I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 174: The leader of the green tribe in pursuit of taste

The morning breeze caressed, with a hint of chill, on the land without fire, the ashes moved slightly with the wind.


A bone shovel fell, and a big foot covered with mud and ashes followed. It stepped on the horizontal wooden stick on the upper side of the shovel bone, and stepped on the shovel harder. Most of it was submerged in the mud.

The big feet left, the bones cocked, and a piece of moist soil rose.

With the help of the wind, the ashes on the surface of the soil took the opportunity to escape, and the rest was buried in the ground by the turned over.

The big brother wiped the sweat from his head, spit on the palm of his hand, and after rubbing each other, he held the shovel handle that had already been polished smooth and turned on the floor, unwilling to relax for a moment.

Not only him, but the others are the same, turning the floor in full swing, and playing with his spouse in the evening, they don't have the same hard work they do now.

Think of the unforgettable dry rice with millet that I ate the night before and the enchanting scene that the son of God described to them. They were all motivated.

Although the son of God said that the millet could not be planted until the next spring blossoms, and there was no need to pay too much attention to turning the ground, but they still wanted to turn it out as soon as possible.

In this way, they can harvest a lot of millet when the time comes, and the delicious dried rice with millet can be eaten every day like fish and meat nowadays.

Oh, that's not right, but also add fragrant, sticky millet porridge that feels warm in the stomach.

Many people even think that golden millet porridge is more delicious than deer milk cooked by adding some wild vegetables over water and sprinkling some salt.

People are like this, they will move forward involuntarily.

At the beginning, what the Qingque tribe pursued was only two meals a day, and no one would starve to death under the frugal food and clothing.

After I stopped worrying about the food, I naturally began to pay attention to the taste of the food.

In this regard, it can be said that it has far exceeded the nearby tribes.

Uh, it doesn't seem right to say that. The rest of the tribes are also pursuing taste. For example, the leader of the green tribe who is now rubbing the green leaves on his head and falling straight down.

Carrying a big jar with the black and gray outside and holding two clay pots, the group of green tribes who worked hard but were excited all the way back to the tribe, they were warmly welcomed by those who left behind.

The people who came back with the pottery raised their heads one by one, as if they had hunted a lot of prey.

The leader of the Green Tribe was even more contented and powerful, punching his chest with his hands to show the tribe's strength and ability.

If it weren't for him to go this time, just the not-so-good food that he brought would not be able to exchange for these three pottery!

And he also got the promise from the **** son of the neighboring tribe that he could use his fur and the grass ears that no one to eat in their tribe to exchange for something in the future.

Thinking of this, he couldn't restrain the joy in his heart.

For a person who likes to take advantage, nothing is more pleasant than taking such a big advantage.

Food is very precious in the tribe. He is a little bit reluctant to use these to change pottery, but the fur is not so particular. After all, after years of hunting, their tribe has accumulated enough fur to remove the wraps on everyone. There is much more left.

As for the kind of grass ears that taste bad, he is not rare.

Seeing the tribe people who looked extremely curious around the pottery jars from time to time, the leader of the green tribe became happier.

He waited for a while, opened his mouth and wailed, waving his hands constantly, directing everyone to move.

Although it is not time to eat as usual, he still orders everyone to start making food.

He can't wait to show the results of this exchange.

He wants everyone in the tribe to eat delicious food, so that everyone in the tribe is more submissive to him.

He thought of this, suddenly feeling a little smug in his heart.

That tribe refused to provide them with delicious soup, so now they make it themselves. With this big tank, that kind of delicious food, they can continue to enjoy it.

The people of the green tribe recalled what they had seen in the wealthy tribe, and found a few stones and placed them beside the fire.

Then someone took two clay pots to draw water from a spring not too far away, and poured it into the big tank.

The two clay pots were not brushed, and the big tank that was carried back all the way was also not brushed.

After the water was added to half of the tank, it was carried by three people on the rocks placed around the fire.

Although this process was a bit laborious, everyone in the Green Tribe didn't find it hard.

After all these are set, the next step is the performance of the leader of the green tribe.

He used a stone knife to chop the meat that he had not finished eating and smashed it open and threw it into a big tank. In order to show his pride, he specially made the meat big.

It's autumn, and the temperature is not too low. From going to the Qingque tribe to returning, it took almost three nights and four days, and the meat already had some flavor.

The people of the Green Tribe obviously didn't care about this, and they didn't have eaten meat that tasted bigger than this.

The water in the big tank had already started to smoke. The leader of the Green Tribe stood aside, looking around the people who were looking at the big tank looking forward to it. In order to show his professionalism, he folded a tree stick back and learned. The way the Qingque tribe was cooking, plunged the unwashed wooden sticks directly into the big tank and stirred it from time to time to look decent.

Although there is a special pottery bowl tied under the stick used by the Qingque tribe...

The problem of the pot cover was solved by the leader of the green tribe. He first put a few wooden sticks on the mouth of the tank, and then covered it with some yellowed big tree leaves that were picked by the man. It does look like a pot lid.

Regarding the soup spoon, he only realized it when the food was about to be out of the pot, and then he thought of the bowl for eating.

Before, I only thought of having a big tank and I could do whatever I wanted. As a result, the boiled soup hadn't come out of the pot, so I encountered problems one after another. It seemed that I had to go to that tribe again later.

The only burnt black bowl of the Green Tribe was brought over.

After looking at the ash on the outside of the bowl, the leader of the Green Tribe finally didn't use it to scoop soup.

He found a handful of dead grass and scrubbed it with some water~www.NovelMTL.com~ He picked up a clean bowl, scooped half a bowl of the oily soup in the big tank, and then couldn’t wait to take it to his mouth. give away.

The people of the Green Tribe surrounding them all gulped and watched eagerly. Those who don't have a bowl can only wait first.


Before drinking it to his mouth, the leader of the Green Tribe could not help but praise his cooking skills secretly.

After a little hot soup was sucked in, the expression on his face became very enjoyable.

It's just that this kind of enjoyment quickly disappeared. He smacked his lips with some doubts, and took a quick sip. As a result, the doubts on his face became more serious.

His unexpected reaction caused the people who were swallowing drooling around to also be puzzled. They didn't understand that the leader had already drunk the delicious broth, and why he still behaved like this.


The leader of the Green Tribe suddenly said.

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