I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 129: 2 Senior Brother's Rake

   "Slap, slap, slap..."

   After the sound of the wooden stick passing through the air, it was the sound of a wooden fork slamming on the rape, mixed with the scorching of the **** pod exploding and the rapeseed bursting out.

   Mu Mu and several other people in the tribe were slapping the rape.

   This is not an easy job. If it is easy, people will not use cows and horses to do this work in later generations.

   From noon, until the sun is halfway west, the rapeseed drying in the wheat field is completely beaten.

   Under the guidance of Han Cheng, Mu Mu and others picked up the torn, bruised and empty **** stalks with wooden forks and piled them up on the edge of the barley field.

When doing this, there is a small detail that needs special attention, that is, you need to shake the **** stalk with a wooden fork for a few times, and then completely shovel it away. This is to shake the rapeseed entrained in the empty **** stalk. come out.

After    **** stalks are picked, a layer of finely divided **** pods and those small, dark brown rapeseeds are left on the ground.

   Han Cheng stepped on barefoot, slippery and itchy underfoot.

   Mumu began to use a tool to gather the scattered rapeseeds into the middle of the wheat harvesting field.

   This kind of tool is a common ‘grab rake’ in later generations

   The so-called rake is generally made of wood, and the specific structure is similar to the nine-tooth nail rake of the second brother.

   is a stick more than one meter long with a rake head attached to the front.

  The difference is that Zhu Gang's nine-tooth nail rake can not only kill demons, but also can be used to plow the ground in Gao Laozhuang. This wooden rake can only be used on the ‘playground’.

  Using a wooden fork can only roughly clean out the empty rapeseed stalks, and there will be many fine pieces falling.

  Because the wooden fork has only three teeth, and it is still an old tooth, the distance between each fork is nearly 20 centimeters. It seems that it is impossible to remove these.

   At this time, it was the turn of the rake to play. This family has many teeth and is dense. It is a good tool to deal with these.

  The structure of the rake is simple and it is not difficult to make.

You only need to cut a piece of wood about five centimeters in diameter and half a meter in length, and then use a stone axe to cut out four sides as much as possible, and then on one of the sides, drill out a diameter about every four to five centimeters. For a one-and-a-half-centimeter hole, about nine can be drilled.

Because the Qingque tribe already has hand-pressed drills, and when studying wooden ladders before, Han Cheng also figured out a way to expand the eyes with fire. Now this drilling is not for the Qingque tribe. It's too difficult, it just takes a little time.

   These holes need to be drilled through.

   After finishing these, I found some harder texture, about two and a half centimeters thick wet tree sticks with skin.

First take a tree stick and put it into the fire, and roast about ten centimeters at one end. After a while, pull it out of the fire, and then insert it into the big rock while it is hot. Bend inside.

   You need to bend it into an arc that is not too curved, wait until it gets cold, and then loosen it. The tree stick will basically maintain this posture and won't go back.

  Xunzi’s "Quanxue" said, ‘the wood is straight in the rope, which is regarded as a wheel, and its song is in the rules. Although there are violent, those who no longer stand up, they can make it happen. This method is used to make wooden wheels.

   Cut off the bent section, and then repeat the previous movement, until after nine wooden sections with similar lengths and arcs are made, then it stops.

   Of course, because the technology is not mature enough, when Han Cheng was leading the lame to do these, he made a total of 14 before he got the nine sticks with similar arcs and basically the same length.

   This wooden stick is the tooth on the ‘grab rake’.

  Of course, such teeth cannot be used directly, and further processing is needed.

   After peeling off the burnt-off skin on the outside, he made one end thinner.

   This thing was difficult to do before.

   At least the lame who often deals with wood feels that it will take at least two days to polish one end of the nine bent wood to the specifications said by the gods.

   However, what Han Cheng did next went beyond his lame expectations.

