I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 175: The leader of the green tribe in pursuit of taste


Following the shout of the leader of the green tribe, a sturdy male primitive man on the side showed joy, and hurriedly stepped forward to take the pottery bowl containing the broth from the leader.

In the envious eyes of others, he moved to his mouth and took a sip.

He drank a bit with this sip, and the broth had just been scooped out of the hot pot. His face was distorted but he was reluctant to vomit. After a while, he still couldn't stand the temperature and vomited it out.

While madly fanning the wind with his hand to his mouth, he continued to breathe in cold air, and his tongue was glowing red, which was obviously not lightly scalded.

The green tribe leader snatched the bowl from this man angrily and handed it to another person to let him taste it.

When the primitive man saw the person who was still sticking his tongue out, he was a little afraid of the steaming bowl of soup in his hand. The leader of the green tribe suddenly remembered the previous joyous meeting. The bowl was snatched from this person and given to someone who had been to the joyous meeting.

This person didn't dare to neglect, he brought the bowl to his mouth with doubts and took a sip, it was fragrant and hot, and it felt okay.


He suddenly realized something, took a sip of taste, and looked at the leader who had been looking at him suspiciously.

Seeing this, the leader of the Green Tribe was still unwilling to believe it, and let other people who had been to the Huanxihui taste one by one. Everyone reacted the same.

Looking at the tribe people who looked at him with some doubts and looked a little depressed, the leader of the green tribe was very injured.

He circled around the big tank containing the broth, patted on the big tank from time to time, scratching the hair that had been scratched by a lot of green leaves, and he was puzzled.

This shouldn’t be the right thing to do, you cook so seriously, how can the broth that you cook out is the same as the one that was cooked in the pottery bowl before? Obviously you have changed the big pottery?

He carefully recalled the steps of cooking food for the neighboring wealthy tribe that he secretly remembered during the joyous meeting, and he didn't notice any omissions.

This made him even more distressed. He didn't expect that he had brought back all the big tanks that the tribe was using for cooking, but the taste they made was still far inferior to that tribe.

For the time being, I couldn't figure out where the problem was. Looking at the people who looked very hungry at the big tank, the leader of the Green Tribe decided to eat the broth before thinking about other things.

Without a long-handled spoon, you can only use the bowl to scoop the soup on it first, and eat the meat last, and take turns...


The leader of the green tribe, who had a stomach of soup, suddenly had an inspiration.

That tribe used fish for cooking soup, but I used animal meat this time. The taste is different, so the taste is very different. Then I will try to replace it with fish when I wait...

"Stab, stab"

The leader of the green tribe, who drank the fish soup without eating two pieces of meat, squatted on the ground sadly, scratching his hair vigorously with his hands, and the green leaves fell rustlingly.

He looked at this pottery jar and wanted to ask it what he should do so that it would cook delicious soup.


A few days ago, on the way to the Qingque tribe, when there was heavy smoke, the leader of the green tribe was about to go back home, the man who had spoken to persuade him came over and said something to the leader of the green tribe.

The doubt on the face of the leader of the Green Tribe gradually disappeared. He thought for a while and took people out to hunt. Before leaving, he arranged for those half-old children and some elderly people or those who were hurt to collect the tribe. That kind of grass around...

What happened in the Green Tribe, Han Cheng and the other members of the Qingque Tribe did not know that they were doing what their tribe should do at their own pace.

Flames rose up, and the smoke slowly dispersed towards the surroundings.

Few people watched the fire nearby, and most of them worked hard to turn the ground in the ground not too far away.

Strong people use bone shovel to dig the soil, some half-old children and thinner women use wooden sticks tied with stones or directly carry a piece of wooden sticks behind to break up large pieces of soil.

This process is a bit particular. Han Cheng told them not to walk around in the fields, stand in one place, and after breaking up all the large pieces of soil that can be knocked in front of him, they took a big step forward, and then repeated the previous actions.

This is done to minimize the amount of overturned ground.

The ground just turned over, the soil is relatively moist and fluffy, a step on it will make the soil there become solid.

Although it is not up to the level before turning over, it is much stronger than the surrounding areas that are not stepped on by the foot.

In order to avoid trampling on the overturned land as much as possible, when Han Cheng used the limp as the tool for striking the soil, he extended the wooden handle as much as possible while taking into account the difficulty of holding the tool.

This way, a person standing in one place can knock more clods.

The several acres of fields where **** has been planted for a season have been turned over and large chunks of soil have been smashed.

Han Cheng was holding a pottery bowl in one hand, grabbing the slippery dark brown rapeseed from it with the other hand, and sprinkling it around from his fingers, moving forward as he sprinkled it.

There was another light rain the day before yesterday, and the soil moisture is very good, which is suitable for growing rapeseed.

Behind Han Cheng, following the balloon, he held a wooden rake in his hand. The rake in his hand was stretched backwards and then pulled back. The thin teeth of the rake brought up a layer of broken soil. The fine ditch is left, which looks like a mark left by a father who doesn't know how to comb his hair on his daughter's head.

The soil brought up by the rake covered the rapeseed that had fallen into the soil, and also eliminated the footprints of Han Cheng and the balloons trampled on.

The production method of the rake is roughly the same as the previous rake that was made specifically for use on the wheat field.

The difference between the two is that the teeth of the rake are thinner, more dense and denser~www.NovelMTL.com~ and the length is less than half of the length of the rake teeth, and the arc is not that big.

This is done to avoid the hug and rake from sinking too much and holding too much soil.

After all, the soil is no better than the fluttering **** stalks. If it sinks too deep, it will be too hard to pull up.

The fire and smoke in the distance is the farmland that Qingque tribe is preparing to expand again.

The farmland there is prepared for planting new crop millet from the Qingque tribe in the coming year.

Turning the field over in the first year, drying it in the sun, freezing it, and turning it over again when planting millet in the second year is much better than the field that is now cultivated.

At this time in previous years, the people of the Qingque tribe were busy picking fruits and doing everything possible to store food in preparation for the coming cold winter.

They didn't panic at all this year, because the presence of fish cages, bunny sets, and salt allowed them to store enough food.

This tribe, which has constantly changed its living habits since Han Cheng came here, is now on the road to farming.

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