I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 128: The taste of childhood

   After experiencing this incident, Han Cheng walked out of the frenzy of the first two days.

   Silkworms are important, but like the shadowless Chinese cabbage, they are also something to be impatient.

   Don't say that no trace of the silkworm has been found yet, even if it is found now, it doesn't make much sense to Han Cheng now.

This meaning does not refer to other things, but now that even if there are silkworms, these guys have become worms. To catch them back and raise them, it is better to let them grow in the wild and wait until autumn. When the leaves were gone, Han Cheng went to the mulberry tree to find the silkworm cocoons hanging on the mulberry tree to save worry.

   After all, silkworm cocoons, which are many times larger than silkworm feces, hang on the bare branches, so they are too eye-catching.

   And now the **** is about to mature, it is more important to get the wooden fork out...

It may be that the first field with the Qingque tribe was sprinkled with enough plant ash, and it was also poured with a lot of natural green manure made by the Qingque tribe, as well as the nutrients contributed by the rabbits and deer. In addition, it has been taken care of by the people of the Qingque tribe headed by South Korea. This year's rapeseed has grown very well on the whole, far from being comparable to when mixed with weeds in the wild.

   Rape grows so strong that it is naturally impossible to dry it all at once on the wheat field.

   After there was no free time on the barley field, the newly harvested rapeseed, under the guidance of Han Cheng, all piled up on the edge of the barley field.

   The same as storing hay before, the same is that some tree trunks are opened across the ground, and some branches are placed on the trunks, and then the **** is piled up.

At the beginning, when there is little rapeseed, you can just hold the rapeseed in your arms or on your shoulders. If it is taller, you can use your hands. When the **** stack is two ends higher than the person carrying the rape, you must With the help of a wooden fork.

   Under the tireless teaching of Han Cheng, these people who have followed him for more than a day have finally learned to use a wooden fork, at least not as unfamiliar as before.

   Ruhua carried a bunch of rapeseed and walked all the way from the rapeseed field to the rapeseed pile, tilted his right shoulder down, and the bunch of rapeseed on his shoulder fell on the ground.

   She straightened up here and stood there for a while, then turned and walked towards the **** field, ignoring the bunch of **** on the ground. Someone came to get it on the stack of rape.

   The wood responsible for turning over the field came over, and after peeling it, he held the wooden fork that looked white.

   With his right hand at the front and his left hand at the back, he placed the tines of the wooden fork against the ground and drove under the rapeseed bundle. Then his right leg bowed slightly forward, and his arms shoveled the bundle of rapeseed.

   He kept moving, raising his right hand, and pressing the fork handle with his left hand to force it down, so that the wooden fork and the **** shoveled on the wooden fork exceeded the top of his head.

   Wooden pushes the right hand forward, and at the same time presses the left hand under the wooden fork, and pulls it back a little harder.

   In this way, the wooden fork and the shoveled rapeseed that were originally behind the head will slash a small half circle in the air and buckle on the tall rapeseed stack in front of them.

   When pulling out the wooden fork, press it down slightly, and then pull it again, so as to ensure that the piled up **** will not fall down to the greatest extent.

   Under the top of the gate, Han Cheng, enjoying the cool breeze, nodded approvingly as he watched Wood’s breathtaking action. Yes, he is a plastic talent.

   Sure enough, hiding in the shade and watching others do farm work is comfortable.

   This is the same reason that many people like rural life.

  The pastoral life they like is to wear clean clothes. They come to the fields, blow the wind of nature, smell the fragrance of the soil, and then sigh with emotion, the old farmer who keeps weeding with his hoe.

  As much as I am interested, I might chant two poems to admire the beautiful rural scenery and envy the old farmers who can have all this intoxicating.

  Once you really integrate into the rural life, and follow the old farmers to eat, live, and work for a few days, the kind of picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, and seeing Nanshan leisurely, will immediately become wiped out...

   Han Cheng walked a few steps outside and looked at the Tietou people who were bending over the rapeseed harvesting in the **** field. Then he looked at the wheat threshing field in the yard, turning the rapeseed wood with a wooden fork, and suddenly he was in a daze.

   When I returned to elementary school, I felt like working with the adults on the barley field when the farmer was busy.

   At that time every year when the wheat was harvested at the beginning of summer and the peanuts and corn were harvested in the fall, the school would put a week of busy farming leave to help the family in the summer and autumn harvests.

   In the wheat field, he turned the wheat under the sun, or brought the fallen wheat to the middle of the field, he did nothing less.

   If at this time, there is a person riding a beam bicycle with a white foam box behind the car, that would be the most gratifying thing.

  The white quilt wrapped in the plastic box was opened, and the white cold mist evaporated. I took a two cents a popsicle and licked it carefully~www.NovelMTL.com~ The heat seemed to have gone beyond the clouds...

The wheat that is not yet fully mature is delicious when it is burned with fire. The big green grasshopper in autumn is also delicious when it is burned with fire. Especially the golden eggs that have not been discharged in the stomach are eaten inside the mouth. It was delicious, fragrant, and a bite full of skinny breasts, crunchy and crispy, chicken flavor.

  Of course, the sweet potatoes burnt from dried cow dung are also a must in childhood...

   It’s a pity, I’ll never go again-that childhood that doesn’t need to worry too much, and is especially easy to satisfy...

   Han Cheng shook his head, withdrew his thoughts from the past, put all the past in his heart, and reconsidered everything in front of him that needed to be faced.

   After more than two days of drying, the rapeseed on the wheat field has zoomed.

   At this time, there is no iron or other sturdy tools, even if Han Cheng is a traverser, he can't make the stone rollers of the'grind field'.

   There is no other way, it can only be slapped with a wooden fork.

   With every wooden fork shot, there will be a lot of **** pods that can't help but choose to explode to death, and give out the rapeseed that has been bred for a long time.

   Under the demonstration of Han Cheng, the wooden people took a wooden fork and slapped the **** in front of them for a while, then they would use the fork to turn over one side and continue to pat.

After    was slapped again, he would pick up these tortured rapeseeds with a wooden fork and shake them back to loosen them, and then receive the scorching sun.

   And Mu Mu and others used a wooden fork to slap the **** in other places.

   This is to prevent the rapeseed from being unevenly sun-dried. Those rapeseed pods that are a bit damp and resistant to beating refused to hand over the rapeseeds. They were squeezed dry with the hot sun and warm wind before being tortured...

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