Because Han Cheng did not use stone tools or other tools to polish the tree stick as he expected, but put the tree stick into the fire on the side and let the flame burn the end of the tree stick that needed to be polished. .

   Limp, a little worried, and with a certain expectation, he looked at him unblinkingly, wanting to see the miracle again from the son of God and learn new things.

   The temperature of the flame soon turned the white stick to black, and it burned.

   After waiting for a while, Han Cheng took it out and quickly polished the blackened area on the stone.

   After the hard wood was burned by the fire, the charcoal left on the outside was very bullying, and it fell off after a little polishing.

   Seeing that the **** child in a very short time, he finished the stick that had taken a lot of work to grind, and his lame eyes brightened again.

   This method is not complicated, but why can't I think of it?

   limping thinking a little bit distressedly, he also joined this novel grinding.

   The polished rake teeth pass one by one through the previously drilled wooden pillar, and pass through the finely ground small head first. In this case, the big head will get stuck in the hole and be firmer.

   The rake teeth are put on, and the whole rake head is finished after hitting it firmly with a rock.

   But because of the need to install a wooden handle, it is necessary to use a stone chisel and hot coal to make an oblate hole on the middle side of the nine rake teeth.

   These days, indulging in the inextricable lameness of making wooden ladders, he has already practiced the technique of scuttling to the point of proficiency. To him, it is no longer a problem to dig such a scuttle.

I polished the thicker end of the cut wooden handle, inserted it into the eye, and wedge it with a wood "split". It is probably the first "grab" in the world dedicated to agricultural production. Rake appeared.

  Because the manufacture of rake rake is quite complicated, and when Han Cheng remembered this, the **** was about to mature, Qingque tribe currently only had one rake rake.

   Fortunately, the blue bird tribe now has less land, and a rake is enough to deal with the current situation.

   After Han Cheng took the rake and personally demonstrated how to use it, this brand new farm tool fell into the hands of the ‘balloon’.

  The balloon is not a real balloon, but a person.

   He was originally from the pig tribe. The reason he was given such a name was not because he was particularly fat, but because he became fat fast.

When he first joined the Blue Sparrow Tribe, he was skinny and skinny, without two or two meats. Now only a few months later, the flesh on his body has grown like a balloon~www.NovelMTL.com~ against him In this situation, Han Cheng gave him such a name.

   The balloon once asked Han Cheng what the balloon was. Han Cheng resisted the urge to tell him that it was something similar to a urine bubble, but he only reasoned that it was a good thing.

  Balloon After hearing the great gods say that balloons are a good thing, I am very happy.

   Looking at the happy balloon, Han Cheng's face suddenly twitched, because he suddenly remembered that something not used for blowing, seems to be called a balloon...

   (Thank you for your support, thank you for your rewards and recommendation tickets, thank you.

   Take this opportunity to tell the book friends about the plot of the past two days.

The plot of the past two days is relatively light. Many book friends want to watch the climax, but this kind of Tian Wen climax is not easy to get up. I originally cultivated the literary master with ease, and I can’t force the plot to fight with others. The book collapsed if it wasn't done well, and it was easy to turn over when the car was driven too much.

   Rape writes too much. I admit that there are too many things interspersed with me for a reason. If you remove wooden forks, silkworms, and rakes, there will be a lot less about rapeseed. I write it in such a detailed manner, and I also have my own consideration. When the time comes, the crops will gradually increase, and there are many crops that need to be processed in the wheat field with similar methods. When the time comes, it can be abbreviated.

   I know that everyone wants to make this book more exciting, and I am also trying my best to write. As the book's grades gradually get better, I become more and more concerned about gains and losses. I am always worried about bad writing, worrying about writing failure. To be honest with everyone, I often don't sleep well these days because of entanglement in this matter. After rushing on the street for so long, this book finally saw some hope, and unconsciously took it too seriously, and more and more worries...

   Regarding rapeseed, I will end it as soon as possible. )

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