I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 177: Vine shield (2)


Compared to a shield made of pure wood, a shield made of rattan is much lighter.

According to Han Cheng's current strength, he could hold the handle behind the wooden shield and lift it flat.

Of course, it is the kind of lift with the arms curled up, not the arms being fully extended.

The rattan shield was too tall for Han Cheng. When he raised the wooden handle to a position that was flush with his chest, he could only see through the gaps in the upper part of the rattan shield to see the blurred people.

Han Cheng handed the rattan shield to Lame, and asked Lame to place it against the side wall of the house.

Then led everyone back to a distance of about fifteen meters away from the vine shield, and asked them to get some stones similar to those used for hunting. In the eyes of everyone, they said to the senior brother, let him pick up the stones. Smash the vine shield against the wall, just like when hunting, don't leave your hands at all.

All the people, including the elder brother, didn't understand this, they didn't understand the purpose of the son of God.

A good wooden raft, why use stones to throw it away? Isn't the raft broken in this way?

The big brother held a fist-sized stone in his hand and looked at Han Cheng. After confirming the order from Han Cheng again, he no longer hesitated.

He took a small step forward with his left leg, raised his right arm, and then fell cleanly. The stone in his hand had already flown out, followed by a sound.

The rattan shield leaning on the wall vibrated, and the stone that hit it hard bounced up and flew more than two meters to the side before it landed, and it rolled three or four meters away with unabated momentum. It gradually stopped.

Han Cheng rushed over to see Cane Dun.

The big brother saw that the **** child was so anxious to check the ‘injury’ of the vine shield, he was even more confused, reaching out his hand to touch his head with tousled hair, and watching with everyone.

On the rattan shield, there are small white marks on the several rattans that were hit by the stone. The skin there was smashed by the stone of the master brother just now. Two rattans were seriously injured, and the wounds were each Some wood fibers were smashed and cocked.

But it is only the surface layer, and it has no influence on the rattan shield.

Han Cheng nodded in satisfaction, and then leaned the crooked vine shield against the wall, leading everyone back to where they stood before.

This time, instead of letting the senior brother make a move, but let the second senior brother who is best at throwing in the tribe use the hand.

The second senior brother had more momentum than the senior brother. When a stone hit it, the rattan shield bounced from the ground and fell to the ground.

The stone was shot in the volley and flew three or four meters before it hit the ground and rolled straight to the crowd.

Han Cheng was a little worried about the violent blow of the second senior brother who could not be restrained by the newly released vine shield. When he hurried over to look over it, he saw that there was no extra damage except for the broken skin.

This made Han Cheng couldn't help but want to give Limp a thumbs up.

The relatively soft rattan, after weaving, support each other, it becomes so tough. Sure enough, the unity is powerful, just like a chopsticks put together.

When everyone looked at the smiling **** child, the puzzlement in their hearts became deeper. The vine row was smashed into the look in front of them by a stone. Shouldn't it be uncomfortable? How come the **** child looks happier.

On the contrary, the witch who rushed to the side after hearing the news showed a thoughtful look in his eyes, as if he had sensed some intentions of the **** child, but he did not dare to be too sure.

Seeing that the rattan shield was indeed tough, Han Cheng explained the purpose of the rattan shield to everyone.

There was a clear look in Wu Wu's eyes, and there was a little excitement, because he finally guessed the intention of the son of God.

The big brother also showed a stunned look, thinking about the scene when he and the second brother threw stones at the vine shield, and felt that the vine shield could indeed be used to block the attack and make himself less hurt.

A stone that was originally about to fall on him, or the sharp minions of a large beast, was eventually blocked by the vine shield in his hand, allowing himself to avoid injury or even death.

Thinking about it this way, I immediately felt that the rattan shield was of great significance.

Following Han Cheng's statement, everyone gradually understood the role of this vine shield, and realized the great significance of the vine shield.

Looking at the shield woven from the tree, his eyes became eager, and the eyes looking at the **** child became more respectful. Even the lame on the side received many friendly and respectful eyes.

This made this person who had lived at the bottom of the Qingque tribe flushed a bit with excitement, and at the same time, he strengthened his conviction to follow the son of God and work hard to contribute to the tribe.

The big brother held the vine shield in his hand and tried to cover it up and down. Although the action seemed a bit awkward, it was a little bit awkward.

The rest of the people also stepped forward to feel this newly released weapon.

Wu stood aside and watched with a smile, he had something new to record, and after he figured out the specific method from the **** child and lame, he began to record.

What is recorded is not only the practice of the vine shield, but also its shape. The role and meaning of the vine shield are all essential things.

Everyone gathered around here and talked excitedly for a while, and Han Cheng spoke again.

He asked the old man who was already familiar with him to hold the vine shield in front of him, and asked Shang to attack the vine shield with a spear tied and polished with a stone tip. He wanted to see how this vine shield encountered in actual combat. How effective is the sharper stone spear?

Of course, before the start, he also gave a special explanation, letting the man who was holding the stone spear in charge of the attack tentatively come, and gradually increased his strength, and directly used the strength of the milk if he could not come up.

Otherwise, if there is an accident during the experiment and someone is injured~www.NovelMTL.com~, it will be a big loss.

The big brother holding the vine shield and the Shang holding the stone spear stood separately, and the people around them scattered a little to make enough space for them.

The big brother held the handle behind the vine shield tightly with both hands, stood with his feet apart, his body tense, and the muscles above his arms gathered tighter.

He looked a little nervous. Although he tested the vine shield with a stone before and knew that the vine shield in his hand was quite tough, at that time the vine plate was leaning against the wall. Now he is behind the vine shield... and the stone spear is better than The stones are much sharper.

In this case, it is normal for him to be a little nervous.


A not too loud sound rang, the stone spear and the vine shield collided, and the tough vine shield did not receive much damage.

The brothers who raised their breath were relieved a lot.

Shang signaled to the senior brother that he wanted to increase his strength. After seeing the senior brother getting ready and nodding, he held the stone spear tightly in both hands and took a deep breath, facing the senior brother who was protecting the body of the rattan shield. Stabbed up!

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