I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 173: Tribe on the tip of the tongue

Han Cheng saw the difficulty of the big brother, he was already greedy, so he didn't hesitate. He took the wooden spatula that was made from hardwood before and it looked like a spatula for later generations and the wooden spatula used to turn vegetables just now. Inside, leaning on the side shoveled a piece of steaming, golden yellow dry rice and placed it in his dedicated bowl.

Then he shoveled a piece of it and put it in Wu's bowl, picked up the chopsticks and put two chopsticks into the two bowls respectively, and poured some of the vegetable soup on top of the yellow dried rice.

Then he picked up the two bowls, and walked to the inner cave in seemingly unhurried, but in fact swift steps.

He doesn't care about the greedy crying primitive man now, anyway, he is already greedy.

Han Cheng gave himself a lot of dried rice in a witch bowl. Although the dish only contained two chopsticks, he was very skilled in using chopsticks. As long as he wanted to clamp it, the two chopsticks would go down and it would be caught. Things can make unskilled people doubt life.

Before the meal, although he had said that to the big brother and everyone, as a rule maker, he obviously jumped outside the Three Realms and was not among the Five Elements.

The rest of the people did not realize that there was something wrong with the Son of God doing this, after all, what they had now was brought by the Son of God, and the two kinds of food were also made by the Son of God himself.

Even if the only son of the Son of God eats these two foods alone, they take it for granted.

Han Cheng took the chopsticks and carried the bowl. After going to the inner cave, the senior brother started to take food. He learned Han Cheng's appearance, a little awkwardly holding an unused wooden spatula, and digging a piece from the clay pot. The food, took a few chopsticks and left.

The millet dry rice he dug was bigger than Han Cheng dug, because his wife and children are the most...

"Huh! Huh!"

Han Cheng couldn't wait to pick up a piece of dried rice and put it into his mouth. The hot one couldn't bear to vomit it out.

The familiar taste filled his mouth, making his heart surging.

Wu's eyes were also bright, and his mouth was not very good. The soft and waxy meal of dry rice with millet was the best food for him.

And this yellow food is not only easy to bite, but the taste is also surprisingly good, so that after Wu Lian ate three bites and savored it, he only remembered eating the dishes in the bowl.

Wu chewed the dried rice, and from time to time he glanced at the divine child who was burying his face in a bowl not far away, and he smiled again.

He really didn't expect that when he originally ate something similar to ordinary grass seeds, after processing it like that, it turned out to be so delicious!

The Son of God is always so smart and wise, discovering good things from places that ordinary people can't see.

The dried millet rice in the pot has completely disappeared, and the vegetables in the pot are gone, not even a bit of juice is left.

Tietou took the last bite of the dried millet rice mixed with vegetable soup into his mouth with a little bit of dismay, chewed it carefully in his mouth, and then reluctantly swallowed it a little bit.

Knowing that the jar was gone, I couldn't help but stand up and walked to the earthen jar containing the dried rice. I imagined that I could pick up some leaks from the teeth of the tribesmen.

Looking at the empty clay pot again, Tietou walked to the vat where the fish soup was cooked, and took the long-handled spoon to serve the fish soup.

Tietou's food today is very gentle, eating fish bit by bit, and sipping soup.

Not only him, but the vast majority of people in the tribe have become extremely quiet when eating.

The big brother took a sip of the fish soup in the bowl, frowned slightly, and then a bitter smile on his face revealed.

After eating the delicious food that I have never eaten before, when I drink this fish soup now, I only feel that the food that was so delicious in the past suddenly loses a lot of taste.

This is not an exaggeration. Since Han Cheng got out the fish cage, the Qingque tribe must have fish every time they eat, and they also occupy the main position.

If you only eat one kind of food all year round, your taste buds will naturally become tired.

Besides, they are hungry, and the scent that surrounds them has aroused curiosity in their hearts before reaching the cave, and they have extremely strong expectations for the food in the cave.

Han Cheng also specializes in cooking stir-fried dishes that are not commonly eaten by the Qingque tribe, which adds to the taste of dried rice.

In addition, Han Cheng's instructions to the seniors before the meal, and Han Cheng's fish soup barbecue is not necessary, and the eagerness to deal with millet dry rice has caused the people of the Qingque tribe to have never eaten it. The psychological hint that food must be delicious.

Let them have the notion that the food must be delicious and preconceived before they eat the dry rice in their mouths.

Moreover, the steamed dried millet rice only has more than half a jar in total, and the scarcity of the quantity makes it more precious.

Under the influence of these kinds of external conditions, the taste of seven points can be eaten twelve points!

What's more, the taste of millet dry rice itself is not bad. For the people of the Qingque tribe who have never eaten it, it does have a strong sense of taste.

"The Son of God..."

Seeing Han Cheng coming out of the inner hole with an empty bowl, the senior brother put down the bowl and chopsticks and greeted him eagerly. He looked a little excited and asked about millet dry rice.

He really wanted to know where the son of God found this kind of food that he had never eaten before.

In fact, he already had some guesses in his heart, but he couldn't believe it.

The green tribe leader brought something like grass spikes, but he had tasted it himself. It tasted not good at all, and it looked very different from the delicious yellow food.

It is really difficult for him to associate that grass seed-like thing with the evocative food that he has just eaten.

The others also looked at Han Cheng expectantly, wanting to get the truth from Han Cheng.

The lame ~www.NovelMTL.com~ who participated in this incident and the Huo Er who saw the incident have never revealed anything about Xiaomi's dry rice.

Seeing the tribe people wondering and wondering about the new food made by the son of God, they were very happy when they knew the truth.

Han Cheng smiled darkly in his heart when he saw everyone's reaction, making you dare to despise Guzi!

He put down the rice bowl, turned around and took out a handful of corn ears from the squint-eyed fruit head, raised it up for everyone to see, and told everyone that the kind of food they had just eaten was made by this corn ear.

Everyone was amazed, and they didn't expect this unremarkable thing to be so delicious!

Those who know the truth first are more happy in their hearts, as if the humble millet can make delicious food is what they discovered, Yu Rong shared it.

Han Cheng held the millet spike in his hand, and while the iron was hot, he told everyone in the Qingque tribe about the millet.

The eyes of the people of the Qingque tribe gradually blurred, their expressions became a little intoxicated, and they were all immersed in the golden dreams woven by the gods with grains...

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