had just learned from the leader of the tribe. Although he felt a little awkward, he didn't have many other thoughts. After all, he had never contacted them before.


The leader of the sheep tribe looked at the snow-white thing in the jar in his hand, and couldn't help repeating it.

Hearing the words of the Green Tribe and the Sheep Tribe leader that sounded more sloppy, Han Cheng endured his laughter, okay, he was led by the two tribes.

In fact, the Mandarin they can speak is not only the salt they just learned, but also ‘jars, pottery, and urns’.

They are all new things that came into contact with the Qingque tribe.

The leaders of the sheep tribe and the green tribe were a little worried, but they refused to put down the jar of salt in their hands.

They are worried because the salt in their hands is too precious. You only need to put some on it when you cook the soup, and the soup will become exceptionally delicious.

Pottery is precious enough to them, but salt is filled with pottery, and the degree of preciousness can be imagined.

Think about the many things they spent in exchange for pottery. At this time, facing this precious salt, they will naturally be nervous.

It is obviously impossible for them to give up the salt.

The biggest reason they exchanged for pottery was the delicious and nostalgic broth. After learning that salt is what makes the soup delicious, they certainly refused to give up.


After a while of silence, the leader of the sheep tribe pointed his finger at a lamb that was being skinned, shook his fingers, patted the jar of salt in his hand, and said aloud.

It means to exchange two lambs for a jar of salt.

In his opinion, this jar of salt is definitely more valuable than the two lambs that are common in their tribe.

Worried that the senior brother would increase the price, after saying what he had exchanged, he immediately took out three bowls and one clay pot from the pottery they had exchanged before, and pushed it in front of the senior brother.

This was something he had previously exchanged for two lambs.

Han Cheng, who had been watching the development of things not far away, couldn't help sniffing after seeing the actions of the leader of the sheep tribe.

Three bowls and one clay pot are precious to the sheep tribe. For the Qingque tribe, the difference of two lambs is too much! After all, the Qingque tribe has already popularized pottery.

The leader of the green tribe looked at the three pottery bowls and one pot that the leader of the sheep tribe took out, and then looked at the only pottery pot and two large pots in his tribe. He was full of entanglements for a while.

They were preparing to hide them in the grass and fur some distance from the Qingque tribe, but the big brother said.

After seeing the sheep tribe preparing to exchange two lambs for a jar of salt, he very much wanted to agree.

The sheep tribe is fine if there are no sheep for the time being. You can bring the salt back first, and the lamb will wait until he comes next time.

Just remembering what the son of God had quietly said to him before, he still dispelled this very tempting idea, although he had not yet figured out the intention of the son of God.

The big brother knelt down, shook his head and pushed the clay pot and bowl that the leader of the sheep tribe had in front of him back.

Seeing this, the leader of the sheep tribe was a little bit disappointed, and the two lambs really failed.

He hesitated for a while, and was about to bring three more bowls, but he might as well be held by the master.

In his puzzled gaze, the big brother waved his hand again and again: "#%¥Don't%..."

After understanding the meaning of the big brother, the sheep tribe and the leader of the green tribe opened their eyes again, looking very surprised and incredulous.


They looked at the big brother, then looked at the salt shaker in their hands, and asked for confirmation.

"¥D is..."

The big brother nodded vigorously as he spoke. In order to convey his meaning more clearly, he also beat his chest vigorously.

Although when conveying this meaning, six lambs that had been skinned appeared in his mind, suddenly resurrected, and then running back and forth without a trace...

The leaders of the sheep tribe and the green tribe suddenly became smiling~www.NovelMTL.com~ The two of them embraced the big brother in turn and pressed their foreheads against the big brother's shoulders.

After learning that giving away their precious salt for free was the meaning of the son of God, the two of them came to the young but generous son of God sincerely and paid a visit to the witch by the way.

The sheep and the leaders of the Lu Er tribe, who had eaten enough and mixed a jar of salt each, left with their tribesmen and the pottery they had exchanged.

The big tank that the Green Tribe had just rubbed off was burned black again, but they obviously didn't care about this, and they rejected the proposal of the Green Bird tribe to clean the tank with water, and the two people carried it away quickly.

There was delicious broth in the tank, and they couldn't bear to wash it off...

After walking to a place where the Qingque tribe could not see, the two tribes separated and headed in the direction of their respective tribes.

Han Cheng climbed up the low wall along the wooden ladder, and only after he couldn't see the two tribes, did he get down from the low wall with a successful smile on his face.

"The Son of God..."

As soon as he came, the big brother Wu and the big brothers gathered around, asking questions in his heart.

They were puzzled by the son of God's insistence on giving away salt to the two tribes for free.

Before there were too many people and time was short of time, the **** son didn't make it clear, now it's time to understand the confusion.

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