I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 172: The blue bird tribe on the tip of the tongue

   Han Chengqiang resisted the urge to lift the lid of the pot at this time, and put another pottery that looked like a pan in the hands of Red Wolf on the fire.

   After heating up, dig a few spoonfuls of animal fat that has begun to solidify as the weather gradually cools down and put it on top.

   The white grease met the hot pottery pot and melted at a speed visible to the naked eye. He grabbed a handful of chopped wild onions and threw them onto the heated oil. After stirring twice, a strong scent of green onions immediately emitted.

   Without waiting for the wild onions to zoom, Han Cheng put the prepared pieces of meat into the pot and stirred them continuously.

   The fragrance of green onion and meat filled the cave.

   This scent is very domineering, and it suppresses the scent of the boiled fish soup and grilled meat.

   "Gudong, Gudong."

   Someone can't help but swallow.

  The people who stayed in the cave couldn't help looking at the food that the son of God was churning, and the longing in their eyes was undoubtedly revealed.

   Han Cheng is now very demeanor of a chef, standing calmly in front of the pot and busy.

   It's a pity that there is no iron pot now, and his predecessors have not gone to New Oriental for further study. Otherwise, picking up the burning iron pot and twisting it back and forth in his hand will look even more modest.

  Wild onions were discovered in the spring when the uncle deer was walking with a rope. Han Cheng dug out the roots with branches and planted them in the courtyard. From time to time, they sprinkled some plant ash and water on them.

   For the tribe’s only condiment other than salt, Han Chengji is heartfelt.

   Because the wild onion's reproduction ability is not strong enough, until now there are only two rows of less than two meters, which are still long and sparse.

   Normally, Han Cheng is still willing not to eat. Even if he eats, he will not uproot the roots. Instead, he will cut off the roots and cover them with some plant ash and floating soil, so that new shoots will emerge in a few days.

   Okay, it's a wild onion, but let him eat it as a leek.

   After rubbing the moist eye sockets, he still decided to greet the primitive man. This time he was naturally not stingy. He pinched a handful of wild onions, which are usually only used for fried eggs.

The meat slices are originally cooked, so you don’t need to heat them in the pan for too long. After stirring for a while, put two handfuls of washed greens, and stir them carefully for a while. When the leaves change color, Sprinkle some crushed salt on it, stir it, and shovel it into the pottery pot where the washed vegetables were previously placed.

   Green dishes, some reddish meat piled in the basin, set off each other, steaming from each other, and the fragrance spreading everywhere.

   If it weren’t for thinking about crying primitive people and keeping the image of his own **** son, so that he didn’t look like he hadn’t seen the world, Han Cheng would definitely take his chopsticks to his mouth.

   This kind of pan-like earthenware pot cannot be compared with the large iron pots of later generations, and cannot fry too many things at once.

   So after Han Cheng swallowed again, he repeated the previous actions and continued cooking.

   The dusk is getting darker, and the people working outside come back one after another carrying tools.

   "So fragrant?"

   is still far from the entrance of the cave, the black baby with a very good nose has continuously sucked his nose, shouting in surprise, and then involuntarily speeded up the pace, wanting to rush back to the cave early to see the delicious food.


   After Heiwa reminded the others, they only noticed the unique smell in the air.

  They were all hungry after a day of tiredness. After smelling the scent, they only felt that their hunger became worse.

   Everyone hastened their pace and followed the fragrance.

  The closer to the cave, the more intense the sultry scent, and I want to hook out people's gluttons.

   "Tools, put them back."

   was about to walk to the entrance of the cave, the big brother suddenly realized that he and the others were still holding tools in their hands, resisting the torment of a hundred claws scratching their hearts, and said aloud to everyone.

   After his reminder, everyone only realized that they were just smelling the scent and had forgotten all the tools.

   rushed to the deer pen again immediately.

  The deer enclosure is spacious enough, and the deer are more than enough to live in it.

The cave where the Qingque tribe has lived for generations has become a bit crowded due to the rapid increase in population and other things. In order to make room for it, Han Chenggong asked people to put tools such as bone shovel and scorpion in A corner of the deer shed.

   After everyone put the tools in a hurry, they hurriedly walked to the entrance of the cave, and some of them just started trotting.

  While they rushed there, they wondered, why is the food so delicious today?

   Could it be that the son of God made that kind of eggs again?

Some of them have eaten the wild green onion omelette made by Han Cheng. They still have endless aftertastes of the intoxicating taste. At this time, because of the similar taste, they think of the golden eggs wrapped in green wild onions. Her drooling, even her eyes glow a little.

   Everyone rushed to the entrance of the cave. The female primitive who was breast-feeding prepared in advance in a basin with water beside the ditch on the west side of the entrance of the cave. After washing in a hurry, they hurried to the cave.

   I'm afraid that if I go too late, I won't be able to eat it in my mouth.

   Although they also understand that the food needs to be obtained in order, they can smell the sultry scent, they just want to go in quickly.

   Even if I can't eat it temporarily, I feel relieved to look at it.

After everyone came to the cave, they glanced at the place where the food was cooked, and automatically passed the familiar fish soup and barbecued meat~www.NovelMTL.com~ and quickly locked the small pot next to the gods. Very different foods, one by one eye-catching.

   Seeing everyone's reaction, Han Cheng was very satisfied.

   After taking a sip of water secretly, in a calm and calm manner, he told the senior brother the rules for taking food tonight.

   There are no restrictions on fish soup and grilled meat, as usual, but you can’t take too much of this half-poncho. Make sure that everyone can eat some.

   When the elder brother was about to start to eat food for the respected son, he suddenly opened the lid on a clay pot next to him.

  The white heat wafted away, and the golden color was revealed from the black clay pot. A fresh fragrance different from meaty smelled on the face, and the index finger was uncontrollable.

The people who were close to him were a little stunned for a while. They did not expect that apart from the sultry scent of the dish, the **** child would actually make such a kind that looks extremely beautiful, smells delicious, and has never seen it before. Food comes out.

   Under the careful care of Han Cheng, this half of the jar of dried rice, which appeared in the Qingque tribe for the first time, is cooked very well, and there is no sign of muddy rice.

  The senior brother standing by the side looked at the son of God, and then at the dried rice in the jar. He didn’t know what to do for a while. Facing this kind of food he had never seen before, he felt like he couldn’t start.


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