I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 176: Fuji shield


At noon, the people who stayed in the tribe cooked the meal and came out and said to the person standing guard on the low wall on the west side. The person opened his voice and talked to the people who were busy in the field not far in front of him. Open your voice to inform the news of the meal.

The people of the Qingque tribe, holding a large bowl and eating the soup that was boiled with salt, felt very refreshing.

Although it has only been more than a year since Han Cheng made the salt, it has been deeply imprinted in the bones of the Qingque tribe, as deep-rooted as a habit passed down from a long time.

If at this time, let them eat the broth without salt, most of them will find it difficult to swallow.

Salt is such a magical existence.

When eating, many people will involuntarily look up at the built house. On the wall under the eaves, there are not only a large number of dried meat, but also several pieces that are hung there. Millet.

They couldn't see enough of this kind of scenery.

The big brother eats very quickly. He placed the two chopsticks on the bowl, and the bowl was so empty that he would go to rest after wiping his mouth.

After preparing to take a nap for a while, then go to reclaim the wasteland, and finish this part here before it gets dark.

Han Cheng stopped the big brother, saying that he was asking him to wait a while and there was something to show him.

The elder brother stopped as he said, looking at the son of **** expectantly, and couldn't help wondering what good things the son of **** had produced.

When Han Cheng said this, he didn't deliberately lower his voice. Many people heard it. They all speeded up their meal and wanted to follow along.

Well, curiosity is probably innate.

The lame steak on the side was faster, because the kind of thing that the **** child said came from his hands.

When Han Cheng finished eating, everyone on the side had finished eating. Han Cheng sniffed helplessly, smiled and waved to everyone, and walked to the open area in the courtyard.

Han Cheng looked at him with a look of excitement and nodded limp. He limped and ran to the three tiled houses quickly, and then came out again, holding an oval wooden raft in his hand.

This wooden raft is different from the wooden rafts commonly used in the Qingque tribe to sandwich the walls during plate building. The weaving method is much more complicated. It is similar to the method of weaving the heads, but it is more cumbersome. It's also stronger.

The wooden row is not too big. It is eighty centimeters long and fifty at its widest point. It is somewhat similar to a pot cover made of a chopping stick and grass stem in the tribe.

Everyone looked at this familiar and unfamiliar thing, and for a while could not figure out the intention of the **** child, and wondered what this strange-looking wooden raft could be used for.

The board building is definitely not good, it is too small.

It also doesn't work to cover the pot for boiling soup, because there are too many gaps.

Han Cheng took the strange-looking wooden raft from his lame hand, and held the wooden handle two to three centimeters across in the middle behind the wooden raft and lifted it up.

The wooden handle is curved, with a span of about ten centimeters, and the highest point is about five centimeters away from the raft.

The two ends are woven directly into the wooden raft, just like the stalk of the head.

If you have the strength to woven the lint head, even if you put more than two hundred catties of stone in it, and then lift the lint head and the handle will not separate from the lint head. It is conceivable that this strange-looking wooden raft How firm is the handle in the middle?

Well, many people must have guessed what this thing is, so don't buy it.

Yes, this is a shield.

Although it looks a little weird and a bit too rudimentary, it has everything a shield should have.

Regarding the improvement of weapons, Han Cheng had been thinking about it for a long time, but because of the current conditions, many things could not be made, and various things were complicated. He did not think about what kind of weapon to make and what to use. The material, how to make it, has been falling.

After so long of brewing, it can be said that the time and place are right and the people are right now, so this shield woven from rattan came into being.

In fact, at the beginning, Han Cheng didn't think about making a shield, but wanted to make an offensive weapon.

Offense is the best defense. He has forgotten what he heard and kept it in his mind, and he has been passionate about it. He feels that offense is more modest than passive defense.

This thought continued until he saw the "rice bowl" of a primitive woman who was nursing a child, and then stopped abruptly.

The ‘rice bowl’ prepared by the primitive female for the child had a cyan color, which was a trace of stone left by the people of the Tengshe tribe who came to attack last winter.

When Han Cheng saw it, it was almost three months before the Teng Snake Tribe struck.

More than three months have passed, and the bruise on this primitive female has not been completely eliminated, which shows that her injury is very serious.

It was this bruise that had not been completely eliminated that made Han Cheng completely change his mind.

Holding a weapon to fight, watching the enemy fall under one's hands one by one can really make people excited, but where in this world is there a good thing to take advantage of?

The Qingque tribe relied on the wall to take such a big advantage last time, and some people were injured, let alone chasing others with weapons...

Speaking of defensive weapons, Han Cheng's first thought was armor, the kind of warriors who don't need armor, just ordinary ones.

It's just that this kind of more demanding thing, according to the current level of the Qingque tribe, obviously can't get it.

So we can only build shields next to nothing.

The materials that can be used by the Qingque tribe are wood, stone and soil~www.NovelMTL.com~ It is obviously impossible to use stone as a shield. The soil can be used to make pottery, and according to the current level of the black baby, it is not impossible to make it. Tao Dun came out, but this thing was too heavy and too fragile...

Han Cheng's idea afterwards was to find some wooden sticks of similar thickness to split them in two, and then put them together with the plane facing upwards to make a shield.

Then draw three upper, middle and lower lines horizontally on the back. Along these lines, make a groove two centimeters deep, a narrow top and a wide bottom, and then use a wooden strip with a lower width and a lower width to pass through the groove from the edge. In this way, these loose wood chips will be firmly connected together.

He explained this idea to the lame listener little by little, and then tried to make it like this with the lame, and then... gave up.

Such an approach requires too much tools and technology.

Thinking of the Nanban rattan armour that had been burned by Zhuge Liang with fire, and seeing the common wooden rafts in his tribe, and the lame had already mastered the technique of weaving the head, so rattan shield appeared. ...

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